ESTABLISHED 1920 P 'ummrr lilfrhigan I&ItI MlEMBER OF T HE ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XI, NO. 12. FOUR PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN,SUNDAY, JULY 12, 1931 WEATHER: Cloudy, Possible Showers. PRICE FIVE CENTS BRITISH LEADERS TenThousandsApplaud Them in Supporting Disarmament. ROBERTSON ASKS 'REAL REDUCTION' Political Groups Drop Differences in Aid of Movement. LONDON, July ri. - (A') - Through the leaders of her three great parties, Great Britain to- night dedicated herself to the task of persuading the nations at the' disarmament conference in Gene- va next spring to "reduce the enormous and disgraceful burden of arms." Speaking from the same plat- form in Albert hall, Prime Minis- ter MacDonald, laborite, Stanley Baldwin, conservative, and Lloyd] George, liberal, declared their una-] nimous support of disarmament. Crowd Cheers.s Ten thousand persons heard ands applauded them. The audience was almost unanimously enthusias- tic although the beginning of thec meeting a woman created a distur- bance by throwing a stink bomb at1 the eminents on the rostrum. La-s ter a few hecklers spoke up. Field Marshal Sir William Rob-1 ertson, chairman or the meeting, set the keynote by calling for " a real1 reduction in the army, navy, and air forces of the world."] Sir William said he had spent 50] years in the study and practice ofs the art of war and confessed that "war hurts everybody, benefits onlys the profiteers and settles nothing."1 Talks Broadcast. The Albert hall audience was on- ly the nucleus of the crowd that heard the leaders of the three po- litical parties sink their differences] in the cause of disarrmrament. Across] the stzet, under the trees of Hyde Park, there was an overflow meet- . ing of nearly 10,000. In addition, the speakers were broadcast by ra- dio throughout Great Britain and1 to America. A peace parade nearly a mile long wound through London from the Thames embankment to Picadilly; and Hyde Park before the meeting. THRE SCIENTISTS ADDRESS__MEETING Snow, M'Laughlin, Jacobs Speak Before Second Weekend, Health Institute. "Health practices of school teach- ers are reflected in the health hab- its of their pupils," said Dr. Glena- dine Snow, professor of health ed- ucation, Michigan State Normal college, Ypsilanti, inan address at thke second Public Health institute at the West Medical building yes- terday, "and it is hoped that school superintendents and others employ- ing teachets will take into account the health standing as well as the academic training of their teach- ers." "The purpose of Public Health publicity," Mr. Philip P. Jacobs, of the National Tuberculosis associa- tion, explained, "is to inform the public of the health problems of the community and to obtain their cooperation in meeting these prob- lems with the same enthusiasm that health workers themselves possess." "Lack of a coordinating council for public health education activi- ties, the absence of county health units with full time health officers. and the absence of cooperation of the medical profession in decreas- ing the cost of medical service are," Dr. Allan J. McLaughlin, director of District No. 3, of United States Public health service, stated at the institute, "the three important Mercier to Lecture on Marivaux' Stage M. Jean Mercier, of the Corn- ish School in Seattle, and one of the summer directors of the Rep- ertory Group, will speak at 3 o'- clock Wednesday afternoon at the Lydia Mendelssohn on "Mar- ivaux' Theatre." In his lecture M. Mercier pro- poses to show Marivaux' influ- ence on the theatre and trace sthe development of drama from his time on. M. Mercier is at pres- ent directing rehearsals for "Love and Chance" by the famous Frenchman as the fourth pre- sentation of the Repertory play- ers. Invited guests and season tick- et holders only will be admitted. AM ERICAN BANKERS MIAY AIDGERM ANY High Officials See Chance That1 Hoover May Ask Private Help for Reichsbank. WASHINGTON, July 11.-(I)- Mobilization of American financial powers to bulwark Germany as one way to alleviate the distress of that, country has become the subject of discussion in which high adminis- tration officials are participating. The American government itself can not act directly, and there was no specification as to what course the President might consider he could take. Three possible methods of assis- tance were outlined unofficially by financial experts of the administra-t tion. These were: unlimited creditq by the Federal Reserve bank of1 New York to the Reichsbank, either by direct credit or by the honoring of drafts: amassing of credits to Germany by private bankers; in- direct credits to Germany through the Bank of England. Bruening Faces Crisis BERLIN, July 11.