PAGE TWOT THE SUA+IlVIER MI( IIGAN DAILF 'I HURSDAY, JULY 9, 193I 1 I . Wir $'umm Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in ontrol of tudent Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use fr republication of al news dis. patches credited to it or not otherwise credited] in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights ofhrepublication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post. office as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $1.60; by mail, $1.75. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Telephone: Editorial, 4925; Business 2-1214. EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGING EDITOR HAROLD 0. WARREN, JR. Editorial Director..........Gurney Williams City Editor................ Powers Moulton News Editor.... . . . .........Denton Kunze Mui, Drama, Books .... William J. Gorman Women's Editor............ Eleanor Rairdon Sports Editor............. H. Beukea Telegraph Editor ..,...........L. R. Chubb Night Editors Denton gunze Powers Moulton Gurney Williams Assistants ohn Bunting varies C. Irwin Helen R. arrm Susan Manchester C. W. Carpenter Carl Meoy Ldgar Eckert Sher M. Quraishi Brbara Hall E"dgar Racine Lidgar Hornik Theodore Roae P. Cutler Showers BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM R. WRBYS Assistant Business Manager .. Vernon Bishop Uirculation & Accounts Manager .. Ann Verner Contracts Manager............ ..Carl Marty + Manager...........Beach Conger Assistants ett Franklin Ralph Hardy Don Lyon THURSDAY, JULY 9, 1931 Night Editor--POWERS MOULTON WATER EDUCA TION Last Saturday a total of 139 per- sons in the United States, while en- : to enjoy a national holi- diy at lake and mountain resorts, ;ere drowned and many other Yousands escaped this death only ome to realize that the ability to made to realize that the ability to swim is one of the most necessary .t .ms in the process of education. ame of Saturday's victims were x aubtedly good swimmers, c;ned in unavoidable accidents, most of them were, paradoxical- . peaking, "playing with fire." a learn to swim is one of the easiest and most pleasant of diver- sions, yet thousands of people of Ann Arbor alone regard swimming as dangerous or impossible, resting an the false belief that if an emer- ency arises, someone will always '. near to lend a hand. Barton Pond and the Huron offer students nd townspeople cool, refreshing ex- ercise in swimming, but the propor- tion of persons who enjoy this sport is small because the ability to swim is not so inherently a part of edu- cation as it should be. The Fourth of July drowning toll is not one to be "viewed with alarm" in connection with our modern ed- ucation system but it does bring up a question of values. The work of water education among younger boys and girls is perhaps the most important phase of summer camp activity, not simply because this knowledge is vital at these particu- lar camps but because all educators realize the value of making young- sters feel at home in the water. In the upper strata of education, how- ever, the more basic fundamentals of knowledge are too often neglect- ed for higher mental endeavor. Those in favorof a more extended athletic development contend that higher education involves too many' ries" and "isms" and too lit- o.. the practical; learned men state that colleges and universities were instituted to provide mental development, taking it for granted that principles of fundamental ed- ucation, including physical activ-1 ity, have been acquired in second- ary schools. The athletically-minded teacher< seems rightly to be getting the best of the argument, as witness the re- cent tremendous developmeint ofY athletic plants, but he has thisn criticism to defend: Why is not more stress laid upon practical phy- sical activity? Football, baseball, basketball, track, crew work all# build up physiques, but of what use are these sports to the graduate?1 The business man's physical main-c tenance must depend upon simp- ler exercises-and one of the simp-# lest and most satisfactory is swim-1 ming.c This has been realized at thet University of Texas where at pres-t ent a strong effort is being made to place a knowledge of swimming among the requirements for gradu- ation. Emphasis upon this pointf is not so misdirected as might ats first thought be supposed, for an. "educated" person who cannot pe&-p form an activity that is almost sec- ond nature to man, and one thata may some day save his or some-t sidered by our own physical edu- cation department. What Others Say HOW