ESTABLISHED 0, 4p* *nut mrrx .,.... mw 1920 4 t tiag t ~~I~Ait ASSOCIATED PRESS MEMBER OF THE I. J. VOL. X. NO. 18. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 20, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS EDCTO COLi~Ato a u HEALTH LECTURERH AD ISES THOROUGH PHYSICAL__SURVEYS Medical Examinations Valuable1 to Both Community, Physicians. AGHA INTENDS TO LIVE ETERNALLY -MAY VISITCHICAGO WHILE HERE (By Associated Press) OBTAIN GOOD RESULTS! Stresses Need for Combating Tuberculosis Among Students. "Stepping Stones Toward Better Health" was the subject of a lec- ture given by Mrs. Blanche R. De- Koning, director of the Anti-Tu- berculosis association of Grand Rapids yesterday morning. "In combating disease too little attention is directed toward peo- ple between 15 and 25 years of age because in this group it is as- sumed that every one is enjoying health and strength," stated Mrs. DeKoning. However, in this group the tuberculosis death rate has not been decreased and it has been found that frequently during this age infections begin which cause trouble in later life she pointed out. After considering for some time the best way to do something about this problem the Grand Rapids Board of Education and the Anti-Tuberculosis society de- cided to make a health survey in the public high schools of the city, Questionnaires Circulated "For this purpose," continued the speaker, "questionaires a b o u t health needs of the school were circulated. The students were given medical examinations, a study was made as to the causes of absences, and class rooms were checked up on to see that they were properly lighted, heated and ventilated. Of those taking thie medical examinations 13 per cent were found to show a positive re- action to tuberculin skin tests, be- sides many other students were found to have weak eyes, bad teeth, and nose and throat troubles. Over $17,500 Saved "Just the service rendered by the physician in this project would have cost the community more than $17,500 for private examina- tions," stated Mrs. DeKoning in re- ferring to the amount saved the community of Grand Rapids. Be- sides while the examinations were being made it also taught 331 stu- dents to go to their family physi- cians or specialists, and five or six hundred to improve their daily living habits. This work stimu- lated private medical practiceeand took nothing from it, Mrs. DeKon- ing explained. "Results were found to be high- ly beneficial; and we hope this is just one of the stepping stones across the river of ignorance to the house of perfect health on the oppisite bank," Mrs. Dekoning con- cluded. ALL ARE RESCUED AS VESSEL SINKS Targis Goes Down After British Ship Saves All on Board. (By Associated Press) LONDON, July 19.-The German merchantman Targis, en route from Valparaiso to Hamburg and Ant- werp, which was abandoned Thurs- day by crew and passengers after a fire aboard, sank at 1:45 a. m. today a radio dispatch to Lloyd's at Cape Race, Newfoundland, today said. The 11 passengers and crew and officers, numbering 53 in all, are aboard the British steamer Rangi- tata, en route to Southampton from Wellington, New Zealand, which stood by for nearly a day to1 make the rescue and until all chance of salvage was past. The ship sank in 33:45 north latitude1 and 50:45 west longitude, about 1,500 miles east of New York. The master of the Rangitata ra- dioed the Associated Press the fol- lowing account of the disaster. "While we were steaming in fine weather on the morning of July 17j we observed on the horizon a largeI cloud formation looking like a wa- terspout. At 10:15 a. m. an S. 0. S. NEW YORK, July 19.-An endur- ance champion of another sort was a visitor in the city today. He is Zaro Agha, a Turk, who claims to have endured for 156 years. He is here to offer his antique body for examination by scientists and dictate a century and a half of autobiography for a considera- tion. i But Zaro Agha is not resting on his laurels. "I am going to live as long as the world lasts," he declared. Among the items of his shopping list while he is here is a set of artificial teeth.- He said he needs them to replace his third natural set which he cut at the age of 105. They were not very sound, he ex- AMERICA CONQERS ITALY INCUP PLAY De Morpurgo Bows Before Lott; Allison, Van Ryn Win in Doubles Match. TEAM TO MEET FRANCE (By Associated Press) A U T E U I L, France, July 19.