2UR BUM M U 11nG"IIIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, A31 0 -ED-A- German election results compare agement or information to the ene- trnj8an alla hbIn.I me y meesspt Meaday tiBIsu ~rn isi by tk. StSMudmt Publsatioa|. ?M isrfted tress Is exclusively entitled 4 am for republcatiea of all news 41o. esedsed to it or not otherwise cedited t1 Y braa eandte la nw Pbise dipstses k a are also reserved.- Daesred at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, pesa elso as second class matter. Bubearipties by carrier, $1.60; by mail, 1.76. Off:es: PressBuilding, Maynard Street, Ren Ater, Miecigan. ' ahans lera.u 492315. umIin rather unfavorably with election re- sults in these United States where the citizenry have had the right to the ballot for 150 years instead of about 10 years as is the case in Ger- many. Just last year we say an eco- nomic problem which was entirely divorced from matters of politics manifest itself in the Congression- al elections in such a manner as to cause the people of the United States entirely to contradict their decision at the polls of 1928. Before many months will have passed Chancellor Bruening will go before the people of Germany in a I my. Befor sponsible, for inabilit the situati discredit ti ernment o occasion. It is not who serve now are m Legion wi] service. It them may Their sons things go fellow cou , g . general election of members of the and they f EDITORIAL STAFF Reichstag. He may be defeated sort of inj -........ but we can rest assured the defeat peacetime MANASING EDITOR will rest entirely on the merits of people wh HAROLD 0. WARREN---the administration now in power. pains an Drc ....GnE i The German people gave Heinrich scheme of ASSOCIATE EDITORS Bruening a mandate of authority in a weight t 0. W.-Vpe/or Carl Mly C.hubbSher M. qsraiai 1930 and in 1931 they stood by their put on it. Eleanor Rairdon choice in the local elections. Bruen- Any the P. Cutler Showers ing has had all the support he can lowance f BUSINESS STAFF ask for, and his next campaign cry but indul UlNES NAGER cannot be that the Hitlerites or the grotesquer WILLIAM R. WORBOYs communists stood in his way to ing the bi Amiseat usiness Manager .. Vernon Bisopsave Germany. This situation is toleration. tesasts maager.............ori s yslightly different from the status of_ Atnat isciuationer .. a unta (I Herbert oHover who faces a hostile BLOOD Night Editor-Sher M. Quraishi congress, the gift of the people of THE M the United States in the face of def- THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1931 icites, and the Geneva conference (Detr on armaments. Race w CRIME AT * * of the red OUR DOORS We hasten to assure readers that the Negro yesterday's editorial comment re- ('VER at the University hospital garding the vacations of Mayor ugly head lie the charred remains of four Jimmie Walker and President Hoo- already h young people, the victims Tuesday veh was run under the heading Negroes k C RI ME S OF VOLESTEAD EN- morning of a quadruple ;murder RCME O V hrETgA EN- skull frac that is unspeakable in its ghastli- A lot of crimes can be traced to pro- .over an e ness. The realization by Washte- hibition but certainly not the sum- Alabama naw county citizens that the tac- ctny The Presntofe Sco tics employed by inhuman gang- the United States and the Mayor of eight youn stems have burst the bonds of met- New York.tenced to ropolitan districts and invaded ;two white more peaceful areas to claim the ized far a lives of innocent youngsters comes the result as a severe shock and one that has WHAT'S GOING ON curred bet moved every agency for justice into colored m speedy and vengeful action. But the The identity of the perpetrators THE LEGION running b gof the fiendish and apparently un- AND THE PACIFISTS near Birm motivated horror has not as yet three you been determined, and there is no (Chicago Tribune) a woods, punishment in the books severe A magazine writer in the current death, an enough to nullify the effects of the issue of one of the monthlies criti- her compa crime, but if and when the torch- cized the American Legion because on fire. T slayers of Tuesday's victims are it supports military preparedness. ed was the brought face to face with the law, This is consistent with pacifist Birminghai swift and unrelenting sentences monomania. The complaint is com- whites hav should, and undoubtedly will be ad- mon in the addicts. The person who tecting th ministered with all the determina- regards the military function as a lages. Th tion of outraged humanity. part of the orderly processes of the and street We may become only passively country and who expects that the white won excited by criminal brutality com- government will maintain it as it them, no mitted in neighboring cities, but a does other necessary responsibili- it may cos multiple killng so close to home ties of administration is in turn re-' It is a si calls for the exercise of every meth- garded by the compellers of peace 'They oug od of seeking out and throwing be- as an enemy of the rational order Moscow, wl fore justice the murderers. There of society. tion for al can' be no compromise in this case; The American Legion is composed have ach and if we in any way reflect the in- mostly of men who were called out preaching tensity of public opinion, there will of civil pursuits to bear arms. None gro, andt be no compromise. of them had any part in making responds i the occasion which required them to