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August 13, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-08-13

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L. XI. NO. 39.



WEATHER: Mostly Fair









Only One Loyalist Dead; Losses
of Revolt Set at 30
for Two Days.
Strong Rebel Forces Reported in
Five Provinces; Havana
Remains Orderly.
HAVANA, Aug. 12.-(P)-Fourteen
rebels and one rural guardsman
were killed late today, the Cuban
government reported tonight, in a
clash between federal and rebels at
Cejas del Negro.
The government statement also
said 26 prisoners were taken by the
federal troops, together with rifles
and a quantity of amunition.
Rebellion Spreading.
Prior to this no news of armed
conflicts between rebels and sold-
iers reacher Havana today, but re-
ports received here said that the
rebellious spirit was growing in the
two nearby provinces of Tinar del
Rio and Natanzas.
General Elberto Herrera, army
chief of staff, said today that he
had 14,500 soldiers and sailors at
his disposal, in whose loyalty the
government rested complete con-
fidence. He set rebel casualties ;
during the past two days fighting
at 50 killed, 50 wounded, and 150
prisoners. Another count showed
38 dead, of whom 34 were alleged
rebels, one soldier, one policeman,
and two other persons.
Havana Quiet.
Strong rebel forces have been
reported about Cardenas, Limonar,
Cantel, Anarillas, and Colon. Hav-
ana province itself was quiet, so far
as could be learned.
Summer Session Sets New Mark
With 4,655 Students
With the record number of 2,142
students enrolled in the Graduate
school, the 1932 Michigan Summer
Session set a new registration
mark, having a total of 4,655, sur-
passing last summer's final figure
by 403, it was announced yesterday.
The literary college had a final
enrollment of 795, the engineering
college following with 375. Three
hundred twenty-one were entered
in the education schoolfi 254 in the
Medical school, and 171 in the Law
The public health institute this
summer enrolled 211. Eighty-three
came to the University for gradu-
ate conferences in education, and
35 attended the physics symposia.
Other final totals are as follows:
architectural, school, 62; pharmacy
college, 25; dentistry school, 11;
business administration school, 31;
forestry school, 14; music school,

Of the numbers listed, 108 were
registered at the Douglas lake bio-
logical station, 37 at Camp Davis,
Wyo., 23 at the geology and geogra-
phy field station, Mill Springs, Ky.,
and 14 at Camp Filibert Roth for
forestry and conservation.
American League
Detroit 7, Philadelphia 6 (12 in-
Chicago 11, Washington 1.
St. Louis 6, Boston 5.
New York 17, 7, Cleveland 1, 17.
National League
St. Louis 5, 8, Brooklyn 0, 5.
Pittsburgh 6, 0, New York 4, 9.
Chicago 7, 12 Philadelphia 3, 1.
(Cincinnati-Boston, rain).

Term Examinations
to Begin Next Week
Examinations in the literary
college, the Colleges of Engineer-
ing and Architecture, the phar-
macy college, the dentistry
school, and the education school
will open next Saturday morning
and will continue through Fri-
day afternoon.
The time schedule for the final
examinations is as follows:
Classes reciting at 8 o'clock
will write from 8 to 10 o'clock
Thursday; 9 o'clock, 8 to 10
o'clock Friday; 10 o'clock, 2 to 4
o'clock Thursday; 11 o'clock, 2
to 4 o'clock Friday; 1 o'clock, 4
to 6 o'clock Thursday; 2 o'clock,
10 to 12 o'clock Thursday; 3
o'clock, 10 to 12 o'clock Friday,
all other hours, 4 to 6 o'clock
Association Head Outlines Part
Father, Councellor Have
in Aiding Youth.
"Someone, in a facetious moment,
defined vocational guidance as
'seeing through Johnny and seeing
Johnny through'. It is rather help-
ing Johnny to see through himself
and to see himself through," said
Professor George E. Myers, who is
president of the National Vocation-
al Guidance association, at the ed-
ucational conference yesterday af-
"Responsibility for choosing his
occupation and for success in it
rests upon the individual himself,"
Professor Myers continued. "The
father who says to his son 'You are1
to follow in my footsteps and be-
come a lawyer' and the counselor
who tells a youth he should be an
engineer or a plumber are both
dangerously near to the kind who
rush in where angels fear to tread."
"However, the father, the coun-
selor, and others also may give the
youth invaluable assistance in ob-
taining the information he needs
in this important matter-informa-
tion concerning his own aptitudes,
limitations, and personality traits,
the requirements and opportunities
of occupations which interest him,
where and how the needed prepara-
tion may be obtained advantage-
ously, and the like."
Cramer Fate Still Mystery;
Bad Weather Delays Hunt
COPENHAGEN, Aug. 12-(I)-
The fate of Parker D. Cramer,
American flier, remained a mystery
today. No trace of the aviator or
his companion, Oliver Paquette,
has been found.
Bad weather held up an -airplane
rescue flight planned by Clifford
Riiser-Larsen, widely known flier,
as well as other Norwegian and
Danish search parties.f
An optimistic note on the indus-
trial situation was sounded here

