V kC #um m r ESTABLISHED 1920 lflfAfrhigan IflhtI - OFTu ASSOCIATE3D PRESS _ _... TTl VOL. XI. NO. 35. FOUR PAGES ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, AUGUST 8, 1931 WEATHER: Cloudy, Perhaps Show ers PRICE FIVE CEN78 WICKERSHAM BODY / FLAYS TREATMENT OF ALIENSIN U.So Report Says Labor Immigration Officials Use Oppressive, Tyrannic Methods. TWO MEMBERS DISSENT Mackintosh, Anderson Declare Indictment Is Too Severe, Lacking in Evidence. WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-(P)- The use of practices in vogue dur- ing the inquisition of the middle ages was charged directly against Department of Labor immigration officials today by the Wickersham commission. In its tenth report to President Hoover, the commission, discussing deportation, asserted flatly that "unconstitutional, tyrannic, a n d oppresive methods" were employed in the examination anually of about 100,000 supposed aliens. In ad- dition, the report said that rigid enforcement of rules in the actual deportation of about 15,000 persons annually too often wreaked hard- ships that "violate the plainest dic- tates of humanity." See Controversy. Forecast by commission members as probably the most controversial of their studies since that on pro- hibition, the report drew heated dissenting opinions from two com- missioners, Col. Henry W. Ander- son of Richmond, Virginia, and for- mer Justices Kenneth Mackintosh of the Washington state Supreme Court. ,The two charged separately that the commission's expert, Reuben Oppenheimer, Baltimore lawyer, who drafted all but seven pages of the 179-page report, had too severe- ly indicated labor department of- ficials. Mackintosh Dissents. "I do not believe," said Mackin- tosh, "that these laws are being so negligently or abusively adminis- tered as their report seems to in- dicate. To believe otherwise I would require more clear, cogent, and convincing evidence than has been offered so far." Anderson said in part: "I am not prepared as a member of this commission to adopt and enunciate as my own, findings of such a sweeping character affect- ing the administration of the laws." TEXAS OIL CHIEFS BACK MURRAY PLAN Follow Lead of Oklahoma With Shutdown of Gushers in East of State. TYLER, Tex., Aug. 7.-(A1)-Okl' homa's oil shutdown movement has penetrated to the heart of the east Texas oil fields and won the en- dorsement of 37 of 60 operators in the area. The 37 operators voted at a meet- ing here Thursday to shut down voluntarily their wells and asked that a mass meeting be held here Aug 14, at which time the order would be officially declared. East Texas operators offering oil to Oklahoma refiners while Na- tional Guardsmen patroled that state's producing areas were de- nounced. They were charged with "nullifying the efforts" of Gov. W. H. Murray, who is seeking, by mar- tial law, to increase the prices for crude from a top of 50 cents to a minimum of $1. "It is regrettable indeed that the same fine character of leadership and courage has not been shown in Texas," the resolution said. A copy went to the Oklahoma chief exe- cutive's office. At Austin Gov. Ross S. Sterling, commenting on a statement by Act- ing Secretary Dixon of the depart- ment of the interior that east Tex- as was responsible for the oil in- dustry's condition, said "blaming act. Ta4- I1v',ra-is ,i4 vy na Welcomes Germans Benito Mussolini, Premier of Italy, who greeted, Chancellor Bruening and Foreign Minister Curtius, of Germany, to- day and opened a conference with them of present European prob- lems. Groundwork for a new Italo- German friendship is seen as a re- sult of the parley. KELLEY ADDRESSES HEALTH INSTITUTE Outlines Work of Conference Child Health; Six Experts to Lecture Today. one "A thirty volume report cover- ing the analysis of conditions and recommendations by The Ameri- can Child Health and Protection committee which held the White House Conference last year will soon be published," Dr. F. J. Kelly of Idaho and now Chairman of Section III of the White House Con-, ference on American Child Health and Protection said in an address to the Public Health Institute yes- terday. Theywork of the committee has been divided into four sections, Dr. Kely explained, and there are 62 sub committees comprising more than 1,000 persons. The sectiononsmedical service is to find criteria for a normal healthy child and survey the treat- ment of child diseases, he said. Another section