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August 09, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-08-09

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VOL. XI. NO. 36.



WEATHER: Clondy, Perhaps Showers

PH= vvam'

Mrs. Hoover Christens World's
Largest Airship at Akron
Municipal Airport.
Navy Blimp, High as 15-Story
Building, Under Construction
for Two Years.
AKRON, O., Aug. 8.-(I)-This
city and many thousands of visitors
joined with officials of the United
States navy in the celebration here
today of one of the most important
events in the history of aeronautics,
the launching and christening of
the world's largest airship, the Ak-
The new dirigible, as long as sev-
eral city blocks, and as high as
a 15-story building, was christened
this afternoon by Mrs. Herbert
Hoover, wife of the president, in
the giant hangar which has covered
it during the two years it has been
under contsruction.
Great Crowd at Airport.
An enormous crowd attended the
ceremonies at the Akron municipal
airport. The program, similar to
the launching and christening of
a battleship, began at 2:30 p.m.
This huge ship, built by the Good-
year-Zeppelin corporation for the
navy, is the product of years of
accumulation of knowledge of Zep-
pelin construction, far exceeding
the dreams of Count Ferdinand
Zeppelin a half century ago. It
is a marvel of aeronautical engi-
neering, accomplished under the di-
rection of the veteran builder, Dr.
Karl Arnstein.
Mrs. Hoover christened the ship
by pulling a cord which released
a flock of homing pigeons, nestled
in a hatch in the nose of the dirigi-
ble. A 100-piece band played the
"Star Spangled Banner," while a
chorus of 500 voices sang.
Litchfield Speaks.
Speakers besides Mrs. Hoover in-
cluded Paul W. Litchfield, president
of the Goodyear-Zeppelin corpora-
tion, Rear Admiral William A. Mof-
fett, chief of the navy bureau of
aeronautics, and David S. Ingalls,
assistant secretary of the navy in
charge of aeronautics.
The Akron will go into service
under Lieutenant Commander
Charles E. Rosenthal, former com-
mander of the Los Angeles.
Mrs. Hoover and her entourage
of Washington officials arrived
here at 11:34 a.m. Planes wheeled
overhead in salute.
Thousands lined the streets to
shout their greetings. Mrs. Hoover
was evidently greatly pleased. She
was met at the station by Mrs.
Frank Seiberling and Mrs. P. W.
Litchfield, wife of the president of
the Goodyear-Zeppelin corporation.
Contemplate Purchase of 600
Tons From Federal Farm

Board in 1932.
BERLIN, Aug. 8.-(IP)-Negotia-
tions have been opened for the
purchase by the German govern-
ment of a considerable quantity of
wheat in the United States, govern-
sment officials disclosed today. They
declined to give details but it was
said Germany is contemplating the
purchase of 600,000 tons of Ameri-
can wheat for delivery in 1932.
The transaction rose out of the
immediate need for cash by Ger-
man agriculture with which to
meet taxes and pay farmhands.
The purchase from the farm board
would enable German farmers to
sell their crop exporting all but
enough to last Germany until
spring when the American wheat
would be delivered.
How the purchase is to be paid
for was not disclosed, but it was
considered likely that the ship-
ments would come on a C. O. D.

Reich to Lower Ban
on Italian Products
ROME, Aug. 8.-(P)-At a morn-
ing conference between German
and Italian statesmen, two prob-
lems raised by the Hoover mora-
torium were discussed.
Premier Mussolini said the recent
German financial restrictions had
subjected Italian exporters of citrus
fruits to losses, and it was agreed
the Italian government would ex-
tend credit to the exporters and
Germany would shortly remove the
restrictions in question.
The other problem was that of
coal. Italy receives about 1,500,000
tons of coal a year as reparations
in kind and by the terms of agree-
ment is required to continue buying
the coal during a regular mora-
torium under the Young plan.
Japan Likely to Deal
LenientlyWith Fliers
TOKIO, Aug. 8. - (P) - Clyde
Pangborn and Hugh Herndon, Jr.,
who are planning a non-stop flight
to Seattle, were questioned by
metropolitan police today concern-
ing, their flight over fortifications
at Hakodate, Hokkaido Island ,and
about a Russian map of Japan,
they could obtain at Khabarovsk.
There were indications the au-
thorities would not reach a deci-
sion for several days. Several Japa-
nese officials said Harndon and
Pangborn probably would be repri-
manded or possibly assessed a nom-
inal fine for violations of the flying
regulations, particularly for flying
over fortified zones. The regula-
tions provide for confiscation of
the plane and also prison terms
for as long as three years.
Wells to Defend Golf
Title Here Next Week
Needing but a single victory to
gain permanent possession of the
Brown and Cress golf trophy, pre-
sented first in 1927, Carlton Wells,
Secretary of the University Summer
Session, and twice winner of the
icity golf championship, will once
more defend his laurels in the com-
petition starting Aug. 17 alt the
Huron hills country club.
Wells is known as one of the most
versatile golfers on the links today,
sand his colorful personality has al-
ways drawn much enthusiasm from
the galleries.
Y.M.C.A. Delegates
Drop War Guilt Quiz
CLEVELAND, Aug. 8.-(P)-For-
eign delegates to the twentieth
world conference of the Young
Men's Christian asociation today,
torn by a resolution to the plenary
committee considering World war
guilt, urged a "hands off" policy in
determining whether Germany was
solely responsible for the war.
The resolution, prepared by Dr.
Alphonse Kocchlin of Switzerland,
came after two days' heated discus-
sion and a rift in friendly relations
between the French and German
Cubans Held in U.S.
Predict Revolution
ATLeANTIChCITY, Aug. 8.-(P)-
Leaders of the 38 Cubans seized on
the schooner Harold near here pre-
dicted today there would be a re-
volt in Cuba within a month, but
maintained they were bound on an