equality, a A LESSON give up all their normal ways of life you, is toc FOR AMERICANS and be subjected to unusual pres- woen. sure, discomfort, and danger. All owetao E cannot help but express of the four million got a wrench of lying dok some degree of envy for the some sort. Two million of them lying dow sanie'and conservative action of the' were transported overseas, where ashoneirf German people at the polls last many were kliled, wounded or died as one of Sunday. In the face of one of the of sickness. All. who went across thy have most bitter campaigns ever pro- were subjected to the hazard of thy Grand moted by the communists the voters submarine attack. they are of Prussia marched to the voting The training camp men whose ex- women go places and announced their confi- periences in the army were cut are jostled dence in the present administra- short on this side of the Atlantic discove ed tion of Chancellor Bruening. because the war came to an end needed to d Bruening, on his return from It- before they could be trained and ny d t aly, was compelled to show his sur- shipped had at least the rigors of yo but Gra prise at the overwhelming vote of intensive schooling and discipline, found a w confidence which he had received the separation from their families When t in the attempt of the opposition' and the dislocation of ther profit- tempted t party to recall the Prussian legis- able private enterprises. The four brethren a lature. The decision of the electo- million or so of men taken for mil- hstration es rate was indeed a tribute to Mr. Iitary services had these experiences, memrs a Bruening in view of the many haz- ranging from the training camp to seized eigh ards to which his administration the battlefield. The occasion for it one of who has been subjected in the last few developed under pacifist adminis-GergS weeks. Inasmuch as only a few tration of government. months have passed since Hitler Mr. Wilson's great contribution to of the cit, made tremendous gains for the humanity was to be his protectior. them into Fascists, the Bruening victory was of the United States from war. His crawl thro even more noteworthy. secretary of state was Mr. Bryan- them to st Certainly the results of last Sun- up to the moment of the big explo- didn't wan day's balloting is not due to elec- sibn. Mr. Bryan's thirty or more writing the tioneering, for as everyone knows peace treaties are in the state de- the traveling chancellor has had partment archives, the fruit of his- no time to think of his own politi- life, gathered with the world shak- F cal fortunes in this time of national ing itself to pieces in armed strife. Foreign t crisis. Nor was the victory a tri- The government was a pacifist par- eough an bute necessarily to the vanity of adise in which palms flourished and enough, and Herr Bruening. It is evident that arms rusted and the United States, smell to om the present incumbent is a far cry in consequence, went to war as from the famous man of "blood and naked as a newborn baby and al- iron," Otto von Bismark. One can most as helpless. The pacifists ac- A talkie i hardly hope to compare Bruening complished only one thing, with full too darned with the late foreign minister, control of government. They didn't Stessamann. What is the answer avoid the war, but they saw to it to the voice of the people of Ger- that the American troops entered How solve many? Obviously the Germans have it borowing guns and begging sup.. don't owe a realized that this is no time for po- plies. litical experiment. They know that In wartime the peace addicts are the present administration has done conscientious objectors. They will and will continue -to do all in its not willingly man mine sweepers or Our nomi power as a government to solve an drive ambulances. The country gets useless inv economic problem. One doesn't the best out of them if it can keep Scales have find the Germans blaming Berlin them from obstructing enlistments, that the wo for the lack of rainfall in Heidel- from interfering with the service ten-thousan h~rYof ein-mlae 4nl fr m aririr^r 41L--^~I_^-L e a war they. will be re- so far as they are able, y of the country to meet I on, and in a war they will he purpose even if a gov- f their own has made the+ t probable that the men d in the world war and aembers of the American 1 be called on again for t is possible that some of be, but it is unlikely. s may be mustered in if wrong. Their younger ntrymen will have the job feel that it is the rankest ustice to allow a country's policies to be dictated by o will assume none of the d hazards when their life crashes down under hey themselves may have ory of life must make al- or a lot of queer antics, gence of these pacifist ies with other people pay- ll is beyond any rational ON OON oit Saturday Night) ar, one of the objectives s in their intrigues among es of America, raises its in Alabama. Chicago has ad a taste of it-three illed and a policeman's tured in a colored riot viction proceeding. But promises worse than that. ottsboro case, in which ig Negroes have been sen- death for the rape of girls, has been capital- nd wide by the reds, with b that one riot has oc- ween white officers and a ob under red leadership. Negro who mounted the board of an automobile ningham and forced its ng women occupants into where he shot one to d wounded her sister and nion, has set the heather 'he girl who was murder- daughter of a prominent m attorney. Southern e a summary way of