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July 28, 1931 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1931-07-28

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VOL. XI, NO. 25.



TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1931

WEATHER: Fair and Warmer.





Stop Washington; Expect
Leave for North Haven,
Maine, Tomorrow.



of Instruments,
Japanese Embassy


"The original American play
which shall best represent the ed-
ucational value and power of the
stage, is the title which Glaspell's
"Alison's House" won when it was
chosen the Pulitzer Prize drama
for the 1930-31 season.
"The play is an absorbing story
with tremendous human interests,
having to do with the family of Ali-
son Stanhope, famous American
poetess, who has been dead eigh-
teen years," according to a state-
ment issued yesterday by Play Pro-
duction department, which is spon-
soring its presentation here this
many, July 27.-(I)-The Graf
Zeppelin reached Franz Josef
Land at 11:45 p.m. Berlin time
(5:45 Eastern Standard Time) to-
night, according to advices re-
ceived here.

WASHINGTON, July 27.-(P)-
The Lindberghs tonight had set out
on their latest adventure.
Off on a vacation flight to Japan
and China, their first hop tonight
brought Colonel and Mrs. Lind-
bergh from New York to Washing-
The famous flyer immediately be-
gan conferences with acting secre-
tary Castle of the State depart-
ment, and other officials conversant
with conditions in the Orient.
May Leave Tomorrow.
Late tomorrow, or Wednesday,
dependent upon completion of a
few details, they will take off for
North Haven, Maine, there to say
goodbye to their son and Mrs. Lind-;
bergh's parents, Senator and Mrs.+
Dwight Morrow.
From then until their trim
streamline black plane is settled on
the harbour at Tokio, they will be
flying mostly across barren waste
land and deserted waters.
Colonel Lindbergh said his itin-
erary after completing the visit to
the Orient was vague, -but he ex-
pects to fly back by a different
Tonight they were entertained at
a dinner by acting secretary Castle.
Plane Fully Equipped.
Their plane was completely equip-
ped with luggage and other para-
phanalia for the trip, including
blankets and emergency rations
should a forced landing be made
on any of the wild spaces over
which they must fly.
Only the testing of a few instru-
ments and refueling remained to
be done, in addition to making a
visit to the Japanese embassy be-
fore they are ready to take to the
air again.
Colonel Lindbergh said as he ar-
rived the trip was officially under
way and the Washington flight was
the first leg.
Education Lecturer P r e dict s
Greater Refinement in
Teaching Methods.
"Women teachers were only ad-
mitted as honorary members in the
National Educational Association
in 1857 and today women members
outnumber the men six to one in
the organization," said Dr. Frank
William Hubbard, Assistant Re-
search Direstor of the National
Education Association, speaking to
the Women's Education Club at the
Women's League building yester-
day. "All the new phases of teach-
ing work are attracting women
teachers," he said.
"The NationalEducation Associa-
tion has been officially supported
equality of payment Ur men and
women since1905. This equality
of treatment has not yet become a
fact," he said.
Dr. Hubbard predicted that be-
cause of the persistent effort of
teachers, greater refinement both
in the methods and content of
teaching was to be expected.
Fordham Observatory
Records Earthquakes
NEW YORK, July 27.-(A)-The
seismograph at the Fordham uni-

versity observatory recorded two
"fairly violent" earthquakes today
about 1,900 miles from New York,
probably in the Carribbean. The
first shnnk wa t 2:21 a.m. and


