TWIM SUA-R MCHI AN DAILY a TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1931 TiE UMERMIBOA DIL TESA, UGST11 13 £id t gan L aitJ Publiisbe ewes moesxacg ept Monday 'o the % r Session bythe ioar Imu =0us f tudat ?publications. 'IM Amsdaate Presas is exelusively entitled MM Irepublisation of a11 news dis. PSW*4h.4 to it or not otherwisevexedited his en and the leoal news published .is of republication of special athes heren are also reserved. Dihied sat the Ana Arbor, Michigan, post. Sh 4as scoend class matter. h1scrlption by carrier, $1.60; by mail, 01.76. Otiose Pre..Building, Maynard Street, All After, Michigan. henses Editorial, 4925; Business EDITORIAL STAFF MANAGINQ EDITOR HAROLD 0. WARREN, JR. ihterial Direter...........Gurney Williams ASSOCIATE EDITORS 9.W. Capenter Carl Meloy Chbb Sher M. Quraishi S rH Eleanor Rairdon husMaaseder Marion Thornton P. Cutler Showers BUSINESS STAFF BUSINESS MANAGER WILLIAM R. WORBOYS Apsistat Business Manager .. Vernon Bishop SManager............Carl Marty Adertising Manager......... Jack Bunting Aeoouuts. Circulation.........Thomas Muir Night Editor-GURNEY WILLIAMS TUESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1931 IWhat Others Say WHO CARES? A TTHE twentieth world con- ference of the Young Men's Christian association, held last week-end in Cleveland, a heated two-day discussion as to whether or not Germany was solely respon- sible for the war caused so much ill-feeling between the French and German delegates that a resolution urging a hands-off policy was pre- sented to the plenary committee. Y.M.C.A. conferences are usually devoted to efforts toward solving difficult social problems and plan- ning programs designed to provide recreation and better living con- ditions for young people. Just why so much time was wasted in argue- ing about the war, we cannot im- agine. As far as we're concerned the discussion wins the Booby De- bate prize for 1931. Considering present world conditions and the fact that the great war began near- ly seventeen years ago, arguments about who started it are the height of futility. Nobody cares now who started or who won the war; the important fact is that the whole world felt its devastating effects and the whole world is still suffer- ing from its four-year course. THOSE ROSE- COLORED GLASSES (Daily Iowan) Several years ago there was a popular song that went something like this- "I'm looking at the world through rose-colored glasses." It could be revived as the theme song for some of the editorials recently, issued from the joingoist press. It would require a pair of at least rose-colored glasses to see anything aproaching a -'red invasion" in the incident in Chicago the other day. But that's what some people have been seeing. They have even said that the Soviet government in Rus- sia has declared war on "democrat- ic" America, that an organized in- vasion of agitators into the United States is under way, and that vio- lence is one of the principal teach- ings of the invaders. The lenses of those glasses must be a much dark- er shade than rose! Four things at least the serious investigator would really like to know: 1. Whether the agitators are actually communists. 2. Whether they actually advocate violent methods of reform. 3. Whether they have any connection with the Sov- iet government. 4. Whether their numbers are sufficient to constitute a serious "menace." When the evi- dence of these items has been pro- duced - and to date it has not - there may be some occasion for national excitement. Certainly not before. In looking at occasional demon- strations and disturbances, such as have occurred since long before the "Reds" were ever heard of, it would be better to take off the glasses. ACTION A LA CARTE (Daily Illini) Just a mania for headlines. That seems to be the chief asset and characteristic of Governor W. H. Murray of Oklahoma, who, since his victory in the gubernatorial campaign of 1930 has rated the tall, Gothic type oftener than any other state executive in the United States for a whole term of office. Our fiery, aggressive executive from the West has followed so many of his campaigns to the finish in such a peculiar manner that even his best friends often gaze upon him somewhat askance. But that doesn't dim the light about Gov. TASTED ROLL HERE S Cousin Pltsch is indisposed again, and it devolves upon me to fill his pace as best I may in the interim. Due to a total lack of local in- cident, therefore, the Rolls Staff, after taking an extensive vote on the matter, has decided to institute another contest. The contest in this case is simplicity itself. All you have to do is wrote a worse poem than the one which makes its' blushing appearance below and send it to Pltsch when he gets well -an extremely distant occurrence, judging by the shape he is in at present.