THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1930 t, wIir ummwr 1* r4 1- an ai I Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. TIhe .Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pubjished herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan. postoffice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $i.5o; by mail, $2.00. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephoue 4925 MANAGING EDITOR GURNEY WILLIAMS Editorial Director..........Howard F. Shout City Editor............ Harold Warren, Jr. SWomeu'sEditor ....... Dorothy Magee M\'usic and Drhama Editor... XWilliaxm J Gorman Biooks Editor ..........Russell E. McCrackenI Sports Editor................Morris Targer Night Editors Denton Kunze Howard F. Shout Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr. .About Books OASTED ROLL MR. GIBBS S OUCHS OUTPETIT A PETIT SLOUCHES OUTr Chances by A. Hamilton Gibbs;L'OISEAU Little, Brown and Company, Bos- FAIT SON NID ton; Price $2.50; Review Copy from ; The Doctors Whoofle, Wahr's University Bookstore. Michigan Daily, Among the best sellers in the Ann Arbor, Mich. New York shops for the past three Gentlemen, weeks is Mr. Gibb's Chances. It is This guy so-and-so, or triple S. quite a readable novel, the fizzy as he calls himself, certainly de- sort of thing that one may read serves to be boiled in oil. Why you on a summer evening and be rath- even stooped so low as to mention er tolerable toward. If you demand him in your otherwise decent col- that a book be exact in characteri- umn is beyond me. zation, that the situation be novel- But, what I would like to know ly handled, do not spend your time is, where does this bird live? He I I ,. - SUMMER Dorothy Adams Helen Carrmi Bruce Manley Assistants Cornelius H. Bertha Sher M. Beukema Clayman Quraishi BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER GEOiGE A. SPATER Assistant Business Managers William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin Circulation Manager.........Bernard Larson Secretary........ ....s Ann W. Vcrner A_;sistants reading Chances- Chances presents the story of brotherly love confronted with the rival love for a girl. Tom and Jack Ingelside's devotion to each other at school is shown; out in the world one as a lawyer, the other as engineer, the devotion still hangs on Jack falls in love with a charming young artist, but Tom speaks first and becomes engaged. In face of this test of their loyal- ty, Mr. Gibbs has one of the broth- ers killed, to make way for a happy ending, or at least an easy ending. You are quite put out by such slouching of responsibility on the part of the author. After building up for a whole first half of the book a character relationship (thin it is true) between the two, he al- lows his study to fall through his fingers. Rather than occupy him- self with the psychological strug- gle that would necessarily be arous- ed within the mind of Jack upon the announcement of the engage- ment of his brother, and upon the action that would come out of his introspection, Mr. Gibbs brings in the war and kills such possibility. And the chance ending also kills said something about living next to a league house and having plen- ty of experiences to relate. Of course I'm not interested in women myself but I thought I might of- fer myself as correspondent for your column to investigate this matter. Would you please publish his address in the next issue? Gratefully yours, A gentleman and scholar (Horse collar) Well, Horace Choler, or whatever you may be, that's just what we have been trying to do for the last three days-locate the quintiple Mr. S. at his native haunt. As yet his habitat remains the dark black mystery that it probably is, but we haven't given up hope yet and are nightly to be seen prowling about Betsy Barbour, Martha C o o k, Fletcher Hall, Church street, and similar vicinities with a can of Flit and a pinch of salt (None of your vulgar innuendos-EDITOR). We are starting today what we hope will be a successful fight-to- the-finish. For over a week now, we have remarked with increasing annoyance the persistence with Joyce Davidson Lelia M. Kidd. Dorothy Dunlap Night Editor-Harold Warren, Jr. WEDNESDAY, JULY 16, 1930 FOR THE INTERCHANGE OF IDEAS An addition to the list of summ activities has been made in th form of a club in which the di cussion of problems of paramour interest will be carried on. Whi the regular school year has lon had such organizations, the To stoy League of Alpha Nu, for e ample, this is the first time th students in-the short session ha formed themselves into a groupc this kind.. Meetings for the frank inte change of thought and ideas a certainly in order on the campu A university should be a radiatin center of the most advanced men tal activity, serving as a guide an a stimulus to the rest of the worl It is in such organizations as th one planned that progress is de initely created; new impetusi given to the work of carrying for ward the visions of mankind, hor zons are extended, and new phi osophies developed. With the large number of me and women on the campus th summer who are recognized a leaders elsewhere during the res of the year, it would seem unfor tunate indeed that some opportun ity should not be given for the fre discussion of problems on whic they may soon have to pass judg ment for their communities. Thi is a chance to discover what de cisions others have made on prob lems that may face you; and, a the same time, you will be able t voice your opinion unhampered b the numerous restrictions that you position or reputation would hay( put upon you in your community Every teacher, scientist, and busi ness man or woman in Ann Arbo should take time to join in thi activity. The profits are intangi ble, but none the less present. PALMER FIELD HOUSE So gigantic is the institution an equipment of the men's Intramura department, that it is not surpris ing that the equally well-organized though smaller, women's athletic department is somewhat overshad- owed. It is doubtful that the