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VOL. X. Na. 21.
Prof. Shepard Dicsusses Maze
Learning of Beasts Under
Known Conditions.
World Mourns
Glen H. Curtiss
Study Proves Kinaesthetic Sense,
Vision, Olfactory Sense
Play Small Part.
"How Animals Use Their Senses"
was the subject of a lecture given
by Prof. John F. Shepard of the
Psychology department yesterday
afternoon in the Natural Science
"Rats learn to run maze passages
largely by the resonance of sound
made by their feet in running the
passages of the maze," explained
Prof. Shepard. This conclusion was
reached only after many experi-
ments had been made in running
rats through mazes.
Vision May Aid.
"In analyzing the learning proc-
ess in rats a number of problems
were presented," continued the
speaker. "There was the question of
whether or not vision played a part
in the animals learning the pas-
sage. By changing the position of
the lights it was discovered that
the rat was using visual clues to
some extent in learning the maze.
This problem was solved by arrang-
ing the lights in such a position
that the rays were distributed
equally and thesame angle through
out the maze.
"The possibility that the rat was
aided in selecting the right passage
by odor left on former trips through
the passage presented still another
problem," declared Professor Shep-
ard. Floors in the passages were
taken out and washed and new
covers were placed on them. This
apparently made no difference in
the way the rats learned the maze.
Uses Sound-Proof Rooms.
"Still another possibility was that
the animal was receiving some
auditory clue," continued Prof..
Shepard. "To test this possibility
sound-proof rooms were used. This
did not, however, seem to affect the
rat's efficiency in running the maze.
"This seemed to leave only kine-
asthetic sensations as an explain-
ation of how the rats learned the
maze," stated Prof. Shepard. "To
determine whether this were true
or not a variety of methods were
tried. Changing the angle of turns
in the maze seemed to give the rats
no difficulty in running it. Starting
the rats at different points in the
maze also had no affect on the way
which they ran it. This discounted
the theory that kineasthetic sensa-
tions were helping the animals to
any extent.
"Finally, by changing the floors
in such a way that the rat's feet
produced a different sound it was
found that the rats had to relearn
the maze," concluded Professor
Itinerary Will Include Trip
to Fine Arts Institute.
Students of the Summer Session
who take the fifth excursion, which
is scheduled for Saturday, will visit
a number of the more important
institutions of Detroit.
The itinerary will include a com-
plete examination of WWJ, the
broadcasting station of the Detroit
News, a bird's eye view of the city
from the twenty-eighth story of
the Fisher building, and an inspec-
tion of exhibitions of European,
Greek, and Asiatic art at the Fine
Arts Institute.
Paintings by famous artists which
are on exhibition at the Detroit In-
stitute of Arts include works of
Correggio, Titian, Rubens, Van
Dyck, Hals, Rembrandt, Reynolds,
Raeburn, Ruyesdael, Murrillo, Mon-
et, Innes, Davies, and Melchers.
The Institute has rooms especial-
ly devoted to English, French, and
Dutch art. Exhibits carry the hist-
Conspicuous Success Achieved
in Ferenc Molnar's 'Guardsman'
A Review by William J. Gorman
It takes four good individual per- whose detail, though sensitive al-
formances-continually alive to the ways, tends to be transparent (for
quality of Molnar's thin sophisti- example, a sharp turning of his
cation-to transmute a trivial text, back for certain stock reactions,
never more than an ingenious the- usually one of discomfort.).
atricality, into a completely jolly He and Miss Bauersmith occa-
evening in the theatre..There were sionally refused (perhaps the fault
four good performances last night; is the director's) to take their bick-
and because of them, The Guards- ering with enough speed. The hu-
man is probably the most conspicu- mour of their quarrels comes for us
ous success of the Michigan Reper- only in the speed of them: the
tory Players. number of things said per minute.
Yet the evening was not com- The Actor and Actress should never
pletely jolly. The audience laughed become so worried over the "depth"
but very seldom during the acts. It of their love as to spoil the delecta-
is hard to be particular about this; ble fun of high-powered bickering.
but probably the fault lay in a Characterization Molnar generally
lack of spontaneity. The actors' looks upon as a necessary evil in
(and the director's) observation of playwrighting.
