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June 18, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-18

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pnr Man deli Fails to Recover After
RV DQRIMIUT 111F I:1 First Hard Smash. I


Special Health Institutes Will
Offer Intensified Work
Today, Tomorrow.
To Discuss Treatment of Anemia
Saturday Morning; Social
Work to be Stressed.
Special Health institutes organ-
ized for public health workers una
ble to attend the regular Summdt
Session and offering intensified
work over the week-end will meet
today and tomorrow. These insti-
tutes are arranged to form a com-
plete series and cover the wide
range of fields that play a part in
public health. Summer school stu-
dents may attend any of these lec-
Prominent public health lectur-
ers appear before the institutes and
among the out-of-state lecturers
scheduled to speak this week-end is
Prof. C. E. A. Winslow, director, de-
partment of public health, Y a 1 e
Winslow Will Speak Again
The contributions of Professor
Winslow to the knowledge of air
and ventilation in connection with
public health and the part he has
played in the standardizing of
health department practice are na-
tionally recognised. This is Profes-
sor Winslow's first visit as a lectur-
er to the health institutes of the
University. He will speak on ventil-
ation on Friday in the West Am-
phitheatre in the West Medical
building and on standardization of
health department practice at 4
o'clock Saturday.
The treatment of anemias will be
discussed by Dr. Raphael Issacs,
assistant director of Simpson Me-
morial Institute for pernicious ane-
mia. Dr. Issacs has contributed to
the advance of cure for anemias
and is a nationally known authori-
ty on the subject. He will speak at
9 o'clock Saturday.
To Discuss Disease
Dr. C. C. Slemons, the new state
commissioner of health will, dis-
cuss Diphtheria Control at 2 o'clock
Friday, and Miss Ola Hylton, assist-
ant director of social service at the
University Hospital, will speak on
the "Relationship of the Medica
Case Worker to the Local Commu
nity," at 3 o'clock.
"Stepping Stones Toward Bette
Health," will be the subject of an
address by Mrs. Blanche R. DeKon
ing, executive and director of th
a n t i - tuberculosis association o
Grand Rapids; and Dr. D. M. Guda
kunst, director, school health serv
ice, Detroit, will discuss the contro
of communicable diseases in th
public schools.
The organization and admini
stration of community social wor
will be the subject of Mr. W. J
Norton, secretary of the Children'
Fund of Michigan, Detroit. Dr. Nor
ton, director bureau of laboratories
Detroit, will speak on the "Diagno
sis of Disease inthe Public Healt
German Chancellor to Dissolv
Reichstag if Opposed
(B Associated Press)
BERLIN, July 17. - The club .
virtual dictatorship, government b
decree, was brandished over Ger

many today by the chancellor, D
Heinrich Bruening.
Indications were that the Reich
stag would be dissolved if it ques
tioned the chancellor's plan to er
act the government's financial pro
gram in this wise.
In such an eventuality Presiden
Paul von Hindenburg, the chancel
for and the finance minister, Di
Hermann Dietrich, would exercis
under article 48 of the constitutic
an almost limitless authority, no
responsible to a legislative body.
The situation came to a hea
Wednesday in discussion of artic]
two of the finance ministry's pro

(By Associated Press)
17.-A1 Singer won the lightweight c
championship of the world by
knocking out Sammy Mandel, de-
fending champion, in the first
round of a 15-round match before
25,000 people in the big ball park.
Mandell was floored four times,
the last time for the knockout. Aft- I
er a few seconds of sparring, Singer1
climbed over the champion, beat
him to the floor the first time with
a right to the chin from which
Mandell never recovered.-t
The young challenger stormed 1
all over Mandell as the champion r
climbed to his feet, beat him down
for the count of seven with a volleyc
of punches to the head, nailed him1
with a left hook as he rose andj
sank him again for a four count
before putting over the finishing
punch, a straight right to the chin.-
Mandell dropped as if he had been
Professor Carr Declares Grave
Doubt of Justice in Case 1
of Tom Mooney.
"Repudiation of testimony and
the subornation for perjury of wit-
nesses raises grave doubts as to
justice in the case of Tom Mooney,"
declared Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the
department of sociology at the first
meeting of the Liberal Discussion
group held in the Union last night.
"If Mr. Mooney is guilty of the
crime of which he has been con-
victed according to the laws of the
state of California the death pen-
alty should have been carried out,"
said Professor Carr, "but if new
evidence or the repudiation of test-
imony raises any question of his
guilt Mooney should have been giv-
en a new trial, or his case re-open-
ed. Commutation of the death sen-
tence to life imprisonment is no
Sketching briefly the background
r of labor disputes, strikes and whole-
sale racketeering and bribing of
- officials by public utility barons of
San Francisco 10 years preceding
f the Preparedness Day bombing of
916, Professor Carr showed how the
"art of. framing people" was devel-
l oped in San Francisco. Dynamiting
of a prosecution witness' home, the
kidnaping of Fremont Older, a fa-
mous newspaper editor, shooting of
k presecution attorney Heine by the
r. forces in conflict in the people's
s case against the presidents of the
street railway, gas and telephone
companies for bribery to council-
men made the background of the
h labor struggle.
The businessmen of the city con-
vinced that Mooney was an unde-
sirable citizen who organized strikes
and published the "Blast" raised a
r million-dollar fund and under a
law and order committee financed
e the p r o s e c u tion. "Civiization,"
these presidents of public utilities
declared who were members of the
law and order committee, "depends
f on law and order."
y Petitions requesting the re-open-

