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June 13, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-13

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Criminal Code' Will Appear for
First Time Outside of
New York City.
Chester M. Wallace Will Play
Lead in Next Week's
"The Criminal Code," by Martin
Flavin, will be produced for the
first time outside of New York city
when the Michigan Repertory play-
ers of the Play Production depart-
ment open the third week of their
summer season with this play at
8:15 o'clock Wednesday night in
the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre.
Prof. Chester M. Wallace, guest di-
rector for Play Production and
head of the drama department of
the Carnegie Institute of Technol-
ogy, will appear in the leading role.
He is also in charge of rehearsals
for the production.
Rights to the play for Ann Arbor
presentation were secured by Pro-
fessor Wallace through personal
acquaintance with the author. This
melodrama, in which all of the
scenes are laid with the prison as
a background, is rated by the "The-
atre Arts Monthly" as one of the
"complete smashes" of the last cur-
rent season on Broadway. It was
also prominently mentioned as this
year's winner of the Pulitzer prize.

Army Man to Head '
Power Commission
Edgar Jadwin
Retired lieutenant-general, who
has been appointed chairman of
the new Federal Power Commission
created by Congress to control the
leasing of Federal waters for pow-
er development.
Party of Students to Inspect
General Motors Proving
Grounds Wednesday.

Twenty-three in CastM
"The Criminal Code" was first MUST RESERVE TICKETS
produced by William Harris, Jr., at Prof. Carlton F. Wells, secretary
the National theatre, New York, on of the Summer Session yesterday
October 2, 1929, meeting with tre-
mendous success. In the original announced the plans for Excur-r
company, Arthur Byron played the sion Three, which will be an in-
role of Brady, the warden, the part spection of the General Motors
which will be taken by Professor proving grounds at Milford, Mich.,
Wallace in the local production. on Wednesday, July 16. -
This play, with 23 persons in the According to Professor Wells, the
cast and demanding the use of party of summer students will leave
nine different sets, is the most Ann Arbor at one o'clock Wednes-
elaborate and difficult production day afternoon, in special busses,
to stage which has yet been pre- f and will arrive at Milford about
sented in the Mendelssohn theatre. 2:30 o'clock. After a preliminary
A descending prison wall will re- talk by the proving ground engi-
place the usual curtain. neer-guide, the party will board
Large Groups to Attend special company cars for a compre-
"No matter how good the thesis hensive view of the area. Among
of a play may be," said Professor the points visited will be roads of
Wallace yesterday in commenting various grades, up to a 25-degree
on this drama, "or of what socio- climb; difficult curves and various
logical significance, a play can not gravel and concrete road bed con-
succeed unless it is good dramatic ditions; the four-mile concrete
entertainment. 'The Criminal Code' speed loop where motors of all:
is well constructed as a drama. Itikinds are subjected to a multitude
is more than the usual crook play, of speed and endurance tests; and
and, moreover, there are none of I the straight-away concrete road.
the conventional wise-cracks," he'where runs are made to determine
said. gasoline consumption, speedome-
The play will be given for four ters, vibration, brake efficiency, and
nights, beginning Wednesday. The other technical road experiments.
Ypsilanti Woman's Sturdy club, com- Returning to the proving ground
posed of more than 300 persons, laboratories, the party will inspect
is planning to attend the opening equipment for trying out motor car
performance in a body. The crim- devices still in the experimental
inology classes at the Ypsilanti stages.
State Normal college will also at- The excursion originally schedul-
tend. ed for Wednesday was that to the
Ford airport. It has been postponed
SIXTY DIE AS CAR until July 30 because of the temp-
RUNS OFF BRIDGE orary closing of the plant.
The proving grounds excursion is
Buenos Aires Trolley Plunges open to all summer students. Tick-
ets for it, Professor Wells stated'
Into River; Three Escape. yesterday, must be obtained at the.
(By Associated Press) office of the Summer Session before
BUEN. S ATRE S 111v 1J l 1 Pln1 -6 o'clock Tuesday evening, July 15.

