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June 26, 1930 - Image 1

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07 4 P





VOL. X. NO. 23.




WELSHCharges Rail Head,
With Office Steal
Early Candidates Certification~
Eliminates Gov. Green From
Gubernatorial Race.
Former Candidate Hints Action:
in Deleting Green Name Was:
Political Racketeering.
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, July 25.-Premature
and secret certification of candi-
dates for the Republican nomina-
tion for governor by the state de-
partment was revealed today amid
cries of "trickery" and "conspiracy"r

-.. ..

from supporters of Alex J. Groes-
beck and George W. Welsh. The
certification removed Governor
Green as a candidate but proposed
to leave Welsh in the race.
The certification was set, public-
ly, for Friday byClark Brown, head
of the compiling and election divi-
sion. Thursday afternoon, immedi-
ate certification was ordered by
John S. Haggerty, Secretary of
State, and bitter political enemy of
Groesbeck. By this sudden move,
Welsh's name was certified to coun-
ty clerks as a candidate, although
it was known he planned to with-
Attempt to Split Vote
The name of Governor Green,
who has not publicly withdrawn
since petitions were filed for him,
was not certified. If it was an at-
tempted coup to place Welsh's
name on the ballots, thus splitting
the Groesbeck vote-and benefitting
the administration candidate, it'
has failed. Welsh promptly sent
telegrams to all county clerks; de-
manding ,that his name be kept
off the ballots. According to Emer-
son R. Boyles, deputy attorney-gen-
eral, he has complied to all legal
requirements and his name must
be kept off in counties where the
printing of ballots has not started.
As far as could be learned no coun-
ty has started printing the ballots.
Ballots Not Printed
In his telegram to county clerks,
Welsh said:
"This action of allowing the1
name of Fred W. Green to be taken
off the certification and keeping
mine on, smacks of political rack-
eteering. I trust you will not be-
come a party to this apparent con-
(By Associated Press)
POTENZA, Italy, July 25. -Five
new earthquake shocks were felt
today in the quake-stricken area of
southern Italy as King Victor Em-
manuel arrived on the scene to
guide and comfort his harrowed
The first shocks closely succeed-
ed one another at about 10 a. m.,
bringing new terror to the worn
and sleepless populace.
Three briefer ones followed at
about three in the afternoon. All
were felt throughout the devastat-
ed districts and were especially
strong at Malfi, a community that
already has suffered most severely.
(By' Assocated Press)
LANSING, Mich., July 25.-The
State institutional building pro-
gram, contemplating expenditure
of more than $20,000,000 in four
years, wil be kept going as rapidly
as possible, despite a $4,500,000 def-
icit in the State general fund, State
officials said today. The fund never
before has been in the red that
amount at this season of the year.
The bulk of the State property tax
has been collected and for the bal-
ance of the year.only fees, which
less than meet expenses, and the
$7,00,000 corporation tax, will pro-
duce revenue. Other funds may be

Gifford Pinchot,
Ex - governor of Pennsylvania,
who is seeking re-nomination, re-
cently charged W. W. Atterbury,
president of the Pennsylvania rail-
road, with an attempt to steal the
nomination by fraudulent means.
Secretary Stimson Asks Larger
Appropriation to Broaden
Foreign Services.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 25.-Intent
on expanding the State Depart-
ment's internal organization and
the foreign service aboard as rapid-
ly as possible, Secretary Henry L.
Stimson again has asked the Bud-
get Bureau for an increased appro-
priation covering virtually all phas-
es of America's diplomatic activi-
. Pending approval by the bureau
and President Hoover the figures
will not be made public, but it is
known the secretary has asked for
the full authorized fund of $2,000,-
000 for the construction of build-
ings to house American missions
In line with President Hoover's
policy of reinforcing the American
foreign service in Latin-America,
the secretary's estimates include a
provision for 18 new foreign service
officers in various cities in South
and Central America.
This would represent an increase
of 10 per cent in the personnel in
the Latin-American field. A request
has also been made for a consider-
able increase in non-officer per-
sonnel,. such as clerks and stenog-
The estimates also include an ad-
ditional $13,000 to be added to the
$147,000 now contributed annually
by the United States to the sup-
port of the Pan-American Union.
Allowances now include funds to
cover expenditures for official re-
Flying Fraulein Falls
With Slight Injuries
(By AssociatedPress)
BERLIN, July 25.-Thea Rasche,
Germany's flying fraulein, was in-
jured today when her plane crashed
en route from Templehof to War-
nemuende. The plane fell from a
height of 120 feet and was wrecked.
Observers on the Templehof field
said the girl flier probably went
into a sudden gust of wind which
threw the plane off balance while

