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June 22, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-06-22

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XI, NO. 27.









President Gives Annual
Would Train Youth to
of Group.
Not simply study but continuous
,tudy is the important new factor
n the elaboration of human so-
:iety, President Alexander Grant
.uthven told the graduating class
>f 1931 yesterday morning at the
nnual baccalaureate exercises held
A. Hill auditorium.
Man represents a new regime,
nd study is an emergent factor
n the evolution of this society, the
resident said.
He took as the text for his ser-
non the sixteenth verse of the six-
eenth chapter of Proverbs:
"How much better is it to get
iisdom than gold; to get under-
tanding rather to be chosen than
Attempt to Train Youth.
"In our youth of school age,"
resident Ruthven said, "we at-
empt to create the understanding
hrough instruction that it is the
roup, not the individual, which
aust receive attention; that no so-
ial order is sancrosanct or above
tudy and testing; that we may
herish our failures only that we
nay learn from them, and that we
nay fear no innovation if we will
eal with it by the method of con-
rolled experimentation.",
Knowledge of the implacable
ate of mankind tends to make the
nidividual struggle both to defer
is demise and to secure comforts
or himself, the President pointed
ut. But society also suffers from
his reaction. In working for him-
elf alone, the individual is usual-
y hindering social progress.
Points Way to Harmony.
"The human individual," he said,
to be in harmony with his world,
s thus under the necessity of ap-
wreciating the great fact that life
s a service, and of learning at
vhatever price that without self-
orgetfulness, self-sacrifice, and the
onscious disregard of personal ad-
antage, remote or present, social
irogress is inhibited."
President Ruthven told the grad-
tating students that "an essential
f human society of a high order
s an intelligent asceticism which
omprehends the great purpose of
ife,-not a weak capitulation to
he inevitable, not a selfish anar-
hism, but a deliberate and even
ailitant self-surrender.-an ascet-
cism which is to be developed
hrough never-ceasing investiga-
ion and cerebration.
"Apparently for all of our prog-
ess in education we havenot suc-
,eeded in sufficiently impressing
ipon our youth the fact that the
tequirement and intelligent use of
esirable social qualities and thus
proper contribution of life must

ome through continuous study.
the tendency persists to compre-
iend the life span as composed of
wo periods-one of acquiring the
(Continued on Page Three)
Oife Members' Cards
Obtainable at Union

Addresses Graduates
Assopiated Press Photo
Alexander G. Ruthven,
President of the University, who
addressed the 1931 graduating class
yesterday morning at the annual
baccalaureate exercises, in Hill
auditorium. The President spoke
on "Study: an Emergent Factor in
Human Society."
First Drop in History Recorded;
Tuition Rates for Women
Are Increased $5.
The University budget for 1931-
32 will show a decrease of more
than $42,000, it was anounced Fri-
day, following the adoption of the
budget at the monthly meeting of
the Board of Regents. Expendi-
tures planned for the University
and the University hospital total
$9,216,402.53, of which $2,679,986-
.39 will go to the hospital.
Women students will, be charged
$5 extra tuition next year, the Re-
gents decided. This increase was
recommended by women of the
University as a means of compen-
sating for a deficit in the operation
and maintenance of the League.
A reduction of 25 cents per day
in the University hospital's rates
for state patients was made by the
Regents, on the recommendation of
Harley B. Haynes, director of the
hospital. This will place the rates
at $6 a day for patients in two-bed
rooms and $5.50 a day for those in
four-bed rooms.
The reduction was made possible
by an operating surplus and reserve
fund. The cut will amount to more
than $10,000 during the year, it was
Dr. Carl V. Weller, now professor
of pathology, was chosen by the
Regents to succeed the late Dr.
Aldred S. Warthin as director of the
pathological laboratories. He will
take up the duties next fall.
Administration of the Medical
school by a committee of three will
continue next year, it was decided.
(Continued on Page Three)

