THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1930. New York Waitress JIMENEZ REVIEWS Gives Leisure Time EFFECTS OF FOOD to Aviation StudyI "Each person is an indJvidual case. Chocolate may produce hives on one person, headaches in an- other, and gastro-intestinal dis- turbances in still another," said Dr. Bueneventura Jimenez of the Sensitization Clinic of the Univer- sity Health Service. "Milk and bread, although gen- erally considered healthful, are ac- tual poisons to many people, man- ifesting themselves as asthma, ec- zema, headaches, hay fever, colds, and many other ailments." An enlarged inflamed area at any of the scratches indicates to what the person is sensitive. If negative results are obtained, in- tradermals or injections are given, testing the foods. This final step sometimes produces the particular symptoms that the person suffers. The clinic treated over 500 cases in 1929-30. Especially valu- able as a working basis are statis- tics relevant to the patient's past health record, and that of his rel- atives, for asthma, hay fever, and eczema often run in the family. "The Sensitization Clinic is one C LASSIFIE ADVERTISING WANTED TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. Dial 9087 M. Hartsuff. W, F, Su WANTED-Student waiters, part time and full time. See manage- ment. 16 HELP WANTED -- FEMALE- Teachers (175)-for High School and Grades wanted at once. CONTINENTAL T E A C H E R S' AGENCY, 316 Brooks Arcade Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. 2-27 FOR SALE CORONA and all other portable typewriters at student rates. Phone C. T. Smith, 7309, eve- nings after seven. 13, 14, 15, 16 LOST LOST-Ladies' coat to blue suit. Wednesday afternoon in the Michigan Theatre. Finder call Michigan Daily. 15, 16, 17 WANT ADS PAY! Former tuaent, min ian stan te unuee. ew sudents o fte skull. This is a brief description! Summer Session and others in the vicinity of Ann Arbor who are grad given by Professor Adelbert Ford of uates or former students of Michigan State College will meet after the Men's Educational club meeting next Monday, July 21, to determine the the University of Michigan.I date for a reunion and to confer on the program for the reunion. Every- Man's actions are determined by one interested should make a special effort to attend. many factors in his nervous system, instincts, emotional nature, and' Summer Band: All male students interested in the formation of a natural intelligence, as well as the summer band are requested to meet at Morris Hall tonight at 7:30. environment in which he lives. Bring instruments. Nicholas Falcone. It involves a study of the asso- Beulah Uhruh, ciation of ideas in the mind, the Waitress. a New York restaur- The Women's Education Club will meet on Monday evening at 7:15 ways in which past experiences are at evte er re hours at the League building. Mrs. Esther M. Cram, Regent of the University, recalled and habits formed. Finally ant, who devotes her leisurechours will speak and meet the students informally following the meeting. it includes a treatment of the com- her limited commercial air pilot's All women on the campus are invited to attend. plicated mental processes which go license and is shown slipping on Con during imagining and reason- her flying suit over her waitress Former Students, Central State Teachers College: A dinner has ing; how and why a person acts as c e at over feld. been arranged for Thursday evening, July 24, in honor of President E. he does when facing a complex m Roosevelt field. C. Warriner. All former students of Central State Teachers College are problem in his life. urged to be present. The dinner will be held in the Women's League All of these aspects of human be-'Oath Bible' of angs building at 6:30 o'clock. Those who expect to attend will report to hAior call for careful study and Becomes Museum Piece Thomas Diamond at Room 4018 University High school before Sat- experiment before any laws of ac- urday noon. The price of the dinner will be one dollar and twenty-ximeytbefdran (By Associated Press) five cents. good in a majority of cases, said CHICAGO, July 17.-The "oath Professor Ford. Bible" of the gangsters who once Houses for Undergraduate W en: House heads are requested The value of knowing the laws of met in "Jim" Colosimo's famous leave signing-out slips in the Undergraduate Office of the Women's thoughtsnd behaviourlisihe cafe was revealed today as teh-s! League today. Isabelle Rayen, 'hutanbevirlesntei aewsrvae oa stnh Summer Pres. Women's League use to aid education, to fit individ- century Greek manuscript of gos- uals into proper vocations and pro- pel readings. It was once part of fessions, and to enable people to the ritual equipment of the cathe- Niagara Falls Excursion: Participants in the Niagara Falls Excur- live more suitable and successful dral of Argos, Greece. sion leave East entrance of Natural Science Building by special motor- mental lives with fewer worries The manuscript, now in the Uni- bus at 3 o'clock this afternoon. This motor-bus deposits passengers at and strains from bad mental ad- versity of Chicago's collection, is the dock of the D. and C. line at the foot of Third Street. The steam- justments to the world in which a lectionary, or collection of the er, Greater Detroit, departs for Buffalo at 5 p. m. William H. Hobbs. they live. gospel selections asigned to be In commerce and industry mod-! read as part of the Greek orthodox ern psychology is widely applied. ritual on various Sundays and holy Some large institutions employing;days. ' many persons use physical and mentalptests to place their em- PORTABLE c4ployees in the positions to which TYPEWRITERS they are temperamentally best fit-WE vk We have all makes. Bill McAfee, former ace of the It looks like the Indiana cage ted. Remington, Royals, Wolverine pitching staff and a big team of next year is in for a lot of Corona, Underwood cog in the Fisher-coached machines trouble if one may judge by the Californiareveals there is only one Cs which won the 1928 and 1929 Con- formidable schedule that CoachI species of freshwater turtle native O. D. MORRILL ference flags, is making good in Everett Dean has announced. Sev- to the Pacific Coast. 314 South State St. Phone 6615 .......................... ..... A of of the most agreeable departments the University Health Service. I - I DANCE AT JEAN GOLDKET TE'S BLUE LANTERN BALL ROOM ISLAND LAKE Scarlet Mask Band-Ohio State University On Grand River 1 %2 miles east of Brighton, 6 miles west of New Hudson DANCING NIGHTLY, EXCEPT MONDAYS. SUNDAYS CONTINUOUS FROM 6 P. M. .1 NOW SHOWING Come to the Star's Party SHOWS DAILY. ara o 200 1111 3:4 on 7:00 9:00 A ILEASONABLE PRICES CAFETERIA I N SPECIAL LUNCHEONS AND DINNERS FIFTY CENTS r