-(IP)-Chancel- or Heinrich Bruening and his cab- inet sat late tonight to discuss what were called "Spartan moves" to forestall a financial crash in Ger- many. The cabinet session began after the arrival of the Reichsbank pres- ident Hans Luther by airplane from Paris. President Luther came home without having obtained French assistance for a German loan and without what were considered "im-, possible" political concessions. 1 Among the moves considered to- night by the cabinet was the ap-, pointment of a special "commissary, evisen" with authority to seize for-; eign currencies and other media of payment, including precious metals in "the interests of national safe-, ty." The advisability of abandoning the gold standard and of placing all German exports under govern- ment monopoly also were discussed by the cabinet. REPERTORY GROUP TO GIVE ILIOM1' AS THIRD DR A Student Actors Plan to Present Famous Fantasy of Life in Hungary. WINDT DIRECTS PLAY MIarivaux'Love and Chance' Will Be Stage by Mercier for Fourth Week. Ferenc Molnar's most succesful play, "Liliom" will open Wednesday night as the third presentation on the Repertory players' summer schedule and continue throughout the week. It has been directed by Valentine B. Windt. The fantastic story is the ro- mance. between a "tough," who is a combination of the good and bad in man, and a little servant girl,' laid against a setting of the bizzarre life of the Hungarian underworld. Plot Is Fantastic. Liliom, whose name means "tough" in Hungarian, is an arro- gant, boasting bully, and the capti- vator of many of the hearts of many servant girls. He is employed' as barker at a street fair because' of his attraction for them. The play follows Liliom's romance through to his sentence of 15 years in purgatory, his repentant return to earth, his lsing fight with his evil nature, and his last defiant exit into the celestial police court. Guild Gave Play. The New York Theatre Guild' gave the play its first succesful pro- duction, and first became a lead- ing organization through it. A1 New York Herald review termed it] " a most bizzare and brilliane cam- eo-a true adornment to the Amer- ican stage."< "Liliom" will be folowed by Mari- vaux' "Love and Chance" under the] supervision of Jean Mercier, noted guest director. - ] FALL LOSES FINAL PLEA FOR__RELEASE Seven-Year Attempt to Escape Prison Definitely Fails; Sentence Confirmed. WASHINGTON, July 11.-(A')- Albert B. Fall's seven-year attempt to escape prison today failed defin- itely. Justice Bailey in the District of Columbia supreme court, how- ever, gave him a chance to serve his sentence of a year in a western prison. In definitely ruling that the first cabinet officer in American history must go to prison, Justice Bailey said a suspension would in effect mean Fall would entirely escape punishment. He added such clem- ency should come from the presi- dent and not from the court. BRITISH-AMIERICA PARLEY STUlD ENTS TO ARRIVE TODAY Representatives From England, Canada, United States Will Meet Here. RUTHVEN TO GIVE TALK Formal Opening of Conference Will Be Held Monday at League. Twenty-seven students from Eng- land, four from Canada, and 24 from various parts of the United States will come here today for the opening of the British and Ameri- can Students Conference on Inter- national affairs tomorrow. The British delegation will arrive on a special train at 1:23 o'clock this afternoon, while the others will come during the day. Women in the Conference will be housed at the League, and the men will have rooms in the Union. President to Speak. President Alexander G. Ruthven will address members of the con- ference tonight at a special recep- tion to be held at 9 o'clock in the Grand Rapids room of the League. The formal opening of the con- ference will take place at 10 o'- clock tomorrow in a special con- ference room on the second floor of the League. During the remain- der of the morning and the after- noon, special commissions will meet separately in the building. A tea will be given at 4:30 o'clock. The first open meeting of the conference will start at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in the Grand Rap- ids room of the League. Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of the political science department, wil give a talk at the meeting on "The Outer Sign and the Inner Grace." Alexander Ross, English barrister, will also speak. His subject will be "Suum Cuique." Prof. Clyde Eagleston, of New York university, will preside. Is Second Conference. Other open meetings of the con- ference will be held at 8 o'clock Tuesday and Friday night in the Grand Rapids room. This conference is the second of its kind in history. The first'was held in 1929 at Cambridge univer- sity, England. The meeting was called here at the instance of Vis- count Cecil of Chelwood and Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of the Carnegie Endowment for In- ternational Peace. The president of the conference is Robert Mc- Clintock, of Stanford university, and the vice president is T. C. Fra- ser, of Oxford university, England. Three Divisions Formed. The program is based on three commissions: "What Follows the Pact of Paris?" "Limitation of Armaments," and "International Regional Organizations." The chair- man of the first commission is W. H. Jost, Dalhousie university, Can- ada. Frederick L. Brooks, of the University of Tulsa, is chairman of the commission on arms limitation. The third commission is headed by R. Minto, Glasgow university, Scot- land. Amy Hemingway Jones, of the Carnegie endowment, is chairman of the conference. She will be as- sisted by Ursula Hubbard and Mary Winn, also of the endowment. Vice chairman of the meeting is Norman H. Poole, of the British League of Nations societies. Clarke Will Address Educators Tomerrow Prof. Clarence L. Clarke of the School of Education will give the third address of the afternoon con- ference series at four o'clock to- morrow afternoon in the auditori- um of the University High school. His subject will be "Some Problems of Adult Education in a Metropoli- tan College." Professor Clarke teaches at the Lewis Institute in Chicago. The Women's Education club wil meet tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock in the league where they will be addressed by Lydia I. Jones, dear Leads Canadian Open Associated Press Phote Walter Hagen, Former ruler of professional golf in America, is making a determined bid for his first major champion-° ship in two years. He shot a 721 yesterday morning at Missauga to retain his lead in the Canadian. Open. Johnny Farrel, New York, was two strokes behind him. FRENCHMEN READY FOR HOPTO TOKID Will Take Off This Morning in Attempt to Break Record < on Distance Flight. PARIS, July 11.-(/P)-If the wea- ther remains favorable, Lieut. Marie Lebrix and pilot Marcel Doret will take off for Tokio at 4 a. m. to- morrow (10 p. m. E. S. T.) in anr attempt to break the world's straight line distance record. Their plane, "Trait d'Union" which means "Hyphen," stood ready for them to- night at Le Bourget field. Lebrix refused to admit the Tokio hop was the first hop of a round the world tour after the record just set by Wiley Post and Harold Gatty. In aviation circles, it was taken for granted that the lieutenant was not going to stop at the Japanese capital. Their airplane was rolled out of the hangar at 11 p. m. to- night and fueled for the flight. The airmen expected to sleep until 3 a. m. and to take off at 4 a. m. In spite of the early hour, a la ge' crowd was expected to witness the' take-off.' The straight line record Lebrix and Bouret are hoping to excel is held by Dieudonne Coste and Mau-: rice Bellonte, who flew 4,909 miles from Paris to Moulart, China, in 1929. From Paris to Tokio it is 6,000. Lebix is a naval product. Born in Brittany in 1899, he went to na- val school in 1921 and the following year was transferred to the Rocque- fort hydroplane base. Doret is a Parisian. He was born in 1896 and spent three years at the front during the war. France boasts of him as one of its most daring airmen. Band to Hold Series for Second Summer The second season of concerts given by the summer varsity band will probably be opened this week, according to an announcement by Nicholas Falcone, director. Open- irgs are still available in all sec- tions, said Falcone, and musicians who are regularly enrolled in the Summer Session are invited to re- port to the regular rehearsal of the band which will be held in Morris hall at seven o'clock tomorrow night. BASEBALL SCORES American League Detroit 1, 5-St. Louis 6, 4 New York 3, Athletics 1 Cleveland 7, Chicago 4 Washington 7, 8-Boston 1, 7 National League New York 3, 5-Philadelphia 5, 1 6 . Chicago 9, 5-Pittsburgh 2, 5 (second game, 10 innings; called to catch train.) _ t TLnuic R.'Cinivna+I 2 Administration Change Passed by Regents' Committee. SURETY BONDING TO BE ARRANGED Shirley Smith to Head Five New Major Officers. Reorganization of the Univer- sity's financial