THE WEATHER Windy and Cooler A # um m r MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS tJ irhi!3an :4Iaitl I VOL. X. NO. 11 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS COLORFUL SUMMER RECEPTION GI VEN FOR STUDENT BODY Dean E. H. Kraus, Mrs. Kas Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, Head Receiving Line. 1000 THRONG LEAGUE Dancing, Bridge Feature First Major Social Event of Summer. Students and faculty of the Uni- versity met socially for the first time last night when the annual, Summer Session Reception was held at the Michigan league build- More than 1000 members of the student body thronged the ball- room, foyer, and reception rooms of the spacious building to meet fac- ulty members and their wives and officials of the administration. The receiving line, headed by Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Sum- mer Session and Mrs. Kraus, and including Mrs. Alexander G. Ruth- yen, and Regents Junius E. Beal and Esther M. Cram, consisted of the following persons: Officials Receive. Vice-president Shirley W. Smith, and Mrs. Smith, Vice-president Clarence S. Yoakum and Mrs. Ya- kum, Dean G. Carl Huber and Mrs. Huber, Dean John R. Effinger and Mrs. Effinger, Dean Herbert C. Sad- ler, and Mrs. Sadler, Dean Henry M. "Bates, and Mrs. Bates., ,,Prof. Frederick G. Novy and Mrs. Novy, Dean James B. Edmonson and Mrs. Edmonson, Dean Clare E. Griffith and Mrs. Griffith, ean1 Samuel T. Dana and -Mrs:. Dana, Dean Joseph A. Bursley and Mrs. Bursley, Charles A. Sink and Mrs. Sink, Director Earl V. Moore and Mrs. Moore, Dean Alice Lloyd, Miss Lucy Elliott, and Mr. and Mrs. Carl- ton F. Wells. Although the reception was in-1 formal in nature, the gay gowns of women, trailing almost to the floor, anid the light-colored summer cos- tumes of the men combined to make the affair a colorful event. Is Annual Feature The reception began at 8:30. Aft- er paying their respects to the re- ceiving line, guests played bridge in the card rooms. Dancing in the ballroom added gayety to the scene. Designed to "break the ice" be- tween summer students and fac- ulty, the annual feature is con- sidered as the opening of the so- cial season on the campus, with the smaller parties, teas, and tea dances continuing during the sub- sequent weeks of school. POLLOCK VIEWS RECALL BATTLE. According to Prof. James K. Po- lock of the political science depart- mient, the recall now n process in Detroit marks an interesting exper- iment in popular government. "The refusal of the courts to interfere and their determination to let the citizens of Detroit decide the mat- ter for themselves make the situ- ation more than merely unusual, for if the courts had decided other- wise, the result would have been to nullify the recall," he declared. "Consequently," he continued, "the courts were entirely right in call- ing the question raised in the suit "political." Professor Pollock pointed out that the form of recall used in Detroit permits a clear cut decision of vot- ers on the question of the mayor's competence, and until this question is decided against the mayor there is no talk about his successor. "There appears to be widespread dissatisfaction with the present ad- ministration," he remarked, "and if this dissatisfaction is well-founded it is fortunate that' such an insti- tution as the recall can be brought to use." "The expense of holding the spe- cial election is a small matter," stated Professor Pollock' "if the al- leged incompetence of the present administration is proved to be well- founded. In any case the recall per- mits the voters to decide promptly in iv b i,tij-n rwhich iN, on'rentlu Doctors to Examine Turk Older Than U. S . Zaro Agha, Who claims to have attained the amazing age of 156 years, is en route to America, where he will be examined by medical autl~rities seeking the secret of his longevity. Zaro outlived eleven wives and claims to have proof of his birth in the eighteenth century. 