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June 23, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-23

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Production to Continue Through
Four Performances at
League Theatre.
Miss Bauersmith And Allen Cast
in Leading Roles for Fourth
Repertory Presentation.
"The Guardsman" by Ferenc Mol-
nar wil open at 8:15 o'clock tonight
in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre
as the fourth attraction presented
by the Michigan Repertory players
of the Play Production department
in the summer season. This smart
comedy by the Hungarian play-
wright will continue on the boards
through Saturday night.
This brilliant play was first seen
in America in 1913 under the title
of "Where Ignorance is Bliss." In
1924 the Theatre Guild opened its
season with this drama with the
present title and was received with
acclaim. Alfred Lunt and Lynn
Fontanne had the leading roles in
this production.
Allen Plays Guardsman
In the local offering, under the
direction of Valentine B. Windt, di-
rector of Play Production, Pauline
Bauersmith will appear as the act-
ress while Harry R. Allen will be
seen in the role of the actor, the
Guardsman. The other members of
the cast, which is one of the most
notable yet assembled for a single
presentation by Play Production,
are Mary Power as "Mama"-the
personal attendant of the popular
Viennese actress; Robert Wetzel as
the Critic-the best friend and se-
verest critic of the theatrical
couple; Evelyn Gregory as Liesl, the
maid; Charles F. Holden as the
Concierge; Harold Dorfman as the
Creditor; and Pauline Zoller as ah
Bauersmith Takes Part
Miss Bauersmith will be remem-
bered for her notable performance
in "Close Harmony." She comes to
Ann Arbor from Carnegie Tech and
has appeared in stock.
Allen is well known in campus
dramatic circles, his latest appear-
ance being as Johnnie in Barry's
"Holiday," the first offering of the
current season.
The student staff for this week's
production is composed of Arthur
Secord, stage manager; Helen Al-
lan, bookholder; Elva Pascoe and
Sylvia West, properties; Frederick
Howe, carpenter; Marie Kulewatz,
and Virginia McMullen, costuming.
Seats are now on sale at the box
office in the Women's League build-
ing. All tickets are 75 cents. There
will be no matinee performance
this week..
Detroit Attorney Will Discuss
Unemployment in Michigan.

Harry Slavin, attorney, Detroit,
chairman of Unemployment League
of Michigan, will discuss "Unem-
employment in Michigan and the
Fight for Insurance" in an open
meeting next Thursday at 7:15
o'clock, July 24, third floor of the
Union. Liberal Discussion Group
organized last week for the purpose
of benefiting Summer Session stu-
dents is sponsoring the meeting.
"Advantages to be derived froni
discussion of social, economic and
international problems of our age,
specially by mature students at-
tending the Summer Session are
unique," said Mr. John M. Brumm,
organizer of the group, and "form
a vital part of the educational op-
portunities offered at a center of
The program of the Unemploy-
ment League will be outlined in the
discussion and opportunity will be
given for signing the Mooney peti-
tions at the meeting. The meeting
is open to all students and faculty



A Review by William J. Gorman
Subtle and sensitive adaptation
of program to the most conspicuous
qualities in one's talent would seem
to be a first principle for all musi-
cians. Yet most frequently pro-
grams deny it-in the desire either
to cater to the imagined taste of
audiences or to emulate other suc-
cessful talents.
Last night's recital by Mrs. Okkel-
berg and Miss Cuyler, on the whole
a very entertaining one, was dis-
concerting in this respect. Mrs.
Okkelberg's single piano group last
night is a case in point. I should
call the choice of three transcrip-
tions for one group bad taste any-
way. But that aside, it was a futile
attempt at virtuosity and a denial
of her previously revealed talents
in other directions. The virtuoso
spirit is admirable-in a virtuoso.
The justification of a lot of Liszt on
a program comes in such a superb
rendition as the virulent Horowitz!
can give him. But I don't suppose!
Ratification by Great Britain,
Japan, and Deposition of
Signatures Remain.

there was ever a woman with Horo-
witz's strength and courage and
absolute mastery of pianistic detail.
Indeed why should there be? The
solution would seem to be that of
Myra Hess who restricts herself to
"unpianistic" music-some of Rav-
el, Bach, and Scarlatti. There is a
fund of such music that goes un-
played. It would seem that a femi-
nine talent-that can never pre-
tend to the lion sort of approach
anyway-would play some of it.
Something similar was revealed
in Miss Cuyler's work too. Her Bee-
thoven Allegro was undoubtedly
very bad. It lacked the vigour, ex-
hilarating urgency, self-assertionf
and absolute technical certainty
necessary to any except the very
early Beethoven Allegros. She at-
tempted to play it with the ex-
quisite, impersonal r e f in e ment
proper to Mozart. Intolerable ryth-
mic lapses resulted. By tempera-
ment and technique she seemed in-
adequate to it. Perhaps she should
have played a Mozart Sonata.
In further corroboration of this, I
think it clear that the more virile
parts of the Boccherini Rondo (the
recurring theme itself) were played
very feebly. Her Couperin and
Schubert Encore were, on the con-
trary, the most acceptable.-