- America overcame a fighting Ital- ian tennis team today to enter the challenge round for the Davis cup. Adding two more victories to the one achieved yesterday in the open- ing match of the interzone final, the United States forces chopped up the three victories necessary to clinch the series. Tomorrow's sin- gles can not affect the result and the Americans will clash with the French for the trophy here next Friday, Saturday and Sunday. As usual, however, the south Eu- ropeans upset all the locker room gossip. Baron Humbert de Morpurgo, who many hereabouts had believed might win from George Lott of Chi- cago, was beaten by scores of 3-6, 9-7, 10-8, 6-3, in a match which' was interru'pted by darkness yes- terday with the Amercan leading at two sets to one. The Trieste nobleman, 'Placido Gaslini, in a last minute shift to the doubles line-up gave the crack, American combination of John Van Ryn and Wilmer Allison, one of the+ hardest tussles they had had in many a day. The match went to five sets, pro- vided some brilliant and some spot- I ty tennis, and ended with the Americans on top by scores of 5-7, 6-2, 6-4, 1-6, 6-3.1 Tomorrow, in the anti-climax, John Doeg, of Santa Monica, Calif., will be substituted for A 11 i s o n against de Morpurgo and Lott will face Georgio Destifani who forced Allison to five hard sets yesterday. Wind, Rainstorm Sweep Japan WithHeavy Toll (By Associated Press) TOKIO, July 19.-Thirty known dead, scores missing and injured, and immense property damage was the known toll today of the ty- phoon and rainstorm which swept over Loochoo and Kiushiu islands in th southern part of the empire Friday. Thousands of persons were made homeless when the storm, travel- ing 100 miles an hour, destroyed hundreds of dwellings. The wind swept over the islands, crossed the straits and roared into Korea, leav- ing destruction in its path. A train was wrecked and 20 per- sons injured, and reports said a village of 300 was buried in slide loosened by the heavy down- pour. BASEBALL SCORES American League Detroit 10, Boston 2 Chicago 10, Philadelphia 9 Cleveland 5, Washington 2 Washington 17, Cleveland 4 New York 13, St. Louis 7 National League Pittsburgh 9, Boston 4 Chicago 5, Brooklyn 4 St. Louis 4, New York 1 St. Louis 8, New York 4 Cincinnati 10, Philadelnhia 3 plained, and at 120 he was a tooth- less old man again. He has endured 12 wives and 6 wars. He outlived 11 wives and now is wedded to a woman 90 years his junior, who he left in Istanbul while he makes his American tour. Of his 36 children all are dead except his youngest daughter, who was born when he was 96. He has no idea how many grandchildren, great-grandchildren and later gen- erations of descendants he has. His war record, he said, began with a campaign against Napoleon in Syria. He fought against the Greeks and in four wars against the Russians. In the last one, when he was 103 years old, he was an artilleryman; that is, he carried field pieces on his back through mountain passes. Carrying things on his back was his forte, he said, for between wars he was a heavy-duty porter in Con-! stantinople. Now he is content to carry the burden of his years, no' trifle. His skin is yellow and wrinkled and of the texture of parchment. His eyes are bright but sunk deepl in their sockets. He hears well and speaks in a high cracked voice. RUSIN ISLSES REVOLUTION PLAN Former Soviet Charge d'Affaires at Paris Testifies Before Investigation Committee. i NAMES , AMBORG GROUP (By Associated Press)I NEW YORK, July 19.-Charges of] Gregory Dessedovsky, former Sovi- et charge d'affairs at Paris a n d Tokio, that the Moscow government planned to spend vast sums to fo- ment revolution in the United States, were placed before the spe-3 cial House Communist Investigat-] ing committee today by police in- spector John A. Lyons of the Radi- cal bureau. The charges were contained in an article by Dessedovsky printed in a Jewish newspaper last March. The former diplomat, who was refused entry into the country accused the Amborg Trading company of car-.. rying on propaganda work besides being a commercial agency of the Soviet Union. High officials, of the Amborg company, the articles said, were sent here in the guise of commer-' cial agents and were instructed to permit Soviet agents to draw funds for propaganda. "Directors of the Amborg are sent to New York usually under a dis- guise," Dessedovsky wrote, adding that he was appointed to the di- rectorate of the concern and in- structed to act as an unofficial am- bassador. He was refused admit- tance by the federal government because of his political connections with the Soviet.I The Soviets planned, the article continued, to lay the ground work for a revolution in the "12,000,000 discontented negroes and farmers in the United States." Party Action May Put Governor Back in Race TO HOLD GRADUATE' A N C 0 N F[0[ NC:;tryEE: More Than 125 Degree Holders Enroll to Take Up Study of Teaching Again. 