P AQ E ' O THE SUMMER MIQHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY.- JULY 10, 1931 'AGE 1 WO THE SUMER MICHIGAN DAIL .. _. t $'r ummr Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis. patches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights ofarepublication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post- office as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail, $1.7. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Telephones: Editorial, 4925; Business 2-1214. EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITOR HAROLD O. WARREN, JR. Editorial Director ...........gurney williams women's Editor........... Eleanor Rairdon Telegraph Editor............. L. R. Ohubb ASSOCIATEaEDITORS C. W. Carpenter Carl Mely L. R. Cbhb Sher M. Qraishi Barbara Hall Eleanor Rairdon Charles C. Irwin Edgar Racine Susan Manchester *Marion Thornton Y. Cutler Showers BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM R. WORBOYS Assistant Business Mianager . . Vernon Bishop Contracts Manager..............CarlMarty Assistants Corbett Franklin Ralph Hardy FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1931 Night Editor-Gurney Williams ENERGETIC WOODCOCK Prohibition Director A. W. W. Woodcock has gone about system- atically to insist upon prohibition enforcement and is to be admired for his energy and enthusiasm in t' fa'e of the heaviest posible odds. When he took over the job last yea , he found himself the hea~d of an organization that had i t. o o commend it, either in plan or personnel. Every humorist in America found bread and butter money in concocting jokes about grafting dry agents, bootleggers laughe i loudly, and the populace as a whole looked upon the pro- hibition bureau with an amused smirk. They still do, in spite of progress; and unless a universal mutation occurs in the human mind, it looks as though joking, laughing and smirking will contin- ue to be synonymous with the dry law for a couple of generations. The four cardinal policies by which Mr. Woodcock proposes to increase the efficiency of his bur- eau were expresed by him over the radio Tuesday as follows; First: To select enforcement agents more carefully and train them to a high standard of efficiency and loyalty. Second: To avoid all unnecessary ir- ritation and annoyance to the in- nocent. Third: To direct the Fed- eral government's energy exclusive- ly against the commercial violator, leaving the purely private violator "to his own conscience and the forces of education." Fourth: To seek the fullest measure of state cooperation. The first point involves the es- tablishing of a training school where the prospective agent will be taught the law, the technique of investgation, and where he will be taught "to do some thinking." If properly carrieI out, this part of the plan would go a long way toward making the bureau a respected and fairly efficient organization, and would solve virtually every prohib- ition problem-if it weren't for one fact mentioned in point three: the private individual must be left to his own conscience. That is where every dry plan falls down. The prohibition law has been hailed as such an unutterable farce and a violation of our so- called freedom, that the illegality, never occurs to the imbiber. It is true, as Mr. Woodcock says, that the private consumer is the inciter3 of commercial violation by creating a market, but so long as restrictive measures are laid against natural freedom, no amount of money or number of trained men will be able to enforce them. The thought is so hackneyed-and so true! if the matter becomes a problem of ethics with the drin4:er, as Mr. Woodcock maintains, then a far- i eaching and tedious educational program much more extensive thant prohibition bureau plans will be necessary; for so aong as part of the answer to the problem lies within the drinker's conscience, then so long will our dry law con- tinue to be the laughing stock ofk the world. We admire Mr. Wood-t cock for his energy but we do not1 envy his fight against human na-r ture. II CAMPUS OPINION To The Edi It seems1 paragraph itor: which she had to give up, then to me that the opening Russia and Austria are justified in of Professor Pollock's asking the return of their former "answer" typifies very well his methods of aproach and treatment which are so objectionable to me: On the basis of what information does Professor Pollock qualify me as one "who has been born and bred in an area of racial intermix- tures?" Where am I "extreme in" my "comments," "egregiously wrong in many statemenms" and "'misrep- resentative" of his "views?" To the first statement, it suffices for me to say that I was born with- in a few miles of, and bred in, War- saw, an area not less indisputably Polish t h a n Ile-de-France is French or Middlesex is English. The other statements, I am willing to accept as flowery phraseology on- ly. Now, regarding the six "major points . . . set forth" by Professor Pollock: (1) I should ask, of course, what ..oes he mean by "the boundary .. . not fixed in a satisfactory way?" Satisfactory to whom? If the boundary is not satisfactory to Ger- mans and to him, then let him not forget that it is not satisfactory to the Poles either, but they are not vociferous about it. (2) There are about twenty-five miles of Vistula river separating a portion of the "Conidor" from a portion of East Prussia. Had there been the slightest damage done to a property of the humblest German by the "neglected Vistula," the en- fire world would have heard plenty 'about it, the League of Nations and the World Court would have ben bombarded by protests and com- 1laints. Is not, therefore, Professor z'ollock worrying in advance? (3) This point can be answered in the same way as the preceding one. More careful observers of the Danzig situation hope, that when the Danzigers are rid of their un- wanted inspirers they will like their present situation better than the lower one. Economic exigencies are mighty good adjusters of life prob- lems and " . . . all the Danzigers cannot be fooled all the time" by their present advisers. (5) & (6) Noboay denies that "East Prussia is in a critical ec- onomic situation," but so is the rest of the world, and what has this got to do with the "Corridor?" The fear of Polish apprehension of any territory on either side of the "Corridor" is, of course, child- ishly naive in view of the treaties which