_______ U SMNR EU hil?___PACIR THRct EHLERS UNEARTHS, Set DURING SUMMER By Marian Thornton Fossils and several well-preserved crinoids were collected from the New Providence shale of Mississipi- an age by Dr. G. M. Ehlers of the geology department during the summer session of the geology and geography departments which is held in the Cumberland river val- ley each summer, he stated yester- day. Some of these crinoids which are related to star-fish and sea urchins may prove to be new and will be studied by the advanced students during the coming winter. This region, rich in geological in- terest, is the laboratory of the geol- ogy or geography student. "Students in advanced courses do research work on various problems, the results of which will be pub- lished in later publications. An in- - teresting project of the summer session just completed was the mak- W)-_ ing of a structural map of a cer- price tam region where one gas well had iring been drilled a few years ago. This on is structural map enabled the owners )over to locate the favorable points at Is by which they should drill for gas. s yThe map has proved to be accurate in every detail. This shows the ican practical type of work being accom- en- plished," according to Dr. Ehlers. xrg This year a group in physiogra- e are phy and geography studied a new ding cave, the study of which was start- nded ed by Professors Scott and James ners, of the station staff. Part of the nent passageways and chambers have al- rme- ready been mapped and it is felt that in one more summer there take will be an interesting paper with re- our gard to this research. d be The activities of the camp along cot- the recreational line are confined beef, mainyl to baseball. This year the not- camp team did not fare so well d be against the villages which were any very proud about beating the U. of ned. M. team. his Summer work is in two parts: six ex- weeks at the station and a short heat reconnaisance trip across the Cum- 1 of berland Plateau, Appalachian Val-. ley with its ridges, the Great Smoky Mountains. Piedmont Plateau, and1 AS the Atlantic Coastal Plain. Thisl trip gives the student an opportun- ity to see the most classic region geologically and geographically in the United States. FOSSILS, CRINOIDS z AT CAMP IN SOUTH This mountain is only 100 feet low- er than Mt. Mitchell and is one of the highest east of the Rockies. From the top can be obtained an excellent idea of the physiography of the entire Smoky Mountain re- gion. "The summer's work has been very successful," said Dr. Ehlers, "in spite of the fact that a most unusual number of the famous Kentucky shootings occurred every week. None of the boys, however, suffered any injury, and accom- plished some very valuable work." D1IMATS REACH DEBT PLAN ACCORD9 Financial Authorities Settle on Terms of Hoover Program at London Session. LONDON, Aug. 11.-(JP)-Com- plete agreement has been reached on measures designed to make the Hoover reparations holiday plan ef- fective, it was announced today in an official communique issued by the international experts charged with dovetailing the Hoover plan and the Young plan. "Complete agreement was reach- ed," the communique said, "as re- gards the detailed measures re- quired to give effect to President Hoover's proposal in case of pay- ments by Germany under The Hague agreement of Jan. 20, 1930. "Recommendations of the experts in regard to suspension of these payments have been approved by the governments of Australia, Can- ada, Czecho-Slovakia, Greece, India, New Zealand, Portugal, Rumania and South Africa, and a formal pro- tocol to give effect to these rec- ommendations will be signed at the foreign office on behalf of those governments this afternoon. "Agreement also was reached in regard to detailed measures for sus- pension of interallied war debts to the United Kingdom, France and Italy of payments under agreement with Czecho-Slovakia. "Agreement also was reached on the principle that payments due by Hungary under the Paris agreement of April 28, 1930, and payments by Bulgaria under The Hague agree- ment of Jan. 20, 1930, should be suspended during the year ending June 30, 1932. "But in this case certain adjust- ments must be made, as complete suspension of these payments might result in suspension of certain class- es of payments to individuals which under President Hoover's proposal were not to be affected. "Accordingly the committee agreed in principle that all pay- ments to funds 'A' and 'B' under the agreement signed at Paris on April 20, 1930, should be continued during the Hoover year. FLOODS DROWN MANY BOMBAY, Aug. 11.