w THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1930 dPublished eversmorning excepte Mond 1 the Board in Control of Student Publicatios. The .\ssociated Press is exclusively en- title to theuseefor republication of allhews credited in this paper and the local news published herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan, postoffice as second class matter. Subscription by carrier, $z.5o; by mail, $2.00. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan'. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR GURNEY WILLIAMS Editorial Director ..........Howard F. Shout Women's Editor.............orothyreMvagee Music and Drama FEditor. .se Wlla Fm. cGran Sports- E~ditor................ Morris Targer Denton Kunze Hih dio/oward F. Shout Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr. Assistants 1 J .ATT Wb TOA-STD FRI p dD I usic and Drama -~ -o ROLLS WRITERS TONIGHT: Second Faculty eon- LURESMILLIONS ~cert in Hill auditorium at 8:15. LURESPalmer Christian at the Frieze We just happened to drop the Memorial Organ. word the other day about the of- fice that we were thinking of giv-FAUTCO ER ing up the game for the rest of theFAUTCNET summer and go up to Maine to A change has been made in the sell aluminum ware, and as a con- second of the faculty concerts to sequence, a perfect inundation of be given in Hill Auditorium this applications has arrived from writ- evening. Because of unavoidable ers trying to steal our job. Today circumstances, the program al- being the day after a rather trying ready announced by Mrs. Okkel- night before, we are perfectly will- berg and Louise Culyer has been ing that our fan-mail should take postponed. care of the column; so here goes. Palmer Christian's organ pro- Holid your hats, gents. I rmwihhi ~n~p~~g Hair Hats . . . Straws . . . White Felts Berets~ Everything in Two Price Groups ~1.O0ax~d$2.0 IA COBSON'S Helen Carrm Cornelius iuem Bruce Manley ShrM uasiRoberta Reed BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESSAMANAGER Assistant Business Managers William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin Ciclton Manage........ernr Larsn Assistants _ Jo ce Davidso n Diorothy Duniap Lelia M. Kidd Night Fditor-Howard F. Shout TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1930 ATTITUDES AND APTITUDES Chief among the difficulties of present-dcareducatorsesvel eprob-n the schools, or the relation of non- knowledge products to the forma- tion of school programs. Little by little, the impcrtance of the scien- tific study and treatment of char- acter has come to be recognized. The fact that It was only recently that the administrators and the philosophers of education found It possible to work in unison inl the promotion of their common pur- pose has undoubtedly had some- thing to do with the increasing re- spect being paid the individual- istic and the emotional side of schooling. The result has been an attempt to create character In the child in a more or less mechanical way. For example, a method used In a number of places is that of in- stilling desirable traits into chil- dren at the rate of three or four a rde. Quey:Do we have a com- plete, well-rounded character in ,the product, or do we have an in- dividual who contains a list of good qualities which he applies to those situations which involve them.? Obviously the latter seems more probable. If we recognize the definition which Georges Leygues once gave ,f education, we must admit that non-knowledge products are quite possibly as important, if not more important, than the acquisition of knowledges and skills. Leygues de- fined education as "a training which enables one to think well, to judge well, and to govern oneself." This progressive French educator then went further to say, "These are worth more than to know much". *Accepting this viewpoint, ,we find ourselves favoring the In- troduction, not~ of more special- ized methods and schools, but of more general types of activity; more emphasis on atmosphere, at- titude, and emotional response, than on aptitudes and cold mental Even in our primary schools, a juvenile study of ethics and phil- osophies might be inaugurated, and certainly in the schools of -more advanced character. Most important of all to the profession, a revision of requirements for teachers would involve making per- sonality