WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1930 THE $LTMMR &WHIGAN DAILY v WEDNESDA.Y~ JUL.Y 9, 1930 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY KT AKBETTER SUPEVISRYPLAN TO GUIDETEACHERS Purpose Should be to Develop Professionally Efficient Instructor, He Claims. DEFINES RESPONSIBILITY Educator Discusses Activities Necessary to Installation, Planning of Courses. "Since we have accepted as edu- cationally sound and democratical- ly right the practice of building courses of study co-operatively and thoroughly, with teachers assum- ing large responsibilities in this professional activity," said Prof. George C. Kyte of the education school yesterday afternoon in the secondlecture on the Afternoon Conference series, "it seems strange to me that only in exceptional cases have we given adequate thought and attention directly to the next supervisory problem in- volved-introducing the courses of study into the system and guiding the teachers in obtaining f r o m these instruments the values to be found in them." Would Define Responsibilities "The basic purpose of supervi- sion," he stated, "is to aid the teacher in carrying on the totality of activities which will result in the maximum development of her- self into the most professionally ef- ficient person she is capable of be- coming at all times.'" "An effective program of super- vision necessitates a clear-cut del- egation of responsibility by the su- perintendent of schools to his as- sistants, in terms of clearly de- fined functions," he said. The prin- cipal as the executive head of his school is directly responsible to the superintendent of schools for the educational results achieved in the school." "The teacher-as the executive of the instructional program in her classroom Is directly responsible to the principal for the results ob- tained," Kyte continued. In discussing the introduction and use of courses in a school sys- tem, Kyte stated that "introduc- tion of the courses of study begins when the program of curriculum construction or revisionris initiat- ed." Installation Continuous "Installation of courses is a con- tinuous process," he said, "-when once it is begun it is never ended." Some of the supervisory activi- ties which occur during the install- ation and- planning of courses, ac- cording to Professor Kyte, are util- zing the thought and effort of every person who can contribute to the building of courses of study; making provision for extensive ex- perimentation needed before and after tentative drafts are made, and utilizing various drafts of the courses of study as vehicles for en- couraging and guiding professorial study. in a pipe That's what you want! W HY do you hunt high and low and everywhere, when all the time here is good tobacco waiting to be smoked in your pipe? Why not dis- cover Edgeworth and be done with your hunting? Light a pipeful of Edgeworth. Roll on your tongue the full-bodied smoke that never bites and is always cool. Taste the Edgeworth flavor-the flavor that never changes. Learn for yourself why Edgeworth is the choice of so many critical smokers all around the world. You simply must meet Edgeworth somehow. Buy a can of it, or borrow some, or let us send you several pipe- fuls, free, just to taste. Use first the coupon and then restraint until the postman comes with the Edgeworth. You'll bless the day, for good tobacco in a pipe is what you want. TWO FLIERS WHO HAVE CONQUERED THE ATLANTIC MEET IN NEW YORK r >'r r.::..4 Yr .*. ".*~.-4: ~~ . r . . . . :." :"r... r."..Y. * '.:...v. Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh and Major Charles Kingsford-Smith, commander of the Southern Cross, are shown together as they met when the Colonel called at the latter's hotel in New York to congratu- late hinm on his trans-Atlantic crossing and wish him bon vayage on the eve of his flight to the Pacific coast. Lucy Elliot, Long Prominent on This Campus, Assumes Position as Summer Dean of Women Miss Lucy Elliot, dean of women latter half of the Summer Session f or the Summer Session, is not a of 1927. new figure in the life of the Uni- The work of her staff this sum- versity here in Ann Arbor. Miss mer is really a continuation of that Elliot was graduated with an A. B. done in the dean's office during degree from here, and later re- the year. The service there stresses turned to receive her M. A. She aid in finding employment and acted in the position of director of comfortable housing for applicants. the Newberry Residence for the There is also a record of the ad- years 1918 and 1919, and was invit- dresses and phone numbers of all ed back there for three successive women enrolled now-this file may summer directorships during the be used by anyone for locating per- years 1925, 26, and 27. sons. The special work in connec- Neither is Miss Elliot new in her tion with organizing the housing role as head of women, for she situation for next year is also be- was called to the office of Advisor, iug carried on through the office replacing Miss Alice Lloyd, for the of the dean. I NOwWICKIGANI STAGE WHISPER by Helen Carrm RUMORS OF THE DAY 1:10 p. M. The Doctors Whoofle Inc., that dual personality, better known as a corporation which engages it- self in nefarious persuits, lies deep- ly imbedded in a composite mess of cement and broccoli. Hence- forth the Doctors Whooffe will be unable to write other columns than those entitled FASHION- PLATE, WHAT THE WELLDRESS- ED GENT WILL WEAR, and AD- VICE TO THE UNGAINLY. 2:15 p. m. Susan Potter, last seen in the vicinity of the Mendelssohn The- atre, tangled up under one of Mrs. Henderson's rugs, has at last filed suit for divorce. All of the details of the case are not known, but it is generally conceded that Mrs. Potter has the law on her side. 6:43 p. m. Nicholas Potter (likewise recog- nized as The Doctors Whoofie's most pedicular personality) was found at an ;early hour with a beautifully curved gold dagger, the handle of which was wondrously inlaid with strange and wonderful beasts. The dagger was lodged in Mr. Potter's back third rib. 6:45 p. m. Due to the sudden and unfor- tunate death of Mr. N. B. Potter, divorce proceedings in the case of Potter vs. Potter have ceased. 7:47 p. m. Incidentally you might drop over to see the show that starts tonight -"Close Harmony." It's just this and that all the way through . such lines. You've simply NO idea. TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHING - - A specialtyfor__ twt ys ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS MATERIALS Prompt service. Experienced operators. STATIONERY, FOUNTAIN PENS, LOOSE LEAF BOOKS Moderate rates. TYPEWRITING AND POUND PAPERS M RRICOLLEGE PENNANTS AND JEWELRY LEATHER GOODS SttS. Phoe 6 2 Block from Campus 1111 South University Ave. 314 South State St. Phone 6615 1 1111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 u~od- A Paramount Picture BUDDY ROGERS In a Gay Romantic Comedy Shows Daily 1:45 3:50 7:00 9:00 in "SAFETY IN NUMBERS" -Also-- "BOB" HOWLAND In a New Organ Novelty and V if PARAMOUNT ALL SOUND NEWS TALKING COMEDY July Sale of Handbags $1.95 and $3.95 i II I -M IA Included in this offering are many new and cleverly made bags of leather and cloth in desirable shapes, sizes and, colorings that are in keep- ing with the new costume styles. I BlGAG1DPj UV Edgeworth is a careful blend of good tobaccos -selected especially for pipe-smoking. Its quality and flavor never change. Buy Edgeworth any- where in two forms- "Ready Rubbed" and "Plug Slice"-15¢ pock- et package to pound hu midor tin. TODAY THURSDAY-FRIDAY Clara's Sweetie! Broadway's Favorite! Lr buts mge~inIla ,_U Sol I Pastel and printed chiffons-em- broidered linens in novelty designs. EDGEWORTH SMOKING TOBACCO ---------------------- 1 LARUS 8s BRO. CO. I 100 S. 22d St., Richmond, Va. I'll try your Edgeworth. And I'll try Sit in a good pipe.{ I t Name t 1 #Street Tow ~and State-3 1* ® d ' i "iF .° , __Yv : damAl I r". - -t- ----- ...." W U it