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July 01, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-01

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XI, NO 3.



Weather: Mostly fair, warm.


Graduate College Has
Largest Increase
During Day.
Total for Second Day
of Registration
Reaches 3,914.
Continued gain over last year's
enrollment for the Summer Ses-
sion was shown yesterday, when
the total reached 3,914 at the close
of registration for the day. At the
corresponding time last summer,
3,728 had entered.
The final registration total last
summer, excluding those register-
ed in public health institutes,
graduate conferences in educa-
tion, and physics symposia, was
3,995, only 81 more than yesterday's
figure for the second day of the ses-
sion. With normal enrollment for
the rest of the term, a new Sum-
mer Session record is expected.
The Graduate school continued to
show unusual gains, with a total of
1,830 last night. This figure is 353
above the total at the end of the
second day last year and is 131
greater than the final total for last
Near Past Mark.
Enrollment in the engineering
school and the architectural school
maintained an increase, the former
having 349 and the latter 54. The
total for both schools last year was
347 at the corresponding time and
only 369 as the total for the session.
Fifteen students registered in the
music school yesterday, bringing
the total to 103. The literary col-
lege added 42, making a total of
721. The education school closed
last night with a total of 301, while
the Medical school and Law school
had 222 and 161 respectively.
Of 101 students enrolled in the
Biological station at Douglas lake,
76 are graduates and 25 are liter-
ary students. These figures are not
included in the totals for those
Gains Recorded.
Registration in other schools and
colleges was as follows: forestry
and conservation school, 14; busi-
ness administration school, 26; den-
tal school, 7; pharmacy college, 25.
Additional entrants in the educa-
tion school are expected next week
for the four-week courses beginning
July 6.
A special fee of $5 will be charged
for registration in the Graduate
school after today, Dean G. Carl
Huber said yesterday.
Zeppelin Takes Practice Cruise
to Iceland; Sighted
Over Holland.

AMSTERDAM, June 30.-(P)-
The Graf Zeppelin passed over Nij-
megen, Netherlands, at noon and
was sighted an hour later near Rot-
June 30.-(P)-The Graf Zeppelin
left early today on a practice cruise
as far as Iceland in preparation for
its scientific excursion into the
Arctic next month.
Dr. Hugo Eckener was in coni-
mand and among the 12 passengers
were his daughter Lotti, Frau von
Schiller, wife of one of the navi-
gators, and Lieutenant Commander
Edward H. Smith of the United
States coast guard.
The dirigible is expected to leave
the latter part of July for a six-
day cruise in the vicinity of Franz
Joseph Land and Nicholas Land
for the purpose of gathering topo-
graphical and geological data.
Dr. Eckener planned to moor at

Police, Pepper Solve
Stolen Fish Mystery
NORTHBROOK, Ill., June 30.
(A)-Charles Sutherland took his
troubles to the police Monday
and although it was too late for
relief he had the satisfaction of
knowing what happened.
"I haven't an enemy in the
world," Sutherland said when he
called police to help him solve
the mystery of his five missing
goldfish. "In addition my cat is
"That's a clew," said the in-
vestigating officer. "Let's have
the cat and some pepper." Both
were furnished.
When the pepper was sprink-
led on the cat's nose the feline
sneezed. Then there was a cough
and a goldfish's tail became visi-
National Assembly Will Consider
Abolishment of Titles,
MADRID, June 30. (P)-A pro-
posed constitution providing for un-
iversal suffrage, religious freedom
and abolition of titles of nobility
will be submitted to the newly-elec-
ted national assembly when it con-
venes July 14.
The preliminary draft, as formu-
lated by a government commission,
first will be passed on by the cab-
inet, possibly this week.
It stipulates that women shall be
allowed to participate for the first
time in the election of deputies,
that all creeds will be allowed re-
ligious freedom and that the an-
cient distinctions of aristocracy
shall be no more. The Catholic
church would become a "corpora-
tion" and the state would have no
official religion.
Supreme authority would be vest-
ed in the republican government in
Madrid, although the provinces
might organize for local adminis-
trative purposes. The president
would be elected for a term of six
years by a majority of the senate
and lower house in joint session.
The senate would be made up of
240 members chosen equally among
the "cultural, industrial and labor
entities," and the lower house would
consist of 470 deputies elected by
popular suffrage.
Georgia Drys Demand
Wet Statesmen Quit
ATLANTA, June 30-(P)-Resig-
nation of office-holders who say
prohibition cannot be enforced is
demanded by Georgia dry leaders
and a group of their followers.
Resolutions expressing full faith
in prohibition and asking that
every official who says enforcement
is impossible "resign from an of-
fice which he has thereby traitor-
ously betrayed" were adopted at a
mass meeting here Monday night
after addresses by former Congress-
man William D. Upshaw, Dr. Mary
Harris Armor, W. C. T. U. work-
er, Atticus Webb, superintendent of
the Texas Anti-Saloon league, and
W. A. Covington, one of the spon-
sors of Georgia's prohibition law.