Estate Professor
Be Put on Faculty

Frederick M. Babcock, Chicago
realtor, will be named research as-
sociate in real estate in the busi-
ness administration school and will
come to Ann Arbor immediately to
start work Aug. 1, according to an
announcement made yesterday.
No action has been taken on the
appointment, but the Board of Re-
gents is expected to confirm it some
time this week.
Babcock, a member of the Chicago
firm of William H. Babcock and
Sons, will conduct studies in the
field of real estate valuation. He is
now a member of the Chicago real
estate board and of President Hoov-
er's conference on home building
and home owning.
To Dedicate Ypsilanti 1
State Hospital Today!
The first group of buildings of the
Ypsilanti state Hospital, construct-
ed near Saline at a cost of $7,500,-
000, will be dedicated today by Gov.
Wilbur Brucker, Mayor Newkirk of
Ann Arbor, Mayor Max of Ypsilanti,
President Alexandier G. Ruthven,
Rev. Henry Lewis, and various offi-
cials from points in Washtenaw
Inspection of the Duildings is set
for 10 o'clock, and an afternoon
schedule, beginning at 1:30 o'clock,
will complete an all-day program.
Engineer Stops Train,
Dies of Heart Attack
NEW YORK, July 27.-(JP)-When
an Albany to New York express of
the New York Central railroad
pulled into Grand Central terminal
early today, few of the 300 passen-
gers knew that Tom Galvin, the en-
gineer, had died of a heart attack
after bringing his train to an un-
scheduled stop at Beacon, N. Y.
Train attendants removed him
from the cab and the firemen
brought the express to this city on
Weather, Not Finances,
of Interest to Morgan
SOUTHAMPTON, England, July
27.-(/P)-J. P. Morgan, here at the
end of a speedy crossing from New
York, in his yacht the Corsair, to-
night was willing to talk about the
weather and his vacation plans, but
he admitted the Morgan tradition
of silence regarding the financial
situation in Europe.
"You may ask me as many
questions as you like on that sub-
ject," he said, "but I must tell you
before you start that I shall not
answer them."
South Australia Cats
Fall Down on Job
ADELAIDE, Australia, July 27.-
()-Australia is suffering from a
plague of mice. In some parts o:
'south Australia traffic on the high-
ways is hampered. Some farmers
findine it hnnle tn tr t nn.

"Alison's old home, rich in tradi-
tion and filled with memories, is
about to be sold just at the close of
the nineteenth century," the state-
ment continues. "Her sister, her
brother, and her brother's family
gather in the old house to take
their last farewell and to share in
the distrbution of the precious be-
longings, which have been preserv-
ed by Agatha, her good sister. As
the old century is about to pass on,
she, whom the author symbolizes
as the old life, passes on with it,
leaving a secret which she has
guarded faithfully since Alison's
death. The secret is embodied in a
series of manuscript poems which
reveal the inner life of the poetess;
and in seeking to keep this from
the eyes of a new and prying gen-
eration, she nearly destroys the
house itself."
"Miss Glaspell has used this ab-
sorbing story as the basis of an ex-
traordinary human study," the
statement concluded.
"Alison's House will be staged by,
Thomas Wood Stevens, visiting di-~
rector of the Repertory Players. It
will open tomorrow night at the
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Dean Jones Says Education for;
All' Ideal Reduces Chance ;
for Super Pupil.;
"Students with a capacity for cul-
tural reaction to life are neglected,"
declared Dean Lydia I. Jones of'
Ypsilanti Normal School, in an ad-
dress at the University High school
yesterday afternoon. This is done
while the battle for some education'
for all the children is fought, the'
speaker stated.
Dean Jones said tnat "one of the
most difficult problems facing the
high schools today is how to give
culture to those who have the cap-
acity for it. Life will not be endur-.
able eventually for any of our wide-
ly different types of people if leis-
ure created by machinery is not'
used for more cultural ends by those
with superior mental endowment."
"This is a very large order for
our high schools," the speaker went
on. "The teachers are in many
places very much overworked as it
is. Cultural attitudes are given
largely through sympathetic radia-
tion and informal contacts. These
take time, for which little provision
is made. Cultured teachers are not
given opportunity to share their
culture with their students. The
schools are retarded in their pro-
gram of culture by the use made
of commercial amusements."
"Schools are retarded by the
'mucker pose' of educated adults,"
the dean said. "The schools are re-
tarded by those parents who wish
an education for their children
merely because it puts a better1

