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June 25, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-25

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FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1930


Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news
published herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $1.5o; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director ..........Howard F. Shout
City Editor ..... ....... Harold Warren, Jr.
Women's Editor............Dorothy Magee
Music and Drama Editor... William 3. Gorman
Books Editor.......... Russell E. McCracken
Sports Editor................ Morris Targer
Night Editors
Denton Kunze Howard F. Shout
Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr.
Dorothy Adams Cornelius H. Beukema
Helen Carrm Bertha Clayman
Bruce Manley Sher M. Quraishi
Telephone 21214
Assistant Business Managers
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin
Circulation Manager......... Bernard Larson
Secretary.................Ann W. Verner
Joyce Davidson Dorothy Dunlap
Lelia M. Kidd
Night Editbr-Harold .O. Warren
FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1930
Numerous complaints have been
made to us of late to the effect
that there is nothing to do in the
way of recreation around the
campus in the summer. This is, of
course, not altogether true, but an
inventory of the entertainment of-'
fered in Ann Arbor has disclosed
the fact that it is certainly want-
ing in a great many respects. In
addition, the query is provoked:
What is wanted in the way of rec-
reation by the people of this day?
When you have said: dance,
bridge, the theatre, you have ex-
hausted the list of polite forms of
amusement, and all three are un-
comfortable in warm w e a t h e r.
Then, you may add swimming, golf,
and tennis, and the outdoor list is
completed. Go the rounds of the
six a few times, and the result is

without strict supervision. These 1
rooms should be private to the
groups in them. And this, it is real-
ized, is bordering closely on the
Oxford system.

'pNlxx)xx)xxl/xl/JI I l/xf/uY /nxtlf/// 1l/I//lam




Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselvestoeless thanr oo
words if possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
To The Editor:
It is presumptuous, perhaps, for
a woman graduate student in the
literary college to invade the "hap-
py" precincts of the traditional
warring of engineers and laws. Per-
haps both classes will join against
me in saying I have no right to
enter their delightful scramble, but
I who am neither an engineer nor
a law, can stand afar and get a
clearer perspective of the scenes
than the would-be actors, them-
I have read the letters in regard
to character and worth of engineers
and laws until they have become a
practical joke. Even a former ac-
quaintance of mine had his views
printed in a recent issue, and I not-
ice they are his views, every para-
graph beginning with that little
thing, perhaps big in his opinion.
"I." He is an engineer and I do
consider him the highest type of
gentleman; this by way of appreci-
ation, since he expressed a hope
that his friends consider him wor-
thy of the title. It must be said,
however, that his personal attacks
upon J.W.S. approach the ungentle-
manly, as personal sarcasm always
It seems to me that both classes
are getting extremely juvenile,
slapping back at each other like
children fighting over ABC blocks.
First, Mr. J.W.S. was very unjust to
brand the entire class of engineers
as indecent, if that is what he has
done. Mr. J.W.S., there are men in
every school who will be ungentle-
manly just as you will meet all
types of persons anywhere you may
take your little wife. Leave her in
the Law building for a few mo-
ments, and see if some of your be-
loved brothers do not do the same
as those terrible engineers. So, to
you law students, forget what two
or three thoughtless engineers have
done and appreciate the honor and
the industry of the class as a whole.
Engineers, I want you to know
that I admire your defense of your
class, but heartily disapprove of
your condemnation of the lawyers.
They are guilty of many indescre-
tions, but so are we all, and how
could we get along without our


Now that the summer directory
has been out for a little over a
week and we've all had time to
steal it back from the fellows down
the hall and get a good look at it,
it's about time we began to see
what permanent value it may have
as a contribution to the literature
of this University.
Statistical Report

needs no tongue-
to tell about you; its texture,
its quality, its appearance-
the very crispy crackle the en-
velope gives as it is opened-
are eloquent to eye and ear
and finger-tips.
Old Hampshire Stationery is
eloquent in just this way-it
tells volumes about you, about
your taste and good judgment.
Hampshire Paper Co. Fine Stationery Department
South Hadley Falls, Mass.

nr u isnunu nrrr urrrurrrrnr itnur u n anrr , unnrurrr u sn errrtrrr nn
-- *
w- -
wS -
1 1 -
IS -
All Women Students ofI
and Soda Fountain
I- ,,,nrurrurunrrrIrnuurrrrnrrrrrrrrunnr,


Sm ith* ....................
Brown* ................
Johnson* .................
Clark* --.--.....--....
Campbell .. -....
Jones --. . . - . ... - . . .



