Y 13, 1930 THE -SUM 3=R XWMGA N DAILY PAGE THREE Y 13, 1930 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE THREE FRENCH FLYERS COMPLETE TESTS OF SPECIAL PLANE PIIINCIPL WI1N[SFR PREPARATION FOR HOP FROM PARIS TO NEW YORK IN MOOllNEY ARREST _ __ IN M -0 01 11 9'H H ES .. ........:::.:vr..................:::............. ..... .... . . ....v }S' 4 "?r f. ' .}{ :;Y.4"4:?4 John McDonald, Discovered at Baltixnore, Calls Former Testimony Untrue. ACCUSES COAST POLICE ..~.1t. Governor May Grant Pardon if McDonld Will Testif oay in California. .... (By Associated Press) - BALTIMORE, July 12.-John Mc- Donald, principal prosecution wit- ness against Thomas Mooney and Warren K. Billings, serving life se- tences for the Prepardness Day parade bombing in San Francisco n in 1916, said today he had perjured himself at the trial and now de- sires to "undo the wrong." Sought in connection with efforts - of the Mooney Defense league to obtain pardons for the two men, McDonald was taken into custody With a course mapped by way of the Azores andBer"uda the French airmen, Captain Dieudonne here after being recognized by a Costes and his mechanic, Maurice Bellonte, have completed final tests of the plane "Question iVark" be- neighbor. He was held on a nomi- fore their Paris-New York flight attengpt. Photo shows the plane, which has been equipped with a new nal charge of investigation. 650 horse power motor, and Costs and Bellonte in the cockpit . Issues Statement After his arrest he issued a state- ment through an attorney in which[LN OMLTDJPNSEBR U TDN AD he Bald: D DEMOCRACY IN MCN SCHOOLS I, John McDonald, aged 58 years, niAMERICAN residing in Baltimore city, testified 1.1 as a witness for the state of Call- F ILIB R LG O PMiss Hanako Hoshino Discusses kio, where she acted as secretary to fornia versus Thomas Mooney and___ Educational System of the president of the institute. Ma eynt ehevehalo oony as Wil e tudedatNative Country. Miss Hoshino stressed the im- justice in San Francisco and was First Meeting Set for portance of the Taylor scientific told by an officer that this is Moon- Wensa ih..General opinions, ranging from method in improving the condition ey (pointing him out to me). MyWdedyNgt education in Japan, to needle-work of factories in Japan and in the testimony in the various cases was Opportunity for discussion of the in the Land of Cherry Blossoms, saving methods In time introduced untrue and false. social, racial, international, and la-. were expressed by Miss Hanako therein. Desires To Right Wrong bor problems of our day is to be Hoshino, the Barbour scholar from Commenting upon democracy in "I desire to undo the wrong done prvddo h apsb h r aa.education as evidenced in the Unit- ry egrls o persngMon topio gnzto of a liberal discussion Miss Hoshino, a graduate of Tsu- ed States, Miss Hoshino deplored regadles ofperona conequnc-da college, Tokio, received her di- es. The authorities got me to testi-. group this summer. An organiza- ploma both from the college and the lack of such a spirit in her fy that. I identified Mooney but ition meeting has been scheduled from the government four years ,country,-at the same time declar- this Is an absolute falsehood." for 7:30 o'clock next Thursday on ago. Following her graduation, she ing that it was needed in Japan. Five years after the conviction of the third floor of the Union. The taught primary English In a girls' ISwitching from this topic, she was Mooney and Billings, McDonald high school. The few months before very sincere in her admiration for made an affidavit at Trenton, N. J., meeting is open to all students and her entrance into the University of and appreciation of the faculty of in which he said he was not posi- faculty members who are interest- Michigan were spent in the branch this University, who provide means tive of his identification of either. ed In the open discussion of social of "Taylor society" called the Insti- ffor social contact and entertain- The affidavit was used in an effort problems that confront the citi- tute of Industrial Efficiency in To- ment for oriental students. to obtain pardons. zens of a progressive and self-gov- siiiiiillillslil1|111111111111|111111111111111111 In refusing' to grant the laeterning republic. -______________________________ pardon petition a few days ago, IProf. Lowell