TOE SUMM MICMGAN DAMT WEDNESDAY,. JULY ~ ; 1930' I THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNX~DAY, JULY ~3, 1930 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Screen Reflections AIR RBY PLANES1 Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all mem- MILITARISM READH NEW YOR bers of the University. Copy received at the office of the Dean ON THE CARPET [ of the Summer Session until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a.m. At the Majestic: "The Case of Ser- Saturday.geant Grischa" with Chester Mor- TN VOL. X WEDNESDAY, JULY 23, 1930 NUMBER 20 ris, Betty Compson, Jean Hersholt, r Men's Educational Club Picnic: Graduates in Education who are A B.iFrancis, and Gustav von Fleet of 16 Ships on Startingt attending the Graduate Conferences this week are invited to join the "Western Knight" and "Good Old Line at New York in Race; Men's Educational Club in a picnic to be held at Pleasant Lake on Summer-time." Prizes Total $36,500. Wednesday. Those wishing to attend are asked to meet in front of the Michigan Union between 4 and 5 p. m. where cars for transporta- Herbert Brenon promised huge GEHLBACH LEADS FIELD things with his dramatization of 1 Arnold Zweig's "Case of Sergeant Flyers Take Off for Cincinnati Notice of Change of Date of Dinner for Former Students of Cen- Grischa." He came through-part tral State Teachers College. The dinner will be held Wednesday in- of the way. The piece is dramatic, s Second Day of 5,500-Mile stead of Thursday evening, as previously announced, at 6:30 in the even we with our toughened old Air Derby Is Started. Michigan League Building. hide will admit that, though it isn't ( entiely onvicing(By Associated Press) Ientirely convincing. ROOSEVELT FIELD, N. Y., July The Men's Educational Club Picnic is to be held this afternoon at A German general befriends aE, Pleasant Lake. Thomas Diamond. Russian prisoner of war. When the 22.-A fleet of 16 planes was on prisoner is unjustly condemned, the the line here today headed for Cin-1 Liberal Discussion Group will be addressed by Harry Slavin, chair- general raises all kinds of disturb- cinnati in the second day's flightr man of the Unemployment Insurance League of Michigan, on the ance, takes a train to headquarters, of the all-American air derby in subject, "Unemployment in Michigan and the Fight for Insurance." and preaches a 15-minute sermon to-I The meeting will be held Thursday evening, July 24, 7:15 p. m. on the the commander of the Eastern competition for $36,500 in prizes for third floor of the Michigan Union. All interested invited. Front on Justice, the Foundation of a 5,500-mile race around the United John M. Brumm the State, in an attempt to have States. Conferences for Graduates in Education: At the morning Confer- the sentence commuted. Believe it Of the 18 entries that started or not; we don't. As if a general from Detroit Monday, only two' ence, which will be held from 10-12 a. in., 2nd dloor Michigan Union, would be at all concerned with the failed to arrive here. Harvey C. Dean W. L. Coffey of the College of the City of Detroit will act as fate of one Russian prisoner more Mummert of Hammondsport, N.Y., chairman. Professor George E. Carrothers will discuss "Trends in thefof per ent amer sagf Ha ymnspN.Y Secondary School Curriculum" and Professor Arthur B. Mehlman will or less sent a message saying his plane Secodar ScoolCuriculm' nd rofsso Artur . Mehlan illOf course, the weakness there is had met with an accident at Kings- talk on "Trends in School Administration." Ira Smith, Registrar, Uni- in the story. But there is another ley, Pa., and Edgar B. Todd of versity of Michigan, will act as chairman of the afternoon conference te stor. Bu eeano Pe, Pa., and Bs which will be held from 2-4p.i,2nfloMchgnUo."Ted one. Alec Francis, as General von ;pueblo, Coo., lost his way and was iVcationalGuiancWill be dp. m., 2nd floor Michigan Union. "Trends Lychow, speaks good English; Gus- forced down out of fuel at Norwich, In Vocational Guidance"'will be discussed by Professor George E. My- tav von Seyffertitz (who, by the