4 FACULTY MEN TO SPEAK1 Series of Addresses, Luncheons, Arranged for Next Week; Edmonson Will Talk.a More than 125 alumni of the : School of Education had signified their intentions to attend the Graduate Conferences at noon yes- terday, according to a statement byI Prof. Thomas Diamond. 4assocated Presa Photo The following is the official pro- Fred W. Green, gram for the week: Present governor, who may be Monday, July 21-2-4 o'clock- made a candidate for the Republi- Chairman, Allan S. Whitney, dean c emeritus of the School of Educacan nomination to the governor- tion. "Elementary School Super- ship again if his friends follow vision and Instruction," P r o f. their plan to submit petitions next I George C. Kyte; "Elementary week. Gov. Green had announced School Curricula," Prof. Clifford previously that he would not run. Woody. 7 o'clock-Men's Education club, Michigan Union building; Wo- men's Educational club, Women's League building. Pearce Begins Program Tuesday, July 22-10-12 o'clock IPEL 01fl ilL -Chairman, Webster H. Pearce, State Superintendent of Public In- Indicate He Will be Placed on struction. "Grading of Students,' Dr. L. W. Keeler. "Supervision of Ticket With or Without Secondary School Subjects," Pro- Consent From Him. fessor Francis D. Curtis. 12:15 o'clock -Luncheon with TO OPPOSE GROESBECK faculty; chairman, J. B. Edmon- son, dean of the School of Educa- (By Associated Press) tion; brief talks by Dean E. H. LANSING, July 19,-Petitions to Kraus and Wilfred B. Shaw. 2-4 enter Gov. Fred W. Green in the o'clock-Chairman, C. S. Yoakum, race for the Republican guberna- vice-president, University of Mich- torial nomination have been check- igan; "Psychology of Adolescence," ed and are ready to file with the Dr. Howard Y. McClusky; "Child department of state. Friends of Development," Prof. Willard C. the governor indicated today they Olson. 4:15 o'clock - Baseball will submit them, with or without games, Ferry field, Faculty vs. the governor's consent, Monday or Principals, Superintendents vs. Tuesday. Teachers. Because of this development, pol- Carrothers To Speak iticians who are dizzy from run- Wednesday, July 23-10-12 o'- ning in circles as they never ran clock - Chairman, W. L. Coffey, before may not find the haven dean of the College of the City of they anticipated next Tuesday af- Detroit; "Secondary School Cur- ternoon. The time limit for filing ricula," Prof. George E. Carro- petitions expires then, but there is thers; "School Administration," a loophole which permits changes Prof. A. B. Moehlman. 2-4 o'clock afterward. Candidates for whom -Chairman, B. J. Rivett, principal I petitions have been filed may with- Northwestern High school, De- draw after the c 1o si n g d a t e. troit; "Vocational Guidance," Pro- There may be as much uncertain- fessor George E. Myers; "Guidance ty during that interim, waiting to of College Students," Professor see who will withdraw, as there T. Luther Purdom. 5 o'clock-Pic- has been trying to figure out who nic with Men's Educational club, will file. Thursday, July 24-9-12 o'clock- If peitions are filed for Green, Frank Jensen, suprintendent of Ihettionsrfiled forlGeen, schools Rockford, Illinois, "The the question of who shall be the Junior High School", Prof. Calvin major admmistration candidate 'O. Davis. "Extra-Curricular Activ- against former Gov. Alex J. Groes- ities," Prof. Edgar G. Johnston. beck will remain undecided until 12:15 o'clock-Luncheon with Fac- either Green or Wilber M. Brucker, ulty; chairman, Prof. Thomas attorney general, withdraws -or Diamond; brief talks by Dean G. until it is too late to withdraw. C. Huber and T. Hawley Tapping. 2-4 o'clock-Chairman E. C. War- L rary riner, President Central State of Late Prof. Winkler Teachers college; "Individualized Instruction," Prof. Stuart A. Cour-. Books on German literature, sci- tis. 4:15 o'clock-Baseball games- entific problems, and text books Ferry field, Faculty vs. Superin- totaling 1,500 volumes were re- tendents, Principals vs. Teachers. ceived by the General library re- TO OMIT AMENDMENTS Hale and Copeland Pepper Reed With Questions as Naval Pact is Read. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, July 19.