today by Prof. A. E. White, director
of the department of engineering
research of the University, who de-
clared that the amount of research
work for industries done by his de-
partment in the past year was so
little below normal as to consti-
tute a dependable indication of
widespread industrial soundness
land as evident expectation of im-
proved conditions on the part of
manufacturing interests.
"Our figures for the fiscal year
just ended, which will shortly be
made public, show a decrease of
only about 20 per cent in the vol-
ume of scientific research carried

Stevens Gives Excellent Comedy
to End Rpertory Group Season
A Review.
The Michigan Repertory Players
ON G ON9U U NSspend their last week raoring at
Cthe most immortal of all maudlin
plays. The raoring isvery contag-
iousand the evening is a jolly Fi-
HInMn mnale for the season.
"TheDFate of A Coquette" has
met the test of tears for years and
years and years in the cities and
Hero of Former Atlantic Flight cities and towns and towns of
to Try Jump From Iceland countries and countries.tButthe
breathing has been a little easier
to Middle West. in recent years. (Witness the wicked
Mr. Nathan saying that the only
MAY GO AROUND WORLD thing he got from the Camille Eva
Le Galliene gave in New York this
Colonel, Wife Visit Gold District spring was the knowledge that what
Near City; Will Take Off Camille died of was catarrh.) So
Over Sea Today. Mr. Stevens conceived the ingeni-
_ _ oay.ous idea of putting the old punch-
NEW YORK, Aug. 12.-(P)-.Aing bag to the ultimate test. He
INEW a YOafrKotAu.an2tic)a thrusts a brilliant production of it
new and safer North Atlantic air right into the Arcade, the den of
trail across Iceland and Greenland vice in Bret Harte's Roaring Camp.
ndtoverCgthe barren HudoBectiv Here are the real he-men of Amer-
countryti olfag tobjGrtnveica's robust pioneer past. Here are
of Captain Wolfgang Von Gronau, temnwolaeteAcd e
veteran of one trans-oceanic flight temen who leave the Arcade b
between New York and Germany. hang a sluice-thief, murmuring,
Von Gronau, now at Reyajik, ns they jostle grinningly back, that
Iceland, could not be reached for "he wriggled more'n the last 'un."
further details of his plan, but therehWledaeorthe st u."
was a probability today he would Would the fate of the poor cough-
continue around the world fromn ing pure harlot move these very
Cconeaon.tewrdfo rough men? That is the question
Chicago. Mr. Stevens has been daring enough
Hertha Feeleman-Mirow, of the to ask. To get the answer you have
flying division of theHamburg- to watch John Oakhurst, Jack
American line, who acts as Von Hamlin, Stumpy, Dungaree Joe,
Gronau's secretary in this country, Yuba Bill, Al, andgPeterclosely.
said the German airman would These rugged men are a little wrong
make an exhaustive study of ice and on details. They are a bit insensi-
weather conditions while crossing tive to Dumas' Armand; they are-
Greenland. n't a bit touched by his tortured
Captain Von Gronau is making adolescence; in fact they take him
the crossing ina new Dornier fly- for the villain and constantly have
ing boat of the same type as the him "on the spot". ahy are all
"Whale" in which he made last wrong on the famous Armand-
year's translAtlantic flight. throwing-money-at -he-f:: t-of-Ca-
From the western coast of Green- mille scene (they think it a sudden
land, Von Gronau plans to lay his burst of generosity and to a man
course down the Hudson Bay coun- they join Armand and pi,h all
try to Chicago, where he expects to their hard-dug gold at h r L e
arrive about August 25 or 26. fett too). But .on the fundaicatalsl
From there his route is undeter- they are right. They are joyous
mined. when Camille is joyous; wzetched1
when she is wretched. To a man
Nome Fetes Lindberghs. (John Oakhurst, Jack Hamlin,
Stumpy, Dungaree Joe, Yuba Bill, Al
NOME, Alaska, Aug. 12-()- and Pete) they quiver with excited
Nome experienced one of its great- interest in her every move. And
est thrills since the 1900 Gold Rush so Mr. Dumas' moral ("there is
by entertaining Col. and Mrs. nothing so affecting, nothing so
Charles A. Lindbergh with a trip pure as a pure harlot") is ultimately
today to see historic gold fields irrevocably vindicated.
where huge dredges are at work, Mr. Stevens' notions of producing
and to other points of interest in burlesque seem to be just about
the famous mining town. right. He doesn't allow "Mr. Clif-
The flying couple, on the way to ford's Players" to outrageously bur-
the Orient for a vacation trip, ar- lesque "Camille" at all. For the
rived at Safety bay, 21 miles from most part Eugenie Chapel and
here, at 10:35 a.m. (4:35 p.m. Ann Harry Allen (who are both splen-
Arbor Time) yesterday after a on- did) play Camille and Armand just
stop flight from Point Barrow. as it is always played by stock
To Hop Today. companies (say by Myrtle Ross and
They plan to take off tomorrow Joe Bates Smith at the Whitney a
morning across Bering sea for Kar- couple of years ago) with only oc-
agin islands, off the coast of the casional, deliciously done exagger-
Kamchatka peninsula, where fuel ations of the general tremulous
supplies have been placed on its voice and pathetic, static, statue-
southwestern tip. like traditions. If a director can
The hop, slightly over a thousand do a successful burlequs without
miles long, will take the Lindberghs insisting on the burlesquing, then
over the northern and western tips he has proved his right to burleque
of St. Lawrence island to Cape Na- the particular thing he is bur-
varine on the Siberian coast lesquing. Frederic Crandall, Paul
Showers, in fact all of Mr. Clifford's
ME OF RESEARCH Players and the whole Roaring
RISE IN PROSPERITY Camp enjoy the occasion very