Prof. R. C. Angell Declares Study
Showed Many Students Near
Liberal T h in k in gCorrelates
With High Intelligence;
Study Shows.
"Two types of undergraduates
make good academic records, view-
ed in relation to social and life ad-
justments," said Prof. Robert C.-
Angell, Professor of Sociology in a
lecture yesterday at the Natural
Science auditorium, "the one type
is the student who works hard on
his studies to compensate for the
social maladjustment, the other is
the type that has made good in his
social and life adjustments to a
high degree. The belief, therefore,
about the grind being a good stu-
dent has some basis in fact," he
Adequate Sample Studied
Intensive and thorough study de-
signed to give an accurate picture
of the mental content and attitudes
and the physical condition of 220
undergraduates, 'an adequate sam-
ple'. secured by such means as in-
telligence tests, social intelligence

Tilden Defeats Lott in Practice
in Spite of Bad Ankle.
(By Associated Press)
JA. S J..l. 22 -'JnnAI if the

X'JM VII, o Uly AA.- 1011111.1,'

vl UlC 1

slam-bang, six-shooting variety
was indulged in today by both the
American and French Davis cup
teams in the last strenuous prac-
tice matches before the challenge
round test on Friday.
Big Bill Tilden, bad ankle and
all, defeated young George Lott,
his singles mate, 6-3, 6-8, 6-4. Hen-
ri Cochet, ace of the cup defending
squad, wiped up the court with
Christian Doussus, youthful
Both number ones, Tilden and
Cochet, took chances in stroking,
which, while producing a maximum
of errors, provided some remark-
able placements.
"What a pity there is so much
at stake in the Davis cup that, the
players can not afford to take
chances," was the regret of about
1,000 spectators who paid to watch
the practice.
Meader Finds Auxiliary Tongue
Breaks Down Barriers
Among Mankind.