is to determine the preventive measures for children's diseases and control of communi- cable diseases in children. The third section on education and training of children is to investi- gate the home and parent educa- tion in relation to children's health, recreation, vocational guidance, and to investigate agencies such as radio, the church, movies, and girl scouts. The fourth section is to de- vote its report to handicapped children. Public Health Institute will be addressed by six outstanding Pub- lic health authorities today at the West Medical building. PLAY TO END RUN "Beggar on Horseback," satirical comedy by Kaufman and Connelly will close its run at the Lydia Men- delssohn theatre tonight. SWIML TITLE TAKEN BY JEANBERRIDGE Sophomore in Education Downs Six Skilled Swimmers With 21 Point Score. Six of the most skilled swimmers among the women on campus went down before Jean Berridge, '33Ed., who won first place, with 21 points to her credit, in the open swim- ming meet which was held yester- day in the Union pool under the direction of Miss Ruth Campbell. Miss Berridge came in first in three events; the 25 yard dash, the sculling race, and the back crawl; and tied with Mary Kary for first place in diving. The others placing in the 25 yard dash were; Charlotte Moss, second; Miss Kary, third; and Mary Ren- shaw, fourth. In the sculling race, Miss Moss was again second with Miss Kary again placing third. In BRUENING, IL DUCE LAY GROUNOWORK FOR A NEW AMITY Italian, German Ministers Deal Frankly With Europe's Sore Spots at First Parley. HOOVER PLAN LAUDED Mussolini Expresses Sympathy for German Nation in Its Present Plight. ROME, Aug. 7.--(P)-Premier Mussolini and Chancellor Bruening laid the groundwork today for a new friendship between Italy and Germany. The Italian premier and chief of fascisti and the Ger- man chancellor, whose political life is threatened by Hitlerite fascists at home, dealt frankly with the European sore spots in their first meeting. Tonight they toasted each other at a dinner given by Signor Mus- solini to Herr Bruening and Foreign Minister Curtius, using words that, for all their generality of tone,1 promised sincere efforts to push or pull Europe out of the slough of despond. In his dinner speech the Duce paid tribute to German culture and expressed deep sympathy with the Reich in its present plight. He paid tribute to the Hoover war debt plan as an aid in healing the moral and material wounds left by the war. ROME, Aug. 7.- ()-Premier Mussolini emphasized the impor- tance of the Italo-German conver- sations by going to the station to-j day to welcome in person Chancel-, lor Bruening and Foreign Minister Curtius. Mussolini never appeared in bet-t ter form than when he strode or (Continued on Page 4) 1 Reed Says Federals Operate Speakeasies1 WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-(P)-The federal government has been charg- ed by former Senator Reed of Missouri with setting up speakeas- ies to entrap policemen and vio- lators and thereby itself becoming "a bootlegger." The Missourian also charged the government with instructing fed- eral dry agents to co-operate with state officials in making raids on warrants that would be illegal un- der federal law and with an "in- defensible $20,000,000 subsidy to California grape growers and grape- concentrate manufacturers." The loan to the grape interests,! Reed said, was made with the "full knowledge that the grapes and grape-concentrates are being man- ufactured into 12 to 20 per cent wines and champagnes in the homes. NEW YORK POLICE IDENTIFYHUARLEM BABY MURDERERS Informer Reveals Gunmen Who Killed Child Are Coll Gang Members. RAO INTENDED VICTIM Detectives Commence Hunt for Killers; Gang Leader Not Seen Recently. NEW YORK, Aug. 7.