-You should see it. The shape, I mean. POEM There was a young man from somewhere Who was fiercely attacked by a BEAR. He tried to say "Boo! ", But couldn't. Could you If you were attacked by a BEAR? * * * My, my! That takes us right back to the days when that awful punk DAN BAXTER was pounding this tripe out on his bifocal type- writer. And that, in turn, brings to mind LITTLE YVONNE FAGAN. Up to date no one has ever shown any signs of having the faintest inkling of who she is or who cares. * * * Who IS Little Yvonne Fagan? Only just today we had a strange experience. We were walking down Maynard St. (Adv.) and admiring Ann Arbor's midsummer glory when something-it couldn't have been the lightning-impelled us to look upwards at the heavens with star- ry eyes. Well, after we'd pulled out our shirt and emptied out a number of gallons of rain water which were lodged therein on account of we had our shirt open at the neck in the popular negligee fashion which' is overrunning the country these days, we turned into the shelter of the Daily Building resolved never again to look at the sky in Ann Ar- bor-and to this very day we never have. BULLETIN Cousin Qudgqp has just been heard from for the first time in 48 hours. His record-breaking flight to Chicago has been interrupted by a recalcitrant motor. He is now rumored to be setting out to break the Ann Arbor-Jonesville automo- bile pushing record for a 14 mill Music &Drama FACULTY CONCERT TONIGHT Mabel Ross Rhead, Associate Professor of Piano in the School of Music will give a program this eve- ning at 8:15 o'clock. This is the sixth of the general series of Facul- ty concerts which are open to the, public with the special request that everyone be seated on time. Mrs. Rhead has been a member of the piano faculty of the School of Music for many years and in ad- dition to her splendid reputation as a teacher, she has performed in concerts throughout the Middle West. In Ann Arbor she has fre- quently appeared as accompanists to some of the stars in the choral union series and in the May Festi- vals. For her program Tuesday night, Mrs. Rhead has selected the follow- ing numbers. Toccata and Fugue in D. Minor Bach-Tausig Nocturne, Op. 27, No. 2 Chopin Mazurka, Op. 33, No. 4 Etude Op. 25, No. 3 Etude Op. 25, No. 6 Sonata, Op. 35 Grave-Doppio Movimento Schurzo-Lento-Presto Etude in F Minor Liszt Alberada del Gracioso Ravel EXPERT HAIR CUTTING FACE MASSAGING ALL FIRST CLASS WORKMEN DEWEY 1110 South University SOFT WATER SHAMPOOING SCALP TREATMENT, A SURE CURE FOR DANDRUFF SMITH'S Diagonal to the Engineering Arch 1i . ownA r--- D O PO 06 Porth u rne anrn ina S. ia Flas, An soaF Stanting othtepfo ort Hrori asegersav a tnd:10nP. er i., arDrin Inetroitt Be Is:4, p. it. urig, leae FDtroi atnd the etd mornig, rring in Huron a 0 p . Cn.ilm s, lgo Str. Tashmoo leaves Griswold St. Dock at 9 a. in., Daily and Sunday; arrive Port Huron 2:10 p. ua Returning, leave PORT HURON, 3:10 p. mn., arrive Detroit 7:45 p m. FARES Tashmoo Park or St. Clair Flats, week days 75c; Sundays, $1.00, R. T. Port Huron or Sarnia, Ont., one way, $1.10, R.T. $2. T A SH MOO P A RK half-way between Detroit and Port Huron is Detroit's favorite pleasure park where you may spend six hours and return on Str. Tash Doo In the evening. Free dancing in the pavilion; picnic in tho grove, baseball, golf and all outdoor sports and amusements. * . reodina G. T. Ry., between DetroIt and Port Ral road tickets HuronnareiodSons.r.Tshmooeitherdirection Dancing Moonligts to Sugar Island Drive to Detroit and enjoy an evening of music and dancing on Str. Tashinoo and in the pavilion at Sugar land. Tickets 75c. Park on the dock. Leave at 8:45 every evening. RANDOLPH POPULA R .Ft of GlswodPtR whee9 oum2 yspnd s Tusar e trnMoSr.TshoitheI l "IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL" N Ii II About Books i I t RECENT BOOKS We have tremendous war debts, Murray. He goes on, whether his _ ^^n ^nrt ^U-n ^i+ n ^ not n ^A i+ is ^^in topsy-turvy finances, and bad social influences with which to contend; several millions of men are out of work, and we are looking forward to a very depressing winter. If Y.M.C.A. delegates, in the face of all this, must talk about war, we wonder why they didn't discuss means for recovering from its ef- fects. Somehow, we fail to see what good it will do to learn who started it, and we don't care if nobody ever finds out. EMPTY HONORS SIR Chandrasekhara Raman, the winner of the Nobel prize for physics, has been honored by a doz- en countries with medals and de- grees for his recent discoveries about light, but he so