Conn. ers. Professor T. Luther Purdom will conclude the afternoon confer- .t n n eet e(wombnte ence by a discussion of "Trends in the Guidance of College Students." way, turns the best performance Lee Gehlbach of Detroit, in a Lit- in the picture, as General Schief tle Rock, Ark., entry, led the field Judge Frank Murphy of Recorder's Court, Detroit, will address the fenzahn) speaks English with a here by 23 minutes. He also was ston foreignstsaccent.r Criminology class this morning at 9 o'clock in room 101, Economics strong foreign accent. first at Buffalo, the first stop. Her- building. Judge Murphy will discuss "Facilities for Scientific Determin- Chester Morris, who plays Ser- man Hamer of Chicago was second ation of Court Sentences." All interested are invited to attend. . geant Grischa, works eagerly to put and L. R. Bayles of Springfield, A. E. Wood his part over, too eagerly, in fact s.,hr. A.E.Wod. He tries a bit too much to be the as., third. '___i_______uc__ he; A prize of $1,000 for the Detroit- Two University Students who helped to put the fire out last Sun- center of the production. Some of New York lap was withdrawn by day were recently requested to communicate with the authorities. Pre- his action is good, especially toward the North Shore Chamber of Com- sumably by authorities they understood city authorities, while Univer- the close of the play; his Russian merce of Queen when Lee Shoen- sity authorities are meant. Would they please call Dean Wahr's office hysterics, expressed after the death hair, flight referee, changed the or communilcate with Aziz B. Akram, Dial 9123 today. sentence is passed upon him, are landing field from the city airport overdone and just a bit painful, at Flushing to Roosevelt Field. The first meeting of the Round Table discussion will be held to- Betty Compson, as a refugee who At Buffalo the plane piloted by day at 4 o'clock in Room 108, Romance Languages. All teachers and aids Grischa, is superfluous, if any- John Kruttschnitt of San Mateo, students interested in the problems of Modern Language teaching are thing. As far as we are concerned, Calif., and the official derby plane cordially Invited to attend. Hugo P. Thieme. the story needed no love interest, nosed over in gusts of wind as they so we passed the few gooey mo- were landing. Minor repairs per- University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: ments chewing our program and mitted them to continue. We have calls for college graduates whose homes are in Detroit for whistling the Stein Song. S. T. Stanton of Blackwell, Okla., nursery school work, for family case work, and for student case work. The picture had good sets and prepared to jump from his entry Applications should have general training in sociology. If interested some capable photography. The north of New York when the en- please call at 201 Mason Hall. T. Luther Purdom snow interested us. It was coolng, gine stopped. Before he could leap psychologically, you know. the motor cut in again, and he con- University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: Mr. Brenon deserves credit for of- tinued the flight. A broken oil line We have calls for four college graduates who are interested in Civil fering a change from the proverbial was discovered when he landed. Service personnel work. Applicants should have some training in motion picture plot. The play was The starting time for the hop to psychology and statistics, and be residents of Detroit. If interested different, and it was dramatic, Cincinnati was put forward to 10 please call at 201 Mason Hall. T. Luther Purdom. gripping at times, in spite of its a. m. as the flyers waited under a faults. The director went even to partly cloudy sky for weather re- Excursion No. 5: Automobile tour of Detroit, including visits to the the length of allowing the hero to ports. From Cincinnati they will Detroit News Plant and Radio Broadcasting Station WWJ; downtown be shot at the end. If we excuse fly to Little Rock, thence to Hous- Detroit and Belle Isle; the new Fisher Building, for luncheon; the Fine Mr. Zweig's moralizing