The meeting followed a statement
of Mayor James L. Key in France
that prohibition is a "failure" and
the announcement of Chief of Po-
lice James Beavers that Atlanta
could not hire enough policemen
to stop bootlegging.
Peruvian Government
Moves Against Rebels
LIMA, Peru, June 30.-()-The
Peruvian provisional government,
which itself came into power after
a series of revolutions, today push-
ed forward its program for stamp-
ing out a military rebellion at gar-
risons in Cuzco and Puno.
Orders were issued that troops
of the seventh regiment, dispatched
to the port, Moliendo, in the cruis-
er Grau Sunday, should hasten to
Arequita to reinforce the forces of
Col. Francisco Zaldivieso, who has
hti- onmmisqioned to crush the

Cast for Paris Bound' Includes
Many Actors Prominent in
Campus Dramatics.
Harry Allen, Eugenie Chapel
Have Chief Roles in Brilliant
Modern Comedy.
"Paris Bound," Philip Barry's bril-
liant high comedy, will open to-
night in the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre as the first production of
the Michigan Repertory players,
who are entering their third sea-
son on campus. The play will be
presented tonight and Thursday,
Friday, and Saturday nights.
Barry, considered one of Ameri-
ca's most important dramatists, is
the author of "Holiday," with which
the Repertory players opened last
summer. He is said to combine the
two sides of modern American dra-
ma: the ability to deal seriously
and straightforwardly with modern
problems and the ability to write
whimsical, disarming chatter of
high comedy.
Windt Directs.
Tonight's production is under the
direction of Valentine B. Windt, for
three years head of the Play Pro-
duction department.
The cast for "Paris Bound" in-
cludes many students prominent in
former campus productions. The
players are: Harry R. Allen, who
had the leading role in "The
Guardsman"; Eugenie Chapel, lead-
ing woman in "Rebound"; Kathryn
Kratz, the lead player in Mimes'
production of "The Perfect Alibi";
Mary Power, who appeared in many
of the plays last summer; Mildred
Todd, prominent for her work in
character parts; Paul Showers, who
played the comedy lead in "Holi-
day;" Helen Carrm, who played op-
posite him in the production; Ed-
ward Fitzgerald, prominent in "The
Criminal Code;" and Frances
Cast Announced.
The remaining plays for the sum-
mer term will be, in the order
named: Moliere's "Don Juan"; "Lil-
iom" by Ferenc Molnar; "Love and
Chance" by Marivaux; Susan Glas-
pell's Pulitzer prize play, "Alison's
House"; W. Somerset Maugham's
"The Circle"; and an original play
by Thomas Wood Stevens and Wil-
liam Byron, "I Confess," which will
be produced on Broadway next win-
Five North China Leaders Agree
to Support Revolution, But
Want Financial Banking.
HONG KONG, June 30. -(P)-
Agents bearing credentials to the
anti-Nanking revolutionary govern-
ment at Canton from five North
China leaders, including Feng Yu-
Hsiang, former "Christian" gene-
ral, and Yen Hsi-Shan, governor of
Shansi province, reached the