poor finan- cially that he has been unable to accept many invitations from sev- eral countries to travel and lecture on his discoveries. Sir Raman lives in relative obscurity in the poorest quarters of Calcutta, India; he has no laboratory at all, and his library is limited to a few chosen treas- ures. It is a pity that the genius of a man like Sir Raman is permitted to waste away because recongition of it is confined to useless medals, de- grees, and other empty honors. A modest award of worldly goods would enable this scientist to car- ry on his work and delve even fur- ther into the mysteries of the uni- verse, which would prove valuable, no doubt, in the field of learning. Donors of awards, however, are bound by convention not to be- smirch the learned by offering money - vile stuff! - in exchange for work performed altruistically by starving scientists. Meanwhile we read with disgust that a cat in Californio has been left $31,000 so that its liver supply will continue to the end of its days. We hope the medal donors will wake up to the injustice of the Cal- cutta situation and pass the hat for Sir Raman. The New York farmer who had his garters ripped off by lightning ought to be glad that etaoinshrdlu shrdlu ETAOIN. I onorts imit orlbVnot, ana it is notl~ at all unusual for this man of his purse offered by the Rolls staff. We own heart to wage battle most vo- collected this amount by passing ciferously with his own party of- the editor's hat which, oddly ficials and office appointees. They enough, holds exactly 14 mills. seem to like it, for most recently a Qudgqp is an earnest fellow, and we movement was afoot to nominate don't doubt that he will succeed in him for the presidency. "Bill" soon his stupendous and heroic under- put a stop to that, however, by his taking. declaration that he would rather * * * guide the destinies of his own state. ..WHO is Little Yvonne Fagan?. . Even as early as his election cam- * * * paign it became apparent that no JAPAN LIKELY TO DEAL one would guide his destiny. He ran LENIENTLY WITH FLYERS the campaign in his own manner -Mich. Daily and that usually meant hiking Another wonderful opportunity from town to town rather than to check a national menace gone to furnish his own transportation. waste. Fearless and without regard for his * * * contemporaries' feelings, he still BY GEORGE DEPT. guides the destinies of Oklahoma The hardships endured by the in his own inimitable manner. And Bicycle Riders Club of the Summer every reform he undertakes he is Campus have passed beyond the there to see that it is done. point where they may be longer tol- That is a characteristic many of erated in silence. Why, just yes- our governmental leaders might terday we saw one of our own fam- well follow. Practice what you ily having a perfectly terrible time preach is apparently his motto and getting across the campus at all. evidently he sticks to it. Every time he got started, one of In the recent campaign for free those B & G trees would get in the bridges, "Bill" Murray was there way, doubtless at the behest of the in person to direct the action of University Officials, and complete- his militia. "Bill" in person-with ly ruin the fine start he had made. his linen suit and big black cigar- Now it is obvious even to the dull- was there to tell each just what to est intellect that one cannot pos- do. And there was no question of sibly learn to ride a bicycle if he their conduct. only gets in about three good push- There is a man who has the cour- es on each pedal before something age of his own convictions and nev- comes up to hamper him. And if er fails to stand by his guns. A you don't learn to ride a bicycle front page record that might be here you might just as well give up envied by the most aspiring poi- college. No one has been heard of tician. Yet "Bill" dosen't make an yet who learned anything else. attempt to rate the headlines. It is Michigan's chances to monopolize the spirit and his knack of getting the spotlight in the Six-day bicycle things done and doing things that race industry are being deliberately Probably the new book which ex- cites the most interest is Willa Cather's new novel Shadows on the Rock. For a novelist whose virtues are such quiet ones, Miss Cather has quite an extraordinary follow- ing. Her new book, in the words of the New York Times reviewer, "is a fresco of seven panels showing var- ious aspects of life in Quebec in the days of Frontenac. Miss Cather represents with learned and deli- cate precision the daily existence of Quebec. What gives the chronicle its body is the objects described: its accurate landscapes of the sea- son, the river, the headlands up which the city climbs, the