Poland has entered into with Germany and other powers. With the whole world against her, as dis- turber of the hard won peace and as an aggressor, with the immedi- ately following blockade and econ- omic boycott at the command of the League, not to speak of the still splendid German war machinery and the Bolsheviks just waiting for such an occasion, Poland would have (to use the picturesque phraseology of Andy Gump) "the chance of a cockroach in a bath tub with the hot water faucet turn- ed on" in winning any armed con- flict with Germany. A comparison of any such even- uality, in the areas under discus- sion, with the Vilno incident has no foundation, as in that district joining Poland, neither of the two parties violated any treaties or agreements with any third party. It was not because "the Poles claimed that both the Marienwerde and the Allenstein areas were in- disputably Polish" but because the German prewar maps and statis- tics have shown it, that the famousI plebiscite was aranged in that por-; cion of East Prussia. Well, a mir- acle happened and the plebiscite gave these areas to Germany. Enough material could be gathered from this miracle to write a hand- book on miracle engineering. I wish Professor Pollock would quote a single instance when "the Poles have disregard(ed) the Ver- sailles treaty when it (was) in fa- vor of Germany" and give the name of this "most competent American observer of European conditions" whom he quotes in his answers. If that "observer" places T o r u n (Thorn) and Bydgoszcz (Bromberg) in the "Corridor," then I would ad- vise Professor Pollock to shun him; the rest of his observations might be just as wrong. A single glance at a map of Poland shows clearly that these two cities have abso-l lutely nothing to do with the "Cor- ridor" and are located far south ofc it.l unlawful holdings, and Poland is again no more. It was the Ameri- can strong sense of justice which threw in the faces of the bickering European statesmen the problem of Poland, with its inevitable conse- quences. Professor Pollock reached, how- ever, an unsurpassable climax in his arguments by asserting that nei- ther the so-called Cashubes nor the Mazures are Poles. When I read this statement I did not know whether I should envy him the bliss of the innocence in which he still remains or the thrills of the won- derful surprises which still await him in his studies of human affairs. His parallel between the Cashub and the Polish dialects, as beween the Dutch and German, is either a ridiculous exaggeration or an ad- mission of ignorance of these ton- gues. A Mazure is a native of the ancient principality of Mazowsze (Masovia) the northern tip of which is in the present East Prus- sia, while its heart is in Warsaw, and which for ages has been and still is the very backbone of Poland. Incidentally, I am a Mazure. It is true that in opening his lec- ture Professor Pollock statedthat he was neither an expert nor an authority on Eastern Europe. One therefore wonders why he under- takes to discuss matters about which he does not know enough. Professor Pollock is entirely un- necesarily "plus catholique que le pape lui-meme", i.e., the German government is satisfied with the functioning of the "Corridor" but he is not. Seerthe Report of the German Ministry of Foreign Af- fairs (Reichstagsdrucksache No. 2191) "Denkschrift zum Gesetz ue- ber das Durchgangsabkommen" and Dr. Holz's (a high official in the Reich's railway administration) "The Economic Life of Eastern Prussia and the Means of Com- munication before and since the War." Colonel Charles Phillips (U. S. Army), who spent about a couple of years in Poland with the Ameri- can Red Cross Commission, in his admirable book on Poland (1923) said: "For ten centuries the Pole has held his ground. I have not the slightest doubt that he will con- tinue to do so for ever. The sole solution of the problem, the sole hope for peace, is for the German to recognize this face and leave the Pole alone. Once that degree of understanding is achieved, given the acknowledged tolerance and friendliness of the Slavic nature, the two peoples can live side by side in amicable relationship." The Poles actually believe that the great German nation of Schil- ler and Goethe and of Carl Schurtz (1848) will throw off the shackles of chauvinism and imperialism which, since the day of the Pyrrhic victory of 1870, have bound it, and realize that not through aggression but through cooperation will it bring the country to its greatest heights of achievement and thus best serve itself and the world. It seems to me, therefore, that a profesor of political science, at a great American university, siding with Hitlerites cuts rather a bizzare figure. In conclusion, the "American corridors" which "function to the satisfaction of everybody concern- ed" are: (1) A Canadian going from New Brunswick to Ottawa travels for two hundred miles through the State of Maine, between MacAdam and Magnetic. (2) A Canadian going from Ot- tawa to Winnipeg crosses the State of Minnesota, between Baudette and Warroad. (3) A citizen of Detroit going to Buffalo, or vice versa, passes con- veniently a distance of hundreds of miles (the Polish Corridor" is be - tween 60 to 90 miles in width) through the province of Ontalio, Canada. (4) An American going from Sai Diego, California, to Yuma, Arizona, on the Southern Pacific Railway crosses Mexican territory on two occasions. These are the fourth and fifth American "Corri- dors." Finally, last but not least, (5) The Canadian province of British Columbia and the Territory of Yukon "cuts" our own father- land "in two." In closing I wish to state that I do not doubt for a moment that ?rofesor Pollock occupies a distin- guished position in the realm of po- litical science, due to his meritor- ious contributions to problems, for the study of which he is more fav- orably equipped. TOw,4' 1'T.TV X WOft IT f(WT i .s. THE su MER The only complete directory of Summer School Students and Faculty Giving Names- Addresses- Home Towns- Phone Numbers- w PerCop CAMPUS TOD SALE I Business skies may be rosy, as a story yesterday maintained, but there are still plenty of thorns down on the ground where most of tic 14rp Now, a word to the "scholars and statesmen" who are "wondering whether Versailles has been a blesing or a curse." If Germany is justified in ask- Angel Hall - University Hall - Center of The Diagonal f