AI g ,x$ ummrr ESTABLISHED 1920 ~4*IrhiAn Iait MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. X. NO. 13 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS GEOLOGISTS PLAN TWO EXPEDITIONS TO ARCTIC COASTS, Meteorological Study on North- West Coast of Greenland to be Undertaken. HOBBS DIRECTS TRIP One Station to be Established Above Arctic Circle; One Far to South. Two Michigan geologists, forming the northern party of the Fourth. Greenland expedition, will leave in two weeks for the North, where they will study atmospheric circu- lation over the continental glacier. The expedition is in charge of Pro- fessor William H. Hobbs of the ge- ology department, and is made pos-; sible by a grant of $5000 from the Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton. Mr. William S. Carlson, who has already spent a year in Greenland as assistant aerologist of the third expedition, will be in charge of the northern party of two men, which is to be based on the Greenland northwest coast near the Eskimo settlement of Upernivik in latitude 73 degrees, about 7 degrees north of the Arctic circle. Mr. Carlson will be assisted by Max Demorest, an- other student of the University. Will Sail July 30 This party will sail from North Sydney, Nova Scotia, on July 30th o n t h e Canadian government steamship, Beothis, which each summer carries supplies and re- placements to the stations of the Canadian Northwest Mounted Po- lice in the Far North of Baffin and Ellesmere Lands, and this season for the first time the ship is to make port on the Greenland coast. Mr. Carlson will take material for construction of a small hut and supplies of food sufficient for a year. The pilot balloons, and other scientific equipment for maintain- ing a modern weather station, he is taking with him, much of this material loaned the University as on earlier expeditions by the U. S. Weather Bureau. Mr. Carlson's party expects to return on a small Danish vessel in the late summer of 1931. The party will have a radio short-wave receiver but no sender. Schmeling To Leave Later About a month after the depar- ture of Carlson's party, Evans S. Schmeling, who was also an as- sistant aerologist at the Mount Evans Greenland Station, will leave Philadelphia August 13 for Ivigtut in extreme south Greenland, where he will set up a second weather station for continuous observations for the period of a year.k CHINESE STUDENT TELLS OF CAREER Theresa Woo, Medical Student, Outlines Travels. "We are trying to modernize China without extinguishing the personality which individualizes her," said Theresa Woo, of Peking, China, who will enter the College of Medicine in September.E "China is rediscovering her na- tionality", she averred. Education, the underlying basis for realizing her aims, has advanced rapidly under James Yen, who simplified the Chinese alphabet to one thous- and characters. It is the object of Chinese students studying abroad to combine the best quali- ties of foreign lands with the best of China keeping in mind our tra- ditions." Miss Woo seems almost as en- thusiastic about the United States as she does about her own China. Her childhood was spent in Rus- sia, Germany, France, England,y South America, the United States, and China. For six years she at- tended a French convent, San Jose de Cluny, at Lima, Peru. It was here that her own name of Woo Ting was exchanged for Theresal Woo. Beforereturning to China for her secondary education, Missi Woo studied at Holy Cross Acad- emy, Washington, D. C. In China STUDENTS AT FORESTRY CAMP OBSERVE LOGGING EXPERIMENTS PROFI W C. RUFUS TAKES LISTENERS ON TOUR Of SPACE Clean-up Commander to Head Marine Corps (Special to The Daily) Students at Camp Filibert Roth, the summer quarters of the School of Forestry and Conservation near Munising, Michigan, have punctu- ated their first two weeks with trips to the Ruse headquarters of the Lake States Forest Experiment station, to the state forest fire headquarters at Marquette, and with a two-day demonstration and practice period on filing cross-cut saws under the supervision of a representative of a large manufac- turing company. The visit to Ruse, a few miles west of the camp, afforded oppor- tunity for study of the large ex- perimental areas' upon which the United States Forest service is test- ing selective logging methods and the effect upon tree growth of swamp drainage. The results of slash disposal on logging areas by fire and by lopping and scattering were also observed under the guid- ance of federal foresters. Examination of modern forest fire fighting equipment and of re- cent weather and forest fire rec- ords featured the trip to the state forest fire headquarters at Mar- quette, after which the students were shown the fire breaks