State police, sheriff's officers of Wayne and Washtenaw
counties, together with newspaper men took part in a far reach-
ing man hunt staged last night for a "stranger" who was seen
with the two couples between 2 and 3 o'clock Tuesday morn-
ing in a Milan restaurant, and for two Ypsilanti Negroes who
it is believed might have been implicated in the torch slaying.
The theory was advanced last night that the fifth man of
the party might have joined the two couples in Milan as
townspeople tell that before entering the restaurant the couples
were seen driving without any such individual.
In spite of the discovery yesterday of several new clues to the
brutal torch murder of two Cleveland high school girls and their
escorts near Willis, investigating officials early this morning appear-
ed to have made little advance in the solution of the case since the
first suspects were arrested Tuesday night.
The combined forces of Wayne and Washtenaw counties, sup-
plemented by state officials, were fruitlessly combing the vicinity of
the murder for further clues. Three suspects were questioned at
the county jail yesterday, but were released later.
Significant developments of yesterday's investigation were as
1. Norman England, 19, waiter at "Grandma's Pantry," a
restaurant in Milan, stated that he had waited on the two couples
and a fifth person, whom he described as a "ragged stranger," at
about 2 o'clock Tuesday morning.. His statement, however, con-
flicted with that of Thomas Goodrich, village constable, who was
said to have stated that only four people entered the restaurant.
2. The discovery of the blood-stained purse of Vivian Gold,
one of the murder victims, by Fred D. Jones, Ypsilanti salesman,
on South River Road, about 6 miles north of the place where the
burned car was found, further substantiated the theory advanced
yesterday that at least one of the victims was killed before the car
was driven to the County Line road.
3. The spots, alleged by the Keene brothers to be shellac,
found on a "window lever" club, were identified as blood stains .by
Dr. Herbert Emerson, of the Pas-
teur Institute of the Medical
IN BRIEF 4. Paul W. Voorhies, attor
(By Associated Press) ney general, announced that
The charred bodies of Thomas Wheat- Harry S. Toy, Wayne county
ley, 17 years old; Harry Lore, 16; Vivian
Gold, 15, and Anna May Harrison, 16, were prosecuting attorney, would have
discovered in their still blazing car short-
ly before 5 a.m. Tuesday on county Line complete charge of the investi-
Sheriff's officers of Washtenaw county gation, but that every agency at
were the first to arrive on the scene, closely th of sherif1s de-
followed by a detachment of state police te command o the sheif's e-
and by Wayne countyofficials.pboth
First investigation revealed evidence of a
a terriffic struggle. A bloody wrench was well as the state police, would be
found nearby; the running board showed
bloodstains and the grass and weeds were used in the case.
trampled for many feet along the ditch.
Tire marks indicated the car hadrbeen 5. Three suspects, two un-
crowded to one side by another car travel-
ing at high speed, which stopped nearby, identified men and Mickey Bak.
turned around and rove away in the direc-