the most important pos- session of candidates. Gradually the training of char- acter in the way we have outlined Is taking shape: systems of Indiv- idual and group responsibility, of individualization, of increased free- dom have been expressions of the new feeling. However, our curric- ula have remained almost change- less, the worship of subject mat- ter has continued, and, worst of all, much the same attitude in dis- seminating this mass of material Jaas remained. The idea can best be voiced in the words of J. Tan- nery: "Our teaching easily be- comes ornamental. We excuse ourselves for its superfluousness by harping upon the training of the I pind to which everything else must be sacrificed, and we apply lhe fine epithet "disinterested" o * * e* FABLE Once upon a time in the pretty hamlet of Centertownx, Ohio, the hero of our little tale was in love with the same charming young I heroine of the story as was the villian (of this romance). The petite blonde (our heroine) was the toast of Broadway, though she had been bred in Centerville. The hero was going to marry the heroineifhe inertd emlin pearly gate. However, the inheritance of the paternal pocketings depended up- on one thing. The father han an old fur coat which he was simply cr-azy about. And he said in his will that if at the end of one year, the coat was in as good condition as it was when he died, the son could have his fortune. Now the villian heard about this, and having an uncle who ran a r FleCircus, he hired a cast fu HOWEVER, the hero had been a very kindly chap even from his earlier days, and the moths were his friends. When the moths heard about it being HIS fur coat, they just cried and cried (everyone knows how a moth balls). So af- ter that, the moths just sat around on the buttons. MORAL: Necessity makes strange bed-fellows. -Contributed by PETER the PIPER * * * Well, thank heaven we don't have to pay the piper for that story. And the next bit we find In our mail box is verse, sent in by our old friend Livina Backus, which ditty bears the intriguing ti- tle: BON VOYAGE Oh, that desolalte, desolate part- ing As I left you there at the dock; But, oh, the glorious prospect Of getting my things out of hock! * * * Glancing over the police report- er's notes just now, we came across this characteristic, and touching item. On May 1st I walked Into the Library, looked lovingly at the minx at the magazine desk, and murmured, "Could I have the Feb- ruary Harper's?" The mlnx Inclined the head a trifle and said, "It's at the bind- er.", On June 1st I walked into the Library, looke'd lovingly at the minx at the magazine desk, and murmured, "Could I have the Feb- ruary Harper's? The minx inclined the head a trifle and said, "It has been bor- rowed temporarily by the faculty." On July 1st I walked into the Library, looked lovingly at the murmured, "Could I haved the Fb ruary Harper's? The minx inclined the head a trifle and said, "Are you a student in the Summer Session? Have you your treasurer's receipt? Have you filled out a blue card? Have you filled in the pink slip?" I say again, "I killed, I really did."' * * * The Editors, Rolls. Possibly you too, have had this experience. I must communicate my experience to somebody. Last night I had A paper to write This morning it's done My God what a night. Sincerely, Cora Parts, M. A. * *p * Oh yes, Cora, and haven't we though. And have you ever no- ticed how oddly disengaged your body feeLs the next morning after you've sat up studying all night, listening to the mourning doves, the night hawks, and later on, the robins? (Are you conducting a nature-study course along with the vrant -.f urnnr lhinl9--1DTTOR) for later in the summer has been shifted for tonight. Mr. Christian is the University organist, whose Twilight Series of Concerts is one of the most popular features of the regular school year. His pro- gram for tonight follows: Largo (Xerxes) Handel Trio . Krebs Sonatina J. S. Bach Fuge in E Flat J. S. Bach Mod F atasy Rowley Choral Andriessen Fantaisie Franck Scherzo Rousseau Ava Maria Reger Rhapsody Catalane Bonnet The concert, which is open everyone, will begin promptly 8:15. to at 4HcvinV THE CRIMINAL CODE Bradfordhquaintarreliioit hu- bled all New York, Martin Flavin's The Criminal Code, which opens in the Mendelssohn Theatre Wednes- day night, was practically