Registrations Total 4013, as
Against 3689 Last Summer;
Graduate School Leads.
2487 Men Outnumber Women
Three to Two; 46 States
Are Represented.
Enrollment for the Summer Ses-
sion reached a new record of 4013
at noon yesterday, when registra-
tion for the week closed, acording
to a statement made by Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus.
The total divided among the 10
colleges of the session as follows:
the Graduate school, 1700; the lit-
erary college, 897; the School of
Education, 415; the Colleges of En-
gineering and; Architecture 371;
the Medical school, 291; the Law,
school, 159; the pharmacy college,
25; the forestry school, 25; the bus-
iness administration school, 21;
,and the School of Music (in its
first summer as a part of the Uni-
versiy), 109.
Shows 324 Increase.
The total of 4013 is a distinct
gain over that of last summer for
the corresponding time, 3689. Of
this year's number, all registrations
included, 2487 are men and 1636
are women.
The total of 4013 does not in-
clude those attending the public
health institutes and the physics
According to the latest tabulation
'by the Summer Session offices, the
character of the students' occupa-!
tions are as follows: 308 are mem-
bers of faculties of colleges and
universities; 111 are city superin-
tendents of schools; 94 are high
school principals; 889 are high
school teachers; 278 are grade
school teachers. One thousand,
eight hundred ninety-two are oc-
eupied in the field of education
during the year. The number of
the summer students who were en-
rolled in the University for the
spring term is 1220. The number
of other institutions represented is
128, of which 19 are state univer-
sities, 14 are universities, and 49
are colleges.
2336 Hold 2767 Degrees.
Represented in the enrollment
are 46 states and the district of
Columbia. Michigan claims 2310,
or slightly more than half the to-
tal. Ohio, Illinois, New York, In-
diana, and Pennsylvania rank next
in the order named, each having
more than 100. Students have
come from 21 foreign countries.
China leads with 37, Canada has
26, and India is third with 16.
According to the tabulation,
2336 individuals enrolled in the
session possess in the aggregate
2767 degrees. Of these,1926 have
one degree, 370 have two degrees,
29 have three degrees, and one has
four degrees.
The following degrees are held
by Summer Session students: bach-
elor of arts, 1661; bachelor of sci-
ence, 412; master of arts, 276; mas-
ter of science, '00; bachelor of arts
in education, 47; bachelor of sci-
ence in education, 35; registered
nurse, 24; bachelor of science in

engineering, 17; doctor of philoso-
phy, 17; doctor of medicine, 11;
graduate in pharmacy, 8; bachelor
of pedagogy, 8; bachelor of law, 6;
pharmaceutical chemist, 5.
The graduate school has enrolled
the greatest number of degree
holders. Of all he degrees, 1945
are possessed by its students
The Law and Medical schools
came next in the number of degrees
American Leaguej
Detroit 3-5, Washington 2-7
Cleveland 12, Boston 3
Chicago 11-7, New York 6-11
Athletics 15, St. Louis 7
National League
Cincinnati 9-6 Philadelphia 5-1
Brooklyn 10, New York 4
Chicago 7. Boston 3j

Secretary Says Bowles' Defense
Was Given Out on Friday
Text Asserts Mayor Has Saved
City Thousands, Improved
Law Enforcement.
(By Associated Press)
DETROIT, July 12.-While print-
ing presses today were turning out
thousands of ballots for the recall
election July 22, Mayor B o W 1 e s
changed his mind about the word-
ing or his 200-word defense on the
Announcement was made by
Clark Branion, the mayor's secre-
tary, that the text of the Mayor's
official defense is to be revised. It
I was given out prematurely and un-
intentionally Friday, he said.
When informed of this, Oakley
E. Distin, chief supervisor of elec-
tions, merely remarked:
Ballots Being Printed
"The first batch of 5,000 absentee
voters' ballots is being printed
These ballots contain the Mayor's
defense as filed with the City Elec-
tion Commission Friday. The state-
ment asserts that Mayor Bowles
"has saved the taxpayers thousands
of dollars;" Detroit "never had bet-
ter law enforcement;" "the recall
is a fraudulent conspiracy," and
"what the recall will actually de-
cide is whether the people or The
I Detroit News and the Detroit Free
Press shall govern the city."
Branion did not disclose in what
way the Mayor would seek to alter
his statement.
Other developments in the recall
campaign follow:
1. Mayor Bowles spoke over
the radio in defense of the ap-
pointment of Police Commis-
sioner Wilcox.
Address by Cary
2. Walter B. Cary, chairman
- of the recall committee, assail-
ed the Mayor in a radio speech
for claiming credit for the 1930-
1931 tax rate reduction.
3. Mayor Bowles addressed a
gathering of 85 Negroes at 635
Elizabeth street east,and 500
persons at Dom Polski 3426
Junction avenue, members of
the West Side Political Club.
4. "Personal headquarters"
were opened by John Gillespie,
commissioner of public works,
"to combat the recall of Mayor
Bowles and to vindicate my ap-
5. Dr. Paul G. Rohr, John W.
Smith's campaign manager a
year ago, was named Mayor
Bowles' campaign manager, and
A. J. Kirkpatrick put in charge
of Bowles headquarters at 622
Barlum Tower.
The introduction to Mayor Bowles'
defense follows:
"The law allows the Mayor a 200-I
word defense against the reasons
for his recall. It is enough to say
that these accusations are mali-
cious and untrue."1

