BSTABLISHED 1920 &Ijr 'ummrrx lJIIfrhigan Iai1 MEM14BER OF THEI ASSOCIATED PRESS 1 e VOL. XI, NO. 13. FOUR PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1931 WEATHER: Fair Today. PRSCE FIStE CErfTS PRICE FIVE CENTS GERMANY ACTS TO AVERT FINANCIAL CRASH FR ENCH AVIATORS BE I.VD NEARING PARIS TOKIO GOAL Labrix, Doret Last Reported Passing Over Moscow Sunday Night. ENDRES BEGINS FLIGHT Yerrington, Maloney, in Flight From New York to Mexico City, Forced Down. (By Associated Press) Joseph Labrix and Marcel Doret were believed nearingthe goal today on their non-stop flight from Paris to Tokio in an attempt to establish a new straight-line flight record. The last report of them was when they passed oscow shortly be- for midnight Sunday. Other current doings in the air: Alexander Magyar and George En- dres left Roosevelt field, New York, yesterday morning for Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, on the first leg of a one-stop flight to Hungary. ' Seth Yerrington and Edward Ma- loney ended their projected non- stop flight from New York to Mex- ico City by a forced landing on a beach between Tampico and Brownsville, Texas. Ingalls to Solo Atlantic. Laura Ingalls continued eastward in preparation for starting a solo flight across the Atlantic from Har- bor Grace. Reg. L. Robbins and Harold Jones, continued their return to Seattle to try again in their attempt to make a refueling flight to Tokio and so win a $25,000 prize. Plane Down in Texas. MEXICO CITY, July 13.-(JP)- The plane Captain Emilio Carranza in which Edward Maloney and Seth Verrington took off from New' York yesterday on a projected non- stop flight to Mexico City, crashed today on the beach about 60 miles north of Stot La Marina, between Tampico and Brownsvtlle Tex. An aviator who passed overhead reported that apparently neither of the two men in the Captain Car- ranza was hurt. HARBOR, GRACE, N. F., July 13 -(AP)--Alexander Magyar and George Endres brought their plane, "Justice to Hungary," down here; at 5:32 p.m. (Ann Arbor time) to- day. BULLETIN OF RADIO .TALKS ANNOUNCED More Than 150 Michigan Night Features Included in New University Publication. ' A 267-page book describing the; work done by the University Broad- casting Service and containing speeches given over the radio dur- ing the past year has just been re- leased, according to an announce- ment by Prof. Waldo M. Abbot,-. di- rector. Free copies may be obtained in the registrar's office. Through the co-operation of sta- tion WJR, Detroit, half hour talks were broadcast every afternoon of' the regular 1930-31 session. More than 150 members of the University faculty spoke into the University microphone in Morris hall. Because of limited space only a third of the speeches have been published in the bulletin. Mimeo- graphed copies of the other talks may be obtained if the demand jus- tifies such a service. A list of the schools represented is as follows: Literary college, College of Engine- ering and Architecture, Medical; School Law School, School of Den- tistry, School of Education, School of Business Administration and the Decided Increase Seen in Education Students Figures released yesterday by the School of Education show that the number of Summer Session stu- dents primarily interested in edu- cational subjects has taken a de- cided increase over last year. The largestrnumber of elections has 'been from the graduate school, where class registrations are over 1473 including duplications for stu- dents taking more than one course. This increase is in line with the general tendency for a greater per- centage of the total summer en- rollment to be students with college degrees. Two hundred and thirty- one elections arenfrom the School of Education proper and 58 from the literary college, making a grand total of 1762 in the various classes. These figures, which represent an increase of 140 over last year, do not include classes in the Physical Education department, it is said. McCormick, Edmonson Talk to Women's Group "Students attending the Summer Session should take part in the social and athletic activities on the campus," said Ethel McCormick, Acting Dean of Women, at a meet- ing of the Women's Educational Club last night. Prof. James B. Edmonson, dean of the School of Education, said in his talk on "Safeguarding Our Teaching Career" that the teaching profession is losing many of its former attractions, and the tenden- cies he enumerated were discussed in an open meeting. School of Music Trio ' Will Present Concert The School of Music Trio, com- posed of Wassily Besekirsky, violin;, Hanns Pick, violincello; and Joseph Brinkman, piano, will present its first summer concert in the faculty concert series at 8:15 o'clock to- night in Hill Auditorium. COLLEGES NEGLECT COUNSEL,_IS CLAIM Metropolitan Schools S ho u I d Guide Students, States , Chicago Professor. "In a college in a large metro- politan center, one of the most im- portant educational functions, hitherto largely neglected, is that of counselling and guiding," said Prof. Clarence L. Clarke, of the Lewis Institute of Chicago, yester- day in addressing the third of a series of afternoon conferences sponsored by the School of Educa- tion. "A metropolitan college has knocking at its doors not only a much less selected sampling of American society but also as a con- sequence, a greater proportion of individuals whose educational pur- poses are not much above the level of impulse," he said. "Many who feels the urge for more education are not able, without sympathetic and intelligent assistance, to state their purposes in terms that articu- late with