streets, churches, the markets, the houses. The extraordinary sensitivity of Miss Cather's prose makes the town and its inhabitants exquisite- ly visibile." Yet all the reviewers seem to un- ite in deploring its too static char- acter. As John Chamberlain puts it: "What she has tried to do is to give one a sense of the way of life that follows the French Catholic emblems. But the lack of conflict in the method is almost fatal to continued enjoyment of the novel; once one has got the flower there is little excuse for going on ..... One can only wish that Miss Cath- er had chosen a more dramatic method, and more vital eye-wit- nesses and participants; one can only wish that she had selected for her reflection of pioneer history a "live" body with poetic eyes like Elizabeth Madox Robert's Diony Hall ......'Shadows on the Rock' is not the highest point on the graph of Miss Cather's work. Su- perbly written, with that sensitiv- ity to sunset and afterglow that has always been here, it still shows that good prose is not enough to jus- tify the substitution of static de- scription for drama throughout the novel of 280 pages." * * * The Life and Letters of Sir Ed- mund Gosse by the Hon. Evan Charteris has just been issued in this country by Harper and Bros., New York. Edmund Gosse, over a period from 1880 at least to 1915, was a somewhat weak version of the famous literary mentors of Eng- lish literature. But he was a pro- lific and sensitive writer on nearly all the literary topics that arose during that period; and his life and letters and criticisms will cer- tainly be invaluable in any attempt to get a clear vision of that period. * * * Mexico: A Study of Two Americas by Stuart Chase is the latest book in a movement which 'Time' with characteristic superficiality calls The latest fad of the intelligent- sia." Stuart Chase's trips to and account of Mexico are not part of a "fad." As Ernest Gruening puts it: "For some years Stuart Chase has been eyeing the American scene with a penetrating gaze and analyzing its foibles with shrewd objectiveness. A year and a half ago he returned from Mexico to the metropolis of this "land of plen- ty" to find entry to his apartment blocked by a bread line, Ha0 in iti . ' c : e says U. S. report y TOU may call it toe itch, golf this fun itch-the "doc" may call it reinfect ringworm-millions of pcople time the who catch it, call it "Athlete's damp fl Foot"-but all of them are the same. A ringworm parasite, Abso tinea trichophyton by name, causes that redness between the "AT toes with i-t-c-h-i-n-g. Tiny blisters or a thick, moist skin Tests in condition maybe another symp- lab" tom. Again dryness, with little Absorb scales, is a signal. like ti "At least half of all adults wherev suffer from it at some time," says the U. S. Public Health It mi. Service. In universities as far examin apart as Pennsylvania and Cali- the firs fornia 50% of the men have it. mentio And the co-eds are not immune Absorb! either. handy i It lurks in the very places ventive where we all go for cleanliness exposu. and health-on the edges of floors. swimming pools and showers- W. F. Y in gymnasiums-on locker- and MIassacl dressing-room floors. It spite of modern sanitation (you have to boil socks 15 minutes to kill it) FOR YEARS HAS RELIEVED SORE 14USCLES, MUSCULAR ACHES, BRUISES, BURNS, CUTS, SPRAINS, ABRASIONS gus parasite infects and s bare feet almost any Iy come in contact with oors. orbine Jr. kills the germ of HLETE'S FOOT" n a famous New York have revealed that ne Jr. penetrates flesh. ssues deeply and that r t penetrates, it KILLS "worm germ. ght not be a bad idea to e your feet tonight. At t sign of the symptoms ned here, douse on ine Jr. And keep a bottle n your locker as a pre. . Use it after every re of bare feet on damp At all druggists - $1.25. oung, Inc., Springfield, husetts. get him there. A courageous spirit, and commendable. Thank goodness! If Darwin was right, the next generation will be born with too much sense to trump a partner's ace. Europe doesn't really hate Amer- ica. All people feel a little bitter when they discover Santa Claus isn't real. The most popular co-educational institutions at present seems to be the coupe. -Daily Illini. lessened by a faculty which is just jealous because it hasn't a bicycle. We have a bicycle ......Not that we're for a moment suggesting that we want to be the faculty. I should say not! That was just mentioned to bring out the fact that we're in a position to make absolutely un- biased judgments. Unbiased by previous consideration or anything else. * * * TOMMYKINS WHOOFLE. BULLETIN Hwjrx Whoofle is still doing well, but feels like hell. d ,, % " --_ wa :..' :. ... M."«3".a:zw.r r«." . Jr N