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June 12, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-12

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Published every morning except Mony
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news
p~ublished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $i.5o; by mail,

I r About Books
The Selbeys by Anne 'Green;
E. P. Dutton and Company, New
Price $2.50;

Thank you, Mr. Chiper C, for
your little letter in yesterday's {

We have all makes.
Remington, Royals,
Corona, Underwood

State Street at Liberty


Colored duco finishes. Price x$60
4 South State St. Phone 6615

Offices: Press Building, Maynard
Ann Arbor, Michigan.


Telephone 4925
Editorial Director ......... Howard F. Shout
City Editor........... Harold Warren, Jr.
Women's Editor .......Dorothy Magee
Music and Drama Editor... William J. Gorman
Books Editor ......... Russell E. McCracken
Sports ~editor.............. Morris Targer
Night Editors
Powers Moulton 'Harold Warren, Jr.
Denton Kunie Howard F. Shout

Helen Carrm
Bruce Manley

Cornelius Buekema
Roberta Reed

Sher M. Quraishi
Telephone 22114
Assistant Business Managers
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin
Circulation Manager ........ Bernard Larson
Secretary ..s.st.. tS Ann W. Verner
Joyce DavidsonLeiM.Kd Dorothy Dunlap
Night Editor-Howard F. Shout
That famed New York producer,'
Earl Carroll, has just brought forthi
his latest bath-tub spectacle. And,
true to the Carroll tradition, the
chief touch of dramatic suspense
was furnished by the police officers
of New York who came to see the
performance from the more ad-
vantagous viewpoint of the wings.
Apparently the old war; has begun,+
and the old question arisen of whatJ
part the theatre is to play in the,
1930 crop of immoralities.;
'While Mr. Carroll has proceeded.
on his old maxim of "beauty
knows no law", it would seemi that
he might have learned from formerj
experiences that there -are differ-;
ent interpretations of beauty, to
wit, his own and that of the Ar-
kansas Baptists. The nude in art1
has been accepted, albeit with
many qualms, as a necessity in-;
voked' by the artistic temperament;

Review Copy from Wahr's Univer- Campus Opinion. You nave re-
sity Bookstore. stored our faith in the reading pub-li.Whabeutohnkht
You can't start about reading about the only people who ever
this book in the usual way. The wrote to the Daily were the land-
publisher insists on printing four lde opann bu h d
pages of blurb, clipped from var- lde opann bu h d
iosnewspapers and magazine re- ministration's building plans.
views, at the very front part. It You're evidently a Chiper off the
is a darnable idea. It assumes you, old block (if you will admit the
are too feeble to understand a book validity of our weak pun) in re-I
,by yourself, that it is necessary to viving last summer's squabble be-
be told just how to react to a book. tween the dramatic critic and the
Though who knows it may be play -production department. Or
printed at the demands of our maybe you weren't here last year
democracy-loving American read-1 at all, but blood will tell, won't it?
ing public, to satisfy its desire to It's kind of you to bring the old
react to every stimulus normally,j skeleton out again which Mr. Gor-
r r t h e - way- every'bbdy-else-does: man and the play production forc- I
(which i not always normal). It I es so successfully locked in the
is said in proof of the existence of Icloset all this past school year.
this spirit among American readers. About the best part of your let-
that the reason professors are in-! ter, if you'll allow us a little "con-
vited (paid sometimes, should be, structive" criticism - w h i c h is
always) to speak before women's! about the only kind that any crit-1
clubs on current books is so the :ic should make, don't you think,1
dear ladies will know just how to Mr. Clipper?-about the best part
react to that latest volume. I shall of your letter, as we were saying,
not force my opinion upon you (if was the ironical part. There's
you never use "I" in an article nothing like irony for getting crit-
you can never be sued for libel). ics' goats, is "there? No, you. real-
Whether it is the publisher's de- ly should have seen Mr. Gorman-
sire to rob poor college professors shhhh, he's over there .now-when
of the opportunity of speaking be- he saw your cheery little greeting.
for "buxom bonny dames", prepar- You said, by the way, that three
ing therm for the "right" reactions,: people had professional experience.
it is hard to speculate. One can previously in stock companies.
hardly think them as low as that.' Maybe that's what's the matter
At any rate it is a darnable idea,; with the show. You know how
and should be omitted from fu- stock companies have been failing!
ture books. !all over the country. And surely!
The Slb ±you remember the stock company
TheSelys was published this back home that did "Rain" the
spring and has run through a long fis we,"TeFmlUptis
list of editions, here in July it is the second week, and "Hamlet" the
still a best seller., Anne Green,' third--in different costumes, of!
sister of Julien Green, writes in aI course..
dimetrically opposite vein of her It's rather unappreciative, how-
brother., She is light, gay, humor- ever of Mr. Gorman to disparageI
ous, her brother is sullen, deep, o
pentrain. Se I nt s god I hework of salaried actors who!
wrier s hr roterthoghmore gave up stock for Play Production
attractive. In The Selbys Miss Iannerfogti.Ithes
Green deals with a story of the I timation of men who really know
American colony in Paris. Aunt j criticism, however, we might add,
Virginia, Uncle George, Barbara,super oranhtiingseenforsomer
Michel,. and Berry are all delight-stie oe ampuins.enSohresand
ful individuals. And Barbara's lit- tm nh aps otee n
+1 anvo~c#, r++Vr 1ych4r there, and there.1