along railroad rights of way constructed through the co-operation of the Conservation department and the railway companies. Doings of the camp are recorded weekly in a new publication under the editorship of William Jacobs. The first number made its appear- ance on July 5. Officers of the camp student or- ganization are Ted Coile '31F,I Quentin Boerner '31F, and Gordon Rayner '32. Rayner has charge of the athletic program. Prof. Robert Craig, Jr., is co- operating in arrangements for the annual meeting of the Upper Pen- insula alumni of the University to be held at the camp on August 9. Says Travel; Would Ti World DESCRIBE at Speed of Light ike One Around i in Second. S SUN SPOTS nalysis Is Declared reatest Modern Spectrum to be A" Gt i DAVIS LECTURES AT CONFERENCE Emphasizes Balance of Liberal1 and Professional Study in Training. PROGRAM IS OUTLINEDI Professor Calvin O. Davis of the School of Education, fourth speak- er on the Afternoon Conference series, yesterday addressed a group of education students in the audi- torium of University high school. His subject was the "University's Program for the Trainng of Tea- chers." "The question of adequate train- ing for teachers of our secondary schools", Davis stated, "resolves itself into the problem of properly balancing liberal and specialized culture on the one hand and par- ticularized professional training on the other hand." Davis went on to explain that the ;School of Education seeks to meet this problem by raising a number of standards which rmust be met by the candidate for the teacher's certificate. Undergradu- ates in that school, he pointed out, must present 25 per cent more hon- or points than hours of credit, and must complete 124 hours on the same basis before graduation. Their study must be distributed' over the three groups required by the University, but they must specialize in one major and one minor teaching subject. Compul- sory work in psychology and edu- cation, and comprehensive exam- inations insure the fitness of the studen.t "They must also," Davis stated, "give evidences of good health, dis- tinctive character and personality, and pronounced teaching apti- tudes and interests." Davis is professor of secondary education and secretary of the School of Education. Hudelson to Address Education Conference Prof. Earl Hudelson of the School of Education will give the fifth ad- dress on the Afternoon Conference series at 4 o'clock this afternoon in the auditorium of the University high school. His subject will be "Class Size and Pupil Achievement in Secondary School." Hudelson is professor of education at the Uni- versity of Minnesota. BASEBALL SCORES American League Detroit 8-Washington 4 Cleveland 3-Boston 2 Chicago 10-New York 9 New York 7-Chicago 2 Philadelphia9-St. Louis 7 National League Brooklyn 12-Pittsburgh 8 Other games-rain or un- SENATORS NEAR TREATY ACORD Norris Will Withdraw Preamble if Necessary; Reed Denies Secret Entanglements. RATIFICATION PROBABLE (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, July 14. - An agreement seemed assured tonight among the London treaty advocates on the Norris reservation and lead- ers looked confidently to early rati- fication of the naval limitations agreement as a result. Senator Norris, Rep., Neb., the author of the reservation, said he was willing to strike from his reso- lution the preamble regarding the failure of President Hoover to give to the Senate all of the notes and data relating to the London con- ference. His reservation provides that the United States shall not be bound by any secret agreements. Inasmuch as President Hoover and Senators Reed, Rep., Pa., and Robinson, Dem., Ark., of the dele- gation to London, had asserted no secret understandings were involved in the treaty, some administration forces were opposing the reserva- tion. However, after a round of con- ferences today, participated in by Chairman Borah of the foreign re- lations committee, Senators Reed and Robinson and Watson of Indi- ana, and McNary of Oregon, the Republican leaders, a general un- derstanding was reached tonight on the modified Norris resolution. OFFER EXCURSION TO TESTGROUNDS Students Will Visit General Motors Proving Ground. Reservations for the excursion to the General Motors proving grounds at Milford must be made before 6 o'clock this evening, according to an announcement yesterday by Carlton F. Wells, secretary of the Summer Session. Tickets may be procured at the offices of the Sum- mer Session. The party will leave the campus at one o'clock tomorrow afternoon Among the points of intdrest to be visited at Milford will be the straightaway where tests are made of gasoline consumption, speedo- meters, brake efficiency, and vibra- tions. The speed loop, composed o four miles