-(P)-The Harlem baby killers were identified to police today as henchmen of Vin- cent Coll, gangster rival of Arthur (Dutch Schultz) Fleigenheimer, in- tent on hunting renegade members of the Coll mob. A man arrested last night on an- other charge told detectives that he was a witness to the recent shooting of five children, one of whom died, on a crowded street in "Little Italy." The informer's name was withheld. He gave the license number of the car in which the gangsters rode through East 107th street to spray, half a hundred bullets among the children playing before the tene- ments. He said the four occupants of the car were members of the Coll mob gunning for Joie Rao, who had left the Coll ranks with "One Eye" Rock and others to form a new gang and so split the under- world faction arrayed against Dutch Schultz. Fourth Unnamed. Police were told one of the four was "Trigger Frank" Coppola, an- other a "fellow named Grecco," and a third man known only to the in- former as "Louis". The witnessc said he didnlt know the fourthl man'shname but was acquaintedh with him and knew him to be, like the others, one of Coll's men. t Coll has not been seen around his usual haunts of late and de- tectives furnished with the latest] information started out tonight to find him and his gang. SCHOOL ORCHESTRA TO GIVEPROGRAM Prof. David Mattern to Conduct' University Organization in Open Recital. Prof. David Mattern will lead the Summer Session Orchestra of the School of Music in a complimentary program at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow afternoon in Hill Auditorium, it was announced yesterday. Professor Mattern is noted as an orchestral director, both for his work as head of the School of Music symphony orchestra during the school year and as conductor of the well-known Kalamazoo sym- phony orchestra. Japan Probes Case of World Crlers TOKIO, Aug. 7.-(P)-Inter- national complications arose to- day over the landing here of Clyde Pangborn and Hugh Hern- don, Jr., American airmen, and a flight of three United States Naval aviators over Japanese fortifications. The problem created by the landing of Pangborn and Hern- don without a permit and the subsequent discovery of a cam- era in their airplane was discuss- ed by officials by officials of the home, foreign navy, war and communications departments of the Japanese government. It was reported some officials favored leniency toward the American airmen, while others expressed the belief some form of punishment should be admin- istered in view of a recent in- cident involving three United States Navy fliers from the fleet off Chefoo. Darien newspapersasserted that three American Navy air- men flew over the Kwangtung fortifications and took photo- graphs. The newspapers stated the American admiral explained to the Japanese consul at Tsin- tau that the fliers, who had been cruising, had become lost. SPAINIM AY ABOL1SH ORLIGIOS ORDES New National Assembly to View Constitutional Measure Expelling Monks. MADRID, Aug. 7.-(P)-A mea- sure incorporating into the new constitution an article expelling re- ligious orders from Spain and con-j fiscating their wealth will be pre- sented to the national assembly by the parliamentary commission. The proposal would be embodied in article 14 dealing with the re- lations of church and state and would abolish the official religion as well as terminate subventions for confessional institutions. The country has 50 Catholic or- ders, with a membership of 45,000 monks and nuns. The church proper, plus its various orders, owns' 5,000 pieces of property officially valued at 75,000,000 pesetas (about $6,000,000). This figure excludes art treasures which intangibly are worth many millions of pesetas. When news of the commission's decision was learned Thursday night great excitement resulted. A group of Communists which tried to parade through the downtown streets was charged by police and three were wounded. Their lead- ers were calling for a red revolu- tion. Catholic circles, informed of the menace to their religion, inaugur- ated action which was considered likely to have the most tremendous repercussion since the anti-religious disorders in May. They are be- lieved to be awaiting the leader- =' ? of Cardinal Vidal y Barraquer of Tarragona, ranking ecclesiast during the enforced absence of Car- dinal Segura y Saenz. Fo-estry Head Sees Idaho Conflagration SPOKANE, Wash., Aug. 7.-(IP)- M aj. R. Y. Stewart of Washington, D. C., chief United States forester, was at the scene of the Priest river valley fire in north Idaho today to study the "hot spot" of the blaz- ing northwest forests. Foresters reported 1,300 of the 3,000 fire fighters at work were battling the Priest river conflagra- tion as it roared toward a federal experiment station. Winds kept conditions critical. BASEBALL SCORES National League Philadelphia 13, New York 5. Boston 3, Brooklyn 2. Pittsburgh 9, Cincinnati 3. St. Louis 8, Chicago 0. American League Chicago 2, St. Louis 0. CRAMER FORCED DOWN ON OCEAN, RADIOSFOR HELP Scotch Station Picks Up Message From American. HAS PONTOONS Lindberghs Delayed at Aklavik by Heavy Fog Banks. LONDON, Aug. 7.