0"* P # ummr x THE WEATHER Fair and Warmer MEMBER OF THE Al -AM6- 110010* , oftoii li t 41k t j1Iait ASSOCIATED PRESS -. . X. NO. 7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS T , - , TRAFIC PROBLEMS NDANGER CITIES STATES LECTURER Suburbs Guard Corporate Life With Jealous Concern, Says Professor Reed. ADD TO CITY PROBLEMS General Crime Ratio Declining; Sensational Crimes HigherI in Last 20 Years. "Automobile and the paved high- way have done much to effect the relation of man to man and to bring into city administration the most modern of its problem, that of cosmopolitanism," said Professor Thomas H. Reed, of the Political Science department, ina lecture at 5 o'clock Monday at the Natural Science auditorium. "These new p r o b I e m s," continued Professor Reed, "demand all the courage, in- sight and foresight that can be1 brought to bear upon them. Mu- nicipalities surrounding large cities have become the refuge places for those who prey upon the popula- tion, and local communities prefer to remain independent, thus vitiat- ing the powers of the city admin- istrations to cope with the prob- lems of common concern." Autos Made Cities Grow Discussing how the introduction of gunpowder had removed the limits of walls, and moats from the medieval city and the steam rail- roads had enlarged the growth of the cities when the natural hanker- ing of the northern European for a tree, a few chickens and a little open country home produced bed- room communities outside of large cities where one could cut grass, drive away the mosquitoes and catch a few moments of sleep be- fore dashing for the 7:45 special,, Professor Reed said, "that the prob- lem for providing for a unified control of matters of common con- cern was met by the annexing ofi newer communities. With the com- ing of the automobile and the1 paved highway the areas to which one could travel for a suburban home soon grew too large and the rate of growth exceeded the rate of annexation. Around every large1 city and often within its boundar-; les there grew up many embattled municipalities objecting to any an- nexation and proud and jealous of their corporate existence. Cities and Their Mayors "The general movement to the cities, because of the growing effi- ciency on the farm and the de- mand for labor in the cities, which has made our day the age of the large city, filled the cities and the cities overflowed back into the country. This growth of cities," con- tinued Professor Reed, "has brought the problems which have infested the course of democracy since its inception. So much so that popular election became subjected to graft and the corruption of the elector- ate and where the officials count the votes only they desire to count. An honest election," said Professor Reed, "in manymunicipalities L a question of grave doubt, and the mayors of many cities buffoon, clown and demogogue their way in-. to the hearts of their cities." "In spite of the lack of municipal home rule and the distrust of the rural communities of the u r b a n population, who still believe in the poetic but fanciful dictum that God made the country and man made the town, there has been great and general advancement since Vis- count Bryce wrote of the city ad- ministrations as 'America's o n e conspicuous failure.' Many of the city departments are nowJin charge of experts, especially schooled, pub- lic health and police are adminis- tered in a thorough going and in- telligent manner. Our cities show a declining crime ratio for the last twenty years, although sensation- al crime resulting in murder is on the increase. "The distrust of the rural com- munities of their city\ cousins has often resulted in unequal repre- sentation in state legislatures, ac- cordinr to Professor Reed ,citing: PAIRS WITH VAN RYN IN DOUBLES jTO WIN WIMBLEDON CHAMPIONSHIPj t ENROLLMENT NEAR FOUR THOUSAND AS FIRST WEEK ENDS Final to Registration Expected Pass Above 4000 Mark, I Says Dean Kraus. GAINS OVER LAST YEAR Five Schools Show Large Gains, Graduate School Has Largest Summer Attendance. Dean Edward H. Kraus of the Summer Session yesterday an- nounced that the present enroll- ment for the term totals 3980. This figure includes all registrations made before 4 o'clock in the after- noon, and shows a gain of 325 over the corresponding time of last sum- mer. Health Institutes Not Counted The present totals for the ten schools of the Summer Session are:] graduate school, 1681; literary col- - lege, 895; education school, 417; en- gineering and architectural school, 334; medical school, 259; law school, 159; music school (in its first Sum- mer Session as a branch of the University), 104; pharmacy school, forestry school, 25; and the busi- ness administration school, 21. The total of 3980 does not include the registration for the Health In- stitutes, which will be held over the week-ends. All other enrollments so far made in the Summer Session have been counted in it. The Sum- mer Session offices yesterday re- ceived a report of 94 registrations from the Biological Station at Lake Douglas. Of these students 65 are classified under the g r a d u a t e school, 28 under the literary school FOREIGN SCRIBES WILLVISIT HERE European Newspapermen to See University Wednesday. Twenty-five prominent Euro- pean journalists will visit the Uni- v e r s i t y Wednesday afternoon, touring the United States under the auspices of the Carnegie En- dowment for International Peace. Since their coming to the coun- try, they have been