r- ing of Mooney's case by the gover-
r. nor of California are to be prepared
and will be made available for sig-
- natures of those who desire to sign
s-I them.


ays Schools Have Broken Away
From Naturalistic Concept
of Education.
)escribes Work of Progressive
Education Association

Rumors Indicate Grand Rapids
Manager May Represent
Groesbeck Faction.
Green Forces Promise Governor
Will Not Enter Race if
d" t t w7.t I -4 --

Capt. A. H. Brooks to be Called
Before Board of Inquiry.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, July 17-Federal
investigation into the marine dis-
aster of June 10 in Massachusetts
bay culminated today in official
charges against the seamanship of
a ship captain involvedaand re-
commendations for changes in
navigation rules designed to pre-
vent a recurrence of the disaster.
In the accident considered the
steamer Fairfax collided with the
tanker Pinthis and 49 lives were

Makes Attempt to Apply Cloture
Rule to Limit Discussion
to One Hour.
M'Kellar, Johnson Make Three
Hour Speeches in Opposing

at Washington. Groesbeck Withdraws.
"Progressive education is the (By Associated Press)
erm applied to a new concept of LANSING, July 17.-In opposite
seating the child nature," said J. corners of the state Green and
/ilnor Dorey, executive secretary Groesbeck workers have conferred
f the Progressive Education asso- in the
iation of Wishington, D. C., in a past few days, evidently
ecture yesterday afternoon in the striving to shatter the line-up
Jniversity high school auditorium. which has thrust forward Wilber
Dorey was secured by the School M. Brucker, attorney general, and
f Education as seventh speaker on Alex J. Groesbeck, former gover-
;he Afternoon Conference series. nor, as the major contestants in
Iis subject was the "Progressive' the coming Republican guberna-
ducation Movement." torial race.
"It is the old, naturalistic con- Reports reaching here were that
ept implied in the etymology of Groesbeck forces in Detroit Wed-
;he wordpeducation from which the nesday again considered a proposal
chools have departed, but to which that George W. Welsh, city manag-
_ I r of G'.rn.d Rani8q- arrv the cnl-


ost when the tanker's gasoline car- (By Associated Press)
go caught fire. WASHINGTON, July 17. -Exas-
Capt. Archie H. Brooks, master perated by the refusal of the Lon-
>f the Fairfax, a coast-wise liner don treaty opponents to agree to
>perating between Baltimore and limit debate beginning next week,
Boston, bore the brunt of the Senate leaders decided today to
blame placed by government in- try to exhaust discussions by night
spectors who conducted the inquiry, sesisons and as a final resort to -em-
and will have to defend himself ploy the cloture rule shutting off
before an official board. He was talk.
charged with reckless navigation, Senator Johnson, Rep., Calif.,
violation of pilot rules, unskillfull- leader of the opposition, rejected a
ness, and negligence, proposal to limit debate beginning
next Tuesday and called a fight
[XCUB , ON"without quarter".
Senator Watson of Indiana, the
Republican leader, who sought the
n rao vaf e rc:7rrl b ri mi"c