pro- eir women from such out- ey will make the roads s of Alabama safe for any ian who wishes to travel matter how many lives t. gnal victory for the reds. ht to ring the bells in hence comes the inspira- 1 this red deviltry. They ieved this success by social equality to the Ne- the bad Negro naturally first. His idea of social s any southerner will tell consort with white white ng will the American e the attack of the reds ? Every city is pestered attentions. In Detroit, our readers writes in, almost talked the grass Circus Park, and when out in mass, men and ng about their business and annoyed by them. committee of congress that new legislation is deal with them effective- and Rapids at least, has ay. ae reds over there at- o imitate their Detroit nd appropriate the city for an oratorical demon- week ago, a. handful of of the American Legion t of the demonstrators, m owned to the name of ink, threw them into a e them several miles out y, spanked them, tossed a creek and made them ugh it, and then warned ay out of town if they y any more. Up to this yhave not come back. T OSTEDROLL SPRING IS HERE Half ice BULLETIN Hwjrx Whoofie is still though what's it to you? all right, (C * * * LOOK WHAT WE WOKE UP AND FOUND IN YESTERDAY'S DAILY EDITORIAL DEPT. Unemployment caused by sea- sonal and Please, Mr. Editor, get the Union to restrict them to part of the time or better yet, provide some strong man to drown them neatly when it is ad- visable. style industries must be added..... . * * * On the same page, Mayor Walker was titled CRIMES OF VOLSTEAD ENFORCEMENT. * * * Rolls is offering four thou--three well, anyway, a year's subscrip- tion for information leading to the arrest of the make-up man. People living near the scene of the crime describe him as a tall man of about 5 feet 2 inches with hair blond on one side, dark on the other. * * * . The Morning Glory's stem is dex- torse To having no stem that is next worse. * * * No one has complained about our not going on with the recent ROLLS PRIMER, but we might as well. Let's see, now-we left off at F, didn't we? * * * ROLLS PRIMER ATHLET'S FOOT" ....says U. S. report of you men )lle e have OU may call it toe itch, golf this fun Y tch-the "doc" may call it reinfects ringworm-millions of people time the who catch it, call it 'Athlete's damp flo Foot"-but all of them are the same. A ringworm parasite, Abso tinea trichophyton by name, causes that redness between the toes with i-t-c-h-i-n-g. Tinv blisters or a thick, moist skin Tests in condition may be another symp- lab" tom. Again dryness, with little Absorbi scales, is a signal. like t1: "At least half of all aduw wherev suffer from it at some time 'the says the U. S. Public Healtn It _X Service. In universities as far exami a: apart as Pennsylvania and Cali- the f:t fornia 50% of the men have it. mcntio And the co-eds are not immune Absor'. either. handy i It lurks in the very places vents f'' where we all go for cleanliness exposut and health-on the edges of floors.I swimming pools and showers- W. F. Yc in gymnasiums-on locker- and Massach dressing-room floors. It spite of modern sanitation (you have to boil socks 15 minutes to kill it) FOR YEARS HAS RELIEVED SORE MiUSCLES, MUSCULAR ACRES, BRUISES, BURNS, CUTS, SPRAINS, ABRASIONS gus parasite infects and s bare feet almost any ey come in contact with oors. rbine Jr. kills the germ of HLETE'S FOOT" n a famous New York have revealed that ni Jr. penetrates flesh- sesu(' dcep , T y I r u-tr ates., Le a bad idea t: .yur feet tonight. At t ,uof the symptoms ned Lere, douse on -2 Jr. And keep a bottle i your locker as a pre. . Use it after every re of bare feet on damp At all druggists-$1.25. oung, Inc., Springfield, husetts. Gpltst G is for Gpltst, who lives in the woods; " s C -- ' I W,; - , y;. mad-,-°, . F . L_'_ __ ' . .' -' 4 t ;f ..a; ' _yc+b x ." U Hwjrx Hwjrx, who lives in the H is for woods; * * * STAGE COMING IN PERSON SO AY, SAVG. 16 30 Beautiful Girls MISS EASTERN MICHIGAN AND THE BATHING CIALS ON '1031 A Snappy-Peppy Revue 3 Fathing eaut ies 3 0 Classy Dances Special Song Hits Majestic 2:00-3:40-7:00-9:00 NOW PLAYING MOTHERS OF MILLION- DOLLAR KIDS Trying to out-ritz each other in .h fwLidden, Adventure a 'raumoun qidure' with MITZI GREEN- EDNA MAY OLIVER LOUISE FAZENDA JACKIE SEARL Ex-laundresses. Now rival Holly- wood mothers. Fabulously wealthy. Trying to mix with Kings. Keep- ing you in kinks of laughter! ADDED ANDY CLYDE Novelty, "Alaska" "The Inventor" SATURDAY WILL ROGERS "YOUNG AS YOU FEEL" Ipfl I is for Ipfl, who lives in the ravel is exasperating. If your hotel you don't see d if you go outside you ouch. s a movie that contains much singie. nt'people feel when they nybody but the doctor. -Daily Illini. ination for the most ention of the week: been made that show' rd "Illinois" weighs five dths of a gram more breviation "Ill." woods. (To Be Continued) , * in* ROLLS SCIENCE SERVICE Experiment No. 1 - Rub your thumb over these words. How does it look, now? All right, then. ROLLING IN THE AISLE DEPT. This suggestion for an "Annual Snake Bite Day" for President Ruthven will have to be refer- red to the Wickersham commis- sion. -Quip from the Ann Arbor News. * * * COME TO SUMMER SESSION NEXT YEAR AND READ ROLLS' MAMMOTH SERIAL "A GENTLE- MAN OF PARTS." PLTSCH WHOOFLE. ON THE SCREEN MARION DAVIES in "Five and Ten" And Bobby Jones in "Trouble Shots" STAGE SHOW ONE DAY ONLY MICHIGAN . 1 CLASSIFIED. ADS PAY of uppues ana from gULU lvUIg ieiour- than the ab