ESTABLISHED 1920 0, 4 r 'ummgr ............. . 0 --ol ~Irrhiga Iait MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 4 VOL. X NO. 22. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS .l REVOLTS OF CHINA' DISCUSSED IN TAL' BY A. N._HOLCOMBE Harvard Professor Asserts Study of Revolution Adds Respect for Insurgent Populace. WESTERN CULTURE FELT Changes Lasting for Centuries in West Compressed Into One Generation. "One cannot appreciate or un- derstand the Chinese revolution without gaining a respect for the Chinese people," declared Prof. Arthur N. Holcombe of Harvard university in discussing the Chinese revolution yesterday afternoon in the Natural Science auditorium. "The Chinese revolution is not a simple revolution," stated Profes- sor Holcombe. This revolution is a combination of several. First it is a cultural revolution. The im- pact of western culture on the old Chinese civilization is causing many changes. Second there is economic revolution. The old Chi- nese way of transacting business was similar to the way Europeans conducted business in the middle ages.' Not Readily Adaptable. "Old social institutions ,are breaking up with the coming of new social customs," he continued. "These new ideas are not being hastily accepted. Instead the Chi- nese are comparing the customs of their own country with that of others and selecting those which they believe best. Running paral- lel with these changes is a moral revolution. Like the new social ideas the new moral ideas are be- ing regarded with an open mind by Chinese leaders. "Political revolutions and indus- trial changes which extended over more than a century of time in western civilization, are being com- pressed into one generation in China," said Professor Holcombe. Undergo Industrial Change. "The change from hand labor to machine manufacturing means that hundreds of people must seek new means of employment. A large percentage of government officials are graduates of American colleges and hence on the efficiency of American college training will de- pend much of China's future." A series of slides were shown de- picting Chinese art, culture, and some of the modern changes which are taking place. "We do not know' what the future state of China will be, but it is only fitting that such an intelligent people work out their own destiny," con- cluded Professor Holcombe. WHALEN PAPERS CLAIMED FRAUD Amtorg Lawyer Sees Significance of Grammatical Errors. (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, July 24.- A slight grammatical error was put forward today as evidence of the fraudu- lence of the so-called Whalen doc- uments which purport to show that Soviet directed Communist activi- ties were being conducted in the United States through the Amtorg Trading corporation. Joseph Michael, an Amtorg at- torney, pointed out to a special congressional committee investi- gating ,Communist activities in America, that in one of the letters which former police commissioner Grover Whalen made public last night, and which was ostensibly a letter to Grigory Graften, of Am- torg, the spelling of the word "pres- ent" was incorrect according to the new Russian grammar. "What of it? asked Representa- tive John E. Nelson of Maine. "Are you telling us that a Russian can't make a mistake?" "Not at all," Michael replied. "The importance of this is that in another of the Whalen documents, an alleged letter written by Graf- ten, exactly the same error occurs. The inferrence is that both the let- ters from Graften and the letter LEADERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH FIELD IPDIC A WILLADDRESS FOURTH INSTITUTE VIIJIIU IJ Lumsden, Deacon, Vaughan, ice, a forceful speaker with nation- Kelley, Griswold, Eskridge al experience, who has done more BY POL wI ATTENDS dtod o r the development of rural healthE' E to _peknSris service than any other individual Leaders in the field of public in theYcountr.,D. usden will BU10 LEY'S MURDER health control have been secured to address the fourth weekly Health Institute meetings, which will be held Friday and Saturday in the West Medical Building. Contributions to the knowledge of health control will be offered by Dr. L. L. Lumsden, Senior Surgeon, United States Public Health Serv- STATE UNEMPLOYED Unemployment League to Ask for Amending Constitution of Michigan. speak at nine o'clock Friday morn- ing on "Principles and Practices of Epidemiology." His lecture will be followed by address on: "Descrip- tive Vital Statistics," by Dr. W. H. V. Deacon, director, Bureau of Statis- tics, State Department of Health, "Public Health Administration" by Dr. H. F. Vaughan, Commissioner of Health, "Scarlet Fever Control" by Dr. D. M. Griswold, Deputy state commissioner of health, "The Role of the School Superintendent in a School Health Program" by Mr. D. J. Kelly, school superintendent, and "Junior Red .Cross, a Contribution to Social Efficiency," by Miss Lulu Story at in Detroit News Questionable Action Police Head. Hints of Eskridge, Cross. of the American RedI SEEK STATE INSURANCEI Many phases of the unemploy- ment situation and of the move- ment for unemployment insurance were discussed last night at the second meeting of the Liberal Stu- dents club by Harry Slavin, De- troit attorney, who is the chair- man of the Unemployment league of Michigan. This league is a Michigan or- ganization which is circulating in- itiative petitions to place upon the1 ballot next March an amendment to the state constitution which1 would p$avide for unemployment{ insurance, according to Mr. Slavin.