'VNITIES' CHORUS APPEARS IN COURT. Captain J. J. Coy, Police Critic,. Declares Dance of Fans Indecent. DIABETES GROWS MORE ANGEROUS, EMERSON STATES11 More Men Than Women Suffer From Malady, Columbia Professor Asserts FAD DIETS DANGEROUS Newspapers Should Warn Public Against Epidemiological Danger of Disease. "Late middle life is the danger period when, diabetes claims the largest percentage of its victims," declared Dr. Haven Emerson, Pro- fessor in the Institute of Public fHealth, Columbia University, dis- cussing the "Epidemiological meth- od in Relation to Diabetes," before; the second institute of public health yesterday. "One and a quarter as many women die of this disease as men, although more men are in hospital suffering from it. "Diabetes has been growing as the cause of death since 1870 when it caused one death in every 2400. Now it claims one out of 45," con- tinued Dr. Emerson, "and the rela- tive proportion of women dying of diabetes has steadily grown. Arouse Public Interest "The 'social duty of the newspa- pers," said Dr. Emerson in an in- terview, "is to arouse the public interest by calling attention to the increase and the epidemiological character of diabetes; health edu- cation will then be carried on in the institutions of learning under competent authority." Dr. Emerson insisted that public health de- mand that theĀ° attention of -the public be called to the growth of diabetes. "Annual health examination by the family physician is a most im- portant first item in the combating of this and other diseases," Dr. Emerson said, and "one should be guided by the physician's pre- scribed diet appropriate to the age and occupation of the patient." Young women have been under the influence of the slenderness fad,which Dr. Emerson believes has done more harm than good by re- ducing their resistance to diseases such as tuberculosis. This fad, con- fined as, it is largely to the ages of 15 to 35, has not greatly affected the tendency towards the obesity of later life, he pointed out. Health Education Needed "It is health education and not1 health propaganda that is needed," said Dr. Emerson. "Public health should form a part of education in the schools under full-time profes- sionally trained health officers. The experience of New York, small though it may be, should lend en- couragement to the long delayed plans of Washtenaw county for a model health unit," said Dr. Emer- son. Commenting upon the growing use of the cigarette among the women, Dr. Emerson said, "I have no evidence that it has done them any good.________________________________ HBOOVERREFUSES PAPERS; SENATE RESENTS DENIA President Asks Secret Scrutiny; Says Publication Amounts to Breach of Trust. MAY POSTPONE TREATY~ Senator Hale Declares British Have Us "Ham-Strung and Hog-Tied in Treaty". (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, July 11.-Presi- dent Hoover's refusal today to give the Senate all the notes leading up to the London Naval conference provoked the introduction of the first reservation to the treaty and d r e w a spirited denunciation. Around the reservation offered by Sen. Norris, Rep., Neb., there was gathered tonight some considera- ble strength and upon this issue may be made either a big attempt to reject the treaty or postpone its consideration until fall. It was Sen. Johnson, Rep., Cal., leader of the treaty opposition who assailed the presidential message and called upon the Senate to take action against the "lashing." He did not mention what action and it was understood he meant rejection of the treaty. Fears "Breach of Trust" Mr. Hoover invited the members of the Senate to scrutinize for themselves the London documents under pledge of secrecy but he said their publication for use in debate would amount to a "breach of trust" by himself with other na- tions. He reiterated "with the utmost emphais" that in 'the "Lndrn e- gotiations "there were no secrets or concealed understandings, promises or interpretations, not any commit- ments whatever except as appeared in the treaty itself." The Norris resolution which was offered immediately after the pres- idential message was read to the' Senate called attention to the fail- ure of the Senate to get all London data and concluded: Reed Disapproves of Resolution "Therefore be it resolved by the Senate that in ratifying the said treaty the Senate does so with the distinct and explicit understanding that there are no secrets filed, doc- uments, letters, understandings, or agreements which in any way, di- rectly or indirectly, modify, change, add to or take from any of the stipulations, agreements, or state- ments in said treaty; and that the Senate ratifies said treaty with the distinct and explicit understand- ings, agreement, secret or other- wise, expressed or Implied, between any of the parties to said treaty as to any concession that shall hereafter be given to any statement of provision contained therein." While Senator Reed, Rep., Pa., one of the delegates to London, in- dicated his disapproval of the Nor- ris resolution, Sen. Borah of the Foreign Relations committee and other treaty proponents withheld judgment pending a study. Representative Asks Prohibition Inquiry .. ...}?