(By Associated Press) tests, fairmindedness tests, person-- SAYS USE IS SPREADING 1
WASHINGTON, July 22.-In the More Than 100 Are Present for al history, interviews, question-'
historic east room of the White First Programs of Week's naires, psychiatric Interviews cal- "Breaking down the barriers
House President Hoover today sign- Education Meetings. lated into a recent book, "Adjust- which separate man from man isi
ed the London Naval treaty. n eetings. ment of the Undergraduate," by the greatest problem of our age,"
Raticaton by Great Britain M E TO A TD Angell, formed the topic declared Prof. Clarence L. Meader,
and Japan and the depositing of Yand basis of conclusions drawn Professor of Genetral Linguistics'
all three signatures in London re- about student life. in a lecture to the Tolstoian Lea-r
mained to be accomplished to More than 100 alumni of the gue, "and Esperanto as a barrier
bring into full effect the covenant School of Education have attended The most Important diovery, demolisher has surpassed all the
limiting for the first time all cate- the first two days' programs in the according to Professor Angell, re- artificial languages. It is coming
gories of fighting vessels for three Graduate Conferences this week. sulting from this study was the fact into greater use as an auxiliary
great naval powers. On Monday, the series opened that more than nine per cent of international language"
Earlier in the day, the Chief Ex- with a meeting at the Michigan the undergraduates needed psychi- itrat anguage.
ecutive had said in a statement Union presided over by Allan S. I atric advice and were on the verge More than 5,000 books have been
that the treaty, which was ratified Whitney, dean emeritus of the of nervous breakdown. Mental hy- printed in Esperanto, he pite
yesterday by the Senate, will "se- School of Education. Prof. George giene provided for for next fall has out, and 100 periodicals are pub-
cure the full defense of the United C. Kyte spoke on "Elementary been designed to eliminatetgisg lashed, g In full or 1800In part the
States" and will lay "the founda- School Supervision and Instruc- Attitude Reflects Intelligence language. I 80cities there are
ton" uond wih fuyrthe consc- htion." The Men'sEducation club Dividing the sample as to life representptives of the Eperanto
tive redemption in world arms may met Monday night. adjustment into the four groups of League serving as clearing houses
be accomplished in the future." At the conference yesterday good, emancipated, traditional and for information and instruction,
be acomplihed the uture" Atthe cnfernce ye a te r a y oor, rofesoraAgordingnd htoaPrrdngessPrrfMearderdr and
"With the ratification by other morning, under the chairmanship Poor, Professor Angell found the ac i many of the central and east-
governments," Mr. Hoover said, of Webster H. Pearce, State Super- traditional group the least intelli- en Earofe centraas east-
"th tratywil tansatean mo-inendnt f Pbli Istrctin, r.gent and the poorest in all tests. emn European countries Esperanto
"the treaty will translate an emo-' intendent of Public Instruction, Dr.,h mniaeo hs h is taught in public schools-.
tion deep in the hearts of millions L. W. Keeler presented a lecture on The lieacip th ose wo I"ht pblic ool.
of men and women into a practical "The Grading of Students." Prof. were liberal in their economic, po- "The simplicity of the language
fact of government and interna- I Francis D. Curtis spoke on "Super- litical, and social outlook ranked (it has only 6 gramaticalot wo rules,
tional relations. We should by this vision of Secondary School Sub- as the most intelligent group, pro- and some 3,000 root words with
act of willingness to join others in jects." fessor Angell said. about 40 suffixes and preflxes)
limiting arms have dismissed from Dean J. B. Edmonson of the edu- Members of sororities and fra- gives Esperanto a very large and
the mind of the world any notion cation school presided over the ternities showed the greatest social flexible vocabulary," said Professor
that the United States entertains luncheon with the faculty, at which and life, adjustment, the tables pre- Meader.
ideas of aggression, imperial pow- Edward H. Kraus, Dean of the Sum- pared by Professor Angell showed. Esperanto is used by the Inter-
.es, or exploitation of other na- er H. Kan Wled B. haw- Independents showed half as high national Labor Office of the Lea-
s, p mer Session, and Wilfred B. Shaw, a percentage of 'good' social ad- gue of Nations, recognized by the
Four of the American delegates brief talks. justment, twice as high 'mediocre' International Broadcasting Union
to the London conference, Vices nte fenonmeig'etr and ten times as high 'poor' social and accepted by the International
president Curtis and two members In the afternoon meeting yester- adjustment as the members of sor- Telegraphic Union according to
of the Senate Foreign relations day, at which C. S. Yoakum, Vice- orities and fraternities. exhibits at the lecture.
omtte stoat te elo President of the University, presid- Growth of American industries
the Chief Executive as he affixed ed, Professor C. O. Davis addressed Eand the consequent larger inter-
the alumni on "Trends in the Jun- BULLETIN national interdependence, accord-
his signature to the treaty that had ior High School." A lecture was pre- (By Associated Press) ing to Professor Meader, makes the
its beginning less than a year ago sented by Prof. Willard C. Olson on DETROIT, July 22.-Returns Ing ofessor eraesnthe
in a conference between himself "Child Development." from 125 out of the city's 802 language more urgent. Esperanto
and Prime Minister MacDonald inI precincts revealed 15,664 votes langa ore ur Esperat
the presidential camp in Virginia. 'There will be a conference at 10 for the recall of Mayor Bowles, is not only adapted for commercial
Flanking Mr. Hoover on the right , o'clock this morning, under the ( and 9,720 against it. purposes it is equally well-fitted for
and left stood Secretary Stimson chairmanship of W. L. Coffey. scientific use.
and Secretary Adams, both dele- I - rmans ip _ _. _y.
gates to the conference. About PROF. CHESTER M. WALLACE EXPRESSES APPROVAL
him were grouped the Vice-presi-1
dent, SenatorsRobinson, Dem., OF !UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN PLAYS' OF 1929-30
Ark., and Reed., Pa., two other del-,
egates to the conference; Senator -
Borah of the Foreign relations "The Play Production department ning plays but also several out- tempts at other forms of writing
committee and Senator Swanson, of the University is extremely for- standing works of student authors. thinly disguised as plays.
of Virginia, ranking Democrat on tunate to be represented by two In the second volume which was "I am of course supremely inter-
the committee. such valuable volumes as ther Uni- In te se voum wh was "I am ohe uement e
The other three delegates of this versity of Michigan Plays' for 1929 placed on sale about two months ested in the development of the
country, Ambassadors Dawes, Mor- and 1930," said Prof. Chester M. ago are "Wives-in-Law" by Eliza- native theatre and in its liberation
row, and Gibson, were unable to be Wallace, of the Carnegie Institute beth Wehner Smith, spec; "Lassi- from the limitation of
present at the ceremony but to of Technology and for three weeks tude" by Hobert Skidmore, '32; and other countries. If it is to be new
them were transmitted the person- gu Tdirector of Play Production, "Three-A-Day" by Hubert Skid- and vital, all the colorful sources
al congratulations of the President. in an interview recently. more, '33; the prize winning plays which are so abundant in modern
___ s. - kio-.ear .Trya44i t "'The life must be tanned. For this rea-