*Names thus marked are repre-
sented in the addenda as well.
However, although the addendal
Browns Johnsons, and C 1 a r k s
make a pretty fair showing, they
still are unable to overcome the
stiff opposition furnished by the
main-body-of-the-book Smiths ex-
clusive of the addenda Smiths.
The Smiths made a mighty fine
showing in the directory this year
and the Rolls column is proud to
extend to them the right hand of
fellowship and the annual Rolls
Most-Names-in-the- ;Directory-fqir
a-Bigger-and - Better - University
award sponsored by the B. P. O.
E., the Kiwanis, the Masons, the
Rotary culb, and the Faculty Wives
Alternate Wednesdays Literary
With the Browns coming in with'
such handsome totals, we expectedI
quite a hearty opposition from the
Greens, but, including the adden-
da Greens, there were only five
Green names, and even after ad-
ding to these the final-vowel-ap-
pending Greenes (plus ultra
Greenes superceeded only by the
ne plus ultra Greenees) the num-
ber is hopelessly small-a mere
There are 49 three-letter names
in the directory, including the ad-
denda tri-literates, and five two-
letter names.
As a word of warning to the two
Fish and the one Fishman in the
directory, there is one Fisher, who
may or may not be dangerous. It'
is well, however, to keep in mind
the sayings of Confucius-
A clever young fisher named Fish-
Went fishing for fish in a fissure,
But a fish with a grin
Pulled the fisherman in;
Now they're fishing the fissure for;
The four Lambs in the book may;
find some difficulty in keeping two
Wolfs, the one more-refined and
suave Wolfe, and the over f-ed


Third Cabin
R 0
F course you want to see
'. Europe,'and of course
you want to do it as inexpen-
sively as possible, and yet com-
fortably. That suggests our
Tourist Third Cabin...fairly
made to order for the college
crowd. For as little as 3ยข a mile,
you can cross on such famous
liners as the Majestic (world's
largest ship); Belgenland(great
world cruiser), and many
others including-
Tourist Ships de luxe
S.S. PennlandandS.S. Westernland,
carrying Tourist Third Cabin as
the highest class on board, in for-
mer Cabin accommodations. S. S.
Minnekabda, carrying Tourist
Third Cabin exclusively. The ships
of democracy.
In Tourist Third Cabin you are
sure of a delightful passage, full of
life and gaiety. Sailings to princi-
pal European ports.


In all Colors
$ 350 to $850o
Opposite Michigan Theatre
"One Man Tell8 Another"

.. .
.. ..
.... .

The above expresses fairly accur.
ately the sum total of all the atti.
tudes of the students on the camp.
us, for that matter, on all the
campuses in the country. But where
does this lead us? Did our parent
and our grandparents have any
more or as many forms of amuse-
Maude Dutton Lynch, writing in
the July issue of the Forum has
attempted to answer the question
with an article entitled, "A Home
Cure for Boredom." The statement
was there made, and an old state-
ment it is, by the way, that the
disappearance of the home has
been the real cause for the nation-
al ennui. The mechanization of in-
dustry, the luxury complex, the
moral abandon of war reaction
comprise the triple entity that has
taken away our zest for living. We
are no longer interested in creat-
ing our own forms, of entertain-
ment, we insist on buying them by
the ticket. The home is no longer
the center of activity and interest
that it was; it has degenerated in-
to a boarding club. Perhaps the au-
tomobile has had its effect in tak-
ing the members of the family
away from the hearthsidt These
ideas are the basis for the article
aforementioned; the s u g g e s t e d
remedy is to make the home once
again an activity center, and the
burden is placed on the parents.
However, all this will not help
the present generation, the ones
who have beeh complaining that
"there is nothing to do." The Uni-
versity has attempted in every way
within its power to furnish the ma-
terials and the facilities wherewith
the students may enjoy themselves,
for example: the Michigan Union
and the Women's League, the In-
tramural building and Palmer Field
House, the drama, music, lectures,
and excursions. Nevertheless, the
feeling is still present, and there
is probably no remedy.
It is possible that more recep-
tions, dances, and theatres might
temporarily furnish satisfaction,
but it is more than likely that they
would merely accentuate the de-
sires already present. After all, that
would only enlarge the old round
of activities. A more effective de-
vice would be to provide a large
number of rooms equipped with
radios and victrolas, with walls of
books and tables of magazines,
with deen. comfortable chairs, and

