_ WEZ ; AVCtYS'rt
ily Official Bulletin
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
C the University. Oopy received at the office of the Dean of the
inner Seasion until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 am. Saturday.
Diploma Fees: Students expecting to complete during the current
Summer Session the requirements for degrees or for teacher's diplomas
are requested to call at the office of the Secretary of the School or
College in which they are enrolled and fill out the necessary blanks
preparatory to the payment of the fees to the University Treasurer.
Examination Schedule: All students in the Colleges of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, Engineering and Architecture, and Pharmacy,
and in the Schools of Dentistry, Music, and Education who desire credit
for work done in the Summer Session will be required to pass examina-
tions at the close of the session according to the following schedule:
Hours of Recitation: 8, 9, 10, 11.
Time of Examination: Thursday, 8-10, Friday, 8-10, Thursday 2-4,
Friday 2-4.
Hour of Recitation, 1, 2, 3, all other hours.
Time of Examination: Thursday, 4-6, Thursday, 10-12, Friday, 10-12,
Friday, 4-6.
Radio Club: The University of Michigan Radio Club will hold its
regular meeting today at 7:30 p.m. in the Michigan Union. Mr. Vern
Cook will speak on "Radio Before and During the World War."
The Michigan Socialist Club: Wayne Erickson will speak on "Radi-
cal Political Movements" at 8 o'clock this evening at the Michi-
gan Union.
Phi Delta Kappa: There will be no picnic today as announced in
bulletin. There will be a final luncheon on Tuesday, August 18, at
Michigan Union. L. 0. Andrews, President
Student's Recital: The following program will be given at the SchoolI
of Music on Maynard Street by Gwendolyn Zoller, soprano, accompanied
by Laura Whelan and Mildred Stanger, pianist, students in the School
of Music on Thursday evening, August 13, at 8:15 o'clock.1
Handel: Ah Mio Cor; Scarlatti: O Cessati di piagarmi; Paisiello:
Chi vuol la Zingarella; Respighi: Nebbie (Gwendolyn Zoller); Grieg:
Ballade (Mildred Stanger); Thomas: Aria, "Connais tu le payes" from
"Mignon" (Miss Zoller); Goossens: Gargoyles; Goossens: The Marion-
ette Show; Scott: Lotus Land; Sowerby: Money Musk (Miss Stanger) ;
Handel: O Sleep! Why dost thou leave me? from "Semele" Roger
Quilter: A Land of Silence; Head: Nocturne; Homer: Sing to me, Sing
(Miss Zoller). Charles A. Sink
Mathematical Club: A meeting will be held Thursday, 13th, at 4
p.m. in Room 206 UNIVERSITY HALL. Professor Rainich will speak
on "Additivity and non-additivity." Professor Anning will speak on
"The High School Mathematics Club." All interested are invited.
Pi Lambda Theta will hold the final meeting of the year at the
Michigan League at 7:30 Thursday, August 13th.
Esther L. Belcher
The Indiana University Club of the University of Michigan will
have a dinner meeting Friday, 6:30 p.m. at the Ann Arbor Golf Club-
house. Informal. All alumni and former students of Indiana Univer-
sity are invited to attend. Please telephone 7448 or University of Michi-
gan extension 673 by Thursday evening for reservation. Dinner 751
Graduate Students in Mathematics: A number of inquiries have
come from students who wish to elect two hour courses in Mathematics
which meet on Saturday. It is requested that any students interested
in such courses leave their names and the courses they desire to elect
with the department secretary, 3012 Angell Hall. If the demand is
sufficient to warrant it, such courses will be offered beginning with the
second semester of the coming college year.
Students, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture: All students
in these Colleges, taking courses other than Chemistry and Physics in
the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, who have not called
at the Secretary's Office, 263 West Engineering Building, to give the
names of their instructors in such courses must do so before 12 noon
on Saturday, August 15, in order to receive their grades promptly at
the close of the Summer Session. Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary
Vocational Guidance in the High School will be discussed by Profes-
sor George E. Myers at today's afternoon conference on Education which
will be held at 4:00 p.m. at the University High School Auditorium. This
is the last of the series of conferences that have been held throughout
the summer session.
mand it was believed there was no
likihood.' that he would sail with
MAHATMA Ethe other delegates next Saturday,
if at-all.
Vallabhi Patel, president -of the
Indian Nationalist Congress, said:
"The. situation. is extremely r-
ous. You my say, categorically'
thatGandhi will niot go to London5
unless. the. government give us
Gandhi Asks. Guarantee. That definite guarantees that the peas-
Peasants Will Not Be Put antry will not be further molested
for taxes whcih .their destitute sit-
Under Duress, Evicted. uation renders it utterly imipossible
for them to pay.".
Mohammedan Chiefs Withhold B ENINS
Delegation From London
Conference, Report.
BOMBAY, Aug. 11.-(P)-Almost
on the eve of the departure of dele-
gates, two of the most vital ele- Chancellor Asks Unity of Spirit
ments in India threatened today to for Germany in Address
wreck the unity and representative on Holiday.
character of the second round table
conference in London which is ex- BERLIN, Aug. 11.-()-The cele-
pected to give Great Britain's rest- bration of Constitution day reached
less dependency its new charter of its climax at noon today with ad-
freedom. dresses by Chancellor Bruening and
With a dramatic swiftness which Vice Chancellor Dietrich on the
must have taken the breath away significance of his twelfth anniver-
from Viceroy Willingdon, Mahatma sary of the adoption of the Re-
Gandhi served notice on the Simla publican constitution.
government that he would not go to In the presence of President von
London unless he is given positive Hindenburg, members of the cab-
assurance that during his absence inet and of the diplomatic corps,
peasants who are in arrears with including United States Ambassa-
taxes will not be placed under dur- dor Frederic M. Sackett, Chancel-
ess by revenue authorities nor will lor Bruening called upon all Ger-
there be further evictions for de- mans to join in a three-fold "hoch"
fault in land revenue or rents. for the republic.
