THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1930 t rWi $'umBat Published every morning except Monday deing the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled tosthe use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, postoffice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $x.5o; by mail, $2.00. Offices: Press Building, Maynard . Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR GURNEY WILLIAMS Editorial Director ........Howard F. Shout City Editor.......Haroldl Warren, Jr. Women's Editor..........Dorothy Magee Music and Drama. Editor. .. William J. Gorman Books Editor..........Russell E. McCracken Sports Editor ...............Morris Targer Night Editors Denton Kunze Howard F. Shout Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr. What's Going On T! OLLI' 1 J....... OASTED R ALL THE NEWS NOT FIT TO PRINT 6 Dorothy Adams Helen Carrm u Manley Assistants Cornelius H. Beukema Bertha Clayman Sher M. Quraishi BUSINESS STAFF Telepnone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER GEORGE A. SPATER Assistant Business Managers William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin Circulation Manager......... Bernard Larson Secretary..................Ann W. Verner A .isistants Joyce Davidson Lelia M. Kidd Dorothy Dunlap Night Editor-Powers Moulton SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1930 THE DETROIT NOVELTY All the prejudices and absurdities of politics seem to have been brought to the fore in the recall election campaign in Detroit. Ad- herents of both parties are gradu- ally becoming less sane and more bitter and irrational as the contest continues. In all the welter of charges and counter-charges, at- tacks and defenses there seems to be no clear issue for decision. The voters are being influenced not by calm reasoning and explanation but by sentiment and emotion. In other words, the election activities represent the worst of machine pol- itics in a large metropolis. Upon what in all this affair can the voter rely as legitimate and trustworthy? What are the true facts of the case? Neither question can be answered properly. There are too many barricades of secrecy, too many entanglements with the underworld, too much ponderous governmental machinery for any truth to leak through to the aver- age citizen. All that is possible is to view the contentions of the recall party, for it is naturally on its members that the burden of argu- ment falls, and to attempt without bias to discover wherein and to what extent the mayor has failed in the performance of his duties. The major contention of the op- position to the present administra- tion seems to be that Mr. Bowles is incompetent. This incompetency is said to be shown in his handling of the Emmons matter, of the D. S. R. question, and of the Gillespie affair. For first consideration, does it seem likely that the mayor would have fired from office one of his own personal friends and a man of recognized integrity and business ability, unless he felt that his lack of experience and knowledge in po- lice work outweighed the other con- siderations? Emmons' prolonged trip to the coast would certainly seem as much a neglect of his du- ties as the much advertised "Derby vacation" which the mayor took. The D. S. R. question was a more serious matter. Undoubtedly the ac- tions taken there were hasty and unfortunate for the most part. The insurance coverage was too hand- somely paid for, and Mr. Drexiliust should not have been discharged on1 so little provocation. The elimina-1 tion of Frank Couzens, however, may very logically and properly have been founded in a desire toc effect a smooth-working organiza- tion in the street railway office. The matter of hiring Gillespie ast commissioner of public works was a false move only to the extent thatt it meant the making of a greatt many enemies. Essentially it can bec considered an act of courage rather1 than of bravado. Despite the posi-c tive character of the commissioner,t which has naturally made for himt many enemies, he has always beenI recognized as a man of ability and knowledge of city affairs. He has a better record, even considering itsa doubtful spots, than a great many of those attacking him in such holyr righteousness. f The Detroit newspapers and the rather loud-mouthed advocates of , the recall, have seemingly failed to d realize that the treading of new s Monday, July 21 2:00 o'clock - CONFERENCE FOR GRADUATES IN EDUCA- TION. Speakers: Professors Geor- ge C. Kyte and Clifford Woody Michigan Union. 