MUCH DO THEY KNOW? (Prom the Minneapolis Journal) In the mind of the thoughtful person, as he watches the proces- sion of young men and maidens marching to the platform to receive their diplomas, two questions inev- itably arise. The first is, how much do they know? The second, how much have they learned that is truly worth while? To the second of these queries thei e is probably no answer. None of us know what is worth while! In a period of economic confusion, perhaps a knowledge of Burns and Shakespeare is more important than the understanding of sales- manship and cost accountings. The study of history may be more es- sential than that of law or medi- cine. Only the event can show whether our college graduates are better fitted for the world they must live in than their less fortunate 'brethren. But the other question is relevant. dow much have they actually add- ead to their store of knowledge? How much of what they have learned will they retain? To what extent have the facts they have acquired been built into an organized and intelligible unity? To what degree has the acquisition of knowledge re- sulted in a surer sense of values? How far has the student mastered the process of learning, to the end that he may in the future avail Ā£imself of further opportunities for research? Unfortunately the exam- .nation which candidates for a de- gree must have passed, yield vey uncertain information under these heads. Modern educational method rec- ognizes two types of examination, the "objective" and the "subjec- tive." The former puts before the student the facts he is supposed to know, confused with various forms of misstatement, and asks him to disentangle the true from the false. Or it sets before him cer- tain paragraphs and asks him to summarize their content. The ad- vantage of this type of examina- tion is supposed to be that it is a direct test of the accuracy of his information and his powers of dis- crimination. The "subjective" ex- amination requires him to pump up from memory the desired facts, or to furnish certain interpretative summaries. Its advocates insist that it calls for more independent thought on the part of the stu- dent. Its weakness lies in the im- pressionistic character of the aver- age answer on the one hand, and of the instructor's evaluations of these answers on the other. The real value of either form of test depends on the ability of the instructor to devise questions which get at the key facts, and which re- veal the student's genuine grasp of a given field of knowledge. A somewhat extended experience of college classes, both as student and instructor, indicates that the two things which the average mind finds most difficult ate, first to fo- cus sharply and definitely upon facts, to know what one knows when one knows it; and, second, to acquire the ability to recognize the facts that are essential and struc- tural, and to distinguish them from the more or less irrelevant details. Most of our knowledge is "rather more or less." We have a hazy gen- eral knowledge of many things, but are embarrassed when asked for definite, specific information. The truly educated man is not a walk- ing encyclopedia. He is the man who knows, succinctly and accur- ately, what he does know; and who knows, moreover, the things that count, the things that interpret a myriad of other things, that enable' us to pigeonhole our knowledge and make it available for the under- standing of the world about us. If, in gaining these two ends, we have further acquired some knowledge of the sources of information, if we have learned how to use the tools of knowledge, books and laborator- ies and encyclopedias, then we may face life unafraid. If we have not learned these things, degrees and diplomas will prove of little avail, when we face the real tests, not of the examination room, but of life itself. Brainstorm thought for today: Prohibition D i r e c t o r Woodcock said over the radio yesterday that his bureau "ought eventually to ap- prehend every commercial violator." We suggest that he give up his job and take up some simple occupa- tion, like counting "up to a billion Music & Drama BEETHOVEN AND CLASSICISM BEETHOVEN: Grand Fugue in B Flat Major, Op. 133 for String Quartet: played by the Lener Quartet on Columbia Records 67873-67874. Maturity-as the ideal end of an ideal progression-probably means the attainment of "forms" so in- clusive that all particular percep- tions and attitudes of the past, present, and future, can be precise- ly understood and evaluated with reference to them. in