tion f OY psilanti.
A watch, identified as belonging to Lore,
fixed the time of the fire at 5:06 a.m.
The bodies were identified by the father
of Wheatley.
State police andsheriff's officers began
an immediate search of "blind pig" farm-
houses and investigated every amusement
center for miles around.
The bodies were removed to Ann Arbor
for inquest and post mortem examination.
Examination of the car failed to reveal
fingerprints on the body.
Two brothers, Paul Keene, 49, and Law-
rence, 38. recluse laborers living in a
shanty on wheels about a mile from the
burned automobile were arrested for ques-
tioning. Bloodstained clubs, a box of bul-
lets, and stained clothing were foundbin
their hut.
An autopsy Wednesday revealed that all
the victims had been severely beaten before
being cremated. Two bullet wounds were
found in Lore's body. The bodies of the
others showed fractured skulls or internal
A canvas of state hospitals for the in-
sane was made. No recent escapes were
The Wayne county board of aduitors Wed-
nesday voted to offer a reward of $1,000
for each arrest and conviction in the case.
Abloodstained purse, the property of Miss
Gold, was found on South Huron River road,
six miles from the death spot.
Norman England, waiter- in a restaurant
at Milan, Mich., reported Wednesday see-
ing the four young people in company with
a man of unkempt appearance in his cafe
at 2:10 a.m. Tuesday. He said neither of
the Keene brothers was the man.
Dr. Herbert Emerson, director of the
Pasteur institute at the University of Mich-
igan, Wednesday discovered human blood on
the clubs found at the Keene shack.
Harry Bennett, chief of the Ford service
department, joined the forces of law with
some of his men.
Bennettand deputy sheriffs arrested Micky
Baker, 19, Wednesday afternoon in a raid
on a shack near where the bodies were
Attorney General Paul W. Voorhies ar-
rived in Ann Arbor to corelate investigating
agencies. He conferred with Sheriff Henry
Behrendt and Prosecutor Harry S. Toy, of
Wayne county, and with Washtenaw county
The inquest, scheduled for Wednesday af-
ternoon, was adjourned at the request of
Prosecutor Albert J. Rapp, of Washtenaw
county, who wished more time to continue
the preliminary investigation.

er, alleged bootlegger, were
questioned yesterday by the in-
vestigators, but they failed to
throw any light on the case and
were released later. -
6. The inquest, scheduled to
take place at 1 o'clock yesterday,
was postponed by Coroner Ed-
win C. Ganzhorn at the request
of Albert J. Rapp, Washtenaw
county prosecutor, pending fur-
ther investigation.
7. Two Negroes,, driving a
stolen car from Detroit, were ar-
rested yesterday at Evanston, Ill.
for questioning in connection
with the murder. Both denied
having any connection with the
affair, although admitting steal
ing the car.
Early this afternoon an abandon-
ed Chevrolet coach, bearing an Ohio
license plate, was towed in by the
Wayne copnty sheriff's department.
The car was found on the Stadium
cut-off, and contained an empty
whisky bottle and a suitcase. Depu-
ties, however, believed that the car
had no connection with the murder.
Although England stated that
Lore seemed drunk, the autopsy
performed by Medical school phy-
sicians showed no traces of liquor.
Early this morning, a brother of
Lore came to the county building
and said that his mother unwilling
(Continued on Page Three)

on by the engineering research de-
partment for large industrial
firms," Professor White said. "Fur-
thermore, a considerable part of
this decrease is due to the closing
out of one very large account, not
through any change of policy on
the part of our client, but because
the investigations being made for
them had been concluded.
"I do not pretend that these fig-
ures indicate an early termination
of our economic troubles, but I do
accept them as indisputable evi-
dence that the great industries of
the country are planning and build-
ing for the future, and I know of
no fact which should inspire a
sounder feelingd of confidence in
the country at large."

Farm Experts Urge
Wheat Be Destroyed
WASHINGTON, Aug. 12-()P)-
The farm board today called upon
southern planters to destroy one-
third of their crop now under cul-
tivation, promising in return to
hold stabilization surplus stocks
from the market for one year.
Telegrams were dispatched to the
governors of 14 cotton-producing
states, urging them to enlist the
co-operation of every available.
agency, including farmers and
bankers, in this step to increase
the price of cotton.
The telegrams were signed by
Chairman Stone.

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