TWO THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TW TESUME ICIGNDAL I 11 .1 1 Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dis'- patckes credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. All rights of republication of special dispatches herein are also reserved. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, post. office as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail, Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Telephones: Editorial, 4925; Busines 2-1214. EDITORIAL STAFF MANAG3ING EDITOR HAROLD =0. WARREN, JR. Editorial Director ........... Gurney Williams City Editor..............Powers Moulton News Editor ...........Denton Runse Music, Drama, Books William J. Gorman Women's Editor...........Eleanor Rairdon Sports Editor.............0C. H. Beukema Telegraph Editor............ ..L. R. Chubb Night Editors Denton unze John Bunting Helen R. Carr C. W. Carpente Edgar Eckert Barbara Hall EdgarrHornhE Charles C. Irwi Powers Moulton Gurney Williams Assistants Susan Manchester n Carl Meloy r Alfred Newman Sher M. Quraishi Edgar Racine Theodore Rose in Brackley Shaw P. Cutler Showers BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM R. WORBOYS Assistant Business Manager .. Vernon Bishop Circulation & Accounts Manager .. Ann Verner Contracts Manager .............Carl Marty Advertising Manager.........Beach Conger , _ Assistants Corbett Franklin Don Lyon Ralph Hardy WEDNESDAY, JULY 1, 1931 Night Editor-POWERS MOULTON UNCLE BOB Today the resignation of Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the Uni- versity and wise counsel to thous- ands of students for 20 years, be- comes effective and the University loses the official services of another conscientious and highly respected man. The word official in connection with "Uncle Bob's" services is ad- visedly used, for it is undoubtedly his intention to retain his position as faculty manager of the Varsity band-an organization he fostered and developed with interest and care-and to continue in his un- selfish capacity as advisor to many students who look to him for so- lutions of many academic perplex- ities. In Uncle Bob Campbell the Uni- versity is deprived of an efficient officer but it is sincerely hoped that he will not find it necessary to sever all the connections by which he is bound to the campus. "Come into my office any time," he used to say; "the door is always open, and if there is anything I can do, just let me know." Uncle Bob meant that, and it is the wish of many faculty and undergraduate members of the University that he will cintinue to make his generous offer. At any rate, The Daily wishes Uncle Bob a speedy recovery to health-and contentment in his re- tirement from a job well done. Campus Opinio Contributors are asked to be brief, confining themselves to less than 800 words if possible. Anonymous com- munications will be disregarded. The names of communicants will, however, be regarded as confidential, upon re- quest.Letters published should not be construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The Daily. To the Editor, All members and friends of the University appreciate highly Dean Kraus's endeavors to maintain the high standard of the "Special Lec- tures" arranged for the Summer Session, and it is this appreciation which prompts me to offer the fol- lowing remarks regarding Professor James K. Pollock's opening lecture last Monday (June 29). A lecture which would satisfy the above mentioned requirements of the Dean of the Summer Session (as stated by him in his introduc- tory remarks, before the lecture) should present the subject under discussion in a comprehensive and unbiased manner. Professor Pol- lock's discussion of the so-called Polish Corridor was in that respect disappointing to many a thinking listener. Everybody knows that every po- litical question or problem has at least its historical, racial, economic, and legal background and consid- erations; unfortunately Professor Pollock did not make any mention of the first and last and did not say enough about the second and third. Professor Pollock is entirely in- correct in stating that "the Poles required at the Peace Conference a slice of German territory." They could not require anything because they did not take part in the Peace Conference. A professor of politi- cal science should know that it was President Woodrow Wilson who, long before the Peace Conference, required "a free and independent Poland with a free access to the sea," in his historical "fourteen points" because it was obvious and unavoidable to him, an eminent his- torian in his own name and an unbiased student of European af- fairs; further, that his chief ad- visor on Polish problems was an- other eminent American historian and an expert on Eastern Europe, Professor Robert Howard Lord, of Harvard. It is rather preposterous, therefore, for Professor Pollock to refer as "stupid" and "foolish" to the decision of men, who certainly had given to the question more thought than he, and were in a po- sition to have at their disposal more material and information than he ever could gather. As a matter of fact, the Poles got neither "a slice" nor even a speck of German territory; they got back only a large portion but still not all of what had been theirs for ages. There are still nearly two million Poles under the German yoke and they do not enjoy the privileges of "racial minority" and the protection of the League of Na- tions. The, more or less, amusing stories told by Professor Pollock, of the "stupidity" of the "Corridor" and the resulting "hardship" for the people around it, are already well known to everybody from the cur- rent press. Knowing, however, the difficulties of the editors in finding sufficiently intriguing material to be sandwiched as a bite for the reader, between the commercial ad- vertisements, nobody pays much at- attention to such pessimistic and alarmistic news. It is an entirely different thing, however, when such "stories" are told ex cathedra under the auspic- es of a great University. I am afraid that many a gentle visitor to these lectures will now go home persuaded that naughty and pow- erful Poles forced the "corridor" upon the innocent sillies of the Peace Conference and rendered the bare existence of Germany impossi- ble. This, of course, will lead to an- other European war into which this countyr will be drawn nolens volens, perhaps by the end of the present Summer Session. Since Professor Pollock apparent- ly did not succeed in finding more documentary sources of information on the question discussed by him, I shall be glad to inform him that every good standard text of history will reveal that Pomorze (German- Pomerania), of which the "Corri- dor" is a portion only, as well as Danzig, have been Polish since the tenth century and that even after the second partition of Poland, the German Danzigers fought off the besieging Prussians for eight months before they renounced their allegiance to Poland. (This communication, by Felix W. Pawlowski, Guggenheim Professor nf Aronnautic. will be conncluded whisper at 10 feet; so that the vast audience in Ferry Field might not lose a single platitude as it FOR RENT-Cool nicely furnished rooms for men, Shower bath. Dial 8544, 422 East Washington fell from tnespeaker'slip. WORK FOR ROOM - Attractive The speaker of the day was an- suite for two good workers. Phone nounced: "Dr. Lotus Delta Coffman, 3155. 