accompanied1 by representatives of the Depart- ment of State. They have visited several of the cultural centers of the nation, it being their purpose to achieve an unbiased viewofthe American civilization. The group is a present in DetroKit Their host for the three days in which they will be there is Charles B Warren, Detroit attorney. The journalists plan to leave De- troit Wednesday morning and ar- rive in Ann Arborat noon.rIt is expected that they will remain here until late in the afternoon. According to Dr. Frank E. Rob- bins, assistant to the President, plans for the entertainment of the visitors have not yet been definite- ly decided upon. It is believed that they will visit a number of campus buildings, especially William L. Clements Library of American His- tory, and the General library. They will also probably be con- ducted on a short tour of the city. FIRST OF RECITALS, Professors Mabel Rhead, Hanns Pick to Feature School of Music Program. ADMISSION WILL BE FREE I SPECIAL SESSION OF, SENATE OPENED FOR NAVAL TREATY Senator McKellar Demands All Documents; Senator Johnson Supports Demand. HOOVER SENDS MESSAGE Treaty Itself Comprises Sole Obligation of Nation, Says President Hoover. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, July 7.- Presi- dent Hoover opened the special session of the Senate for consider- ation of the London Naval treaty today with a 2400 word message calling for its ratification as "an important step in disarmament and world peace." Hardly had the presidential mes- sage -been read to the 58 senators who answered the first roll call when Sen. McKellar, Dem. Tenn., offered a resolution requesting the documents relating to the London conference which President Hoo- ver had refused -to turn over to the Senate foreign relations commit- tee. Sen. Reed, Rep., Pa., a member of the American delegation, re- plied the documents were in the possession of members of the del- egation and he offered them in confidence to any senator who wished to see them. He. said, "The senator who accepts my suggestion wil Ireadily see (the reason why the correspondence is not to be made public." Reed Offer- Scorned However, Sen . Johnson, Rep., Cal., who, with McKellar, is one of the chief opponents of the pact, scorned the Reed offer and de- manded the papers "for the Uni- ted States senate and for every member of it and for my govern- ment here." McKellar will call up his reso- lution tomorrow after Sen. Swan- son, Dem., Va., has delivered the opening address in behalf of the pact. There was doubt tonight Wilmer Allison, Blond whirlwind from Austin, Texas, added to the fame he achieved by defeating Henri Cochet, when he paired with John Van Ryn to win the doubles crown at Wimbledon yesterday from George Lott and John Doeg in straight sets, 6-3, 6-3, 6-2. VAN RYNIALLISON' WIN TENNIS CROWN, Defeat Lot, Doeg in Straight Sets to Acquire Wimbledon Doubles Championship. AMERICA HAS 5 TITLES (By Associated Press) Wimbledon, July 7.-The thriving young tennis partnership, Wilmer Allison, of Austin, Texas, and John Van Ryn, East Orange, N. J., reaped additional laurels today, defeating George Lott, of Chicago, and John Doeg, Santa Monica, in straight' sets 6-3, 6-3, 6-2, to retain the Wim- bledon doubles championship. By their unexpected one-sidedj victory, Allison and Van Ryn once more proclaimed themselves t h ef foremost doubles combination in the world and added the final to an unprecedented American sweept of British titles and brought to a I close a tournament which is jocu- larly referred to here as Wimble- don's 1930 American championship. Despite the toughest sort of com-I petition assembled from all overl the world, the well-balanced com- bination from the United States! made tennis history as four of the five events wound up in All-Ameri- can finals. Bill Tilden beat Allison, and Mrs.' Moody defeated Miss Elizabeth Ry- an for the singles crown. In the women's doubles, Mrs. Moody and Miss Ryan overcame their young compatriot, Miss Sarah Palfrey, and Miss Edith Cross and today Van Ryn and Allison easily mastered their fellow Americans Pro fessional Ethics Discussed by Edmonson In his discussion, "Some Ques- tions of Professional Ethics," de- livered before the Women's Educa- tion Club last night, James B. Ed-f monson, dean of the School of Ed- ucation, said that teachers should seek to convince the public that higher salaries for competent peo- ple are not only needed but justifi- able, and that in such cases iti would be ethical to enter a combi-I COURTIS DEFINES AIM OF TEACHER AS PERSONAL AID Says Educators Must Nurture Individual Plans. Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the School of Education made the first. address on the series of Afternoon Conferences in the University high, school auditorium yesterday. His subject was "Desirable Changes in' Teaching Procedure". "Today the progressive view of education holds that the educa- tional process is best conceived as the nurture of personalities," he stated. "The teacher's work is either stimulating worthy purposes in children, or assisting them to achieve their purposes." "Under the new method," he, said, "the problems would have to be visioned and the lessons set by the children, the solutions and plans wouldbe worked out by the children on their own initiative. The children would also direct the execution of the plane, appraise their success, and make their own generalizations." "Such a method of teaching," he continued, "calls for profound