Kwangtung capital today.
They announced promises of mil-
itary support in the insurgents'
campaign against President Chiang
Kai Shek's Nationalist government,
provided the Canton government
furnishes financial backing.
The proposals struck close to the
root of the present South China
situation, for the greatest prob-
lem encountered by the Cantonese
government in its opposition to
Nanking has been that of raising
funds for military defense, let alone
Reports here today said com-
manders of Cantonese forces in Ki-
angsi province had refused to fol-
low Chen Ming-Shu, Nationalist
former governor of Canton, in his
proposed advance against the in-
surgent capital.
Variously identified with Nation-
alists and insurgents since he was
ousted from the governorship,
Chen finally has cast his lot defi-

British Economist Says Failure
of Moratorium Conference
Would Be Dangerous.
Italy Informs Her Debtors That
Installments Due July 1
Need Not Be Paid.
(By Associated Press)
The status of negotiations at Pa-
ris between Secretary Mellon and
Premier Laval is described by high
administration authorities at Wash-
ington as serious, but the American
government is not discouraged and
the negotiations are to be contin-
By a vote of 197 to 5 the French
senate upheld Premier Laval's
course in his negotiations with Sec-
retary Mellon and gave him a free
hand to continue these negotia-
tions along the lines he has thus
far pursued. The Premier describ-
ed the present situation as "The
most delicate since the war."
Germany Watches.
Germany, convinced that she
should not interfere, remains on
the sidelines, watching what 'she
has come to regard as a duel be-
tween President Hoover and Pre-
mier Laval.
Great Britain also was watching
and Sir Josiah Stamp, one of the
nation's greatest economists, said
that if anything should happen to
impair the Hoover plan, the situa-
tion would be worse than if the plan
had never been offered.
Inaugurates Plan.
Italy, meanwhile, has put the
plan into tentative operation with-
out waiting for the outcome at
Paris. She notified her debtor na-
tions that they will not be required
to pay installments July 1, at the
same time informing her creditors
that she is ready to pay her own
obligations when they fall due.
Points of Interest to Be Visited
Tomorrow by First Summer
Session Trip.
Inspection of the Clements libra-
ry will feature the first excursion
of the term, tomorrow afternoon,
under the sponsorship of the Sum-
mer Session. The students will
tour Ann Arbor in cars furnished
by members of city luncheon clubs,
visiting various points of interest
and going through both business
and residential sections.
At the Clements library, Dr. Ran-
dolph G. Adams, the custodian, will
conduct the visitors through the
rare book rooms, showing them typ-
ical books and documents of Amer-
ican history.
Guides will take the students
through the General Library, the
recently completed Legal Research
library, and the Union, where a.
view of the city from the tower
will be offered.
Summer Session students wish-

ing to take the tour must make res-
ervations in room 2, University hall
before 5 o'clock tonight. The trip
will start from the Library steps
at 2:30 o'clock tomorrow. No
charge is made.
Beach Conger Named
Advertising Manager
Beach Conger, Jr., '32, was named
advertising manager of The Sum-
mer Daily yesterday by William R.
Warboys, business manager of the
Conger has held the position of
reporter and night editor on The
Daily, and will act as editorial di-
rector and chairman of the edi-
torial board next year.
Previous appointments to the
business staff were Vernon Bishop
as assistant business manager, Ann
Verner, circulation and accounts
manager. and Carl Marty, contracts