928 Church street. president of the University of Min- FOR RENT-One large cool room, nesota, etc." Dr. Coffman arose first floor, north side.. Overstuff- and approached the mike. Directly ed chair, close to campus. Rent behind him sat the row of Univer- $3.00. 433 Hamilton Place. sity Regents, one of whom at this juncture pulled out his handker- LOST-Corona typewriter. Liberal chief and gave his nose a loud an- reward. No questions asked. 9781. ticipatory blow. FOR RENT-Cool, comfortable sin- And thus, as the commencement gle room, close to campus, rent is speaker began his address, there is- very reasonable. Dial 4354. sued from the loud speakers a LOST-Black silk umbrella, in book sound commonly referred to as "the store Tuesday Reward Call bird," which, magnified many times store,9ue -. and thrown in all directions on Fer- ry Field, caused a ripple of laugh- AUCTION SALE - Furniture, con- ter that was all out of keeping with tents seven room house. Filing the seriousness of the affair. cabinet, antiques, electric sewing As we said before, there is a very machine, mahogany tables. TO- definite menace in the perfection of DAY, 2 p.m., 2011 Geddes Ave. modern machines. Not a single platitude was lost. * s After registering for the Summer Session we are a little doubtful Su sib about the alleged intelligence of the administrative part of the Univer- sity. In the first place, we have been suffering in these educational mills hereabouts for the last three years, and this is absolutely the first time that we have been required to fill out such comprehensive and im- pertinent questions since the time of our first enrollment, when we had to recollect what our mother ate before we were born. We thought it was going to be a summer's lark to stay down in the old town and take two or so hours of "easy" credit toward that old Ph.D. And then they came along and asked us for two adult refer- ences from our home residence- with addresses. THAT, after living here as a student for THREE years! We gave them two. And we hope they try to get in touch with one of them. Just try. * * * And then there was the matter of sex rearing its ugly head on the blanks-at least a dozen times. There were two little boxes, one la- belled MALE, the other FEMALE. And those clever administrative of- ficers had given the directions, "check one." Well, we checked MALE but it was careless, slapdash sort of check so we rubbed that out and checked FEMALE. This didn't look quite right so we rubbed that out too, finding ourselves just where we had started. This made us a little mad, so we finally check- ed both of them and handed in the card. It was stamped with that $33 stamp and we wandered over to the Treasurer's office where we paid our money and were handed a re- ceipt (after the money had been carfully counted), and then we wandered back to U hall and gave $he lady our election card. "This has to be approved," she said, so we wandered up to the third floor of Angell hall, sat in a professor's office for 15 minutes, and were then told we had to see somebody else. The proper official had an office in 1020A, or something, and we wan- e 4 dered down there, still clutching our new moist election card. Of- fice 1020A is reached by going through a classroom which was go- ing full blast, but our careful tip- toeing elicited notice from the an- noyed professor. "The entrance to that office is outside," he said, so outside we went and do you know, to this day, we haven't found that entrance. Perhaps it isn't built yet. Anyhow, we're still only half reg- istered and that's the way we're going to stay until the weather cools off. This business of a senior having to have three summer elec- tions approved is perhaps one ofD a ily the most asinine aspects of our great organization. What do YOU think? l i OASTED ROLLV LAmsID RISING LOST--Glasses in case, weekend TEMPERATURES before Commencement. Finder TOMORROW please call 21241. Reward. At commencement, a week or so BOARD-First class, by the week, ago, occured a little incident that $5.50 for 3 meals per day; $4.75 just went to illustrate the menace for two meals. Slightly higher lurking in the perfection of our rates by the single meal. One modern machine age. As Senator half block from the Campus at Borah once said, "Give a machine 213 South Thayer. Phone 5156. enough rope, and it is worth two FOR RENT-Three single rooms, in the bush." reasonable. 507 South Division. FOR RENT-Large airy room. Will It seems, however, that the mi- rent to one or two men students. crophone on the speakers' stand Shower bath. Reasonable rent. was adjusted to catch the faintest Phone 7981. I . 1 r i t C I I J I I 4 I_ r BAD BRAKES One of the reasons for the adop- tion of the University auto ban four years ago was the presence in Ann Arbor of a great number of me- chanically imperfect cars, held to- gether by wire and string and made navigable only by the extreme skill of students who neglected factors of safety because of low finances or of energy. No less safe are some of 'the au- tomobiles now in use on Ann Ar- bor's streets, as was shown last week in the "Safety Lane" tests conducted here by the police de- partment and the Automobile Club :f Michigan. Ofclabs point with pride to the fact that 874 out of 1,588 automobiles-or somewhat more than half-were given certi- ficates of approval. It is, of course, gratifying to know that the major number of inspected' cars are in good mechanical repair, but what of the very important minor half? From the figures it appears that 714 local automobiles were defec- tive in lighting equipment, wheel alignment, or brakes. Any one of these items alone is sufficient to bring about an accident, no matter how expert the driver, and result in human suffering and property damage. The Safety Week idea is laudable but its desultory application is a mere dab at a condition that needs constant attention. If it is at all economically possible, tests similar to the ones conducted here last week should be available at all times and motorists should be re- onired to run their ears throiwh ILL l 1 i 1 1 I ASHLEY & DUSTIN STEAMER LINE hoot of First Street netnlt. Mkhmnmi