Once Strong Man of Lithuania
Is Exiled to Remote Part
of Native Land.
Professor Augustine Waldemaras
Was Known for Sharp Fights
With Pilsudski.
(By Associated Press
KOVNO, Lithuania, July 25.-
Prof. Augustine Waldemaras, for-
mer premier and virtual dictator
of Lithuania, has been banished to
an unnamed provincial town by
order of the commandant of the
Kovno district.
The one-time strong man of
Lithuania, who on more than one'
occasion caused the whole mach-
inery of the League of Nations at
Geneva to halt while he fought to
regain Vilna, now a Polish city, for
his country, was pronounced "a
danger to public order" in the de-
cree of deportation issued by the
The authorities declined to di-
vulge the name of the place to
which the former premier was ex-'
iled. Motor lorries removed his be-
longings from his home which was
Began Career in 1917
Waldemaras, who is now in his
forty-eighth year, became an in-
ternationally conspicuous figure
during and especially after the
World War.
Prof. Waldemaras' political ca-
reer began in 1917, when he took
part in a congress of Lithuanian
leaders in Leningrad, then St. Pe-
tersburg, and led the faction which
stood for Lithuanian independence.
During the Bolshevik revolution
he escaped to Berlin, where he was
interpreter for the Ukranian lega-
tion, his knowledge of nine modern
languages besides Latin and Greek
soon made him an indispensable
factor at the legation, and he clev-
erly used his position to make pro-
paganda for a free Lithuania.
Clashes With Pisudski
At the Versailles conference in
1919 he was the official representa-
tive of his fatherland. He was deep-
ly grieved, however, when Vilna
was awarded to Poland. From then
on the fight to establish Lithuania's
claims to Vilna became his absorb-
ing object in life. .
Waldemaras became premier in
1926. His clashes with Marshal Jo-
seph Pilsudski and foreign minis-
ter August Zaleski of Poland en-
livened the sessions of the League
of Nations for several years. His
professional disquisitions on the
historical development of Vilna, on
the other hand, caused exaspera-
tion in League of Nations circles
eager to get on with business.
Meanwhile he was able to main-
tain himself at home only by run-
ning the country under a dictator-
ship. This brought him much en-
mity. In May, 1929, he had a nar-
row escape from death when a
bomb was thrown at his party as
it was about to enter the State
Theatre here. His aide-de-camp
and his step-son were killed.

(By Associated Press
CHICAGO, July 25.-The mix-upt
over the Bamberger-Watkins ba-
bies was ironed out at an early
morning conference today at whichI
it was decided that the babies of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bamberger(
and Mr. and Mrs. William Watkins(
were never mixed up at all.
This decision, reached by agree-
ment between the parents, was op-(
posed to that of a group of sci-t
entists who late Thursday decided
that the babies had been switched!
at Englewood hospital, where they
were born.'
Dr. Arnold Kegel, health com-l
missioner, was astounded when in-1
foarmed of the parents' decision.1
Thousands of Detroit Citizens
Visit Bier of Murdered
Radio Orator.
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, July 25.-Thousands
of men, women and children today
and tonight paid their tribute to
Jerry Buckley, slain radio orator,
walking in a never-ending line
past his bier in the living room of
his Pasadena avenue home.
This spontaneous procession,
which started last night grew
throughout the day and showed no
signs of diminishing as the hours
for closing the home approached.
Police etimated the csrowd at 50,-
000 or more. The family announc-
ed that no visitors would b receiv-
ed after midnight, when prepara-
tions would begin for the funeral,
tomorrow morning at St. Greg-
ory's Catholic church.
In the meanwhile, police were
holding a man and a woman whom,
they consider important figures in
the investigation of the killing..
The man is Jack Klein, motion pic-
ture operator, who was sitting be-
side Buckley in the lobby of the
LaSalle hotel when he was killed
by three gunmen early Wednesday
morning a short time after he had
completed announcing the results
of the mayoralty recall election
over station WMBC where he was
political commentator. Klein fail-
ed in an effort to secure release
on a writ of habeas corpus.
The woman's name was not re-
vealed. County Prosecutor James
E. Chenot said that he was seeking
through her a man she said inti-
mated to her in . advance that
Buckley would be killed.
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, July 25.-John Gilles-
pie, storm center of the admini-
stration of Mayor Charles Bowles,
who was recalled Tuesday, resigned
today as commissioner of public
works, eliminating himself from
the fight Bowles will make for re-
"The whole thing is that I'm sick
and tired of this mess," Gillespie
said, "and I'm not going to start
into this new row.

