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June 23, 1930 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-23

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MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1930


~ut OSTED RL LAbout Books j
Published every morning except Monday AWRDA REPORTER'S PHILOSOPHY
durring the University Summer Session by TO THE IN MS. BRUSH.
th or nC nrl o td n ulctos E I R 1The Associated Press is exclusively en- Young M an of M anhattan
titled to the use for republication of all news I swore I'd never write another byKatherine Brush.
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news Rolls column but you know how it Farrar and Rinehart,
published herein.NwYokN..
-- --- __ - is. 'A murderer always returns to .theNeYokN.Y
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,Prc$20
postoffice as second class matter, seat of his crime; once a dope fiend,Prc$20
Subscription by carrier, $.5o; by mail,Whtyuraig
$2.00. always a dope fiend; birds of a a ofreantan
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, fahrfoktgte;ecec Young ManofMnat.
Ann Arbor, Michigan.feteflc toehret.et.Ta!
EDITORIAL STAFFSo considering that, and the fact Btat sh' rsthssoyo
EDTlpoIAL4STAF that here's 19 inches to fill, nobody Mr.BuisnThtreahthisystso
Telephoe 4q25else is arudand nbd intends Ms rs.Teeaefis pt
MANAGING EDITOR nobowupfreerldys I in the novel, many grating news-
- GUREY WILIAMSthoushowI'upakforhsveralndays.Ipaperisms, shadowy psychologiz-
GURNEY WI LIAMSdtho g Id sa enti s opporuanity ig of character at tim es, even an
Editorial Director........ Howard F. Shout ofbdig youseiraduan approach to old fashion melodra-
City Editor............ Harold Warren, Jr. good luck.
Women's Editor.............. Emily Grimes ma, but it is worth your reading.
Music and Drama Editor... William . Gorman ***I' ot edn o ti icr
Books Editor.......... Russell E. McCracken It must be pretty tough to be al andsacratednprictreof inwpaer
Sports Editor ................Morris Targereuae adnthaeayhndpeopleandteitrelife spThero
Night Editors euae n o aeayhn
Powers Moulton Howard F. Shout to try it on. I'm not going to make isole not theiovlifeanaeot
Harold Warren, Jr. any cracks about the unemploy- ep oc hsetngvit isveryncogenial
elnarm Assistants en situation because this time eadhting B ey congenialdn I
Helen Carrm Richard Hurley next , rayearycngnalradn
amonst te geat rmy ysef mean reading that is easy, that is
BUSINESS STAFF and I don't want any of my re- not sophisticated - cluttered with
Telephone 21214 mrst oebc references. Mrs. Brush is not rel-
I-mrs ocm boomeranging bc ative to any naive movement in
contemporary literature, hrsm
GEORGE A. SPATERI As that great Chinese philoso-plnsisothasr.Itsnt
Assistant Business Managers pher Dr. Fu Manchu said thous-pensisothasr. tsnt
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin "'ns 'yer ao a simpleness of language that she
Circulation Manager......... Bernard Larsong chooses. Her language however is
Secretary..........Ann W. Verner - very apropos for a story of news-
MONDAY, JUNE 23, 1930 I paper people; it is the atrocious
______k_ ___ style of the press. Their happi-
Issue Editor-HAROLD WARREN *I ness was made of little things,"
jWell, where are we? I must tell says Mrs. Brush standing off to
A THREE-FOLD ENTITY you about poor Mary Bleep, 130,1 look at her characters Ann and
who is not being graduated today. Toby. This seems to catch the na-
The time has come for the fare- It seems she was not getting along ture of the experience in this book;
well. Students may not remainI very well in one of her 'courses, so it is a story of trivialities, but what
students forever, and that is the( she finegled around until she got about life? She sets down with
pity. The quiet walks of the cam-I on pretty good terms with the prof. very acuteness the high tension
pus, the good-fellowship, the stein ? Th ey began to go places together of modern existence, and is sur-
song ofallvaretis, ll ustand then one evening the prof. passed by none in her understand-
song ofallvaretis, ll ustkissed her a few times. The next ing interpretation of newspaper
sometime be left behind for the time she went to class she asked folk.
rush of activities in the world out- coyly, "'Do you think I'll pass this The book is trash, if by trash
side. Of memories there will al-I course, kind sir?" "No," answered you mean something that will not
he "I need you in this class this be read in several years from now.
ways be, and should be, many; of y ume! Mrs. Brush is not concerned with
regrets, none. A new life, one of I* * * future generations. Like the news-
responsibility and citizenship, is paper person who turns out his
now unfolding itself before the copy of two thousand, three thous-
and words, she is concerned only
graduates of the universities of the 7 with today, with the paper on the
nation. j press below. People who will not
The college student has often read a book until it has survived
been likened to a three-fold entity the slicing edge of time for twenty-
years, people who today are con-
consisting of capitalist, laborer, and n ~ temporary in their reading with
entrepreneur. He is a capitalist in I c, Mathew Arnold and George Moore,
that he invests his money and his Photo, showing sad scene. they will never get to Mrs. Brush.
time in an enterprise from which*** She will be forgotten by the time
he expects proportionately larger But that isn't what I reall y get round, o they woflayn-
future returns; he is a laborer in wanted to write about this morn- gtlrisisdreorddi the New Mfdayu-
in.Ife tI should say some- tli srcre nteNwMz
tahepthienryadaiiyIthing in the way of ongatulation zey Text. And Mrs. Brush and her
intows the business of gaining an ed- inasmuch as you have successfully foelossthe up-from-journalism s
ucation; and, finally, he is an en- engineered four-maybe more- noeit, don't carea a whoop; it is
trepreneur in that he takes the risk years of college, than which there a part of their philosophy not to
of pofi an los, nd anaes he i nohin whche. Popl onthecare. There is something glorious
of roft ad lssandmangesth isnotingwhiher Pepleon hein their point of view, the view
outside think that college is a place that the life at immediate handf
undertaking of making himself a where youngsters raise hell, drink, i h otiprat fcus
success. All this is sound econom- loaf, stay up all night, get into it has itsrakntisnarrow
ics; and yet we do not believe that bad habits, raise hell, drink, etc.' in a its drardwfbacstiexperence
one out of ten of the graduates of aWelthydasamtrofac but it is vitally alive, some thing
university realizes it. Naturally, it -but it isn't all play. I can think ta cdmc irr tc iea
oft henn wohv nothsopdfloing worse than a hangover ta cdmc irr tc iea
is o te nne ho avenotstopedfollowing an all night brawl, with tre can never possess.
to consider these facts that we ad- blue books, theses, etc., staring you GUILD CHOOSES
dress ourselves, in the face. There. is nothing in COMEDY OF GREAT WAR
This graduation marks the be- the business world which is equal For its July publication, the Lit-
giningof he rea adentreto three hour final following a full erary Guild has chosen Wooden
ginnng o th gret aventrenight of cramming. The cold, cruel Swords, a novel "frankly and riot-
even as the use of the wrd "coi- world, oft referred to by our eders,ouyfny"byJcesDvl
mencement" implies. Now it is, offers nothing to compare with Thstoruny"is aiogapic on
that the student, the members of toeproswe u iaca fesion of a nearsighted, bespectacl-
his community, and, indeed, the standing has sat down and we are ed one who fought the Great War
forced to sell a pretty good suit to with spittoon, a wheelbarow, a
whole nation will discover wh at a perfect stranger for $3. sog n rotedal
dividends will be paid into the trea- * * * sepone adfBroom the deadlyh
sury of human progress in return f book appeared in France last year