art, at least, this definition of maturity gives the only precise meaning we have for the word "Classicism." Judgments immediately inferred from accept- ance of this definition are that Dante is a more perfect artist than Shakespeare. And that Bach is a more perfect artist than Beethoven? This judg- ment seems especially unavoidable in the light of such a commonplace of Beethoven criticism (everyone has at some time or other made the remark) asathehexpressionhof 'amazement at what would have been the nature of tenth symph- ony etc. Beethoven, it seems, never attanied the lucidity of a system; but died an iconoclast. His wor- shippers do not lament but rather enthusiastically admire his unpre- dictability; they cherish as glorious Sthat fairly depressing picture of Beethoven angrily threatening the heavens in his last moment on earth. Buththe closer study that has been paid the last quartets in the last generation or two has tended to repudiate this interpretation of Beethoven as ever-glorious in ag- gressive iconoclasm. Certainly the Grosse Fuge - when taken in its proper context as the last move- ment of the B Flat major Quartet, Op. 130-means nothing to me if it ' is not a lucid focal point for that fund of experience stored up by Beethoven in those years when his dogged integrity kept him from t compromise, kept him faithfully to the richness of his ideal, urged him to that revolutionary extension of musical expression by which he could realize his ideal. After those years, Beethoven had been forced by cruel circumstances into isola- tion. He always sullenly resented t h o s e circumstances externally. But spiritually, this enforced iso- lation may not have been so unfor- tunate for him. The removal of all ' the stimuli which now and then would bring his body and mind into momentary clarity forced him to permanently stabilize his being lest he go mad from the permanent chaos. He had to fully compre- hend the self he had been express- ing with such angry energy. He was forced into that process of de- tachment by which one sees one- self as object. The last quartets, I take it, reveal that process. Bee- thoven's classicism was painfully won, perhaps won somewhat against his own will. But it is a classicism and it perhaps includes more hu- man experience than does the nar- rower classicism of Bach. Op. 130, with the Grosse Fuge as its Finale, illustrates all this. J. W. N. Sullivan offers, I think, the ul- timate insight into the interrela- tion of the movements. He says that the first five movements of the quartet represent a presenta- tion of various attitudes (typical of Beethoven) more or less consid- ered, ordered, and evaluated in the light of a single inclusive attitude (the Grosse Fuge, the last move- ment) which is their fusion or res- olution. All five of the movements, from the point of view of substance (so far as that can be abstracted), can certainly be identified with other movements throughout the early Beethoven. But there is something in the texture through which these familiar emotions are presented that is new. It is per- haps a quality of resignation; if so, it is the resignation of under- standing. There is balance and precision in the presentation. His melodic lines are more supple and more subtle. There is none of the early explosive dynamic vigour and pelting energy; none of the insis- tence on the importance of his emo-; tions that is so irritating in the early Beethoven. In fact, the" movements don't seem to have the" quality of immediacy at all. They seem to be reminiscence. An immediate change is felt with the Grosse Fuge. This does seem to be an immediate experience. It, seems to be the experience whicha enabled Beethoven's memory to be so clear, his style in the first five' movements so precise and balanced. It would, of course, take many and TOASTED ROLLS POOR OLD WILKINS Skipping lightly over the neaa- lines the other day I came upon the sad story of Sir Hubert Wil- kin's misadventures with that old hulk of a derelict he calls the NAUTILUS. I was so touched by the story, and yet so profoundly sick and tired of hearing discourag- ing reports about the spasmodic progress of Sir Hubert to the North Pole that I sat down and wrote him a letter which I carried around in my pocket for days, waiting for him to settle some place where my mes- sage would reach him. Now I've lost track of the gent, so today I shall beg your indulgence while I print the letter in this space. The circulation of The Daily is such that it is quite possible Sir Hubei t will run across a copy of