I the cynical and bland whimsies of But outside of this almost inde-\
the author's mood should have been finable failure to get completely
less self-conscious and more elabor- across (which I am sure the actors
ate; less studied and more elegant must have felt) the production is
and abandoned. very interesting. There were, as I
That was probably the trouble. say, four good performances. Mr.
Too much of the inevitable diffi- Allen, in what must be an amaz-
culty in working up such "actorist- igly difficult part, made a delight-
ic" roles showed. This was particu- ful dupe. He was skillful in pro-
larly the case with Harry Allen, jecting the Actor's delight in atti-
tudinising, sufficiently plausible as
a genuine lover of his wife, and
generally playing with fine .verve
and variety.
Miss Bauersmith had an elegant
conception of the prima donna
charm-a studied melancholy, to-
gether with gracefully wearisome
Carrothers, Moehiman, Myers, sweeps of the wrists and skirt--
Woody Lecture in Third that would make a husband turn
Dayof Conferences. Muscovite to find how completely a
ay -husband he was. It was a skillful
Associated Press Photo 1
Glen H. Curtiss,
Pioneer in the field of aviation,
who died yesterday in a Buffalo,
New York, hospital after an appar-
ently successful operation for ap-
pendicitis. Curtis was one of the
first to appreciate the importance
of human flight by machine.
i (By Associated Press)
DETROIT, July 23,--Alex J. Groes-
beck, three times governor of Mich-
igan and now seeking a fourth
term, today was the most promi-
nently mentioned posibility to op-
pose Mayor Bowles in the election
next month necessitated by the re-
call yesterday.
Groesbeck's petition as a candi-
date for the Republican guberna-
torial nomination in the fall pri-
maries is on file, but he still can
withdraw from the state race.
Confers With Welsh.
Aea ocated Preas PhotO
Charles Bowles,
Recalled as Detroit's mayor, who
is planning his campaign for re-
election next month.
Bootlegger Asserts Dead Speaker
Forced Him Into Rum Trade,
Then Extorted $4,000.
Glen H. Curtiss, Developer
Modern Planes, Succumbs
After Operation.
(By Associated Press)
BUFFALO, July 23.-Glen H. Cur-
tiss, widely known aviation pioneer,
died this morning in General hos-
pital here.
Curtiss was brought to the hospi-
tal several days ago from his home
at Hammondsport, N. Y., to under-
go an operation for appendicitis.
The operation was said to have
been successful and he was report-
ed recovering rapidly.
Mrs. Curtiss came here with her
husband and has been almost con-
stantly at his bedside. As his con-
dition began to improve she spent
her nights at a downtown hotel.
She was hastily summoned when
the aviator became unconscious
this morning but arrived after his
Hospital authorities said death
was due to pulmonary embolus,
caused by a blood clot on one of
the main arteries leading out of the
Curtiss nurtured the young sci-
ence of aviation in the middle years
of its development when fainter
hearts had grown discouraged.
His native town of Hammonds-
port, in upstate New York, where
he was born May 21, 1878, is now
called by the Chamber of Com-
merce "the cradle of aviation" be-
cause of what Curtiss and his asso-
cates did there.
At the age of 16 he started a bi-
cycle shop, as did those other pio-
neers of American aviation -- the
Wright brothers - and from that
went into bicycle racing. He sought
some means to make them go fast-
er, but there were no engines that
would meet the demand, so Curtiss
decided to make one.
With a tomato can for a carbu-
retor, he built his first motor-bi-
cycle in 1901. He continued to ex-
periment with 'light-weight motors
and evolved his famous V-type mo-
tor, a departure in design reflected
in the radical airplane engines of
In 1904 he set a speed record at
Ormond Beach, Fla., of 10 miles in
8 minutes and 54 seconds, and in
1906, over the same course, trav-
eled faster than man ever had, a
mile in 26 2-5 seconds.
American League
Philadelphia 4, Detroit 1
Chicago 5, Boston 3
Cleveland 10, New York 6
Washington 10, St. Louis 9
National League
Cincinnati 8-5, Boston 7-6
Pittsburg 2-16 Phila. 1-15
Brooklyn 4, St. Louis 1
New iVnvr 8_(Chinon R~
In continuation of the program
of Graduate conferences, two more
meetings were held yesterday af-
ternoon at the M1Vichigan Union.