Session Offers Variety of Work
in Courses, Outside
Noted Educators to Give Talks;
University Stations
to Operate.
Increased interest in summer
work both on the part of teachers
and of undergraduates indicated a
definite increase in enrollment for
the coming Summer Session, ac-
cording to the statement made yes-
terday by Dean Edward H. Kraus.
More than 675 courses will be pre-
'sented in the thirty-eighth annual
Summer Session, which will begin
June 29. The courses will be taught
by a faculty of more than 400, com-
posed largely of members of the
regular faculties of the University.
It will be supplemented by more
than 60 well-known educators from
this country and abroad.
Teaching Courses Offered. I
Courses in the school of Educa-
tion will number more than 100,
and will be designed tp meet the
needs of teachers and educators.
The instruction will be offered ei-
ther for the regular period of eight
weeks, or for a four-week term in
July for those teachers who can-
not attend the entire session.
Eleven schools of the University
will continue operations during the
summer, it was announced. They
are: the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts; the Colleges
of Engineering and Architecture;
the College of Pharmacy; the
School of Dentistry; the School of
Education; the School of Business
Administration; the School of Mu-
sic, and the Medical, Law, and
Graduate schools.
Biological Station Open.
In addition to the summer school
at Ann Arbor, the University will
conduct the Biological station in
northern Michigan for graduates,
undergradt ates, and independent
investigators. It also offers the Sur-
veying camp in Wyoming, and a
camp for the study of forestry in
the upper peninsula of Michigan.
Field work in geography and ge-
ology are offered in a camp in
southern Kentucky.
At Ann Arbor, the Symposium on
Theoretical Physics will be one of
the leading features of the Sum-
mer Session. It will be conducted
mainly for the benefit of advanced
(Continued on Page Five)
The Summer Daily will begin
r e g u l a r publication Tuesday
morning, June 30. Business and
editorial staff positions are still
open for both men and women
students who desire newspaper

Contributions to Arts, Sciences,
Recognized by University
in Citations.
Characterizations of Recipients
Read by Prof. J.'G. Winter;
Name Faculty Man.
Twelve honorary degrees were
conferred upon men outstanding in
their fields at the eighty-seventh
Commencement exercises of the
University this morning, by action
of the Board of Regents.
Five of the men are graduates of
the University; one is a member of.
the faculty.
Prof. J. G. Winter, of the Latin
department, read citations describ-
ing the accomplishments of the re-
cipients, which are given below in
Claude Bragdon, Fellow of the
American Institute of Architects,
whose numerous published works
interpret modern movements in
architecture and decorative design
in their relation to the past. He1
has shown ,constructive originality1
and created new and compelling
forms of beauty.
Harold Titus, a student in the
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts from 1907 to 1911, whose
writings have given delight to many
and served his commonwealth.
Since his appointment as State
Commissioner of Conservation in
1927, he has contributed to the ef-
f ctiveness of his Department by1
formulating plans and by moulding
public policy in the interests of
public welfare.
Thomas Bertrand Bronson, a
graduate of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts in the
(Continued on Page Two)
More Than 75 to Attend Second3
Term of Special School,
Shaw Predicts.
More than 75 graduates are ex-
pected to register for the second1
year of the Alumni University, Wil-
fred B. Shaw, director of alumni
relations announced Saturday.
The program to be offered the,
alumni consists of a series of ten
courses of five daily lectures giv-
en over the week by well-known
members of the faculty. The pro-
gram of these courses, which are
to begin Tuesday morning June 23,
-and continue through Saturday,
June 27, is as follows:
"Problems in Local Govern-
ment," by Prof. Thomas H. Reed,
of the political science department,
"Evolution in its Latest Interpre-
tations," by Prof. A. F. Shull of the
zoology department; "The Con-
temporary Stage," by Prof. Oscar
J. Campbell, of the English de-
partment; "Contemporary Currents

in Philosophy," by Prof. D. H.
Parker of the philosophy depart-
ment; "Public Control of Industry,"
by Prof. I. L. Sharfman, of the Ec-
onomics department; "Contempor-
ary European and American Art,"
by Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson, of
the fine arts department; "The Ge-
ological Character Line in Land-
scapes," by Prof. William H. Hobbs,
head of the geology department;
"Genetic Principles in Child Be-
havior," by Prof. Martha G. Colby,
department of psychology; "Con-
temporary Social Evolution," by
Prof. Robert C. Angell, department
(Continued on Page Three)