this issue somewhere. At least, if he ever gets anywhere with that old tub of his he'll be signed up to come out here on an Oratorical As- sociation program and then I can show him The Daily files. * * * ATTENTION SIR HUBERT WILKINS Dear Sir Hubert: I'm very sorry to hear that you've come to g ief again, but you've been trying so hard to get somewhere with the NAUTILUS that I guess coming to grief is better than noth- ing, isn't it? What with being dis- abled by that snowstorm near Cam- den, N. J., held up by engine trou- ble in mid-Atlantic, and flounder- ing off the coast of Ireland with- out running lights or periscope, you've had a time, haven't you? I hate to throw cold water on the NAUTILUS, Mr. Wilkins, but don't you think it's about time you gave up this North Pole idea? It's very nice of Rear Admiral Bloch, of the battleship WYOMING, to tell you by wireless when to turn right or left as the case may be but sooner or later he's going to get tired of sitting up in that radio shack for hours on end arid then where will you be?. I realize, of course, that you wouldn't need running lights in the Arctic but what about your periscope? It's far too cold up there for you to be poking your head out every five minutes to see where you are, and as fast as you nail new periscopes on the NAUTI- LUS they'll be knocked off again. Besides, you must realize that youre raising ned with the subma- rine business. People are getting so they won't go down in the things, and horses are coming back into favor. Is that progress? If Mr. Lindbergh went up in his ship and the running lights, periscope, bridge, starboard engine and fuel and air compressors all went on the bum I'll bet he'd come down fast, and either get a new ship or change his occupation. It would be a big blow to you, I know, if you didn't get to use that ice boring gadjet but if you came back to New York you could use the NAUTILUS for subway work, which would compensate in part for your disappointment. You could mount your submarine on wheels and run it down under the street and bore holes upward until you were just sick of it. It would save the men from working on the sur- face these hot days and besides, if anything went haywire, you could simply climb out of the ship and forget your troubles at a speakeasy. And, who knows-perhaps you could get the reputation of being the big- gest bore in New York. Sincerely yours, FILBERT TWITCH * * * One student, so the report goes, was suspended and another will be required to take an extra semester for graduation. This is equivalent to a fine of $500 or so, when you stop to figure it out, so be careful where you drive that family hack FILBERT the focus for Beethoven's classic- ism. Columbia deserves the highest praise for issuing the Grosse Fuge It is certainly the most important issue this year. At the time of its composition, it was thought un- playable and unintelligible (and Beethoven was forced to write a new Finale to Op. 130). Grove in his dictionary fifty years later re- frained from comment on it be- cause it was never played. Now, a hundred years later, it is played very infrequently and almost never in its proper place as a last move- ment. The Leners play it very mar- vellously. It is probably their greatest achievement to date. They also have recorded the B flat major BRIGHT SPOT 802 Packard Street TODAY, 11:30 to 1:30 SAUERKRAUT WITH FRANKFURTERS AND POTATOES OR MEAT LOAF WITH CREAMED POTATOES RICE PUDDING COFFEE, MILK 30c 5:30 to 7:30 SPANISH PORK CHOPS LIVER AND BACON, FRIED ONIONS ROAST BEEF VEAL BIlRDS MASHED OR AU GRATIN POTATOES LIMA BEANS, VEGETABLE SALAD 35c IT'S YOUR CH ANCE lo S \ VE On Our Entire Stock of $40, $45, $50 Suit Not old style, or depleted stock, we have a fine variety to choose from, all in one great group, at SiZes for Everyone TROUSERS AND KNICKERS. $ .5.45 Formerly $7.50-$8.50 LINEN TROUSERS .. ........3.95 DUTCHES DUCKS .... .......2.50 SUMMER FELT HATS. . $2.50 TIES IN THE NEW PASTEL SHADES, $2.00 QUALITY. . . $1.29 0 e 213 East Liberty, Opp. Varsity Laundry Majestic NOW SHOWING J W~miL L~IMe POWELL C1 Karamounct 9iaurre OTHER SPLENDID SHORT SUBJECTS SATURDAY Dick Barthelmess "Finger Points" CARTTER' S 1' SATISI ED! A - K R L 0 E N LUNCH OPEN UNTIL 11 P. M. ---- ----------------I Drug Store. 340 South State Street for Fountain SerV1Ce Heavy Malted Milks Chocolate Sodas 20c 15c Orangeade and Lemonade lOc Sandwiches NOW The stage play that rock- ed Broadway with laugh- ter for a solid year! th e. . . .... . . ... 4 augh of aeteĀ° ifetimel 4 b-. ." ':'.t x'..1 4