a d m i n istration which will abolish the treasurer- ship and concentrate authority in the vice-president and secretary has received approval of the exec- utive committee of the Board of Regents, President Alexander G. Ruthven stated yesterday. The changes will go into effect as soon as surety bonds are arranged for the new officers, the President said, although formal approval of the Regents is still necessary. Under the new regime, vice presi- dent and secretary Shirley W. Smith will be in charge of all finan- cial offices. John C. Christensen, now assistant secretary and pur- chasing agent, will remain as Smith's assistant and will also be named comptroller. To Supervise Four. Christensen will have authority over four major officers: the pur- chasing agent, the cashier, the chief accountant, and the invest- ments manager. Significant changes in position involved in the r e o r g a nization, according to the ?resident, will be ,he transference - f Julius Schmidt .rom the assistant Treasurership t o h e investments nanagership and the appointment f Harold A. Mills, Detroit account- Schmidt ant, as cashier. Herbert P. Wagner, now account- ant, will be made chief accountant, and Walter L. Bulbick, present as- sistant purchasing agent, will be promoted to purchasing agent. The change is in line with the present policy of simplifing busi- ness as well as academic depart- ments of the University, President Ruthven said. It amounts to a "simplification of organization and concentration of authority," he pointed out, and will ultimately eliminate duplications. Two Offices Planned. Former plans of organization in- cluded a secretary and a treasurer of equal power, two virtually inde- pendent spheres of authority, Pres- ident Ruthven asserted. Many un- iversities are now co-ordinating ad- ministration work by elimination of the treasurer, he said. The reorganization, which has been contemplated for several years, took place at this time, the Presi- dent said, because of the recent re- tirement of Robert A. "Uncle Bob" Campbell from the treasurership. Campbell vacated the position. Mills Is Graduate. Mills, the newly appointed cash- ier, graduated from the University in the class of 1917. He holds a position in Detroit as a certified public accountant. Approval of the new plan was re- ceived from members of the Re- gents' executive committee by tele- phone yesterday morning, President Ruthven said. The next regular meeting of the Board, at which the formal approval of the action must be given, will take place in Sep- tember. Pollock to Give Talk BeforeMen Teachers The Men's Education Club will meet at seven o'clock tomorrow night in the Union. Pof. James K. Pollock of the political science department will speak on "The Reed Finds Comnmunism, Fascist M naces to World's Democracy By Lyle R. Chubb "Democracy is in greater danger today than ever before," declared Prof. Thomas H. Reed of the politi- cal science department in an in- terview yesterday. "We fought on- ly a few years ago to make the world safe for democracy, but now it is attacked on the right by Fas- cism and on the left by Commun- ism, both of which deny the right of majorities to rule, both of which rely upon dictatorships based on force as a means of government. In the midst of the fluctuating and futile politics of Europe, the result in part of a multi-party system, the vigor and consistency of dictator- ship have enticed the imaginations of many of the most brilliant minds. Fascism is established in Italy, Communism in Russia, and there is not a state in Europe which is not threatened by one or the other or both. "In America," he continued, "we cannot claim immunity from these ceased to be an effective means of recording the will of the people,, and we have to resort to blocs and pressure groups. Discontent with the futility of politics is growing. We have been protected to some degree by our unexampled pros- perity, but that has gone. With distress abroad in the land, radical movements will grow in strength, and as they resort to direct action so will their conservative oppon- ents. Already a large section of the American public is indifferent to elections. If democracy is to be preserved, it has got to be by some deliberate effort in training for cit- izenship. Democracy is, in Maz- zini's words, "a government of all, by all, under the leadership of the best and the wisest," and it is nec- essary both that our universities train farsighted leaders and that our public school systems train in- telligent and clear-sighted follow- ers. Both have been failing in their