Hits Standardization

Aosociat rs Phoo
Lotus D. Coffman,
President of the University of
Minnesota, who vigorously attackedE
the standardization characteristic
of the machine age, in an address
to Michigan's graduating class ati
Commencement this morning.
Company Will Present Private
Lives,' Ghosts,' Arms
and the Man' Here.
Opening Saturday with matinee
and evening performances in the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, the
Ann Arbor dramatic season com-
pany under the. direction of Rob-
ert Henderson, entered the final
week of its season with the first
production outside New York and'
London of Noel Coward's current
comedy. success, "Private Lives."
Co-stars. of the production are Tom
Powers, of the New York Theatre
guild, and Violet Heming.
For the final week of the sea-
son, three plays will be included in
the repertory. In addition to four
performances of "Private Lives,"
tonight and Tuesday, Wednesday,.
and Saturday nights, Bernard
Shaw's comedy, "Arms and the
Man," will be presented for one per-
formance on Friday night, with the
original cast including Powers, Miss
Heming, and Ernest Cossart, also
of the Theatre guild.
For a single performance only,
Powers and Doris Rich will appear
in Henrik Ibsen's masterpiece,
(Continued on Page Three)
McKenzie, Hastings Named for
Posts at Annual Meeting.
At the thirty fifth annual meet-
ing of the Alumni association, Wil-
liam D. McKenzie, .'96, of Chicago,
and Donald T. Hastings, '07, of De-
troit were elected vice presidents.
G. Carl Huber, Dean of the Gradu-
ate School, was elected president of
the association for a two year term
last year.
Ormond E. Hunt, '07E, was elect-
ed tosucceed Prof. Ralph W. Aig-
ler as director at large, and Dan-
iel F. Zimmerman, of Ann Arbor,
and Dean W. Myers, '99M, were
named as alumni members to the
board of directors of the Union.
Louis T. Jocelyn was elected to
continue as secretary.

Minnesota Head Scores
in Address.
Deans Give Diplomas;
Twelve Prominent
Men Honored.
The largest class in the history
of the University was graduated
this morning when 1,990 students
received degrees in course at
Michigan's eighty-seventh annual
Commencement exercises on Fer-
ry field. At 8 o'clock, the gowned
procession of faculties, classes,
and candidates for honorary de-
grees, headed by the honor guard
and the Varsity band, swung on-
to the field and marched to the
assigned places in the grand-
stand or on the platform.
Before a gathering of more
than 8,ooo people, President Al-
exander G. Ruthven conducted the
ceremony for the second time dur-
ing his administration. Degrees
in course were conferred in order
and on behalf of the faculties, rep-
resented by the respective deans of
schools and coleges.
'Fisher Gives Invocation.
Following the invocation, pro-
nounced by the Reverend Frederick
Bohn Fisher, Dr. Lotus Delta Coff-
man, president of the University of
Minnesota delivered the Com-
mencement address.
The following deans presented
degrees in course on behalf of their
faculties, in the order named:
Dean John R. Effinger of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts; Dean James B. Edmonson, of
the School of Education; Dean Her-
bert C. Sadler, of the Colleges of
Engineering and Architecture; Dr.
Frederick G. Novy, of the Medical
School; Dr. Harley A Haynes of the
University hospital; Dean Henry
M. Bates, of the Law school; Dean
Edward H. Kraus, of the College
of Pharmacy; Dean Marcus L.
Ward, of the School of Dentistry;
Dean Clare E. Griffin, of the School
of Business Administration; Prof.
Donald M. Mathews, of the School
of Forestry andConservation;
Charles A. Sink, President of the
School of Music; and Earl V. Moore
of the same school; Dean G. Carl
Huber of the Graduate school.
Honorary Degrees Given.
Twelverhonorary degrees were
presented by Prof. John G. Winter
of the Latin department, who read
the citations consequent to each
"The Yellow and Blue" was sung
by the assembly and was followed
by the benediction. The exercises
were jolosed by the sounding of
"taps" and "reveille" by the Varsity
band buglers.
In addressing the graduates, Dr.
Coffman outlined the dangers pre-
sented to America in the present
era and the duty of the educated
man to combat them.
(Continued on Page Five)
Thousand Graduates
Return for Weekend
More than 1100 alumni of the
University attended reunions here
over the week-end, it was an-
nounced yesterday by T. Hawley
Tapping, secretary of the Alumni

A number of special events and
class meetings gave the old gradu-
ates opportunities to renew former
associations. Friday evening, alum-
ni massed on the steps of Angell
hall and sang traditional Michigan


End Comes After Year's Steady
Deterioration; "Nobody
Shows Up.'
By P. M.
Michigan's school spirit fell fiat,
arched its back a couple of times,
squirmed, turned over, and died
Saturday afternoon.
It hadn't been looking any too

ation in the form of the semi-
annual games, which each year be-
come more half-hearted.
Things took a decided turn when,
this spring, six seniors bought
tickets to the traditional class din-
And Saturday the end came. The
annual Class Day addresses were
called off because, as H. Bruce
Palmer, president of the senior lit-
erary class put it in a statement to
The Daily, "nobody showed up."
Which is all very well. But why
not go the whole way and-abolish
Commencement. Or, better yet,

| rosy for some time before. The
>r men who have not yet ob- cheerer at football games has been
lion may obtain them this made to feel conspicuous and a lit-
on in the business offices in tle bit gauche these last fey sea-
sement of the Union. More sons. Hazing has become practical-
)0 memberships have not yet ly a thing of the past. Class rival-
sIimed. ry has been given artificial respir-

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