Doubt as to Who Would Petition
Becomes Game of Awaiting
Brucker Handicapped if Green
Allows Name on September
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, July 22. - The entry
ist for the September primary elec-
ion closed Tuesday afternoon in a
confused muddle. Draft movements
which have been simmering for
weeks sprung to life. As a, result,
the field of candidates in the con-
test for the Republican nomina-
tion for governor expanded like a
mushroom growth.
Those for whom petitions had
been filed when the time limit ex-
pired at 5 o'clock were:
Governor Fred W. Green, Alex J.
Groesbeck, former governor; Wil-
bur M. Brucker, attorney-general;
George W. Welsh, city manager of
Grand Rapids, and Judge Edward
J. Jeffries of the Detroit Record-
er's court.
Governor Is Quiet
While heretofore speculation has
been centered upon who would file,
the tangle now becomes a waiting
game to see who will withdraw. Pe-
titions for Governor Green carry-
ing about 30,000 names, were filed
by John L. A. Galster, of Petoskey,
Jesse A. Hendricks of Grand Rap-
ids, and James E. Degan, of Detroit.
The governor was not in the city.
During the day the executive shut-
tled from the George Goetz farm
near Holland to Ionia and then
back to Holland to spend the night.
Howard C. Lawrence, secretary to
the governor and chairman of the
Republican State Central commit-
tee, said he does not know whether
the governor will run. He added
that the governor will have no
statement to make at this time
and possibly not until he retuins to
Lansing in three or four days.
May Be Put On Ticket
If the governor maintains his si-
lence and neglects to withdraw
within the next few days his name
will go on the primary ballots.
Printing of the ballots prdbably
will start in some counties next
week. There is no time limit for
withdrawals, but once the ballots
are printed names cannot be strik-
en off. The governor has said sv-
eral times he will not be a candi-
date for a third term.
Many Important Institutions to
be Inspected by Students.
Important institutions in down-
town Detroit will be the objectives
of the fifth excursion of the Sum-
mer Session scheduled for Satur-
day, July 26. The party will leave
in privately-chartered busses, and
will visit the entire plant of the De-
troit News, the new Fisher build-
ing, the Detroit Institute of Arts,
the Public Library, and Belle Isle.

Th tneray il icludeacm
plete examination of WWJ, the
broadcasting station of the Detroit
News, a bird's eye view of the city
from the twenty-eighth story of the
Fisher building, and an inspection
of exhibitions of European, Greek,
and Asiatic art at the Fine Arts
Reservations should be made in
Room 9, University Hall, before Fri-
day, July 25, 6:00 p. m. Total ex-
penses are estimated to be $2.25.



OuritVeatherl~f ,u
(By Associated Press)
Is on the horns of a dilemma, but

Although there are few colleges
whieh have student-written plays
published in such a manner, Pro-
fessor Wallace stated that the
Michigan collection compares quite
favorably with similar university
The two volumes published by
George Wahr, State street mer-
chant, were edited by Kenneth
Rowe and contain forewords by
Prof. O. J. Campbell, both of the
division of English. The first vol-
ume contains the plays which won

for tnis year. in a anon, 11
Day's Work" by Mrs. Smith, "Many
Happy Returns" by Robert Wetzel,
grad., and "They Too," a two-act
play by R. Leslie Askren, '29, also
appear in the same volume.
"Both books of plays are good
enough to sell on their own merits,"
said Professor Wallace. "They are
very much worth buying and read-
ing, not simply because they are
written by students but because
they really show knowledge of dra-
matic technique and skill at dra-

son this University is a particular-
ly promising field, for here a large
number of students with vividly
contrasting environments and
backgrounds are brought together.'
Commenting . upon distinctive
plays in this year's collection, Pro-
fessor Wallace characterized "The
Day's Work" as "unusually interest-
ing because of the original treat-
ment of its rhythm." In his opinion,
R. Leslie Askren, '29, is "exceptional
-one of the most promising of th


American League
Detroit 6, Philadelphia 5
Boston 4, Chicago 3
St. Louis 3, Washington 1
Cleveland 6, New York 5
Cleveland 10, New York 8
National League
Chicago 5, New York 4
New York 6, Chicago 1
Philadelphia 11, Pittsburgh 5
Brooklyn 1, St. Louis 0

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