-(P)-Many persons have been drowned and thousands are destitute in the Mul- van district 150 miles south of Bom- bay, on account of floods brought on by the abnormal monsoon. I Half e nR c of you e" n ollege haVe FOOT" ....says U. S. report X OU may call it toe itch ,golf this fun itch-the "doc" ilay call it reinfect ringworm-millions of people time th who catch it, call it "Atblete's damp f Foot"-but all of them are the same. A ringworm parasite, Absc tinea trichophyton by name, causes that redness between the "AT toes with i-t-c-h-i-n-g. Tiny blisters or a thick, rn.oist skir Tests i condition maybe another symn- "lab" tom. Again dryness, with litthi Absorb scales, is a signal. like t; "At least half of all aduw wherev suffer from it at some time, says the U. S. Public Healtm It Service. In universities as far exai i apart as Pennsylvania and Cat- the f. fornia 50% of the men have u. menti, And the co-eds are not immune Absor L either. handyi It lurks in the very places yentV; where we all go for cleanliness exposue and health-on the edges of floors. swimming pools and showers- W. F. Y in gymnasiums-on locker- and Massacl dressing-room floors. It spite of modern sanitation (you have to boil socks 15 minutes to kill it) FOR YEARS HAS RELIEVED SORE MUSCLES, MUSCULAR ACHES, BRUISES, BURNS, CUTS, SPRAINS, ABRASIONS ngus parasiteincets and ts bare feet almost any iey come in contact with loors. rrbine Jr. kills the germ of 7HLETE'S FOOT" n a famous New York brave revealed that inc Jr. penetrates flesb. *Sues deeply arc] 1bTg -- it penetrates,i rm germ. t e a bad idea to - r feet tonight. At t sX = of the symptoms )eCd here, douse on ao Jr. And keep a bottle in your locker as a pre. C. Use it after every re of bare feet on damp At all druggists-$1.25. oung, Inc., Springfield, husetts. Sports Woman i I . ep /od7f...y..C.e.. __ '- :n r' _ 1 i For the first time since it has been built, the pool in the Intra- mural building will be open to women students between six and seven o'clock Friday evening. The pool, which is much larger than the one at the Union is ex- cellently equipped and the women's physical education department has secured it for the last swimming' party which they are sponsoring this summer session. Afterwards, there will be a.plate supper at the Women's Athletic building for all of the swimmers. Those who are planning to attend must sign up on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium before Thursday night. ROLLS BULLETIN Hwjrx Whoofle is doing nicely, thank you. Important Sale! New Summer DRE SSES All The $4.75 Values i hr - - ., DRUGS - KODAKS f 4 ~ [' . Let Kodak save the fun-for more fun tomorrow and in the come. years to And One Group of $9.75 Values In the Downstairs - Store FORE You'll be startled when you see these summer frocks at this un- beliveably low price . . . for they are, indeed E X C E P- TIONAL VALUES! Perfectly charming dresses . .. the most important styles for every oc- casion, in such an interesting variety . . . you'll find many refreshing additions to your summer wardrobe! For Daytime Wear there are crepe, shantung, and sheer silk dresses. Plenty of prints, coin dots, and pastels. For Sport Wear there are sleeveless and short s I e e v e frocks, and jacket suits in solid of contrasting colors. For Formal Afternoon and in. formal evening wear you will see the most important or- gandy, chiffon, and crepe frocks. SIZES FOR MISSES AND WOMEN. Downstairs Store- Dress Department ° % . 00 /p.o - '.i4- p Carry one of you this summer. Kodak Film. Let us take Complete stocks. highest quality. f the smart new colored Kodaks with For best results, keep it loaded with care of your picture-making needs. Moderate prices. Photo finishing of Calkins-Fletcher Drug Co. Three Dependable Stores South State Street South State and Packard Cor. East and South University SODAS Phone 4161 CANDIES Ii ~II . . -