5:00 o'clock - Lecture-ILLUMI. NAED MANUSCRIPTS OF THE APOCALYPSE IN SPAIN (Illus- trated). Professor H. A. Sanders Director of the American Schoc of Classical Studies. Natural Sci- ence auditorium. 7:00 o'clock-Meeting-Men's Ed- ucation Club. Third Floor, Michi- gan Union. 7:15 o'clock-Meting-Woraen's Education Club. Speakers: Regen Esther M. Cram. Michigan Leagu Sbuilding. Tuesday, July 22. 10:00-12:00 o'clock - CONFER. ENCE FOR GRADUATES IN EDU- CATION. Speakers: Professor Louis W. Keeler and Francis D. Curtis Michigan Union. 2:00-4:00 o'clock-CONFERENCI FOR GRADUATES IN EDUCA- TION. Speakers: Professors How- ard Y. McClusky and Willard C Olson. Michigan Union. 5:00 o'clock-Lecture-THE AD- JUSTMENT OF UNDERGRADU- ATES. Assistant Professor Rober C. Angell. Natural Science audi torium. 8:00 o'clock - Concert - MRS MAUD OKKELBERG, Pianist anc MISS LOUISE CUYLER, Violinist of the School of Music. Hill audi- torium. * * * Wednesdaiy, July 23. 10:00-12:00 o'clock - CONFER- ENCES FOR GRADUATES IN ED- UCATION. Speakers: Professor George E. Carrothers and Arthu B. Moehlman. Michigan Union. 2:00-4:00 o'clock - CONFER- ENCES FOR GRADUATES IN ED- UCATION. Speakers: Professor George E. Myers and T. Luthe Purdom. Michigan Union. 5:00 o'clock-Lecture-HOW AN- IMALS USE THEIR SENSES (Il- lustrated). Professor John F Shepard. Natural Science audi- torium. 8:15 o'clock - Ferenc Molnar's THE GUARDSMAN, by the Michi- gan Repertory Players. Lydia Men- delssohn Theatre. * * * Thursday, July 24. 10:00-12:00 o'clock - CONFER- ENCE FOR GRADUATES IN ED- UCATION. Speakers: Professors Calvin O. Davis and Edgar G. Johnston. Michigan Union. 2:00-4:00 o'clock--CONFERENCE FOR GRADUATES IN EDUCA- TION. Speaker: Professor Stuart A. Sourtis. Michigan Union. 5:00 o'clock - THE CHINESE REVOLUTION (Illustrated). Pro- fessor Arthur N. Holcombe, of Har- vard University. Natural Science auditorium. 8:15 o'clock-THE GUARDSMAN, ,Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. .Friday, July 25 8:15 o'clock-THE GUARDSMAN. Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. s * * Saturday, July 26 8:00 o'clock-EXCURSION NO. 5 -Detroit News Building, including Radio Broadcasting Station WWJ; Tour of Belle Isle; New Fisher Building for luncheon; Detroit Pub- lic Library; Detroit Institute of Arts. Reservations in Room 9, University hall. Tickets $1.50. 8:15 o'clock-THE GUARDSMAN. Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. tempt to inaugurate a new era in the city's politics, has necessarily involved some mistakes. No whole- sale reorganization can be effected without making a wrong move oc- casionally. We .wonder if the citizens who are to vote next Tuesday really think that they will secure better government by ousting Bowles. Would Ex-mayor Smith bring it to them? Perhaps the joy of being called alert and progressive will lead them to vote for the novelty of recall. Care should be taken that the novelty, seasoned with emo- tional hysteria, is not the only bas- is for their ballots. { Speaking of bargain day, does anyone want to buy some good Horseshoe Nails Common or Hair-j pins consolidated stock that wasI forgotten in the recent crash. A great many farmers are re- ducing their wheat acreage by the simple method of selling their This strange Turkish fellow who claims to have had 11 wives, 336 children, and three sets of teeth. Well, possibly. We'd be willing to bet that some of our campus ac- quaintances for the summer could run him a fairly close second-not in the matrimonial or patrimonial field, to be sure, but otherwise-yes, decidedly so. Regarding his third set of teeth, which he claimed to have sprouted at one hundred and five years, we are willing to wager that they Weren't teeth at all but just hard- ening of the gums-callouses from .trying some of the cooking of the tenth bride or something like that. In a way it restores our faith in human nature to see a man like that go to the altar eleven times- or maybe it doesn't. The third installment of our gripping novel which we offer to- day was written