-Ratifi- cation of the London naval limita- tions agreement early next week seemed assured tonight as the op- position ended its speech-making and permitted the text of the treaty 'to be formally approved. The end of the stubborn fight waged by the militant band under Senator Johnson, Rep., California, was heralded as the only two amendments offered to the treaty were shouted down without record votes. Johnson started today's session with the resumption of the contin- uous debate carried on by the treaty foes for the last three days, but his voice was hoarse, and after a short address he yielded for the consideration of the text of the treaty. Read Pact One by one the 26 articles of the pact were read and late in the day they were completed. Chairman Borah of the foreign relations committee, who was in charge of the treaty then offered the resolution of ratification. He assured Senator Johnson that he had had no intention of seeking to waive the rules and would take it up in regular session on Monday. The rules require the resolution to lie over a day. Three days of continued debate carried on by the group of oppon- ents had obviously tired them. Some gave notice today to their leaders they could go on no longer and the end of the fight against the treaty was obviously at hand. No Agreements Made No agreements or understandings had been made when Johnson end- ed his speech, but it was conceded by the opponents that they are fighting a losing fight. An overwhelming majority will support the resolution of ratifica- tion when it comes to a vote next week. However, more than a dozen reservations are pending to be act- ed upon and the foes still may de- bate these, prolonging the contest. Sixty-two senators answered the opening roll call today which lead- ers believed assured a quorum un- til the end. OUTSIDERS .SHARE IN PHYSICS STUDY Ratification Assured Week as Minority to Weaken. for Next Begins TREATY FOES LOSE HEART AS SESSION DRAWS NEAR CLOSE Twenty-five G u e s t Scient A 1 lbS tists OFFICIALS RECUPERATE AS FRESH AIRCAMP (Special to The Daily) FROM NOISE BOYS DEPART Michigan instructors and stu- morning for one important part of dents who are in charge of the the camp system - weighing the, University Fresh Air camp on Pat- boys out. The records showed in terson lake in Livingston county will have a two-day rest from noise most cases a distinct gain, although beginning this morning, when the the life which the boys have been second section of campers will re- living is entirely different from turn to their homes. The third sec- what they have been accustomed to tion, 100 strong, will arrive in camp before. This increase in weight and about 10:30 o'clock Monday morn- a very perceptible tan are the chief ing externalevidence of the twelve-day The boys leave the camp grounds stay in the country; in addition to at 8:30 o'clock to walk to the main these it is the hope of the camp road above Pinkney, where, at 9:30 authorities that the boys have some they mount the trucks that take sense of discipline gained from sys- them to their homes. Some have tematized work and play and an been homesick and are rather eag- imagination stimulated by consist- er to get back to city streets, but ent contact with an Indian motif the majority have been too fond of in the camp system of play and a fairly lazy life in the open not awards. to have some regrets at leaving Over the week end some of the lake, woods, and large playing officials will be in camp to do nec- fields. essary work in preparation for the cently. The books were from the library of the late Prof. Max Wink- ler of the Germandepartment. k Most valuable among the books is a set of Deutsche National Liter- atur, covering the history of Ger- man literature. This set of books was of special value to the library for there was only one other set of such volumes available. The other books cover a variety of topics. Most of them are reference vol- umes, texts, and classical works in fiction. f AP 40 (By Associated Press) Says that we shall continue to harnhn- a+ha. atrmph ch . Attend Physics Symposla. Twenty-five scientists from vari- ous colleges of America and Europe are attending the symposia in the- oretical physics offered by the Uni- versity this summer, according to a recent announcement from the of- fice of the Summer Session. These students take part in the symposia as guests of the University. All of them are experts in physics in their various institutions and possess the higher degrees in science. Two men come from the Univer- sity of Leyden. They are H. Casimir and A. G. Rutgers. The University of Alberta is represented by E. S. Keeping and Stanley Smith. I Katherine Chamberlain, the one woman in the group, comes from the College of the City of Detroit. Everett R. Phelps is also from that school. Two Rutgers men are in- cluded: R. d'E. Atkinson, and W. J. Jackson. John Hopkins University. sends four: D. H. Andrews, G. Dieke, J. E. Mayer, and M. Goeppert Mayer. Others from American universi- ties are: J. W. Beams, B. J. Bok, L. G. Hoxton, Elmer Hutchisson, W. H. Hyslop, S. A. Korff, S. W. Liefson, Allan C. G. Mitchell, Ed- ward Saibel, H. N. Swenson, L. W. n ,l CT n-as Thrian _ n A