- About 150,000 signers on the in- itiative petition will be necessary to put the question on the ballot.1 Of these, 20,000 have been obtained already this month, Mr. Slavin, said. Petitions are being circulat- ed in all Michigan industrial cities. Several European nations have unemployment insurance, accord- ing to Mr. Slavin, and some Ameri-; can organizations are adopting the plan. The question has been, brought up in a few states but no bill has been passed. A federal, move to investigate the situation was carried out by a Hoover com- mission under President Harding ten years ago, and a bill was intro- duced by Wagner four years ago, but, because of the conservatism and varied interests of representa- tives, no action has bee ntaken. Insurance against unemployment is already provided for 150,000 workers in this country, Mr. Slavin said, and a recent action of the General Electric company will add 80,000 more. Unemploypent is becoming a political issue, Mr. Slavin averred. Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt brought the question up at the last gover- nors' convention, and has appoint- ed a commission to study the prob- lem in New York state. Initiative, referendum, and recall are institutions recently adopted in Michigan, Mr. Slavin remarked, but have been little used. The un- employment situation offers the public a chance to employ them for general benefit. Weather Delays Mears in Round-World Flight (By Associated Press) ROOSEVELT FIELD, N. Y., July 24.-John Henry Mears, globe trot- ter, waited today for good weather between New York and Harbor Grace, N.ewfoundland, and hoped to get away by Saturday or Sunday morning on the first leg of a flight whose route runs "round the world." His monoplane "City of New York," which will be piloted by Henry J. Brown, lately an airmail pilot out of Cleveland, has been ready since its final checking at Hartford, Conn., last Friday. BASEBALL SCORES American League New York 5, Detroit 2 Philadelphia 8, Cleveland 6 Chicago 10, Washington 4 Boston 8, St. Louis 5 National League Cincinnati 4, Brooklyn 3 Brooklyn 9, Cincinnati 0 New York 1, Pittsburgh 0 Boston 5. St. Louis 4 MARIONETTE PLAY WILL APPEARHEREHI Pan Pipes and Donkeys' Ears' to be Given Under Auspices of Play Production. CHILDREN WILL ATTEND Children from the University hospital will be entertained next Monday at a theater party, spon- sored by the Exchange club of Ann Arbor, at the matinee presentation of Tatterman's Marionettes in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, accord- ing to Donald J. Kaufman, business manager of the Michigan Reper- tory players. The marionettes will appear in "Pan Pipes and Donkey's Ears," written by Catherine Reighard, the daughter of Prof. J. E. Reighard of Ann Arbor. Miss Reighard has writ- ten a number of books on puppets. She has arranged plays for marion- ettes, and has also composed sev- eral. She studied under Prof. George Pierce Baker, at Yale, in his fam- ous 47 workshop. Among her writ- ings are "The King of the Golden River" and other marionette plays which appeared here last year. The Tatterman Marionettes, one of the most popular puppet groups in the country, presented by Wil- liam Duncan and Edward Mabley, played 11 weeks in New York, and have been on the road for 20 weeks, offering performances at Philadel- phia, Detroit, Cincinnati, Washing- ton, and other large cities. They appear here under the auspices of Play Production. The Marionettes will be present- ed in a matinee and a night per- formance on Monday. Tickets are priced at 35 cents for children and 50 cents for adults. They will be on sale this week at the box office of the theatre. COMMONS INSURES VICE SQUAD ABOLISHED Detectives Seek Gang Members in Connection With Killing of Radio Announcer. (By Associated Press) DETROIT, July 24.