innocent fishing trip when halted
by Coast Guardsmen.
Hoover Escapes Heat
at His Rapidan Camp
LURAY, Va., Aug. 8.-(AP)-Presi-
dent Hoover was refreshed some-
what today after a cool night at
his mountain retreat at Rapidan.
He escaped the heat of Washing-
ton late yesterday by driving down
with the men in the party of week-
end guests.
American League
Detroit 7, Cleveland 1.
New York 3, Philadelphia 2.
Washington 5, Boston 0.
Chicago 6, 7, St. Louis 1, 8.
National League
Pittsburgh 4, Cincinnati 3.
Brooklyn 4, Boston 2.
New York 9, Philadelphia 3.
St. Louis 14, Chicago 7.

No Action Taken on Application
for Loan to Manufacturers
of Grape Concentrate.
Methodist Board Attacks Mrs.
Willebrandt, Counsel for
Fruit Industries.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. - (iP) -
Financial assistance for California
raisin growers was anounced today
by the Farm board, but no action
was taken on the application of
Fruit Industries, great grape con-
centrates manufacturers, for a loan.
The board's explanation was that
the Fruit Industries loan was still
under consideration. Both the gov-
ernment and the board have been
sharply criticized by prohibition
supporters for extending loans to
that organization.
Given $4,000,000.
The raisin growers were given ap-
proximately $4,000,000 with which
to market their 1931 crop. The
amount sought by Fruit Industries
was approximately $1,000,000.
The latest attack against the
board for aiding a wine industry
came yesterday when the Metho-
dist Board of Temperance directed
fire against Mrs. Mabel Walker Wil-
lebrandt, former assistant attorney-
general, who is now counsel for
Fruit Industries.
Methodist Charges Wet Aid.
An article in "The Voice," board
publication, also charged the board
directly with fostering a nation-
wide industry in partially manufac-
tured wine.
Grape concentrates came into
front-page prominence in New
York this week as a result of a raid
on a shop operated by another
California organization s e 11li n g
grape bricks. The courts are ex-
pected to be asked to rule on this
as a test case.
Victory for Radical Elements
Will Undermine Confidence
in Reich's Stability.
BERLIN, Aug. 8. - (P) - While
Chancellor Bruening and Foreign
Minister Curtius a r e speeding
homeward from their exchange of
courtesies with Premier Mussolini
in Rome, a tug-of-war with dis-
quieting possibilities will be in prog-
ress tomorrow between the middle
parties and the extremists at home.
Prussia will hold a plebiscite on
the question of compelling dissolu-
tionof its diet which, with its 450
members, only slightly smaller
than the Reichstag. And the state
of Prussia constitutes two-thirds
of the Reich.
Germany's neighbors are watch-
ing the trial of strength with some
apprehension and it is recognized
here that a victory for the radical
elements would lessen confidence
abroad in the stability of the Reich.