}::{11 .. .. . Emmnanuel Celler, Who demanded a sweeping pro- hibition survey of the prohibition situation, after Maurice Campbell resigned as administrator for New York. SMITH LEADS FIELD OF NATIONAL OPEN. Missouri Youth Outplays Jones in Afternoon to Emerge Victorious. HUGE GALLERY WATCHES M. Smth, Armour and Hagen Lose Chances for Par on Second Nine. (By Associated Press) INTERLACHEN COUNTRY CLUB, Minneapolis, Minn., July 11.-The Scots heard the wild call of the buzzard today instead of the sweet song of the birdie and as a result two y ou ng Americans named Smith and Jones fought a dazzling duel for the leadership at the half- way mark of the United Staters Open Golf championship. In this home-bred struggle, wag- ed between swirling, perspiring gal- leries' all the way, the strapping young blond professional, Horton Smith, out-played the champion of the world, Bobby Jones, to take the lead in this' classic of golf clasics for the first time in his POLICE EXPEL CURIOUS (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, July '11.-Earl Car- roll, who boasts that through his stage doors pass the most beautiful girls in the world, led eight of them through the portals of Jefferson Market court today for a hearing on police charges that his latest "Vanities" is an indecent show. Carroll, Jimmy Savo, "Vanities" comedian, and the eight show girls and dancers had to elbow their way through 500 spectators gath- ered in the street and in the court room. Hardly had the principals taken their seats when the judge ordered attendants to clear the room of "all curiosity seekers." More than 200 spectators left or were escorted out, but standing room was still scant. Capt. James J. Coy, police critic, was the first witness. He described the scenes which led to the raid on the show and the arrest of the pro- ducer and members of the cast. Capt. Coy said his seat was in the twelfth row, and defense coun- sel expressed the opinion that he was too far from the stage to be able to tell whether or not Faith Bacon, in her dance of the fans, was attired only in fans, as the po- lice charge. "It was when she walked off the stage," Capt. Coy replied, "with her back to the audience that I real- ized." "You mean," said defense coun- sel, "that while she was doing the dance facing the audience she so manipulated the' fans that you couldn't tell whether she was wear- ing any clothing or not?" "Yes," Coy replied. 'Close Harmony' Has Special Performance As a result of popular demand, a special matinee performance of "Close Harmony" will be given at 3:15 o'clock this afternoon in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. This comedy of middle-class life in the suburbs of New York, written by Elmer Rice and Dorothy Parker, will also be presented at 8:15 o'clock tonight. WOMEN DAILY TRYOUTS Women students who wish to try out for the women's staff of The Daily are requested to call at the offices in the Press Building, Maynard Street, be- tween 2 o'clock and 4 o'clock to- day. Newspaper experience is 'career. Breaks Par. AKMAN S T mt de a par cracking 70 to his 72of the 'first round fora [5two-day 36-hole total of 142. Play- R E CALL[ OF 6BOWL seond wrigt bhinaonestredhs secng ritbehindonestreadvhis tage, lost it on the first nine and Capitalist, Financial Supporter' emerged from a stiff battle with of Mayor in Campaign, Asks the hazards of Interlachen with a HeavyVteby Citizens. score of 73 and a 36-hole total of by___144. TO H LD V TE ULY 2';Fully 10,000 spectators scrambled TO HOD VOE JUY 22around on a day that was well up (By ssoiate Prss)in the 90 degree region, but not so (BRIT y ssocatder)k torrid as the day before because DETROcaitaJlyst 11.-Robertcaku- of a cooling breeze, galloped back mane caitlstaMianciaaresBolesupiand forth as these two darlings portr ofmpayor ChtyarstBowle nof the galleries, Smith and Jones, hi cmain atemayor tesplayed rout their rounds five min- stump d ginsttheioayrTusav-1uesapr. daying htinsread ades.dv- The huge, shirt-sleeved crowds. catig hs rcal. Icame away pretty well' convinced Oakman called upon Detroit citi- that youth had the battle well in zees to vote the mayor out of of- hand and that these two stars fice on July 22 "with such an over- would fight it out tomorrow in the whelming majority that never again,; final 36 holes for the crown worn will the denizens of the underworld by the great Georgian. raise their heads in an attempt to Is First Dual. control the administration of the Smith, the 22-year-old Missouri- city of Detroit." an who now represents the exclu- He said Norman Smith, now serv-I sive Cragston, N. Y. golf club of ing a federal sentence for bribingI the metropolitan district, played federal officers, had boasted to po- the great Jones to a standstill in lice