Gandhi's virtual ultimatum fol- "This day, like a memorial day,
lowed close upon Mohammedan is one on which all party passions
leaders' decision to withhold their subside-the day belong to the
19 .delegates from participating in entire German people," he said.
the conference unless their de- "This celebration comes at a time'
mands for representation in the of overpowering economic distress,
projected central legislature and which exercises the severest strain
provincial assemblies were granted on our powers of endurance," Herr
and unless the minorities commit- Bruening continued.
tee of the conference was con- He concluded with a plea that
vened before the meeting of the all elements in Germany desiring
federal structure committee. to upbuild the nation join together'
Threatens Boycott. to overcome the present difficulties.
Scarcely had the government re-
ceived these wholly unexpected Market Records Best
threats from the Nationalist and
Mohammedan elements when it ap-
peared likely that the powerful
Federation of Indian Chambers of NEW YORK, Aug. 11.-(A)-Ac-
Commerce might boycott the con-' tive short covering today gave
ference unless its three candidates stocks their most vigorous rally
were named as delegates. One of since late last July and the turn-
them already has been named but over, for the first time this month,
the other two have not. exceeded a million shares. Gains
While the Nationalist cabinet was ranged from $2 to more than $10.
debating the advisability of the With the rail stocks dangerously
Mahatma's going, a communication near their bear market minimums,
was received from Sir Ernest Hot- established in June, the market
son, acting governor of the Bom- gave evidence of strong supportbe-
bay presidency, insisting that the fore noon and by afternoon shorts
government had pursued and would were hurrying to cover
pursue in the future only normal
methods in collecting land taxes BRIGH T SPOT
and revenues from peasants and
disclaiming any intention to use 802 Packard Street
repressive measures in dealing with Today, 11:30 to 1:30
the delinquents. Veal Croquettes with
Mr. Hotson's letter was charac- Creamed Potatoes, Peas or
terze b tecbietas"'wholly Cottage Cheese Salad with
terized by the cabinet as "Grilled Bacon; Tomatoes
unsatisfactory and at variance with Cucumbers and Potato Chips
the actual facts." Chocolate Custard
Gandhi Acts Quickly. Coffee, Milk
Immediately thereafter Gandhi 30c
dispatched telegrams to Lord Will- 530 to 7:30
ingdon and Home Secretary Emer- Roast Beef, Yorkshire Pudding
son saying he could not go to Lon- Baked Ham, Raisin Sauce
don unless the government changed Stuffed Pork Chops
its attitude toward the peasants. Roast Lamb, Mint Jelly
i Unessthe iml govrnmnt, Candied Sweet or French Fried
Unless the Simla government, Potatoes
which has been in telegraphic com- Pickled Beets or String Beans
munication with London, yields at 35c
the last moment to Gandhi's corn-
314 South Stae St. Puione 6615
(Continued from Page One)
yer in Cleveland refused to devote
all his time to divorce cases. His
reason was, as he said, if I do, I
will forget all the law I ever knew.
Prof. Jacobs is a graduate of the
university having been a member
of the literary class of '21. He stud-
ied law at Oxford, and was a mem-
ber of faculty of law at that in-
stitution after completing his stud-
ies. During the past four years he
has occupied the chair of family law
and po- om .y aw in the _w school
of Colyin'. a. university.
NOTICIL -A ladc'desires the con
panmo:mhip a.cher 3rrad-
uatc tdc.it ha h -me for thr,
coming scoc y'ear. Ad hin.pr'
vile,-es. I loom and breakfast.
One block from the campus.
Phole 77.2. 12, 1
We hive all makes
Remington, Royad,
Corona, Underwood
Colored duco finishe..
T 1..A S
APP 6.
1 TiTE
Price $60
There Is No Time Like
Summertime To Have Your
Photograh xTaknc
3 Size 8x10 inches, $2.00 1 Size 11x14 inches,'-$1.00
Among the Best and at
Reasonable Prices
Lunches 40c, Dinners 60c
Sunday Dinner 75c
'- --'-d
Graduate School: All graduate
students who expect to complete
their work for a degree at the
close of the present summer ses-
sion should call at the office of the
Graduate School, 1014 Angell Hall,
to check their records and to se-
cure the proper blank to be used
in paying the diploma fee. The
fee must be paid before the end of
the summer session, August 21.
G. Carl Huber, Dan
Bacteriological Incubator: The
University Health Service desires to
buy or exchange a bacteriological
Bathe in a spring fed lake. Excellent water
Diving swing, chutes and merry go rounds.
and surf boat rides.
Speed boat
Michigan Repertory Players
FialOffering of the 1931 Summer Season
Open until 11:30 p. m.
Free Picnic and Parking Grounds
Warren E. Forsythe
t '
with such new and novel features as to justify the addition to the
title of the words
hundred boxes with fancy tissue
Originally priced $1.00 to $2.00.
R o
Sale Price 60c
The Box
All Seats 75c