J. Carr, of the sociol- Gov. C. C. Young of California in- ogy department will address the ~ dicated his decision might be re- group on the subject, "Mooney = versed if McDonald were produced Stays in Jail." Professor Carr has to repeat his repudiation before the made an extensive study of the governor and the supreme court. case of Mr. Mooney, who is er:rng' STAGE WHISPER by Helen Carrm The second annual tiff has beguni between the dramatic departmentl and the critic's department. Merely as a point of argument or debate: Play Production consists of a group of university people who are intensely interested in the stage from the viewpoint of amateurs. Therefore they remain amateurs. That's really a nice word. It need- n't be shied at. As for that most unsophisticated appellation, "in- fants,"-Well, aren't we all? Cer-I tainly those of us who spend the majority of our time in the Play Production department realize the truth of that mock seriousness. Mr. Valentine B. Windt, director of the Play Production department, had already very nearly completed the casting of "Dr. Knock," the French farce. However, due to the impossibility of finding suitable people to play two or three of the more important roles, Mr. Windt decided yesterday to call off that production and offer in its place, "The Guardsman." Despite the countless thousands who are registered in courses in drama there still is apparently a, need for various types to adequate- ly interpret certain difficult char- acters. Especially is this need im- minent when most of the capable people are tied up in some two-odd consecutive productions. That fact should be, and is, realized by Di- rector Windt. 'DR. KAHN TO MEET WITH COMMISSION Appointed to Attend Meeting of League of Nations Health Group in Montivideo. Dr. Reuben Kahn, of the Univer- sity hospital, has been appointed by Dr. Ludvik Rajchman of the League of Nations public health commis- sion to attend a serological confer- ence to be held at Montevideo, Uru- guay, Sept. 15 to Sept. 30. At this conference, several prominent Eu- ropean physicians are expected to be present, although Dr. Kahn will be the only one from the North American continent. The reason for Dr. Kahn's invita- tion to attend the meeting was that his tests are better than any others in the serological field. This was proved at the conference of the League health commission held recently at Copenhagen. I Doctor Kahn will sail for South America in the middle of August and will return at the end of Octo- ber. Educator Will Lecture at Eastern University Two members of the education school staff, Prof. William C. Trow and Prof. George L. Jackson, are spending the summer in Russia. They are studying recent educa- tional developments in that coun- try. I GRUEN WATCHES DIAMONDS HALLER'S Jewelers State Street at Liberty WATCH REPAIRING FINE JEWELRY For Campus -- and Classroom One piece sleeveless frocks of wash- able silks and prints-two piece tuck- :... ins of lisle knits. - $10.50 Rajahs-washable crepes, novelly knit two and three piece suits at $16.75 $19.75 The Shop of Personal Service - - - - - - --1- Dr. Gilmore Conducts Studies Among Indians Dr. Melvin R. Gilmore, curator of ethnology at the museum of an- thropology, has just returned from a week's work among the Indians of Pinconning, Mich. In his in vest- igatlons there he secured addition- al information regarding the use of native plants by these Indians, and also some material concerning their technological processes. Dr. Gilmore plans to leave in a few days for North and South Da- kota, where he will spend some time working among several tribes in the Great Plains region. a life sentence in the San Quentin prison as a result of his conviction in connection with the Prepared- ness Day bombing at San Francisco in 1916. Recently the refusal of Governor Young to pardon Mr. Mooney has again brought the at- tention of the public to his case. TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHING A specialty for twenty years. Prompt service. Experienced operators. Moderate rates. 0. D. MORRILL LEAGUEI Sume cho r _= anod outi 314 South State St. Phone 6615 Let Photographs tell your story S W A I N S 713 East University Dial 21924 Artistic Garden Studies CONTRIBUTE JULY 16, 1930 Gibe Poor Boys a Vacation at the University Fresh Air Camp