-(P)-Par- ker Cramer, American airman, who has spent the last week studying airlines over the north- ern route from Canada, was re- ported tonight to have made a forced landing somewhere be- tween Iceland and the Faroe is- lands. A message to Lloyd's from Wick, Scotland, said that a plane giving the radio call letters KHVCX had been forced down by engine trouble and had asked for exact bearings an dassistance. The airship in which Cramer has been making a leisurely in- vest.igation of the possibilities of radio with the call letters a northern air route carried a 6:46 p.m. G. M. T. (2:46 p.m. KHVCX. The Lloyd's message came from Thorshaven, Faroe islands, at Ann Arbor time). With his assistant, Oliver Pac- quette, Cramer had taken off from Reykjavik, Iceland, early in the afternoon, for the Faroe islands. As relayed to Lloyd's, the message read: "The airmen en route from Reykjavik were forced down ow- ing to engine trouble and asked for exact bearings. Could you assist please?" At 8:o5 p.m. (3:05 p.m. Ann Arbor time)sanother message from Wick said, "Name of air- craft unknown. Bound for Thor- shaven from Reykjavick. Un- able to raise aircraft since 7:54 p.m." Both the exchange telegraph agency and Reuter's received dis- patches from Copenhagen saying that Cramer was down between Iceland and the Faroe islands but hoped to be able to reascend and continue. When he took off from Reyk- javick, Cramer carried gasoline (Continued on Page 4) STUDENTS TO VISIT PRISON AT JACSON More Than 100 Enroll for Tour of State Penitentiary This Morning. More than 100 students will visit the Michigan State prison, at Jack- son, today on the last excursion of the Summer Session. The party will leave at 7:45 o'clock this morn- ing in front of Angell hall and will return shortly after 12 o'clock. The prison, for the most part, was completed last January at a cost of $8,000,000. It includes an area of 57 acres within walls, and will have, when finished, a total of 15 cell blocks with a housing ca- pacity of 5,500. The excursion party will be con- ducted through the cell blocks by Capt M. S. Hatch, of the prison staff. A visit will also be made to the prison textile factory. Fol- lowing their tour of the prison, the students will go to the new chapel, where Captain Hatch will discuss prison statistics and answer ques- tions concerning the organization. Among the buildings to be visited are the auditorium, the cafeteria, the kitchens and bakery, and the Service building, which contains a 200-bed hospital, the school nd ANN ARBOR MAINTAINS ITS DIGNITY AS WINE-BRICKS ENSNOZZLE NATION By Edgar Grape bricks, which manufactur- ers are careful to warn purchasers will turn to wine unless consumed in three weeks, have not as yet made their appearance in Ann Ar- bor. Local beverage dealers reported to the Daily that they had not had any calls for the popular bricks' which have sold in New York so rapidly that the police reserves had to be called out to maintain order at stores where clerks hand them out to the throngs, tired out with depressions and heat waves to say nothing of prohibition. Each cus- tomer is carefully warned that he will be violating the law if he per- mits the bricks to remain idle for three weeks. While New York thumbs its nose at Bishop Cannon and Superin- tendent McBride, California cheers loudly as it sees the end of its sur- plus grape crop. The grape bricks contain nothing more than the juice of grapes, which is not contrary to H. Eckert in California have banded together to manufacturer the grapes into convenient sized bricks which can be easily stored away until use is found for them by the consumers. Meanwhile nature finishes the job, and the 18th amendment becomes a thing of paper only. Dry forces throughout the coun- try have raised loud protests to the product, but so far their efforts have been of no avail. The pro- hibition forces are particularly con- cerned about the sale of them in college towns. However there seems to be no cause for anxiety in Ann Arbor for Mr. Holsaple, of the Mich- igan Anti-Saloon League. Beverage dealers said not only that they did not have any of the bricks in town, but that they did not expect to stock any of the liquid refreshment. No reasons were assigned for the lack of in- terest on the part of the business men in the thing which has solved California's economic problem and