conced- ed the Pulitzer Prize for Drama. It met one of the main stipula- tions of that awa'rd more com- pletely than any previous winner. Flavin's play represents the the- atre In one of its most wholesome aspects: the inquiring sociological spirit characteristic of Galsworhy's major work in drama. The play had its origin in Fla- yin's genluine contact with prison life. He lived for some time in a prison town, breath-ed it~s atmo- sphere, learned its problems, lis- tened to its stories. The Criminal Code, written hastily in four weeks, was the result. It is a shat- terig duramawon the frailties eof vour and penetration that only genineexperience could impart. In production it is said to be keen enough to stir the most firmly rooted complacence about the sit- uation it produces dramatically. Its reception in New York was Brooks Atkinson'ths is night re- view in the Times is characteristic. He says: "Flavin's play is so ear- nest, so forthright, so grim and un- relentinghand yso unsparinl eab feet by the force it sets in motion." The story itself is ideal for dra- ma: simple and swift, yet complex and stimulating in its implications. An impulsived youthfulr omfenderc i cumstance. The inexorable legal code sentences him to ten years. After five years of his sentence, the man who had been his prose- cuting attorney becomes warden of the prisn In the broad, energetc takes an interest in the young man whom he had willingly prosecuted, most of the play's problems are fuse: th question of sovng tahe jail sentences, the wisdom of treat- ing all criminals alike etc. In the youth's story are revealed all the diseases of prison: the degeneration of morale, sex-starvation, general paralysis of the human spirit. An unfortunate circumstance makes the boy prisoner a witness of a murder. The main conflict then rests in the warden's efforts to make the boy tell: the warden eager to save the boy from per- manent criminality and the boy in- sisting on his allegiance to the criminal code "never to squeal". The conflict is resolved swiftly In a powerful climax. This play, still a current Broad- way success, has not been released for amateur production. It is available to the Repertory Players' through special permission of the author who is a friend of Prof. Wallace who is directing the pro- duction and taking the part of the warden. It promises to be one of the most ambitious nlavs this sea- @1 Values to Ann Arbor on Wed. BARGAIN DAY SHOPPERS! EXTRA SPECIAL JULY SAVINGS From the values listed in this column you gain only a small idea of the many oppor- tunities that await you. DR ESSES Sleeveless flannels and a few silks at $3.95 SKIRTS Both silk and woo1 tuck-in and bodice tops. $1 and $1.95 BLOUSES Dimity and batiste-sleeve- less blouses $1.50 SWEATERS of wool slipover styles $1.50 SCARFS in bright shades HOSE a special shipment for this day, in the newest shades. $1.50 and $1.95 values at $1.29 TWO RACKS OF BARGAINS SUITS and COATS All have been much higher priced Collections Include The Finest Apparel- Very This great Bargain Day Sale is an extraordinary event, indeed, considering the seasonableness of the apparel offered. It is the greatest price-slashing event in our history and it promises to eclipse all former reduction sales in styles and diversity of collec- GROUP 1 Sport and Dress Frocks are featured in this group. The materials include-crepes - pris - georgettes. Values formerly $ 19.75 .... . ....................... GROUP 2 A wonderful assortment of prints, chiffons, crepes, rajahs-ncluding ali new summer frocks at $19.75 and many others at $29.75 -for this one day at................. Sizes 14 to 44 GROUP 3 This price gives no indication of their style value. The group includes dresses f or miss and matron that are suitable for all occasions. Many formerly $59.50 $1900 Exceptional values in two and three piece suits $13.50 $19.75 $29.75 GROUP 1 Coats in thtis group sold as high as $75.00 Kasha and broadcloth, silks and satins. Ideal for fine utility and sports wear. Sizes 14 to 46. Choice at. . .. .. .. ...... GROUP 2 $j500 Exceptional values in street, sports and dressy types. In wide ranges of popular shades. At this price these coats are really most exceptional values. See them, you'l be interested!. .. .. .. . ... .. .. . .. . ...... $5.00 $10.00 N NO CH ARGES ALL SALES FINAL U