educational offerings." "Another nest of problems are those connected with part-time education," he continued. "The. exigencies of the situation call for institutional arrangements which are often considered unconven- tional by the college world." "A metiropo)tan college should by the exercise of intelligence try to to be responsive to the unique so- cial forces surrounding it and to the variegated human aspirations for education which turn to it for aid in fulfillment," Professor Clarke stated. "If it attempts the latter. course it can hardly escape being somewhat unconventional. The bet- ter way seems, however, less thorny than in former times, for uncon- ventioniality in the college world Famed British Barrister Speaks Before Student Conference at Meeting Here. REEVES DELIVERS TALK Noted Political Scientist Urges Building up of Common World Interests. "Let us place emphasis on jus- tice in international affairs, andf not on peace," said Alexander Ross, noted British barrister, in his ad- dress last night before the British- American Student Conference on International Affairs. He was fol- lowed by Prof. Jesse S. Reeves of the political science department. "Rather than see injustice done among nations," Ross continued, "I would advocate the use of force." Ross expressed the belief that In- ternational arbitration should be placed on the same legal basis as national courts. "The Council of the League of Nations is becoming the international legislature," he stated. Advisory Body Needed. "The United States, I feel, should strengthen the machinery for jus- tice by entering into relations with the World Court," he continued. "What is needed is a strong advis- ory and judicial body, not a compli- cated network of treaties." "In the creation of an interna- tional body of that type, it must be remembered, however, that nations as well as laws cannot be static," he concluded. "Provisions must be made for forward-looking change." Profesor Reeves, in addressing the conference, advocated t h e building up of common interests and interdependence among nations as a means for preserving peace. "Law," he said, "is based on pro- tection of interests and restraint; and peace is a maximum of stable equilibrium between the two." f Reeves Sees Future Amity. Abbot to Tour France as Publicity Manager VON HINDENBER6 ORDERS 'BANK HOLIDAY' IN DESPERATE EFFORT TO REGAIN FINANCIAL STABILITY Prof. Waldo Abbot, Member of the rhetoric depart- ment, who will leave Ann Arbor today and sail Saturday on the "Paris" for a five-week tour of Eur- ope as publicity manager for a group of American physicians in- terested in thermal and climatic stations, visiting the more promi- nent of European spas and health resorts. James Pollock Calls Germany Political Barometer; Says War Is Impossible. "Germany is the political bar- ometer of Europe," said Prof. James K. Pollock of the political science department last night at a meeting of they Men's Educational club, "and at the present time it is at the low- est point it can safely be." "Until 1929 there was a friendly spirit prevailing in Europe but since that time the blatant voice of nat- ionalism has had too much to say. Unless a more friendly political at- World Bank Directors Grant Luther's Appeal. CREDIT RENEWED BASEL, Switzerland, July 13-(P) -The directors of the World Bank for International Settlements late tonight agreed unanimously to re- new the World bank's participation in the rediscount credit of $100,- 000,000 accorded to the Reichsbank June 25. The decision was made as part of an effort bay the World bank directorate to save Germany from financial disaster. The directors further responded to the appeal of Dr. Hans Luther, president of the German Reichs- bank, by declaring the World bank is ready to collaborate fully with the various governments to obtain financial assistance for Germany on their respective markets. The rediscount credit referred to was advanced jointly on June 25 in sums of $25,000,000 each by the Federal Reserve bank of the United States, the Bank of France, the Bank of England, and the World bank. Renewal was authorized begin- ning July 16, for a maximum of three months. A communique issued at the close of the meeting at 11:30 p.m. said: "The board of directors took note of the showing made to it by Dr. Luther, president of the Reichs- bank, regarding the situation in Germany, and the satisfactory character of its economic and bud- getary position in spite of the crisis provoked by the withidrawal of short-term capital invested in Ger- many. "Having been given notice that the German government had ad- dressed itself to divers governments for financial assistance on their re- spective markets, the board is con- vinced of the necessity for such assistance in the present circum- stances and declares itself ready to collaborate therein and to assist it by all means at the disposal of central banks." Reischbank Alone Free From Closing Order; Runs Reported. BANKS MAY OPEN AGAIN THURSDAY All Money Transfers Prohibited; Post Offices Closed. BERLIN, Germany, July 13- (P)-The German government shortly before midnight tonight, ordered all banks in the nation to remain closed Tuesday and Wed- nesday as a desperate measure to halt demands for currency which today threatened the country's financial stability. The government's action was taken following upon the issuance of a decree by President von Hin- denburg, authorizing !the cabinet to "declare bank holidays." Presi- dent von Hindenburg's decree was issued under authority given .him by Article 48 of the constitution to resort to what amounts to dictoral