"Last appeal" posters urging cit-
izens to register for or against the
dissolution, or to stay away from
the polls altogether, were much in
evidence today.
During the night 66 men and wo-
men were arrested for unauthorized
bill posting and painting slogans
on walls and pavements.
One or two attempts were made
to enliven the bill posting activities
by setting fire to advertising kiosks
but they failed because of the
watchfulness of the police bicycle
patrol, members of which were the
targets for empty bottles thrown
from windows.
Resentment to the Prussian gov-
ernment's order to all Prussian
newspapers to print an anti-plebi-
scite appeal continued unabated.
The appeal is said to have played
into the hands of the extremists
and to have caused many waverers
to side with the opponents of the

Little Group of White Men




Nobel Prize Winner
Too Poor to Travel B0 K ERH_ APPEALS
CALCUTTA, India, Aug. 8.-
(P)-Rich in the currency of the
learned Sir Chandrasekhara Ra- E WHE
man, holder of the NobeTprize
for physics, is too poor to carry
the fruits of his research to the
Oen t hic hs n..... hm. O 1 --HN S

VVV1l1Ci14 wulcll i1u11Vreu.llllu.

Are Thrilled by Flight 1 An invitation to go to Cali-
From Aklavik. fornia and lecture about his dis- 10,000,000 in Danger
coveries in light took its place of Starvation, He
WORD FLASHED AHEAD today among others from many
parts of the world, regretfully de- Estimates.
Mrs. Lindbergh Is Acclaimed clined because of lack of funds.
Honored by a dozen countries CALLS DISASTER
Perfect Radio Operator with medals and degrees, he WORST IN YEARS
by Northern Experts. lives in comparative poverty and
relative obscurity in the poorest Would Send 5,000,000
POINT BARROW, Alaska, Aug. 8. quarters of Calcutta. He has no Buself ,N ,
-(AP)-Near the roof of the world, laboratory at all and his library Bushels for Next
within sight of the perpetual polar is limited to a few chosen treas- Six Months.
icecap, Col. and Mrs. Charles A. ures.
Lindbergh plotted their route today SHANGHAI, Aug.8.--(&)-An
for the remainder of their vaca-
tion appeal for surplus wheat from the
Welcomed by a handful of excited United States to save o,ooo,ooo
whites and several hundred Eski- Chinese flood sufferers, who he
mosthe brugh ther lw-wng-said may die of starvation before
ed monoplane down on a lead of FORs01-PORTATI01'spring unless aided, was made to-
open water in Bering sea at 2 a.m. U day by John Earl Baker, Ameri
today after a 536-mile flight from can authority on disasters in
Aklavik made in six hours and thir- Secret of Labor Hits Back China.
ty minutes. Sceayo ao isBc
nuat Wickersham Attack; Asks Baker said a flood, which con-
Pronounced Expert. ttinues in r6 provinces, is the most
Mrs. Lindbergh, pronounced ex- Additional Forces. terrible disaster in China in thirty
pert by northern radio operators, years.
pers bynoternraiommperator-, WASHINGTON, Aug. 8.-(VP)-A At least $300,000,000 damage
was in almost constantomnhere call for more men and equipment had been done, he estimated, but
cation with the radio station here to seek out and deport a huge body he would not even guess at the
and at Aklavik during the flight, of aliens illegally residing in the number of deaths, which the
They leftft Aklavik, after a three. United States today came from "Corpse Recovery Society" asserted
day stay, at 7:30 p.m. last night. Secretary William N. Doak. were not less than eight thousand
ed they 5mwere s.Lindber low fog - Aroused by the criticism of the in the flooded Yangtse valley alone.
e nd theyureflying r nan lo fo- latest Wickersham report, the Sec- Wants Credit Arranged.
bank and would turn inland to find retary of Labor hit back at some Baker believed a minimum of
better weather. A little more than of its suggestions but agreed with 5,000,000 bushels of American wheat
hour later a second message it that additional deportation ma- would be needed for at least six
said they had emerged from the chinery would help reach "hundreds months. This wheat, he said, could
fog. route lay along Beaufort of thousands" of aliens now here, be supplied under credit arrange-
sea and the Arcticoceanmany of them criminals. ments between the American and
May Refuel at Nome. The commission's report, written Chinese governments.
Colonel Lindbergh was undecided largely by Reuben Oppenheimer, Although some might assert the
as to when they would continue the Baltimore attorney, flatly accused Chinese government's promise to
flight or where they would refuel. Federal immigration officials of re- pay was doubtful security, Baker
There was a possibility he would sorting to oppression, extortion and asserted wheat held by the United
go on to Nome, 523 miles away, be- unconstitutional methods in their States Farm board was of little
fore refueling, deportation activities. Nevertheless, value to Americans but would save
The coastguard cutter Northland, it con'tended there should be "vig- countless lives in China.
carrying fuel supplies for the plane orous enforcement" within legal and Directed Famine Relief.
and food for Point Barrow, has humane limits and that the present Baker gained much knowledge of
been locked out by the ice pack and force should be expanded. famine conditions in China as di-
was believed still to ble off 1cy Doak's reply today asserted steps rector of international relief work
Cape, a hundred miles to the south- had been taken to correct the in the Shensi and Kansu province
west. abuses, but added that some of the famine of last year.
methods recommended by the re- The Associated Press was reliably
Cramer Takes off for Bergen; port obviously came "from an ob- informed np adequate plans for re-
Will Go to Copenhagen Today server without experience in the lief have been made by the Chinese
practical problems of deportation. government. The government has
No mention was made either by been impoverished by an economic
LONDON, Aug. 8.-(A3)-An ex- the commission, Secretary Doak or and military crisis. It has been
change telegraph dispatch from the White House of a 67-page letter strained to the utmost in putting
Copenhagen today said Parker D. written to the commission by Doak down rebellions and eradicating
Cramer, who reached the Faroe Is- after his first view of Oppenheim- bandits and red armies, which have
lands last night on a flight from er's report, authoritatively said to devastated the country.
the United States, took off at noon be critical of the later's study.
for Bergen, Norway, where he will Today Doak said "the limited
proceed to Copenhagen tomorrow. number of cases to which Mr. Op-
penheimer refers" in his condem- PEND
THORSHAVN, Faroe Islands, Aug. nation of deportation practices cov-
8.-(1P)-Parker D. Cramer, Ameri- ered a period prior to his becoming
can flier charting an airmail route secretary. He pointed out also that AIWESTERN DAM
across the North Atlantic, said to- $he Baltimore attorney conceded
day he had not been forced to in one part of his report that the
come down on the ocean last night defects mentioned could be charged Work Stops on Hoover Dam
on his flight from Iceland, but had largely against the deportation sys- as Tunnel Laborers
alighted partly to test the seawor- tem rather than the Labor Depart- Asks More Pay.
thiness of his ship. ment.
LAS VEGAS, Nevada, Aug. 8.-(J)
PRISON DIRECTS EFFORTS TO CURING -All construction work on Hoover
Dam has been halted pending re-
CRIMINALS, EXCURSION PART Y LEARNS ply tomo rrow of Six Companies,
.iaInc., dam contractors, to the wage
"All our efforts in this institution the largest age group is between 21 and other demands of 125 tunnel
are directed to the end that when and 25. workmen who walked out late yes-
mengo ut heyshuldnevr cme "In many cases a short severe terday
men go out they should never come sentence would produce far better Walker Young, construction en
back," the captain of the Jackson results than a long sentence," the eorteg, uru of
guars tld ore han150gineer for the Federal Bureau of
prison guards told more than 150 captain of the guards said, "and if Reclamation at the dam, said al-
Summer Session students who visit- indeterminate sentences could be though he has received no threats
ed the New Michigan State prison ibposed and a board consisting of of violence he is taking every pre-
yesterday. about five experts in the fields of caution to protect government
The new State prison, with 5,600 law, medicine, psychiatry, educa- property.
inmates, covers 57 acres within its tion and industry would decide with United States Marshal J. H. Sul-
walls. Besides seven tiers of four the advice of the warden when a mer has been summoned from Car-
story cell blocks, it contains a cot- men was equipped to make a suc- son City and arrangements are be-