in his story, ton, to San Angelo, Tex., Douglas, Arts Institute and the Public Library. The trip is especially designed we may call the picture a good one. Ariz., Los Angeles, Ogden, Utah, for students new to Detroit who desire acquaintance with representa- Rather than be an old misanthrope, Lincoln, Neb., to Chicago and back tive commercial and cultural institutions in that city. we shall give it a B. D. K. to Detroit. Total expenses, including luncheon, about $2.25. Round trip bus tickets must be secured in Room 9, University hall, before Friday, July 25, 6 p. m. The number in the party will be limited. Carlton F. Wells. University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information: We have the following calls for which we desire applications: School nurse, Master's degree in Physical Education, woman, SAUNDERS CANOE LIVERY Master's degree in Music, C Third grade critic, On the Huron River at the Foot of Cedar Street Home Economics teachers T. Luther Purdom. I HI-JACKERS TAKE 55SKC MINCE MEAT RUM N Bandits Roll Barrelled Liquor From Chicago Warehouse. (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, July 22. -The mince Nine Communists, 11 Laborites meat may seem a little weak next Among Nominees Running winter. Hi-jackers made away with for 245 Posts Monday. the rum Monday night.___ Forty barrels of the liquor, used in the manufacture of mince meat, (By Associated Press) was stolen Monday night from the OTTAWA, July 22.-A total of 545 warehouse of Libby, McNeill & Lib- candidates have been nominated to by in the union stockyards. The contest for the 245 seats in the bootleg value of the stolen rum house of commons at the general was placed at $80,000. Seven robbers, wearing overalls, election next Monday. held 14 employes at bay, spent an Nine Communists and 11 Labor- hour in rolling the barreled rum to ites are in the field. In 1928 the a truck and escaped after exchang- Labor party had 18 candidates and ing shots with a special policeman. there were no Communist candi- The robbers apparently had entered dates. the warehouse in the mid-after- In the three maritime provinces\ noon and mingled with the workers there are no third party candidates, until quitting time. They produced the fight being wholly between the pistols, herded the employes into Liberal party of Premier MacKen- an office and then detailed one of zie King and the Conservatives led their number to accompany the by R. B. Bennett. watchman on his rounds, to make Robert Gardiner, leader of the cer ain that he rang boxes regu- United Farmers party from Alberta, arly. and Henri Bourassa, running from Police described it as the boldest Quebec as an independent, have h.-jackers raid ever conducted here I already been elected by acclama- zgainst legitimate industry. tion. 1CHZUA1 . . SUCKERS! SINNERS! ... SAINTS! NANCY CARRGLL Never before have you seen Nancy give such a marvelous performance-reach such emo- tional heights as she does in "THE DEVIL'S HOLIDAY." "The Devil's Holiday" TODAY THRU FRIDAY CHESTER MORRIS and BETTY HEAD CAST! BREN )- DEFIANT EPIC OF MAN, WOMAN AND WAR! I I TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHING A specialty for twenty years. Prompt service. Experienced operators. Moderate rates. 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615f r No frills . . . no fluff . . . no jazz . . . no theme song but a terrific story out of the hearts of war-scarred men... ADDITIONS DAILY TO OUR TABLE OF B3 AR G A IN 3 t)OK 50c each WA HR'S niveriy ____________________B ookstore 11 THE (A$E OF 71 SEG IAN ?iRI$CHA WANT ADS PAY! I OPENING TONIGHT AT 8:15_ MICHIGAN REPERTORY PLAYERS in ALL SEATS 75 CENTS LL 1e 1 ALItl I Ferenc Molnar's Sophisticated Comedy LYDIA MENDELSS@HN THEATRE ALSO THUR. FRI. and SAT. NIGHTS r2ra9Uararai d l' 1?1 1 IaP? 1'at? 1 1at 1?ialaPai la lalIaT. tl faTaf.7 1alaE:71a laialalafa fatafprpr;lrar.+r;lr;lf;3Mto rr". rm H III I I I I 1111111 HIII Mil I I I I I I I I a af rrT s .,,, uu uu QUALITY FOODS lhe v IO REASONABLE PRICES CAFETERIA SPECIAL LVNCHEONS AND DINNERS FIFTY CENTS CAFETERIA HOUtRS: 7 2 and 5-7:30