tom" NDAY'

409 South Division
10:30 A. M.-Regular morning serv-
ice. Sermon topic; "Sacrament,"
11:45 A. M.-Sunday school follow-
ing the morning service.
7:30 P. M.-Wednesday evening
testimonial meeting.
The Reading Room, 10 and 11
State Savings Bank Building is open
daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except
Sundays and legal holidays.
Huron Street East
R. Edwards Sayles, Minister
9:45 A. M.-Church School.
9:;45 A. M-Class for students led
Ly Mr. Preuser.
10:45 A. M.--Morning Worship.
Sermon by Mr. Sayles on "LIFE

(Mo. Synod)
Third and West Liberty
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
JULY 13th
10.33 A. M.-Children's service with
sermon by the pastor in Wolter's
Grove on the Foster Road. Trans-
portation furnished at 10 a. mn.
from church. Meals served by
ladies. In case of rain, services
will be held at the church at 10:30
a. m.
Division and Catherine Streets
Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
Rev. Thomas L. Harris, Assistant
8:00 A. M.--Holy Comnmunon.
11:00 A. M.--Morning Prayer; Ser-
mon by Reverend Mr. Harris.

Cor. S. State and B. Washington Sts.
Rev. Arthur W. Stalker, D.D., Mini-
ister; Rev. Samuel J. Harrison, B. D.,
Associate Minister; Mr. Jack Luther,
in charge of Student Activities for
the Summer.
10:30 A. M. -Morning Worship.
Speaker: Bishop William F. An-
derson of Boston. Subject: "What
Price a Man's Soul."
12; 00 M.- Discussion Group for
Students at Wesley Hall. Leader:
Dr. W. C. Rufus, "Parallels of
Science and Religion."~
5:30.6:00 P. M.-Open House.
6:00 P. M.-Wesleyan Guild De-
votional Meeting at Wesley Hall.
Leader: Mrs. Howard Wahren-
Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
9:30 A. M.-Church School.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Dr. John Comin, Michigan Syno-
dical Superintendent.
5:30 P. M.--Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.--Young People's Meet-


_-I k I i

but the nude on the stage is, to
most of the self-apppointed cen-
sors of mankind, a little too real-
istic for toleration.
Of course, there are also several
interpretations of toleration, and
somte of them might involve the
recognition of ,the rights of the in-
dividual to witness any sort of a
spectacle, indecent as it might be,
if he, were of such stuff as to en-
j oy indecencies, all this provided
that no one had to see it who did
not relish it. After all, the pro-
hibition of such performances
amounts to little more than an at-
tempt to forbid people to have the.
kinds of minds which they have.
But'this is, to be certain, nothing
more than an opinion concerning
the relative merits of a puritan at-
titude, in which the preservation
of tradition and standards is of
prime importance, and an individ--
ualistic attitude, in which the
greatest good is believed to come
by permitting all freedom of the
individual in so far as it is com-
patible with the maintenance of
a social order. Perhaps, we are not
created in the same image as our
brothers on the European conti-
nent, who seem to have no diffi-
culty in permitting the individual
to go his own way unmolested. We
seem to be over-concerned with
the welfare of the group, and as a
result, we are heartless in curbing
the activities, of the individual.
If the presentation which Mr.
Carroll was making on the New
York: stage were such that it af-
fected our social being, that it
marked the presence of an insid-
ious poison spreading through the
fibre of our national structure,
then certainly, it should have been
stopped at, once. But,. if it repre-
-sees merely a catering to the tastes
of a large: portion of the populace,
and is not consciously an attempt
to destroy moral stability, it is do-
ing no more than any other of the
host of motion pictures which are
being witnessed by thousands all
over the country every day. In
fact, they are more to be censored,
for they are no only immoral in
an indecent way, but they also
namnr 'the deire~stof the audi-