-The murder of Jerry Buckley, fiery radio oper- ator, had far-reaching effects to- day in the city where he minced no words in denouncing the under- world before the microphone. In the burst of police activity which followed the killing of Buck- ley by three gunmen as he sat in a hotel lobby early yesterday, the centralized vice-squad was swept out of existence and the precinct squads which were substituted for it were ordered to "smash-up" ev- ery liquor and vice resort in the city. Wilcox Tells the News. A few hours after police commis- sioner Thomas C. Wilcox had is- sued orders creating the squads and starting the raids, a hard blow was struck at the commissioner himself by a story in the Detroit News. The News stated that Wilcox had admitted that his statement last night that he possessed an affidavit that a whiskey racketeer accused Buckley of extorting $4,000 from him was false. The commissioner, the News said, admitted that he has no such affidavit "as yet." The News published an inter- v i e w with Wilcox in which the commissioner was asked, after he had repeated that he had the affi- davit, to establish the existence of the affidavit by showing it to a judge of the circuit court. "Well, it isn't signed-not yet," Wilcox was quoted as saying. The News added that Wilcox said he would show the affidavit to James E. Chenot, county prosecutor. Chenot was quoted as stating that Wilcox had promised the affidavit, but had not produced it. Detectives Look for Gangs The Wilcox statement about the affidavit was the only open charge which has been made against Buck- ley, although police headquarters Seven Doctors Seek to Identify Babies (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, July 24. - Seven modern Solomons hoped Thurs- day to lead the Bamberger and Watkins babies out of the woods of doubt. The seven savants of science and medicine, summon- ed by Dr. Arnold H. Kegel, health commission,dhad search- e dfor hereditary traces in the infant boys an dtheir parents, the William Watkinses and the Charles Bambergers, and were ready to appear before Chief Justice Harry Olson of the muni- cipal court to report their find- ings. Statements by Dr. Kegel have indicated that Baby Bamberger will become Baby Watkins and the health commissioner has ob- tained a promise from the par- ents that the savants' reports will be accepted as final. Dr. Kegel revealed Wednesday that an ultra violet-ray machine has been devised which would prevent a recurrence by mixup if installed pitals. of the ba- in all hos- EARHTHOUAKE TOLL MOUNTS AS RELIEF WORK PROGRESSES EDUCATORS CLOSE FOUR-DAY_ Davis, Purdom, Courtis, Johnson Speak on Current Topics at Final Session. ENROLLMENT NEARS 100 In the final day of the School of Education Conferences for Gradu- ates, more than 100 alumni attend- ed the meetings which were held throughout the day at the Union. In the morning conference, Prof. Calvin O. Davis addressed the alumni on "Trends in the Junior High School." He was followed by Prof. Edgar H. Johnson, who spoke on "Trends in Extra-Curricular Ac- tivities." The chairman for the' morning session was Frank Jensen, superintendent of schools at Rock- ford, Illinois. Speakers in the last of the con- ferences held yesterday afternoon, were T. Luther Purdum, Director of the University bureau of appoint- ments and occupational informa- tion, and Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the School of Education. Professor Courtis lectured on "Trends in In- dividualized Instruction." T h e chairman for the afternoon con- ference was E. C. Warriner, presi- dent of the Central State Teachers College. This is the first year in which Army of Soldiers, Doctors, Air Forces Enters Devastated Regions of Italy. CASUALTIES NEAR 3,000 Razed Area Under Martial Rule; Pope Pius Prepares Church Aid for Sufferers. (By Associated Press) ROME, July 24.-A relief army of soldiers, doctors, and special work- ers of all kinds, with scouting air- planes to guide them t o n i g h t swarmed into the mountainous re- cesses of the Neapolitan hinterland to count an ever-increasing total of dead and care for thousands of in- jured and hundreds of thousands of homeless from Wednesday's ca- lamitous earthquake. From King Victor Emmanuel and Premier Mussolini down, Italy to- day began mobilization on a war- time scale for the rescue work. Pope Pius XI., horrified by the ex- tent of the catastrophe, prepared the forces of the church. Wide Zone Devastated Fromthe Bay of Naples and to the Gulf of Salerno on the west almost to the Gulf of Manfredonia on the Adriatic, a zone of devastat- ed and stricken towns, hamlets, and houses stretched like an open wound around the "ankle" of the Italian boot. With the figures of known dead at the Ministry of the Interior al- ready past 2,000 and those of the known injured approaching with dizzying speed the 5,000 mark, fore- casts of a death toll of at least 3,000 were confidently made in Rome tonight. Unofficial reports before 7 p. m. gave 3,025 as the number of bodies already found. In remote commu- nities and distant farms it is feared that hundreds more are buried un- der debris. Even in the larger towns rescue workers have not been able W explore all of the ruined build- ings. 85 Towns Desolate From Naples almost as far as