all forward-looking personswould ti Ul e x U '*' X y6 U1 "" II U lI': y1111 II agreement, answere by darawing
have us return," he continued. It i ors for that faction and that Groes- from his pocket a petition to in-
broad in scope, covering all schools beck withdraw. The same sugges- IA voke the cloture rule. It was quick-
from the nursery to the university. tion has been discussed before. The ly signed by twice as many as the
It is humanitarian, not mechanist: only new element was said to be Will Leave Ann Arbor in Special necessary 16 names.
i and allies itf to all sane 1ber- a promise by administration work- BoReed Concurs.
Ic, an istselft 1 aelbr ers that if Groesbeck withdraws' Buses for Detroit to BoardIt asihhd nghh -
al movements in industrial and so- they will guarantee that Gov. Fred Lake Steamers. It was withheld tonight, how-
ciab affairs, public health, and gen- Wthee will urntetrtun vFe ever, as leaders sought either to
eral wefarepu-W.Green will not run. exhaust debate or to reach an
eral welfare. This would leave the field largely HOBBS TO DIRECT TRIP agreement. Another attempt will
Should Consider Individual to the governor and Welsh. Behind be made tomorrow looking to lim-
"In the schools themselves it op- the latter a coalition of administra- More than 20 students under the itation of debate.
erates as a spirit, not a plan," Dor- tion workers who do not like Bruc- direction of Prof. William H. Hobbs Senator Reed, Rep., Pa., gave
ey went on. "It believes that edu- ker and Groesbeck leaders would of the geology department will notice at adjournment that he
cation should first consider what is mass. leave Ann Arbor today by special would move to keep the Senate in
the individual endowment of each wudmv oke h eaei
child, ndshduld andapmt h mar Welsh has said a number of busses on the excursion to Niagara session tomorrow night if the
child, and should adapt the matter times he will not run and will sup- Falls, the fourth of the series of agreement was not forthcoming.
to the subject matter. It therefore port Groesbeck. The effort to draw Summer Session excursions. The An earlier plan to hold a session
timates feedm i thenron- him into the race continues never- busses will leave from the east en- tonight was abandoned after a se-
stimulates freedom i the environ- theless. trance of the Natural Science build- ries of conferences.
ment, interest in the child, trust in In Kalamazoo the night before ing promptly at 3 o'clock and will Meanwhile, Senator Johnson and
the teacher, beauty and pleasure in the Groesbeck conference, Wilbur stop also in front of the Union. Senator McKellar, Dem., Tenn.,
the surroundings and work, and met with John S. Haggerty, secre- The group will be taken to De- carried on the opposition debate
flexibility in the teaching proce-trianwllhebodaDtot
dure. Non of these aims, in a- tary of state, Gov. Green and pos- troit and will then board a Detroit today, consuming the six hours. It
sool, aes innsial sibly others, it was reported. The and Cleveland steamer for Buffalo. was the second successive day Sen-
progressive school, are iconsistent Brucker campaign forces are said At Buffalo the students will take a ator McKellar has spoken for three
with the demands of adult life for to be pressed financially. The sub- car direct for Niagara Falls, where hours at a stretch.
discipline, self-control, industry, or ject of the Kalamazoo meeting may they will register at the H o t e 1 The treaty foes also stacked up
vocational efficiency. Progressive have been ways and means to fur- Temperance house. A visit to a a total of seven reservations to be
Education believes, however, that ther Brucker's campaign but it was model of Niagara gorge. wil be con- voted upon before balloting on the
these qualities are best secured rumored that its object was to in- ducted Saturday morning. resolution of ratification.
through the above program. duce the attorney general to with- In the afternoon, the group will Sure of a wide margin of votes
Natural Interest Best . draw. take a special Gorge Route car for for the treaty, the advocates plain-
"Natural interest," he said, "is This proposal also has been ad- a trip around Niagara gorge. Here ly showed their irritation at the
more effective than imposed au- vanced several times and each time the route passes the International steady flow of words from the
thority and drill. Motivated work is it has been met by a Brucker dec- bridge, goes along the edge of the small but spirited band of foes.
more productive than passive learn- laration, "I am in to stay." gorge past the Upper Great gorge However, there was some doubt
ing. Freedom to learn is better than and the Whirlpool rapids, and stops whether there were enough votes
routine. Trust is more potent than LLLat the Whirlpool. Those who desire to adopt the cloture rule which re-
fear. Health of body and mind Labor Leader Charges may take an aerial tram trip across quires a two-thirds majority.
comes first. The home and the Soviet Agents Favored the Whirlpool and meet the party Cloture Finds Disfavor.
school are one. The child is a whole on the other side. Making his first extended at-
personality; he must be taught as (By Associated Press) The party will stop at Niagara tack upon the treaty itself, John-
such because, as an adult, he func- NEW YORK, July 17.-Matthew glen for half an hour. A half-hour son said the contention that the
tions as such. Abstract pedagogy Woll, vice-president of the Ameri- stop will be made at Brock's mon- treaty provided for limitation of
has no place in a changing world." can Federation of Labor, charged ument, the location of which over- armaments was "fictitious."
Dorey went on to outline the today that the United States has looks the bed of old Lake Iroquois. I "We demand 23 eight-inch, gun
work which is being done by the favored agents of Soviet Russia. From here the trip will proceed cruisers," he said, "and Mr. Mac-
association, telling of the various Testifying before the Congres- down through Queenstown, across Donald said we couldn't have them
phases of its organizing and invest- sional c o m m i t t e e investigating the suspension bridge into Lewis- and must take only 18. The only
igating duties in the field of edu- communists' activities, Woll said town, then up the Niagara river thing we did was to scrap our pro-
cation. The association plans pro- the government had permitted Red past the Whirlpool and the Whirl- gram and to accept the British
grams for schools, stimulates the emmissaries and sympathizers to pool rapids, emerging from the program."
publication of education texts, acts enter the United States, whereas the gorge to terminate the trip about 5 "It is already 86 days since this
as an employment bureau for avowed enemies of Communism had o'clock at the car barns. treaty was signed in London," it
teachers, advises the public on the been barred in some instances. He A trip will be taken across the said. "The Washington treaty on-
merits of schools, and even helps said he "supposed" the alleged fa- International bridge into Canada ly occupied 52 days between the
in administrative problems of the voritism was "under the guise of on Saturday night for a view of the date of signature and the consent
schools. bettering trade relations." falls lighted by electricity, for ratification by the Senate.
"This treaty was before the for-
PROF. CHESTER M. WALLACE GIVES INTERPRETATION eign relations committee for 53
days while the Washington treaty
OF CLEMENCE DANE'S DRAMA, 'NABOTH'S VINEYARD' was before the foreign relations
committee only 17 days. To date
this treaty has been debated be-