He said he would consider whether
to pursue the case further in the
interest of public policy.
The parents, apparently in com-
plete accord, took tle babies and
went home. They said the inci-
dent was closed as far as they are
The parents had demanded an
investigation following the" dis-
covery that an adhesieve tape on
the back of the Bamberger baby
bore the name "Watkins" and that
a similar tape on the Watkins
baby was marked "Bamberger."
Tlyey now believe that the tapes
had been washed off at the hos-
pital when both babies were being
bathed and that a nurse, in haste,
had put them back on the wrong
The shape of the ,babies' heads
was responsible for the final
agreement. The Bambergers' ba-
by was their third: The Watkins
baby was a first-born. A commit-
tee of physicians who met with the
parents Thursday night agreed that
a temporarily oval-shaped head,
such as the Watkins baby has, is
natural in the case of a first born.
The Bamberger baby's head is
Graduate Education Conferences
Bring Prominent Educators
to Ann Arbor. I

Bamberger-Watkins Babies Mix-up Solved IBILL TILDEN WINS
by Parents Without Help From Scientists - L H I 1

Dean Edward H. Kraus of the
Summer Session yesterday an-
nounced that the total registration
on the part of out-of-town alumni
of the School of Education in the
past week of Graduate Conferences
was 96. This number does not in-
clude any local alumni of the school
who may have attended the lec-
Of the total number, 84 were men
and 12 were women. Their occu-
pations were varied, 37 being super-
intendents of schools in their dis-
tricts, 23 being principals, and 14
being teachers. There were also
three supervisors, five- representa-
tives of normal schools, seven rep-
resentatives of the state depart-
ment, and seven who are classed as
Michigan led with 83 registered,
Pennsylvania was second with
four, and Indiana was third with
three. Ohio had two representa-
tives, and North Carelina, Missouri,
Illinois, and Holland each had one.
"From the reports I have had,
and from what I know of the con-
ferences, it is safe to say that the
work which the School of Educa-
tion has done has been a very suc-
cessful experimert," Dean Kraus
stated yesterday. "The conferen-
ces brought a splendid group of
people to Ann Arbor who would not
otherwise have been here. They
should be continued."
Greenland Explorers
Start for North Today
William S. Cowson and Max
Demorest leave Ann Arbor by train
at 3:27 o'clock today for the first
part of a trip to Greenland. On
July 30, they will sail from Nova
Scotia on the Canadian govern-'
ment steamer, Beothic, to the is-
The two men are taking equip-
ment with them for a' year's stay.
This equipment includes materials
for a hut and provisions.