of concrete road, where various types of motors are tried for speed and endurance; and road of various grades, including som as steep as 25 degrees from th horizontal will be seen. At the prov ing grounds laboratories, the part will inspect the equipment for test ing automobile devices which ar still in the experimental stages. Contribution. "The Universe is one, and back of it all is energy," said Prof. W. Carl Rufus of the astronomy de- partment, yesterday concluding his lecture, "Exploring the Universe". in which he gave his audience at Natural Science auditorium a whirlwind view of the sun, the planets, the outlying nebulae, and the tiny atom. Conducting his lecture on a hy- pothetical tour of the other worlds, Professor Rufus spoke of a speed of 186,000 miles a second (that of light), which, he said, would take one seven times around the earth in a single second, to the sun in eight and one-third seconds, and past the newly discovered "planet" I in six hours. But even at such a speed, he stated, it would require four and one-third years to reach the nearest star. Sirius Has Companion. Sirius, the brightest star in the heavens, Professor Rufus noted as an interesting one because it did not follow the way that astron- omers once predicted for it. It has since been discovered with larger telescopes, he said, that Sir- ius has a dark companion, 45,000 miles in diameter, with density 50,000 times that of water. Passing in his tour to the region of the spiral nebulae, Professor Rufus spoke of Andromeda, a con- stellation similar to our own gal- actic system. If a new star ap- pears in this group, he remarked, the "news from the sky" reaches the earth around 1,000,000 years later. Sun spots, according to Profes- sor Rufus, are vast vortical storms, wide enough to suck in the earth. There is a magnetic phenomenon about these storms which can now be measured in intensity. An in- teresting observation about the sun is that on its surface are "promin- ences" of hydrogen too hot to burn. Changes in eruptive prom- inences may be photographed. During a solar eclipse, the promin- ences may be observed easily. Praises Spectroscope. Quoting Keats' remark that "Newton took the poetry out of the rainbow", Professor Rufus stated that spectrum analysis is one of the greatest contributions to sci- ence of the nineteenth century. By the spectroscope it has been de- termined that nearly 60 of the ele- ments existing on the earth are al- so in the sun. In fact, even the abundance of the elements is sim- ilar in the sun and the earth. Noted Health Speakers Will Feature Institute Public Health Institutes offering intensified work over the week end July 18-19 will be addressed by Dr. C. C. Slemons, State Commissioner of Health bn Diphtheria Control, sand on Ventilation by Dr. C. E. A. Winslow, Professor, Department of Public Health, Yale University. Miss Ola Hylton of the University Hos- pital will discuss the medical case - workers' relation to the community. Dr. J. D. Monroe, Oakland Coun- f ty Health Commissioner, will spea on the administration of the Oak- I land County Health unit, and con- s trol of communicable diseases im e the public schools will be discussed e by Dr. D. M. Gudakunst, Directo - of School Health Service, Detroit. y Summer Session attendance i - the division of Hygiene and Public e Health shows a marked advanc over the attendance of last year Smedley D. Butler, The marine commander w h o cleaned up Philadelphia, is being considered for the post of com- mandant of the Marine Corps, suc- ceeding the recently deceased Wen- dell C. Neville. HOBBS, OLSEN TALK, Geologist Describes Airplane and Radio as New Aids in Exploration. OLSEN DEPICTS SCHOOL "Modern inventions - the air- plane and the radio - have pro- foundly transformed polar explor- ation, have made it vastly easier," stated Prof. William H. Hobbs yes- terday, speaking before the Men's Education club on "The New and the Old in Polar Exploration." Radio according to Professorl R UTH H, M CORMICK DEFENDS CAMPAIGN BEFORE COMM ITTEE Declares Opponent in Senatorial Race Spent Twice as Much in Effort to Win. USED HER OWN MONEY Nye Attempts to Link Chicago Machine With Campaign; Connection Denied. (By Associated Press) CHICAGO. July 14.