American League
Boston 12, Detroit 2
Cleveland 4, Washington 3
New York 16, St. Louis 7
Philadelphia 12, Chicago 8
National League
Pittsburgh 6, Boston 2
Chicago 6, Brooklyn 3
New York 12, St. Louis 9
fininnati 14 Philadelnhia 9

A Review
Prof. Chester M. Wallace of Car-
negie Institute of Technology in-
troduced by a fine reading a re-
cent drama of Clemence Dane's,
Naboth's Vineyard, to a large
crowd in the Mendelssohn theatre
yesterday afternoon. Miss Dane is
a prominent English dramatist,
the author of A Bill of Divorce-
ment, Mariners, and Granite, which
was produced here a few years ago
by Comedy club. Here prose ver-
sion of the Ahab-Jehu-Jezebel
imbroglio from The Book of Kings
was prompted, it was rumored, by
the obvious inadequacy of John
Masefield's poetic reproduction of
the same story.
Her prose is very agreeable, and
..a. na n,. airanman + t:aFr n, a_

judge from the crises which Pro-1
fessor Wallace chose, typically in
the direction of dominant, clearly1
differentiated types: Ahab utterly
weak, Jehu completely ruthless,
Nahob devotedly obstinate, Jezebel
bold and unscrupulous.
In the light of the richness of his'
performance in The Criminal Code,
Professor Wallace's conception of
the reader's task was very modest
-correctly so, however. He was
economical about pantomime and
gesture, using these, for the read-
er, extra modes of communication
only when necessary.
Nor did he over-concern himself
with delineatiing character through
variety in quality of voice. Indeed
his voice is hardly flexible enough
for his always somewhat futile ex-
hihif+in n +nrniin iin the rear.

tion to light. His reading was not
essentially interpretative. Indeed,
the text one suspects was not im-
portant enough to bear out this
type of reading.
Professor Wallace's reading was
dramatic: that is, he relied large-
ly on the force of cumulation, the
realisation of crises through rhy-
thms of dynamic intensity. His
firm, sonorous voice, sensitive feel-
ing for rythm and perfect articula-
tion were finely suited to his sim-
plification of the reader's task. He
had in his voice that other requis-
ite of the good reader: a continual,
unartificial tenseness, stimulating
the imagination to supply for itself
the s r ensr for netacle that

sion. The Washington treaty was
debated for only eight hours of

ur We with,

tempts to load phrases with em- bated before the Senate through-
phasis, forcing meaning and emo- out 49 and one-half hours of ses-
su. 'me wa TXTiÂħriguun I 1- e-uy wn


(By Associated Press)
Reports that with all probability
there will be showers or thunder-
storms today, accompanied by cool-
er weather At hst. the da will h


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