W. L. Coffey, Dean of the College
of the City of Detroit, presided at
the morning meeting. Prof. George
E. Carrothers presented a talk on
"Trends in the Secondary School
Curriculum." Prof. Arthur B.
Moehlman spoke on "School Ad-
At the afternoon meeting, Ira
Smith, Registrar of the University,
was chairman. Prof. George E.
Myers lectured on "Vocational
Guidance," and Prof. Clifford
Woody addressed the graduates on
"Trends in Elementary School
The Men's Educational club pic-
nic, held at Pleasant lake yester-
day afternoon, was attended by
more than 150 alumni and faculty
members. T. Luther Purdom, di-
rector of the University Bureau of
Appointments and Occupational
Information, acted as chef.
Frank Jensen, superintendent of
schools at Rockford, Illinois, willj
preside at the morning meeting,
to begin at 9 o'clock today at the
Michigan Union, second floor. Prof.
Calvin O. Davis will speak on "The
Junior High School," and Prof.
Edgar H. Johnson will address the
group on "Extra-Curricular Activ-
At the final meeting of the se-
ries, to open at 2 o'clock today, the
chairman will be . C. Warriner.
P:rof. Stuart A. Courtis will speak
chairman will be E. C. Warriner.
Prof. Stuart A. Courtis will speak
scheduled to speak yesterday, will
present a talk on " The Guidance
of College Students."
The lesser parts were taken quite
as well. Mary Powers abandoned
herself visually and vocally to give
an amusing sketch of an ex-bel-
dame. Mr. Wetzel's Critic was very
competent, always adding interest;
though occasionally it seemed rath-
er too senile, and thus insufficiently
Pan Pipes' and 'Donkey's Face'
to be Given Under Auspices
of Play Production.
Two performances of Tatterman's
Marionettes which have been ac-
claimed as the creations of "unus-
ual imagination and skill" by the
authors of "Marionettes, Masks,
and Shadows," will be given at the f
Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, next
Monday, the 28th, under the aus-
pices of the Play Production de-
Marionettes originating in the
Orient have been developed to an
extraordinary degree of expression
and skill in Japan. To old Romel
three types of marionettes were
familiar: the Buratinni, worn like
a glove; the Factoccini, jointed
dolls swung across the knees, and
the type of puppet in use today
worked by strings and wires fromI
Marionettes have evoked consid-
erable interest in America in re-
cent years and the name of Tony
Sarg has been associated with the
experimentation and development
that has been carried on in this
country. It is this type that is
worked by strings and wires from
above that has found greatest fa-
vor in America.
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, July 24.-Police com-'
missioner Thomas C. Wilcox an-'
nounced late today he has an affi-
davit from a confessed bootlegger
which states that Gerald E. Buck-
ley, radio announcer slain by gun-
men early today, had extorted mon-
ey from him.
Buckley was political commenta-
tor for radio station WMBC. He was
an avowed enemy of gangsters and
outspoken critic of the administra-
tion of Charles Bowles, Detroit's re-
called mayor.
Through the microphone he had
denounced lawlessness, and gang-
sters. Commissioner Wilcox gave
out an affidavit from an unnamed
man who said he had been induced
by Buckley to start bootlegging,
After he became aligned with a
prosperous liquor organization, he
swore, Buckley demanded and re-
ceived $4,000.
Police apparently accepted thatf
purported revelation as a possible
explanation of the slaying. Other
theories were advanced by Buck-,
ley's associates. One group, headed
by the victim's brother, Paul, for-f
mer Wayne county assistant prose-
cutor, insisted he was killed be-
cause of his espousal of the mayor-j
ality recall. Others, including thej
police, had believed that his con-
tinued attacks upon gangsters of-
fered the motive. A third theory
was that he was shot to forestall;
his identification of the man who 1
killed two gangsters in front of the
hotel in which the radio station is
located, on July 3. He witnessed
that killing from the window of the
radio station.