Political Scientist Says State
Will Increase in Power or
Counties Will Unite.
Land Reverting to Government
Because of Unpaid Taxes,
He Points Out.
"A real revolution is in prospect
in our State; either the State will
exercise greater power to the detri-
ment of local self-government or
the county governments will have to
unite making a unit sufficiently
large to be self-sustaining," declar-
ed Prof. Thomas H. Reed, Director
of the Bureau of Government, in
an address to the Men's Education-
al Club at the Michigan Union yes-
County unit of government was
organized w h e n transportation
from the average farm to the coun-
ty seat did not have the benefit of
the automobile and the hard sur-
face road, Professor Reed explained.
The county was large enough so
that a farmer could return home
after transacting business at the
county seat the same day in his
and buggy of fiftyaand more years
ago. Today no such small unit of
government is needed, Professor
Reed said.
"Republican government will have
come to an end if the power is
vested in the central government at
Lansing because governmental ser-
vices must be performed in all cas-
es," he said, "and most counties of
the state today do not have the fi-
nancial ability to bear the tax bur-
den imposed by too many officials."
"One sixth of the area of the
State is in the hands of the State
or in the process of coming to the
state because the general property
tax is not being paid," Professor
Reed said, and in some cases people
are preferring to let the land revert
to the state instead of paying the
property tax."
Professor Reed emphasized the
necessity of teaching citizenship to
public school students. "I do not
see what other reason there could
be for taxing the citizens of the
state for education if the purposes
not be to make good citizens," he
Eight Suspects Released While
Officers Seek Columbia
Coed Murderer.

Hoover's New Aide
Lieut J. L. Monahan,
United States army officer, who
was recently appointed military
aide to President Hoover.
Inquiry Launched to Determine
Cause of Fire; More Than
100 in Hospitals.
PITTSBURGH, July 27.-(I)-
Little Sisters of the Poor, still stun-

Commission of Law Enforcement
Calls System Antiquated,
Inefficient, Cruel.
Method of Punishment Declared
Failure; Ideal Substitute
Outlined to President.
WASHINGTON, July 27.-(P)-
The Wickersham law enforcement
commission today condemned the
nation's prison system as inade-
quated, inefficient, failing to re-
form the criminal or protect so-
ciety, and as using brutal discipli-
nary measures without justifica-
Submitting its seventh report to
President Hoover, dealing with
"penal institutions, probation and
parole," the commission advocated
the creation of a new system in
which iron bars would play but a
small part and education would be
Conditions "Incredible."
Much of the report was a de-
nunciation of prison conditions,
characterized as "almost incredi-
ble," under which men were im-
prisoned in overcrowded cells with-
out sufficient light or fresh air or
benefit of modern plumbing.
It lashed out also at the system
of prison discipline described as
"traditional, antiquated, unintelli-
gent and not infrequently cruel and
inhuman." Asserting these methods
"contribute to the increase of
crime by hardening the prisoners,"
the commission urged they be
banned by law.
Punishment Denounced.
Among the punishments recall-
ed, many of them visited upon
prisoners for slight offenses, were
the shackling of men to doors for
12 hours a day, whipping, placing
them in straight jackets, lashing
them down under streams of cold
water, confining them in cages so
small that movement was impos-
sible, and keeping them in com-
plete darkness for days at a time
on a ration of four ounces of bread
every 24 hours.

. I

ned by the fire which destroyed
their home and took the lives of
two scores of their aged charges;
weary from long hours spent in
searching for the missing and re-
assembling those who survived,4
joined today in the inquiry into the1
disastrous blaze.
The death toll had reached 40
today, there still were more than
100 injured in hospitals. Ten un-
identified dead lay in the morgue, i
and their identification, officials
believed, probably would erase the
list of 10 reported missing.
Many of those in hospitals will
die, psysicians said as they battled
to prevent pneumonia and to stave'
off death from shock.
Meanwhile, many of the aged
and infirm who were removed to
temporary quarters, were being
taken to another home maintained
by the Little Sisters of the Poor.
The city, county and state cen-
tered an inquiry on the twisted,
charred four-story building, which
late Friday night became an in-
ferno from a cause still undeter-
Residents of Barbour
Dormitory Offer Tea
All faculty and student members
of the University are cordially in-
vited to drop in sometime between
4 and 5:30 o'clock this afternoon
at the regular weekly tea being giv-
en by the residents of Betsy Bar-