Defeats Jean Borotra in Four
Sets Before Crowd of
10,000 Persons.
Dividing of Victories in First Day
Leaves Fate of Outcome
Hanging in Balance.
A. P. Sports Writer
PARIS, July 25.-Big Bill Tilden,
veteran of 10 Davis cup campaigns,
hung a French scalp to his belt to
begin his 11th today. He defeated
Jean Borotra, and Borotra at the
top of his form, in four sets, 6-2,
7-5, 6-4, 7-5. Thus he justified his
last-minute inclusion in the invad-
ing American forces and did it
with such decision that not a soul
in the 10,000 who watched the
opening of the 1930 Challenge
round had the 'least doubt who was
the better.
Two hours later little Henri Co-
chet had taken his revenge for
Wimbledon by sending y oun g
George Lott to the showers with a
straight set defeat 6-4, 6-2, 6-2. The
score when the evening shadows
settled over Auteuil was America-i,
France-1, and the fate of the Davis
cup for 1930 still hung very much
in the balance. The doubles match
will be played tomorrow and the
final pair of singles Sunday.
Stadium Is Filled
Despite more than a hint of rain
and a hot, muggy day, there wasn't
a vacant place in the big stadium
when Tilden and Borotra began the
usual preliminary ball slugging. As
the veteran umpire, Nicolas Redel-
sperber climbed into his little pul-
pit, a warm, dusty wind blew
slaunch-wise across the courts. It
seemed to bother both players a bit.
Like a couple of wary boxers each
felt out the other's ability in the
early stages of play. They stuck to
the base lines, stroked faithfully
down the lines and played safe re-
turns for position rather than try-
ing for kills. Big Bill was on edge,
nervous from the outset: His eager-
ness made him net and out balls
that normally he would have shot
across for winning points.
Borotra Breaks Through
Borotra, on the other hand, soon
had the measure of the couit. He
played for position and let the big
Philadelphian do most of the run-
ning. Games followed service until
the fourth when the bounding
Basque broke through. He won the
next two easily. as Bill continuously
over-drove the lines.
Tilden seemed to find himself in
the seventh game. He stopped Bor-
otra's service with three nice place-
ments, but he couldn't keep the
pace and his own errors convicted
him in the final game of the set.
There was joy in the French camp
and lots of bets were made on the
strength of Tilden's erratic play
that' Borotra would at last over-
come the jinx that has followed
him ift Tilden- matches. That joy
grew and flourished for the major
part of the second set, for Borotra,
sure and' accurate varying the
depth and pace of his ground
strokes, and impeccable at the net,
took the first, third, fourth, fifth
and seventh games to lead, 5-2. It
was the critical point of the match,
and Tilden, casting aside his nerv-

ousness, rose to meet it.


it was rising. Her injuries were
to be slight.

said I

(By Associa
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., July 25.
-David Belasco celebrated today
an event which happened in' San
Francisco 76 years ago, and called
this the blithest birthday he's ever
It marked for him the end of a
theatrical season-his fiftieth-odd'
-in which his only production, a
boisterous little farce called "It's a
Wise Child," made profits compar-
ing favorably with any play he ever
has produced. It marks the begin-
ning of a season which has him
chuckling in anticipation.
One hundred fifty-two candles,
alight on two towering cakes, and

ted Press)
But "The Governor," his white
hair awry and both eyes fixed on'
"Dancing Partner," which he is try-
ing out here for Broadway, said
he'd spend today "cracking the
Between times, maybe, he'd have
a bite of cake, and maybe even a
slice of lemon meringue pie. Both
are forbidden him now by his doc-
tor, except on great occasions.
In recent weeks the veteran pro-
ducer has almost lived in the the-
ater, toiling over "Dancing Part-
On the flower - decked stage:
music, gaiety, bright-frocked girls.
Down in the dark auditorium, scrib-

(By Associated Press)
American League
New York 14, Detroit 7
Philadelphia 14, Cleveland 1
Chicago 6, Washington 5
St. Louis 6, Boston 3
National League
Boston 5, St. Louis 4
New York 3. Pittsburg~h 1

[Our" :katherMan (By Associated Press)
_ KANSAS CITY, July 25.- Three
bank robbers who sprayed bullets
into a National Republican Con-
vention crowd in a. downtown di&-
trict here two years ago, were
Ihanged simultaneously today for
killing James H. "Happy" Smith,
victim of their fire.
__.. . _- They were Tony "Lollypop" Man-
(By Associated Press) giaracina,. Carl Nasello, machine
States that the sun will continue gunner for the' gang, and John
to beam as usual, but that things Messino, driver of the bandit car.
wil be washed up a:little by local One of five buttons pressed by

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