County Officers Find
Young Bandit's Record
A youthful bandit, who after
having hitch-hiked a ride, relieved
Dr. F. M. Blatchford, Brighton vet-
erinary surgeon, of his car and
$2.00 in cash Tuesday, and was lat-
er captured at Monroe, has been
identified by Washtenaw county
officers as Isaac Williams alias
Frankie Wilson, holder of a crim-
inal record here. Williams prob-
ably will be charged with robberyj
Chuea er Man
Says ne is going to mow his lawn
today, because it will be slightly
He said tonight, however, he still
is in the race for governor. He
was to confer with George W.
Welsh, city manager of Grand
Rapids and his chief political al-
ly, tonight. Welsh, too is nomin-
ally a candidate for the guber-
natorial nomination, but he has
asserted that the petition placing
him in nomination was filed with-
out his authorization. It was con-
sidered certain that tonight's con-
ference would concern the with-
drawal of one from the race.
GroesbecIg expressed keen inter-
est in the situation created by the
mayor's recall. The great need, he
declared, is for inauguration of the
city manager system here and the
revision of the city charter.
Groesbeck Silent.
The former governor would nei-
ther confirm nor deny reports or-
iginating in Grand Rapids that he
might withdraw to enter the
mayorality race and leave the en-
tire administration to Welsh. He
would say only that the political
situation in Detroit needs someone
behind whom all elements would
unite. Such a call to a public-
spirited man, he said, "must neces-
arily receives conideration."
Assassination early this morning
of Gerald E. "Jerry" Buckley, radio
announcer, who had been outspok-
en in his criticism of Mayor Bowles'
administration, was regarded as a
serious blow to the mayor in his
campaign for re-election.
The slain man's brother voiced
his conviction that Buckley was
killed in retaliation for his efforts
in behalf of the recall, and, while
police and others investigating the
case depreciated that possibly, some
effect on the voters at the election
next month was considered ines-
Teachers Find Junior Colleges
Absorb University Work.
Present-day problems met with
in teaching modern languages was
the gist of the discussion at the
first meeting of the round table
discussion group held at 4 o'clock
yesterday afternoon in room 108 of
the Romance Language Building.
Junior Colleges have been gradu-
ally absorbing the first two years
of university work, it was observed,
and have made necessary certain
adjustments in the teaching of
languages. Modern languages must
be taught to create as much inter-
est as possible. While the study of
grammar. is essential in the learn-
ing of languages too much empha-
sis on technicalities frequently re-
sults in a loss of interest by the
To stimulate interest among the
students taking language, it was
suggested that attention be given
to the political history, customs,
and arts of whichever people's lan-
guage the student. might be study-
ing. Realizing that considerable
changes need to be made to meet
changing conditions in education
( the university, it was thought,
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, July 23.-Two hustl-1
ing sharpshooters with no regardl
for golfing reputation daubed the1
Western Amateur Golf champion-
ship with an upset tinge today byI
upsetting two of the highest rank-
ing favorites in the field, Cyril Tol-
ley of England and Charles "Chick"
Evans, Jr., of Chicago, out of the;
The "giant killers" were Bob Mc-
Crary, fighting from Des Moines,
who got Tolley one up after a thrill-
ing uphill fight and Charley Fish
of Rockford, Illinois, who sank a
35-foot putt on the 19th green for al
sparkling 33 and a big victory overf
Don Moe of Portland, Oregon.,
the defending champ, and T. Philip
romped through with the ease in'
the first flight of -an 18-hole battle.
He played almost perfect golf,
trouncing Freedy Lyons, Western
junior champion, 6-2, and stagger-
ing Earle Barryhill of Colorado
Springs, by the decisive margin of
8-7. Moe wasn't extended, although
his margins were close. He elimin-
ated Vincent Huntington of Chica-
go 4-2, in the first round and John-
ny Howard, Kalamazoo 2-1 in the
Johnny Lehman of Chicago, co-
medalist with Evans, reached the,
quarter final round with two vic-
tories over worthy foemen. He de-
feated Lloyd Nordstrom of Daven-
port, Iowa, the nordic who capped
the qualifying field at the end of
the first 18-hole round 4-3, and fol-