To Continue Parleys
With French Premier
Andrew W. Mellon,
Secretary of the treasury, whose
conferences with Premier Laval of
France will continue despite French
feeling against the moratorium
Creation of Federal Department
of Education Urged by
LOS ANGELES, June 30.-(JP)-
Creation of a Federal department of
Education with a place in the cab-
inet was recommended by the Nat-
ional Education association today
in one of the six general resolu-
tions adopted.
The Association's r e s o l u t i o n
stated the Federal government
should aid the states and localities
to equalize educational opportuni-
ties through the dissemination of
authentic information scientific-
ally evaluated by experts.
Another resolution condemned
"Ill-considered cuts in school bud-
gets, reductions in teachers' salar-
ies or other short sighted policies
advocated because of the present
economic depression."
Fess Plans to Keep
Party Chairmanship
WASHINGTON, June 30-(iP) -
The mill of political speculation
turned today upon Senator Fess's
announcement that he expects to
remain "temporary" chairman of
the Republican national committee
until the conventions next year.
He has held the position since
last year, succeeding Claudius H.
Huston, who resigned. It has been
said repeatedly in political circles
that the Ohio senator would leave
his post before congress convenes
in December.
'Safety Lane' Results
Declared Satisfactory
874 cars out of the 1,588 that ran
through the "Safety Lane" on May-
nard Street last week were given
certificates of approval by officials
of the Automobile Club of Michi-
gan. Many of the remaining num-
ber, declared to be defective on one

or more counts, were repaired by
their owners and run through the
tests a second time.
Director H. O. Rounds, of the
safety and traffic divisions of the
State club, stated that he was ex-
tremely gratified by the response of
Ann Arbor drivers, and by the co-
operation of the police department
and local automobile dealers in
conducting the tests.
American League
Athletics 11, Cleveland 7.
Detroit 8, New York 7, 11 inn-
St. Louis 7, Washington 0.
Boston 7, Chicago 1.
National League
Chicago 14, Philadelphia 3.
St. Louis 11, New York 10.
Boston 5, Pittsburgh 1.
Cincinnati 4. Brooklyn 3.

World Circling Flyers
Arrive at Edmonton
From Fairbanks.
To Commence Last Lap
at Dawn; 2,500
Miles to Go.
EDMONTON, Alberta, June
30. tm)--Wiley Post and Harold
Gatty, the glbe girdling Ameri-
can birdmen, brought their plane
down on rain-soaked Blatchford
field at 4:35 p. m. M. S. T. (6:35
p. m. E. S. T.) today, concluding
a 1,450 mile flight from Fairbanks,
A drenched crowd of several
thousand broke police lines and
sped toward the far side of the
field, about 1,000 yards from the
hangar, where the "Winnie Mae"
came to rest.
Having traversed approximately
13,500 miles of their 16,000 mile
route, the airmen appeared in need
of rest and decided to remain un-
til 3 a. m. when they will leave
for the United States.
May Stop at Detroit.
They may stop at Cleveland or
Detroit or may proceed direct to
New York.
They were not too tired, however,
to supervise closely the operation
of a tractor which was required to
tow their plane through ankle deep
mud to shelter. The fliers also de-
clined to enter a limousine to car-
ry them to a hotel until their plane
was berthed.
The pair left Fairbanks at 3:24
a. m. or 8:24 a. m., E. S. T., today,
fighting rain and murky skies to
complete the Edmonton leg in ap-
proximately 10 hours.
Glad to be Near Home.
"We're very glad to be near home
again where we don't have to make
signs," said Gatty as radio an-
nouncers, photographers, and news-
papermen gathered around the avi-
ators. "Yes, and where we don't
have to eat brown bread," inter-
posed Post.
The mayor of Edmonton and Ver-
non Smith, minister of railways and
telephones of Alberta, extended an
official welcome to the fliers at the
"I'm a little tired but otherwise
I'm O. K.," said Post of the flight.
"We had a heavy tail wind all the
Gatty said he felt no ill effects
from a blow from a propeller blade
which he suffered at Fairbanks.
Editorial and business staff po-
sitions are still open for both
men and women students desir-
ing newspaper experience. Call
at the Press building, Maynard
street, at 3 o'clock, any after-

Undergraduates, Faculty to View
Women's Building at
First Mixer.
From four until five-thirty o'clock
tomorrow afternoon, a tea will be
given in the Concourse of the Wo-
men's League on the second floor.
The League is sponsoring this
function, to which all students and
faculty members of the Summer
Session are invited, as a part of its
regular activities. Katherine O'-
Hearn, '31 Ed, summer president of
the League and Miss Catherine No-
ble, social director of the Summer
Session, are in charge.
Janice Gillettee, '32, has been ap-
pointed social chairman of League
activities for the summer. Miss O'-


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