ton mill, a hospital, offices, a school cessful'adjustment on his return to made, Young said, to bring troops
building, and a large chapel theatre society, the purposes of justice and from Fort Douglas, Utah, if that
with 1800 seats. All these buildings society would be well served. Af- action should appear advisable.
have been constructed with prison ter a man has served a certain A committee of eleven workmen,
labor. length of prison sentence, the pro- headed by L. L. Williams, -chair-
Of the 5,600 inmates almost ten longing of the time only tends to man, presented their demands to
per cent were illiterates last Febru- turn him into an enemy of society." SFrank Crowe, dam superintendent
ary and over 75 per cent had less for Six Companies, today. Crowe
than a sixth grade education. About Condition of Winkler, "Killer' said he would give his reply tomor-
11 per cent have had a high school row morning at ten o'clock.
education. The prison authorities Burke Aide, Remains Serious row i a e co
Crowe said a reduction in the
encourage self study courses and ST. JOSEPH, Aug. 8.-(IP)-The wage scale of five dollars to four
correspondence courses to better condition of Gus Winkler, pal of dollars a day for common laborers
qualify the men to return as use- the notorious Fred "Killer" Burke, was made some time ago and that
ful members to society. and John Moran, injured in an the cause of the walkout was the
Over 700 of the inmates are be- automobile accident, remained seri- installation of machine dmlls in
tween 15 and 20 years of age and ous today. place of hand drills in the tunnels.

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