officers of his bootlegging ac- the first personal duel these two tivities and of Bowles' knowledge ever have had a chance to wage of his business. . for the blue ribbon prize of Ameri- "He bragged," Oakman, said, "that can golf. Bowles would keep him from serv- Smith's two stroke lead over the ing a sentence on the charge of all-star field topped off a day that collecting money to bribe federal. saw the three veteran favorites, officers, pending against him in Macdonald Smith, Tommy Armour, federal court. He was convicted." and Walter Hagen, in quick succes- Smith and Bert Young, charac-g Ision shoot away their chances for terized by Oakman as "Bowles' am- par scores or- better on the tough bassador without portfolio," the' incoming nine. speaker said, served notice on Po- lice Inspector William T. Doyle that NOTED PHYSICISTS they did not want hiam in the first WILL STUDY HERE precinct and said that they hadW "talk it over with Charlie."' By Registration for thehriOkasidteyef- Symposium CreoakmansiDheyasrefier- on Theoretical Physics :yesterday redto hemayr.Doye ws etiedreached 25, according to an an- fro th poicedeprtmnt.nouncement by Dean Edward H. Oakman spoke at length on the IKraus of the Summer Session. mayor's appointments, particularlyl Those who will attend the sym- upon that of John Gillespie as comn- posium have all attained one of the missioner of public works. It is Gil- higher scientific degrees. Two of lespie who is expected to assumej their number are from foreign active direction of the administra-I countries, one being Canadian. the r 1 a t a " 1 . 1 9 FUNCTIONS OF LITTLE THEATRES IN VALUABLE, SAYS PROF. HICKMVAN In the opinion of Prof. E. W. Hickman, of the Carnegie Institute' of Technology, the Little theatre movement has enjoyed and will 1 continue to enjoy success. Since the gradual dropping out of the roadl companies, the Little theatre has! been the only outlet for the pro- ' duction of really worth-while plays' -those with a good standard. l "In this field," said Prof. Hick- man, "lies a splendid opportunity for trying out the plays that would' never gain professional and finan - cial success or popular appeal, and ordinarily would hardly be pro- I duced. Consequently there is al chance for young playwrights of creative ability and "stick-to-it- iveness." The outstanding groups in the Little theatre movement, pointed Iout the director, namely the Pasa-' dena Playhouse in California under nell, the Little theatre in Dallas, Texas, with which Oliver Hensdell is connected, and the Goodman theatre in Chicagothese have giv- en to the community plays of a higher standard. In connection with their respective theatres, both the Pasadena playhouse and the Goodman conduct a school for the players. In discussing the Little .theatre and the Community theatre, Pro- fessor Hickman dt-lared that the former, being of a superior stan- dard, played to a certain clientele, fwhereas the latter appeals to the ordinary audience. In other words, the Community theatre gives the audience what it wants, while the Little theatre makes its clientele take what it offers. Herein lies the, difference. The Little theatre, by taking in professional men, such as artists, musicians, costumers, in- I '.PACa. if CeA-n vnas fr whoff ii,. rn- tion's fight against the recall when other Dutch. They are all connect- he recovers from an illness which1 ed with the physics departments in began Monday with a collapse in! the various institutions which they the city council chamber. have left to attend the symposium. Almost at the same time Oakman Johns Hopkins is represented by was speaking, the mayor was re- four; Rutgers, the University of viewing his administration from Virginia, the University of Leyden, another broadcast station. He dealt 'the University of Alberta, and the largely with policies introduced College of the City of Detroit by since he assumed office which, he two. Harvard university, the U~ni- said, had saved large sums for the versity of Pittsburg, the University taxpayers. of Denver, Princeton university, the ______________________ IUniversity of Nevada, the Universi-. BASEBALL____SCORES____- ty of Minnesota, the University of BASeBiaLeSCORES Illinois, Oberlin college, the Uni- Amri 1,eriandLegu1 versity of Pennsylvania, the Uni- Detrao51,SC.Lveland3 versity of Cincinnati, and the Bar- Chicao5,st.chLouse3d tol foundation have respectively Only amesscheuledone representative. National League "Those who attend the symposi- Cincinnati 5, Philadelphia 2 um are to be considered as guests," Pittburg6, S. LoisI Dean Kraus stated. "They will not Pittburg6,iS.iLoisi2pd in +tAr n1r n~l