the plain of Apullia on the other side of the Appennines, at ,least 85 towns and villages lay desolate. In the provincial centers and larger towns Fascist militiamen and all Fascist military organiza- tion moved in swift, disciplined or- der on their errand of relief. As the frightened populace grew more re- assured and the work of salvage lightened, bands were sent out to the surrounding country. Health authorities, fearful of such epidemics as follow in the wake of great disasters, mobilized an army of doctors and pharma- cists. Medicines and serums were collected at strategic points. Food supplies were massed in depots and distributed by the truck load. Wa- ter was rushed in tank trucks to communities whose drinking sup- plies had been cut off. FRENCH HOPEFUL OF DAVISVICTORY had announced today tives were looking for that detec-' the School of Education has held members of graduate conferences. Indications one of the city's river gangs in connecton with the killing. Buck- ley's friends pointed out that the announcer had incurred the enmity of many gangsters through his at- tacks over the radio and recalled TREATY ADOPTION the numerous threatening which he would read to his letters listen- (By Associated Press) LONDON, July 24.-The House of Commons has adopted on second reading the bill embodying legisla- tion on the London Naval Treaty, thus virtually insuring that it will be enacted. When the measure is officially' adopted on third reading the treaty will have been ratified by two of the signatories, as the United States Senate approved it this week. Only Japan is yet debating.. ers. In abolishing the centralized vice squad and returning to pre- cinct commanders the duty of sup- pressing gambling, bootlegging, and other vice, Commissioner Wilcox abandoned a policy inaugurated by Mayor Charles Bowles. This policy had been one of the focal points of the successful recall campaign which ended Tuesday with the Mayor's defeat by a majority of 30,000. are that the enrollment of approxi- mately 100 has made the venture1 into the field of alumni relations a success. Throughout the week, a series of lectures on modern trends in edu- cation were conducted, and a num- ber of luncheons were held. The purpose of the conferences was to duplicate in the School of Educa- tion the work which had been done by the Alumni University in the literary school. Ford Plant to Remain Closed Until August 4 (By Associated Press) DETROIT, July 24.-The Ford Motor Co. Wednesday announced that the suspension for vacations and inventory which began July 11 will be extended another week.In- structions were issued to employes to return to work Aug. 4 instead of July 28. No explanation was given for the extension of the shutdown. FIFTH TOUR TO INCLUDE INSPECTION OF DETROIT LIBRARY, RADIO STATION Carlton F. Wells, secretary of the Summer Session will direct the tour of Detroit, fifth of the series sponsored by the University, which will be held tomorrow afternoon. Total expenses for the trip, ac- cording to Wells, will amount to about $2.25. Tickets for the excur- sion must be secured in the offices of the Summer Session, room 9, University hall, before 6 o'clock this afternoon. The number in the party will be limited. Students who take the trip will tour Detroit in special busses. Stops have been planned at the Detroit News plant, and radio broadcasting party will take luncheon at the new Fisher Building. Downtown Detroit, and Belle Isle will be viewed from the busses. "The trip," said a statement by Wells, "is especially designed for students new to Detroit who desire acquaintance with representative commercial and cultural institu- tions in that city." Arrangements have been made for an ascent of one of the highest buildings in the city, from which a comprehensive view will be af- forded. The Fine Arts Institute is of especial interest in that it con- tains exhibits of the work of some -Wired us that the weather to- day wil be only fair-and warmer. The fish, he adds disgustedly, seem + hA hifincr +ll +hnAwaive iniean of Expect Wins by Borotra, Cochet Against Tilden, Lott. (By Associated Press) PARIS, July 24.- French tennis fans openly boasted tonight while the native officials agreed with them in less boisterous fashion that the luck of the draw bid fair to bring two victories in the opening pair of singles matches of the chal- lenge round for the Davis cup Fri- day afternoon. Big Bill Tilden, ace of the United States team, drew Jean Borotra, the bounding Basque, for the open- ing match which will start on the courts aththe Roland Gross stadi- um at 2:15 p.m. George Lott, Chi- cago youth, who will help the, American veteran with the singles burden, faces Henri Cochet, world's ranking star, in the second match at 5 p.m. The doubles teams, as yet unnamed, will clash on Satur- day with the finals singles, Lott I aziint nrntra and Tilean iiainat