By P. M.
Gone is the day of the Chubb
house. For many a year hungryl
students entered by way of its re-
volving portals and satiated stu-
dents left by the same route. It was
a giddy proceedure-going into and
out of the Chubb house in the old
The Chubb house was one of
Michigan's traditions. Undergradu-
ate gourmets spoke of its roast beef
special (with mashed and gravy)
in a low, awed tone. What went in-
to the preparation of its chill con
carni has for 32 years remained a
delightful dark-red mystery. Its
toastedo rolls - but let us pause.
Sometimes thoughts of the past are
enough to start the tears rolling
down these wrinkled cheeks.
The Chubb house waiters had a
brooding dignity which was solely

Takes Women's Crown. fhU~l
DETROIT, July 12.-Walter By-
rubetter known as "Skinny" to T RL I G FN S
his college mates at Western State
Teachers college, Kalamazoo, re- Sinks 40-Foot Putt to Capture
tained the Michigan State champ- Fourth Open Victory for
ionship Saturday afternoon by de- United States.
feating William Irwin, Grand Rap-
ids, in straight sets, 6-4, 7-5, 6-1, 10,000 WATCH CHAMPION
in the finals of the state tourna- Now Holds Four Major Titles;
ment at the Detroit Tennis club. Wins at Interlachen With
At the same time, the Women's Total of 287.
crown was going to Ruth Reise,T
Saginaw, who demonstrated her su- (By Associated Press)
periority in the woman's field by INTERLACHEN C L U B, Min-
decisively defeating Marian Pear- neapolis, Minn., July 12.-The king
son 6-3, 6-3. of all golfers, flushed with the heat
Both Byrum and Mrs. Reise won of one of the greatest battles of his
double honors as they teamed to- career, strode to the home hole to-
gether to annex the mixed doubles
crown defeating Milton Savich and day with his throne a trifle shaky,
Nellie Nador, 6-4, 6-1. the professional light brigade in
Detroit's only claim to tennis hot pursuit and a 40-foot putt over
championship this year is in the the rolling turf before him. While
men's doubles field where Horace close to 10,000 spectators held their
Barton and Robert Bradley defeat- bB y o s
ed George and Ira Reindel 3-6, 6-3 breath, Bobby Jones stepped in
7-5, 6-0 in the best match of the briskly and hit the ball straight
afternoon, and true into the cup for a birdie
three that closed the door to all
challengers, clinching his fourth
victory and successful defense of
the open Golf championship of
the United States.
Third Major Triumph
I The reverberating roar that
Governor's Faction Throws Full greeted his final stroke of the
master shot-maker of them all
Support to Candidacy of sounded the knell of what few lin-
Attorney-General. gering hopes remained as the all-
conquering son of the South coin-
HAGGERTY JOINS GROUP pleted his third major golfing tri-
umphof the year at home and
(By Associated Press) abroad.
PETOSKEY, Mich., July 21.-The All that Bobby needs to do now
administration of Gov. Fred W. to make it a clean sweep for 1930,
Green today went the full weight with all the four major British and
of its support to the gubernatorial American titles dangling from one
candidacy of Attorney - General man's belt for the first time in
history, is to recapture the United
Wilber M. Brucker. States amateur crown at Philadel-
Anouncement of this decision was phia in September.
made by Governor Green following Jones, with successive rounds of
a meeting with Brucker and John 71-73-68-75, finished his conquest
S. Haggerty at the home of John today with a total of 287, the sec-
'L. A. Galster here. ond lowest total in the history of
Todays anouncement went a the American Open and only one
long ways toward clarifying the stroke short of the record set 14
state's political horizon which has years ago by Chick Evans at the
been uncertain ever since Brucker nearby Miniahda court.
got into the race. The move is a It gave him a winning margin of
direct result of the anouncement two strokes over his nearest rival,
of Alex J. Groesbeck's candidacy the veteran MacDonald Smith, of
for the Republican nomination for New York, who made a gallant, sen-
governor which Governor Green sational fight that fell just a trifle
took from him in 1926. short of the overhauling the peer-
less Georgian in the final round.
Haggerty, a former Groesbeck al--e Smith Takes Second
ly, has been given charge of the or- Mac Smith, aloneof the star pro-
ganization of Wayne county for fessionals to stand the gaff of the
Brucker and will campaign active- final day after Joneshad burned
ly for the attorney-general, Gov- the course with a record-break-
ernor Green said. ing third round, finished with
Prior to today there had been rounds of 70-75-74-70, for a total of
rumors of Haggerty entering the 289 to cinch the second place.
contest on his own behalf. Rumors Horton Smith, the 22-year-old
also were circulated to the effect Missouri professional who shot him-
that the governor would recon- self into the lead at the halfway
sider his refusal of a third term mark only to crack under the strain
and stay in the contest as a candi- today, wound up in third place, five
date. Although the Governor re- strokes back of Jones, with 72-70-
fused to make any announcement 76-74-292. Fourth place went to
of his own plans the espousal of Lighthorse Harry Cooper of Chi-
Brucker's cause by the administra- cago with figures of 72-72-73-76-
tion was taken as definite infor- 1293. Fifth was the veteran, John
mation of his plans regarding the Young Golden, of Berien, Conn.,
governorship. with 74-73-71-76-294, while the
AS C UBB OUSE rest of the professional clan, in-
AS C HUBB HOUSE cluding such early threats as Tom-
TITLE OF 'THE RITZ' my Armour, Johnny Farrell, Charlie