coat on their backs. Such parents
are embarrassed by expressions in WHITE RIVER APACHE RESER- bour house.
their children of fine emotional at- VATION, Ariz., July 27.-( P)-The
titudes. They prefer that their Spartan-like Apaches, nearly as
children keep themselves while in silent as the pineclad white moun-C
the high-brow appreciations and tains along which the body of Ehrn-
refined emotional enjoyments."
In closing, Dean Jones offered rietta Schnerler was found, con-
several devices for help in the ad- tinued today to mystify officers
vancement of culture. Her plans in- seeking a solution of the killing of,
elude: teaching the art of conver- the 23-year-old Columbia Univer- Tillotson Receives N u m e r o u s
sation; checks in the school on out- sity anthropology student. Applications for Fall
side leisure activities; adult edu- "The Indians seem to be just as Reservations.
cation; more informal contacts def-ntrsdaswartoern ho
initely purposeful in the minds of interested as we are to learn who
teachers.mkilled Miss Schnerler," William Early inquiries concerning appli-
_____her__._Donner, white man boss of the res- cations for football tickets are more
ervation, said, "but they have given numerous this year than in any
us no information; we haven't season since 1927, the year the
Y- I RDA found a thing." Michigan Stadium opened, it has
With more than a week passed been learned from Harry Tillotson,
RESU LTS . since the time physicians fixed for business manager h the athletic
the slaying, not a suspect was held. administration. The large number
Miss_____________bodywasfoundof requests for blanks is thought
American League Miss Schnerler's body was found to presage increased interest in the
Boston 13, Detroit 4 on Friday in a ravine back of a sport, based on the success of the
Washington 11, Cleveland 7 cemetery, garbed in the dancing 1930 season and the fact that two
New York 7, 12, Chicago 8,3 (first dress of an Apache girl. She had popular Big Ten contests, those
game 10 innings) been attacked and stabbed. with Minnesota and Ohio State,
Athletics 5, St. Louis 4 (10 in- Authorities surmised she was will be played here.
nings) waylaid as she went to a tribal Application blanks are being pre-
National League dance, several of which she had at- pared now and will be placed in
Pittsburgh 8, New York 6 tended in her attempt to learn more the mail August 8. The applica-
Phillies 7, Chicago 6 about the life of the tribe. tions for tickets will be received af-
Boston, St. Louis, played as part Seven Apaches from a group ter August 20. Those arriving be-
of dnh1 header Sunday. which anthnrities deseribed as "law- tween that date and SentemhAr 1

WASHINGTON, July 27.-(P)
-The Wickersham commission's
condemnation of the American
prison system was met today by
a statement from Sanford Bates,
director of federal prisons, that
the government already had put
into effect all the major im-
provements it suggested.
His answer was that under the
reorganized prison program in-
stituted by the government last
July, almost every one of these
steps had been or was being
made effective.
Corporal punishment in feder-
al prisons has been banned, he
asserted, while improved per-
sonnel has been secured by re-
quiring officials and guards to
enter under civil service and be
trained in a school now in oper-
After asserting flatly that the
American prison had failed as a
"business enterprise," and as an
educational institution, since men
were released no better then when
committed, the commission added:
"The prison has failed as a dis-
ciplinary institution. The riots, the
fires, the use of cruel and brutal
measures of punishment, the per-
sistent recurrence of murder with
in the prison, the presence of nar-
cotics, the frequent atmosphere of
hatred and bitterness, are suffi-
cient evidence.
Called Vicious Circle.
"It is clear at present that the
more punishment in prison, the
more discontent, the more irrita-
tion, the more plotting, the more
violation of rules, and the greater
need for more severe punishment.
The whole procedure is in the na-
ture of a vicious circle for which
there seems to be no remedy."
Outlining what it considered the
ideal, the commission asserted seg-
rava ann of+ha e nngpi i-

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