powers in such emergencies. The decree also gave the govern- ment authority to declare a fur- ther extension of the time the banks must ;remain closed if it were found necessary. The government hoped tonight, however, that it would be possible for the banks to open again on Thursday, at least. Reichsbasnk Exempt The Reichsbank is the only credit institution in the nation exempt from the closing order. At the same time that it ordered the banks closed, the government also prohibited the banks and the postoffice money order department from handling payments r trans- fers of money either to points in- side Germany or abroad. This not only erects a wall against the flight of capital from the capitol, but it means practically a general moratorium within Ger- many until the banks reopen. The stock exchanges throughout the country were also ordered to remain closed throughout the week. No Runs in Berlin The necessity for the President's action, it was said, arose not so much from the situation in Berlin, where real bank runs did not de- velop although the withdrawals were heavy and the banks paid only a percentage of deposits, but out of what was said to be a much more serious outlook in the Rhine- land, where runs developed quickly and authorities announced that municipal savings banks would be closed Tuesday and Wednesday without waiting for the President to act. Germany Owes United States Two Billions WASHINGTON, July 13-(IP)-- American business, with $2,000,000,- '000 or more at stake, today kept close watch on the German finan- cial situation. Between $1,350,000,000 and $1,- 500,000,000 long term investments in Germany, most of it acquired since the World war, are held in America. I Y[ST[ R DAY ' American League Athletics 12,4; Washington 7, 6 National League Professor Reeves struck a note of titude is taken by the various na- hope for future amity. Although tions of Europe, the economic re- common interests seem small and covery we hope for cannot be frequently interrupted by war, realized," he said. many cooperative movements can "Bruening and Luther are not be seen. Piracy and slavery have politicians playing with human mis- been put in disgrace international- ery but are hard-headed economists ly, and such organizations as the and deserve the help of every na- Red Cross are yearly becoming tion in the world." Continuing1 stronger." further Professor Pollock said that' Both British and American stu- Great Britain is perhaps the great- dent members of the conference est force for peace. During the re- agreed that the United States cent Austrian economic crisis when should enter the League of Nations France refused financial support, it at the meeting during the day of was British money that tided the the commission devoted to the sub- government over, he said. ject. Professor Pollock saw little pos- Further limitation of armaments sibility of war within the next dec- and improved international legisla- ade because "the countries are too tive organization were advocated by financially exhausted to carry on the other two commissions. a first class war." WORLD WILL CATAPULT INTO SPACE ALMOST IMMEDIATELY, SAYS ORATOR 1 I ., By Edgar H. Eckert. "Prepare to meet your fate," was the warning given to a street cor- ner gathering yesterday by an ora- tor styling himself a scientist and a religious prophet extraordinary. The world is 250,000,000 years old, according to the "wonder man of science," and it is no longer cap- able of sustaining its burden; as a result we may expect to be cata- pulted into space at any time now. Because of this far reaching know- ledge which science has given him, combined with his love for his fel- low men after the fashion set by Abou Ben Adam, Augustus Wesley has set out to warn the world of its fate so that it may yet repent its wrongs. Mr. Wesley found that his listen- ers were more willing to dispute his impression gained from the number of questions hurled at the speaker by ardent hecklers. Purchasers of a book written by Mr. Wesley toI explain his theory of geology were sadly lacking. The affects of the depression on the book business did not daunt Mr. Wesley's courage to the extent of preventing his granting an inter- view after the lecture. Newspaper interviews are not a new thing to the lecturer of science, he explained: to us confidentially. "Can't lose any time in letting people know," he said. An extensive campaign to inform the inhabitants of this sec- tion of the earth is planned by the man of science. Having already vis- ited 36 towns and crossroads and made over 200 speeches, according to his own estimate, Mr. Wesley says he intends to carry on until th6 Fight Over Congressional Rules Forces Adjournment of New Body's First Session. MADRID, July 13-(IP)-Spain's first republican constituent assem- bly since 1873 had a strong prelude ,tonight to tomorrow's formal open-, ing. While Jose Ortega y Gasset was attacking and Minister of the In- terior Maura was defending the re- cently drafted congressional regu- lations, virtually every one of the assembly's 370 members simul- taneously clamored for the floor. During ,the excitement Narciso Basquez Lemus, the oldest deputy, who was presiding, took his hat and adjourned the session. The only point agreed on was that the assembly's sessions shouldI last five hours, starting at 7 p.m., and that they might be prolonged. Dr. Rankin to Address Afternoon Conference Dr. Paul T. Rankin, director of research and adjustment, Detroit public schools, will address the con- ference to be held at 4 o'clock to- morrow afternoon in the auditor- ium of the University High school.