-Ruth Hanna McCormick, the first woman ever to be nominated to the United States Senate, told the Senate campaign fund investigation committee that what she terms "the patronage ma- chine system" will remove from senatorial primaries one of the main causes of large campaign ex- penses. Her comment was part of a 7,000 word prepared statement which she read at the opening of the inquiry into her expenditures in defeating Sen. Charles S. Deneen for the Republican nomination last April. Condemns Deneen Defending the expenditure of $252,572 of her own money and the spending of $67,214 by her friends in her behalf, Mrs. McCormick in- terpolated the observation that she was "willing to believe" that her opponent's campaign cost twice as much. Sen. Gerald T. Nye, chairman of the committee, asked Mrs. McCor- mick if she believed that charge could be substantiated byevidence and she replied that it "would be substantiated if your inquiry reach- es down into the precinct organiza- i f ' f 1 1 ,* Hobbs, was used as early as 1911 tion." in polar work. At that time, howev- At the request of the senator, er, a powerful long wave plant with she gave him the names of Roy 0. a substantial antenna was consid- West, Republican national commit- ered necessary. Since then, short teeman, Jacob Allen and Thomas wave radios using comparatively Se eley, Deneen campaign leaders, little power have been developed so as the men who could tell most that both MacMillan and Byrd used about the senator's race, and was them successfully. assured they would be heard by the Former expeditions, Professor committee.s Hobbs said, have suffered from the Accusations Annoy Her six months' absence of light and Mrs. McCormick appeared an- ultra-violet rays. Now the radio noyed by Senator Nye's insistent ef- mulra-thelmenraynd isthe adtifort to link her name with various amuses the men and is ready to other Republican factions in Chi- notify the world if any disaster oc- cg n okcut n n curs. cago and Cook county and em- The airship, Professor Hobbs phatically told the senator she had averred, is probably the best device testified under oath that she had for covering the long distances con- no alliances with any group or or-uth fronting polar explorers. Airplanes, aiztonadtharh ele t was nt trt first used in exploration by MacMil- Tth eied it opot d lan, also have great advantages, but The senatorial nominee compared airplane work remains rather haz- her campaign expense with the ardous. expenses of the last presidential Professor Hobbs described in his campaign and cited figures by lecture the territory around both comparison in three-fourth of the poles and their comparative diffi-; states. She said her campaign was culties of exploration. He also out- $557,000 less costly than the presi- culined the characteristics of the Bay dential campaign in Illinois. of Whales, on which he recommend- ed that Byrd establish his depot. SADLER TO SPEAK .I ON FUTURE SHIPS At the joint meeting of the Wom- en's Education club and Pi Lambda Will Discuss Trends in Modern Theta, the new elementary schoolWr was discussed by Dr. Willard C. 01- Building of Ocean Vessels. sen. To provide excellent educa- tional opportunities for children enrolled, to give University instruc- tion on graduate level for directors,' supervisors, and teachers of nurs- ery and elementary schools, and to provide facilities for special re- search in the scientific care of chil- dren are the major aims of the school. Dr. Olsen stressed the fact that the school, though an experi- mental one, hoped to utilize the findings of the public schools. ForI . the children they hope to make! the school a happy place to work and play in. OUR WEATHER MAN r e l - . ~ Dean Herbert C. Sadler, Colleges of Engineering and Architecture, will lecture at 5 o'clock today m the Natural Science auditorium on the subject, "The Greyhounds of the Atlantic, Past, Present and Fu- ture." "Less than a century ago," said Dean Sadler, in an interview, "the steamships considered the height of luxury were only 200 feet long and developed 400 to 500 horsepow- er, today they are almost 1000 feet in length and develop 150,000 to 160,000 horse power." "Research in engineering and science, development of steel al- loys, the use of the turbine in place of the reciprocating engine, have made the large ship with its econo- mies possible," said Dean Sadler, "and the experimentation with the size of the ship has also increased the speed, the luxury of travel and the design and construction of the ship and its machinery. The story of this phenomenal but gradual advance will be told in an illustrated lecture in which Dean Sadler will discuss the develop- ments that may be expected in the ; -I-- - --- .-- ---- - - . A 1A I The excursion is open to all stu- Total enrollment for the courses in - dents of the Summer Session. While the division last year was 126, it1 - at the proving grounds, and while has advanced to 159 showing an in- going between Milford and Ann Ar- crease of 33 or more than 25 per- Reports he is saving all the show- bor, the excursionists will travel in cent. Both Michigan and out-of- ers, and will give us fair weather snecial cars. The trip will cost one state students have contributed to today and tomorrow with a temp-,