You two classes are trying to ov-
erthrow each other, and you are
having tremendous success in doing
harm to yourselves. There was one
law, viz. J.W.S., and there were
three or four engineers originally
concerned, and this one little inci-
dent which is of so little conse-
quence is being used to judge hun-
dreds. Each class is trying to make
it a mountain to cast a shadow up-
on the enemy, but the shadow falls
on both. What do alumni and
friends think of you? Can they
honor the name of Michigan when
we within our own walls fail to do
so? Grow up! Don't be infants all
your lives!
T. G. H., Grad.
10 o

Wolff from the door.
There are only 11 Macs as
against 64 Mcs, which places the'
Scotch at a disadvantage against
the Irish, and even if we add that
the Campbells are coming with 13
(see above), the forces seem in-f
adequate. However, the Scotch
can be depended upon to save the
day if they do nothing else.
And finally there are 18 Vans,
two Starrs and one St.
There seems to be a slight puz-
zlement around these parts-and
not very shapely parts they are,
either-as to just how one pro-
nounces St. Our friends in the
know claim that St. is an abrevia-
tion for Street, we thought it stood
for Saint, and one or two of the
people who write feature articles
about the Play Production classes
insist that the name is just plain
St and no more.
Somehow we just can't see that,
last point of view. "Mrs. John St
requests the presence of Mr. and
Mrs. Dorian Blah at the wedding
of her daughter Miss Wilhelmina
Cuthbertia St to Mr.-" etc. It
just isn't being done.
The present summer session has



Iii .5 1

'Public Uti


9Real Estate
Ithought it took





(The Daily Illini)
We are glad to see the United
States Senate ratify the London
naval pact, not because the treaty
is entirely satisfactory but because
it is a step in the right direction.
If there is any one lesson that
history teaches from the time of
the Pharoahs down to Mussolini, it
is that no one nation can ever be
strong enough to keep peace by its
own force. Whatever else it is,
peace is a matter of international
agreement. We do not believe that
disarmament or limitation or arm-
aments alone is a patent medicine
for the evil of war but it is good
for much in the struggle for peace.
Actually the treaty does not ma-
terially reduce fleets in being. It
does not even save us much on the
building program to which Con-
gress had been committed, but it
does save something on such a pro-
gram as the British advocated at
Geneva and American admirals ad-
vocated after Geneva. Of course it
saves us an enormous amount on
the cost of an unlimited naval race,
both in money and good will. More-
over, we do not have to build up
to the maximum figures permitted
by the treaty. Neither does England
nor Japan.

So, in substance, said 19 out of51 men in our
Training School, in discussing the views they held of the
investment business before entering it

managed to keep the addenda still
somewhat exclusive and select.
There are 218 names listed in it, a
trifle too many, to be sure, but
with modern urban and interur-
ban conditions in the crowded
state they are, one can scarcely
hope for anything epproximating
the restricted addenda for former
years. When one considers the
preposterous methods of the mod-
ern city directory or telephone book
where countless hundreds of names
are brutally herded together on
cheap paper in the smallest possible
type, with margins too narrow to
even draw the picture of half a
dog, one can retreat to the com-
parative luxurious addenda of our
summer directory and snatch much
needed repose in the restful spa-
ciousness of the cream-white leaves.
A few directories remain and may
be obtained from this office (care
of the Rolls Column) by sending
coin, stamps, check, A. B. A. chec-
ques, money orders, or what-not
advt. The Doctors Whoofle

IKE any other business or profes-
sion, the investment business
does offer exceptional rewards for
exceptional ability.
But here, as everywhere else, the
race between the hares and the tor-
toises is forever going on. And the
tortoises have the better of it sur-
prisingly often!
Here is a field where unusual gifts
of mind and personality may ac-
complish great things-providing
they are coupled with earnestness
and self-discipline. Lacking these,
brilliance may count for little indeed.
On the other hand, the man who

has a good record, who gets along
well with people, and who, above
all, has the gift of everlasting appli-
cation-that man owes it to himself
to find out what the investment busi-
ness has to offer him.
Halsey, Stuart & Co. occupies a
leading position in the underwriting
and distribution of conservative in-
vestment securities. More informa-
tion regarding its business, its various
departments, and the kind of men it
desires to interview, will be found in
our booklet-What Is The Bond
Business? Write for a copy. There
is no obligation.

CHICAGO, zo South La Salle Street . NEW YORK, 35 Wall Street
To increase your knowledge of sound investment and of the investment business, listen
to the Old Counsellor every Wednesday evening on the Halsey, Stuart & Co. radio program... Over a Coast to Coast
network of 37 stations associated with the National Broadcasting Company.

1 t




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