by the youngest of the Whoofle brothers, Pxwxly Whoofle, a serious young genius who lives in Paris half the year and in jail the other half for the way he lived the first half. Chapter Three. The midnight sun was just dip- ping below the horizon of the vast Antarctic wastes one afternoon when a slow procession of ab- original seal-spearers might have been seen trudging through the precarious ice floes carrying on their backs a precious supply of whale blubber to last through the long, cold night which was clos- ing down upon them with its my- riad stars, prowling polar-bears, and arctic foxes. Suddenly the leader of this fan- tastic horde raised his head, low- ered his burden to the snowy ground and muttered brokenly, "Ip gk plk gezg gtzg" Instantly the entire band drop- ped their packs and gazed into the north (Shouldn't this be the south?-EDITOR. This is the ANT- arctic, you ham.) from whence came the low unmistakable roar of a giant Ford trimotor. Soon the great plane had land- ed in a crumpled heap not five yards from them. A door opened from its bent side and out stepped a radiantly beautiful lady in even- ing gown on the elbow of a macu- lately dressed gentleman. The na- tives prostrated themselves before the pair. "Well," said Lewdia, for it was none other than our heroine, "so this is where you take me when you ask if I'd care to leave the ball a moment for a breath of fresh air. Tell me, Mr. Glutz, what does this mean?" "It means," said Glutz grimly, his face a mask, "that we are lost somewhere in the antarctic wastes with no petrol, no food, and half a canteen of ice-water. I wonder if these natives can speak English." "Well, I am famished for one," said Lewdia, her practical nature reasserting itself in spite of the dangers about her. "Ask these men for some food." A moment later Glutz shook his head dispairingly. It's no use," he despaired. "I've tried everything- Portugese, Chinese provincial, It- alian, French, and hottentot clicks. I guess we starve." Suddenly Lewdia was inspired. Taking the leader of the band by the hand, she placed her hand on her stomach and said, "Yum, yum, yum." "Lewdia," gasped Glutz; "do you realize what this may mean." "Never mind," she answered fearlessly without shifting her gaze from the stupid face of the native. Slowly across the dull fea- tures, a light of comprehension broke. Stooping to the pack of blubber at his feet, he broke off a chunk of the frozen fat and hand- ed it to the girl. Lewdia took it and smiled a remercie. Then she glanced at the food in her hand and her face blanched white. "My God," she cried, "Fat! and me on a diet!" Unusual Design Feature of Twin City Skyscraper THE Foshay Tower, Minneapolis, Minn., is designed along unusual lines. It will be one of the unique landmarks of the Twin Cities for many years. The builders of this novel building have provided for the most advanced form of Vertical Transportation by installing Otis Signal Control elevators, which will provide high speed intensive service throughout the life of the structure. 0 1.............: Z N A 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ $ ~ T U Z" Ji A challenge to the imagination To provide telephone service of na- tional scope, to manage and develop properties valued at more than three and three-quarter billion dollars, to maintain an organization of more than 400,000 people at highest efficiency - such work spurs the creative thought of men of the high- est calibre. Within the Bell System many have achieved outstanding success. Their work is not only in pure science and engineering, but in organization and management, in salesmanship, financial administration, eco- nomics and the many other fields vital to the growth of so great an enterprise. Because of these men the Bell System is able to furnish the best all-around telephone service in the world. A progressive policy puts at their disposal every aid that a great organization can give. And so, as the two of them crawled into their sleeping bags that night in the little canvas tent with the arctic owls scudding ,overhead in the great Darkn*ss, far away around the globe 5000 miles or so, Maraschino Glamp was just tucking herself under silken coverlets. BELL SYSTEM ta nation-wide system of inter-conhnecting telephons C,) JTE