Lacey, and Walter Hagen, fell by
tions of Michigan men and Michi- the wayside, put to route by the
gan dates had a peculiar sanctity. 28-year-old wizard of Georgia.
Perhaps the Chubb house atmo.s- To show just how badly beaten
phere and the Chubb house food the big stars were, Armour finished
had much to do with the shaping 10 strokes to the rear for 297, Lacey
of Michigan's glorious history. The f wound up with 298 after making a
atmosphere for our poets, and the I dark-horse threat, Fell finished
food for our football players. What with 299, Leo Diegel with 301, Hag-
more could it have given? I en with 303, Denny Schute with 325
But the Chubb house is gone, and and Gene Sarazen with 306.
in her stead has come a modern, jF Shoots 68 in Third
scintilating creature. The new Ritz! Jones, as it turned out, really
restaurant which opened informal- clinched the championship he had
ly last night, is a place of bold i won four times since 1923 by shoot-
bright colors, patterned in futur- I ing the flawless 68 on the third
istic curves and angles-a place of round, the lowest he has ever scored
light and music and gaiety. in America's open and a mark that
Its orchestra, arranged by Al might just as well have been as
Straus-formerly a Michigan man low as 66, but for some shoddy work
-and the cuisine by Nicholas Col- on the last two holes.
lins will be distinguished features This gave Jones a five-stroke
of the new shrine of Epicurus. But margin at the end of 54 holes over
the revolving door and the tradi- his nearest rival, Cooper, and a sev-
4-4-- -4 . n. "t t..L S 1... .- ...- 33. .._ ..1. - 1..7- - , - - * .. Rr- T ^n... I.1A

J'3zlvo ML-,) ul y .rtu
ing off one section of a half-raised#
cantilever bridge, a trolley car today1
carried to their deaths in the wa-
ters of Riacho river about 60 per-
sons, including five women.
Three passengers, who had been
seated on the rear platform, es-1
caped and swam ashore. All the
others were trapped inside the car,
which was completely submerged,
only the trolley pole sticking out
above the water.
At the time of the accident, about
6:15 o'clock this morning a heavyj
fog hung over the Riacho, a small
stream dividing Buenos Aires from
the town of Avilannada. It is be-
lieved that the Iotorman, failing
in the fog to see that the far sec-
tion of the bridge was raised, ran
off the level section before he could
put on the brakes.
Rescue squads of firemen and
police were swiftly organized. By

(By Associated Press)
PARIS, July 12.-Premier Andre
Tardieu, who on accession nine
months ago was considered widely
to be slated for but a brief interim
of power, today was assured of con-
tinuation in office until November,
when parliament meets again.
In that time, friends of his re-'
gime hoped, he may be able to gird
himself even more strongly for fur-
ther battle with the opposition
which in the past week came near
unseating him.
After gaining from the Chamber
of Deputies late last evening a vote
on a routine financial matter which
he chose to consider one of con-
fidence the premier pulled from his
pocket a signed presidential decree

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