for this investment. Will the en- under the title of Sabres De Bois,
trresucceed? Will it merely be and was acclaimed by the French
atherisethuansffal press as an expression of "true
antetfth huadso^al French gaiety of the best sort and
ures? That is the experiment and in the finest spirit".I
the adventure. M. Deval is known in the United
This is undoubtedly a material- States particularly for his play,
istic way of looking at the matter;j Her Cardboard Lover. The play
but there can be no doubt that it appeared in Ann Arbor during the
reflects the attitude of the major- past season. He is the author of
ity of the American people and of two other plays, Une Faible Fem-
those interested in educating young ~ me and Etienne, both of which
Americans. Of all the values that have received successful presenta-
have been acquired by the students Those are the days when y'ou M.ioea' rst nove. wodsi
personality, of the increased vision, wolhaednaytigo M.Dv sfrtoe.
the greater understanding, and hu- wouldavfew doelanything to R. E.M.
been syaidhbefoevndistbing hsd things don't phange, you may apart the minute it was handed
beensaidbefre, nd s beng aid et... Bt tere go to you? Remember-but I seea
in a hundred commencement ad-1 e.. u hr o
drsss llovr he*onty.Th*' tear in your eye. Oh, you have
dresesallove th contr. Te IHowever, this isn't a discussion hay fever, eh? My error.
greatest truth is probably contain- of Life or anything. What I start-***
ed in the statement that each ed out to do was congratulate youl Well, I'm not getting anywhere
graduate knows best what he has on having completed your college with my congratulations. I can't
gained' within himself, what he hasj careers. You're probably glad it's help envy you boys and girls who
secre inth yersof issojur Iover but you've had a pretty good are facing the world with your
on the college commons that will time at that, haven't you? Re- sheepskins in one hand and a can
make him a better citizen and a I member the time you got caught of banana oil ihn the other. I have
truer man. stealing that large tin sign on Ged- only one piece of advice to offer:
However, no matter where the des? Remember the time you and Put or throw the sheepskin away
quest for 'security and happiness your roomie-that so-and-so who and spread the oil with both
may lead, the members of the class always wrinkled up your best ties hands.
of 1930, in whatever form destiny -went off to Windsor and missed***
may finally shape the great adven- a couple of bluebooks because the But anyway, gang, I'm darned
ture, The Daily wishes to extend, roomie couldn't come to? Remem- sorry to see you go and all I can
in its own behalf and for the Stu- ber those swell canoeing dates you say is:
dents who remain behind on the used to have? Remember those
campus, sincere congratulations for crisp Autumn afternoons when the
the honor which the graduating atmosphere reeked of inferior C N AT L IO S



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by federal soldiers in 1863.

\Oyster production from North
Carolina bottoms for the 1929-30
season totalled 472,468 bushels.

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A one piece suit.. . A
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bathing suit will youw
Pelton, Jansen or Ocean1
ing suits come in gayc
or black.
1$3.95 1$7.95
Sport Berets
Berets are the sports hat
summer. And so inexpen
Angora, j er s ey, rayor;
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shade will accent your en
ble. Several styles and si
1$1.00 1$1.95
Sport Shoes
Both comfort and fashion
combined in these perfor
golf shoes with all rubber
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Light tan elkskin
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lir's !'iss iy;t
She wields a swift racket
Drives a long ball.
Finishes first in~ the races
And swims a neat crawl



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$5 .95

Win a game in one of these
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tung are fashioned in sev-
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Plain and printed patterns
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Ankle sport
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semble with
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$1.95 to x$18.00
woe-i ~


Second Floor


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