Iti ecpauus in getu~ing aius.na~
are delightful. But ofter you have
said that, there is really not much
more to say. The book is certain-
ly not a great character novel, not
the masterpiece of an age. The
perpetual delightfulness of the
scene has a distorting influence on
the characters; it 'makes them ap-
pear unnatural and refracted. It
gives the effect that everything is
"sweet and rosy", somewhat even
of the Pollyanna effect, and critic-
ally there is hardly anything else
that one can say but "delightful"
to this sort of thing. Though in
the next breath, by reflex perhaps,
you find yourself murmuring-"if
true." This may be part of the con-
temporary reaction against if -true
literature, and must be regarded
as prejudice therefore. But this
one can say, say quite unbiasedly,
that if-true literature thus far has
never produced healthy character
portrayal, that Miss Green is no
execption to this. And then, as no
critic will argue, there is nothing
particularly original or contribut-
ing about Miss Green's style, and
about her handling of the novel

But The Selbys is really not a
Pad book, it is one of these novels
that neither muss nor mar. Just
a conveniently written affair that
will not worry us-imperiling our
moral institutions, or aesthetic
forms. Indeed Mists Green is a
very congeniel sort of novelist,
especially congenial for summer
reading, summer reading that
should be (proverbially) light and
unworrying. This type of writing
occupies a big place in literature,
the biggest place in fact, so it will
be more than just summer read-
ing to many. It is escape litera-
ture, the literature of delight, and
if not taken in small doses gives
you the attitude it is life, or that it

oration of the aniversary of the
annual critic-theatre combat, the
Rolls Column will sponsor a pub-
lic FREE-FOR-ALL on the steps of
the General Library tomorrow eve-
ning from eleven until one to
which the faculty and students of
all colleges of the University, in-
cluding the School of Forestry, is
cordially invited.
Concerning our proposed change
of name, we have received, even at
this early date interested replies
to our public question: Shall we be
singular, plural, or different? The
score at present is a tie between
the Doctors Whoofle and Doctor
Whoofle. The figures of the public
census are as follows-for the sin-
gular cognomen-one vote (hand-
ed in by the editor himself) ; for
the plural or unchanged signature
--one vote (turned in by us).
But the Fight has just begun,
friends. We need Your Help. WILL
Driving out for a swim the oth-
er afternoon, we stopped at a
farmer's house to get a drink of
water. NOTE-for the benefit of
the Washtenaw Tribune, this f arm-
er did NOT reside in Washtenaw
County. The farmer was in the
farmyard feeding some hogs when
we drove up.
After our drink, we went over to
look at his hogs. We said, "Those
are good fat hogs. Did you raise
"No", said the farmer, "I bought
them for $3.25 each."
"And you intend to sell them in
the fall?"
"Yes, I'l sell them for $3.25
"But", we objected, "you won't
make any profit, will you?"
"Yes", the farmer said, "I fig-
ured that out. But you see, we've
had the use of the hogs."
That's not a very fast one (ED- i
Well, old man, you tell us one
now and we'll give you a rosey red
Where do you get this "we" stuff,
Doctor? (EDITOR)
Where did Lindbergh?
None of your lip, and this is no
way to fill up a column. (EDITOR)
Don't we know that.

I _J



One of the Fabrimode Costume
Hosiery groups, styled by Mine.
Elsa Schiaparelli, noted cou-
turiere, to interpret and coipie-
ment the weaves of costume
Fabrimode Costume Hosiery meet
a wildly enthusiastic reception
when it was recently presented
to a fashion assemblage at
Schiaperelli's recent European
style expositions. We have been
fortunate enough to secure a
limited supply of Crepe Chiffon,
one of the new Fabrimrode Cos-
tume Hosiery groups, and offer
it for your inspection.

with the Transparency of a Shadow,
Tinging the Leg to Just the Right Tone
S chiaparelli' s Fabriinode



Chiffon Interprets and Expresses Fabrics
of Sheer Ensembles

and life are;
odrama, and
Perhaps the1
this increasing

something entirely
R. E.M.
better way to curb
tide of immorality,

So sheer, so lusterless, so transparent, so skinconforming, that the hosiery
fabric loses itself in a tinge of shadow. Weave markings and other me-
chanical manifestations can be scarecely detected. The very essence of
fragility, yet, of surprising .strength and wear resistance, is Fabriamode
Crepe Chiffon.



if it has increased since the days
of Helen of Troy, is to give it all
the opportunity and publicity it
could possibly use' to place itself
before the public. The glare of
broad daylight would take away,
the garnish romance with which it
is associated in the dimmer light
of a synthetic moon. Surely the
authorities will some day learn,

Telephone orders receive immediate attention.

Main and Annex Stores


Phone 4161


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