wo- men on the campus this summer realize the extensiveness of the recreational plant at the Palmer Fieid House. Certainly, every pos- sible facility is there offered for the use of the more graceful sex. The Field House itself contains bowling alleys, golf cages, an ath- letics floor, and a comfortable lounge. For outdoor sports there are large adjoining grounds for golf and tennis practice, and the numerous tennis courts are reser- ved for women only the greater part of the day. All this furnishes one of the most complete centers for sports and recreations for wo- nen in this portion of the country. It is to hoped that every woman m the campus will take advantage >f the opportunities here offered, nd will thereby make the summer pent in Ann Arbor a time of com- t l i .er hp ne the author's chance of presenting which the business department of s- a valuable novel. The book can- this sheet slides out from under nt not be considered a story showing its obligations by printing each le brotherly love put to a test, rather day in its Want-Ad column that 1g it is a story of two devoted broth- ad about HELP being WANTED l- ers of which one is killed just as against the inroads of TEACHERS a test of their love is presented. -FEMALE (!)--175. Can nothing - R. E. M. be done to stop this nuisance. Just at -------..look what we receive daily from ir- of C:-mpus Opinion ate readers: Cotributors are asked to w eret Dear Editor, onfininr themselves to less than zoo That d- (liberous phrase de- r_ words if possible. Anonymous cor- nu-ncatons wil edisregardeds Tht leted) ad on page three about the re names of communicants 'kil, however increased demand for females in be regarded as confidential, upon re S. ouest. Letters published should not be Salt Lake City-I never did trust g costrued as expressing the editris' I g pinion of The rsilys dthat gang out there-is a public 1- ,_eyesore. d THE LIBERAL CLUB YRs. Truly, . To The Editor: Jhn. Blphft f_ I was pleased to read of the Deer Editer is announcement of the p r o j e c t Those dam ad abot Continant - for the formation of a Liberal Dis-Thos a td abotaCninan- I_ usson rou onthecamus.ButTEachors wanted in utah is a in-G icussion group on the campus. But sulkt to n nsitlgne what I fail to understand is the to eny ones inr sp etab reason for choosing such a contro- F n versial subject as the incarceration Forin Senter. is of Mr. Mooney for a discussion andT s that at the very first meeting.I The Doctors Whoofle t believe that an innocuous subject It is a matter of the greatest rsuch as the benefits of the politicalobcrttomtoopehnhw - party system should have been obscurity to me to comprehend how y s m sany writers of such profundity and S Itoseems the Liberals are always fecundity should stoop to continue h choosing subjects on which the writing for a news sheet which al- c i. t lows and even permits its business ssr ofmenthepeoplegre not istaff to shirk its duty by reprinting - agreement and it greatly hurts day after day an ad which I, for -I their progress. In a dremocratic one, have read so many times that t country people should carefully se- I can repeat it by heart. ,oect their subjects. Controversial I refer, of course, to the FEMALE y subjects are certain to create dis- teachers advertisement.... ..175 r agreement especially when the dis- females-175. ,e cussion is to be open. Tk stk I heartily approve of discussion'Tk stk V_ sContinuousy - groups that take up subjects on Peregrin Pickel r which there is common agreement, s but I think everything should be There, public, is the problem. - done to avoid controversial sub- And we feel confident that our ap- jects. peal to one of the most select and should be v glad to re discriminating audiences whose your editorial opinion, and I feel !privilege it has been ours to ad- certain that you will see the point dress will not pass unheeded. We I am making. r merely ask your whole-hearted CI Yours very truly, I support in this matter. THE AD 1 S. Q. M. MUST GO. We are determined to be rid of , THE RECALL MOVEMENT the ad if we have to go to such un- After listening to Mayor Bowles heard of lengths of collecting en c Aterlisenig t Maor owls asse 175 females and sending ery to arouse the sympathy of De- them by the nextfreight to Salt - troiters for machine politics, I Lake City. (Print any more of this wonder if the Daily still believes in stuff and you're fired, see? If it Pope's fallacy: "Be not the first' weren't for that ad, we couldn't by whom the new is tried nor yet put out this sheet. That'snwhere the last to lay the old aside." The your pay check comes from, you matter of government shiuld not ass-EDITOR). be of such minor importance that NOTICE-The editors of the rolls a precedent cannot be set in order column recommend to all their to relieve Detroit of the Bowles readers the perusal of the Classi- menace. The all-important tone fled Advertising column on page of sincerity was entirely lacking three, trusting that its scanning from Bowles' radio appeal which will prove profitable as well as en- was probably written by a cam- tertaining. paign worker. The editors are delighted with Would it be such a dangerous the general policy of the column precedent if recalls became an ac- and are well pleased to see the "175 cepted part of our political system? Teachers" ad finding the Ann Ar- The British Prime Minister is con- bor climate so agreeable. .The edi- stantly subject to recall by the tors trust the ad will be with us voters at bye-elections. England throughout the entire summer enjoys good government under school season. There, you bone- that plan. And city government head, does that square things or - to the individual is most important must we stage a reception in the "" of all because its functions come League Ball Room for the Business nearest to his direct interests. Staff?) V ~TU V I - Now Available CAMPUS SALE TODAY C_ _ Per Copy All Students' Names, Ad- dresses and Telephone Numbers In Addition, ANew Fea- ture This Year:- A Complete Faculty D7ire ctory