mod- ification of existing practices. For one thing, in every subject and in every grade the teacher's course of study would consist of these items; namely, to develop in her pupils(1) Vision, or the ability to see and formulate the vital problems in any situation. (2.) Self-direction, or the ability to plan and direct the exe- cution of plans. (3.) Self-appraisal, or the ability to recognize defects, to modify plans as necessary, to ,judge the degree of success achiev- ed. (4.) Self-control, or the abilityj Ito co-ordinate the emotional ele- ments of experience to make them i contribute to success and happi- ness. (5.) Co-operation, or the abil- ity to work with others in the solu- tion of common problems." "Personalities mature education- ally," Courtis said, "only as they make self-directed choices in terms of known consequences." j B i ajor Bryan R. Cooper, 1' and one under the School of Edu- Two artists from the music school' cation. Forty-two students h a v e registered at the geology and ge- faculty will be featured in the pro- ography f ield station at Mills gram to be given at 8:15 o'clock Springs, Kentucky, according to re- tonight in Hill auditorium. This is ports from its director, Prof. George the first of a series of Tuesday eve- M. Ehlers. ning recitals which will be given Five Schools Show Gains during the Summer Session under The schools which showed an in- the auspices of the School of Music crease over their enrollment for the in association with the general en-I corresponding time last year were the graduate school, the literary I tertainment series of lectures andI college, the College of Engineering other features provided by the gen- and Architecture, the law school eral Summer Session of the Uni- and the School of Business Admin- versity. An invitation has been ex- istration. The School of M u s i c, tended to the public, excepting counted for the first time, helped small children, to attend. to raise the total. The other four Those participating in tonight's schools lost slightly. program are Mabel Ross Rhead, as- Dean Kraus yesterday stated that sistant professor of piano, a n d enrollment throughout the rest of Hanns Pick, professor of violincello. the week would probably lift the Mrs. Rhead is a pianist of wide total above the 4000 mark. recognition. She has appeared many During the past week, considera- times throughout the middle west ble gain has been shown by nearly in recitals and as soloist with lead- all schools. Last Tuesday the grad- ing orchestras, and has had large uate school had a registration of experience in concert work gen- 1362. Three hundred and nineteen erally. have been added since then. The Professor Pick is one of the coun- literary college has gained 117 since try's prominent violincello virtuosi. then; the School of Education, 33; Before joining the faculty of the and the music school, 30. Other School of Music, he was solo 'cellist schools also gained slightly. of the Philadelphia Symphony or- Even when the Public Health In- chestra. He has given many con- stitutes are not counted, a new rec- certs both in America and in Eu- ord for the session will probably be rope, and has had a highly diversi- established.fled musical career. SPANISH READ AMERICAN WRITINGS WITH INTEREST, STATES COSTELLO over the outcome of a vote resolution and what effect option would have. on the its ad- In his message to the Senate, President Hoover touched on this subject. He said "Every solitary pact which affects judgment up- on the treaty is known and the documentritself comprises the sole obligation of the United States." Dawes' Language Picturesque. Sen. Reed saidi the documents related to cablegrams exchanged between Ambassador Dawes and the State department prior to the London Conference. There have been intimations that the pictur- esque language employed by Amer- ica's outspoken Ambasador in Lon- don forbids their publication. Whatever the results, the Mc- Kellar resolution promises to give the opposition a talking point and delay is in their favor. There are serious doubts in the minds of sen- ate leaders that the 58 members who answered the opening roll call today can be kept t4ere for a leng- thy debate on the treaty. Conan Doyle, Famous Novelist,_Dies at 71 (By Associated Press) CROWBOROUGH, Susse, Eng., July 7.- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, novelist, historian, physician, trav- eler, and spiritualist, died at his residence "Windlesham" today of heart disease at the age of 71. Lady Doyle, two sons and one daughter were at his bedside when death came. Though the famous creator of Sherlock Holmes largely surren- dered his other interests during the later years of his life to his champ- ionship of spiritualism, thereby an- tagonizing former friends, it was his long career as an author that the great majority of Englishmen recall today. Above all, England remembered the series of Sherlock Holmes stor- ies where he portrayed with ex- traordinary vividness not only the greatest detective in fiction, but al- nation to force increases in salary. Irish Statesman, Dies "Teachers must develop a scheme 1_ to bring professional pressure on (By Associated Press) those teachers' agencies, school DUBLIN, Irish Free State, July boards and citizens who do not - have high standards in dealing . r'C with teachers," he said. "Teachers widely-known Irish statesman and should have more effective organ- soldier, died here today at the age izations dealing co-operatively with of 46. other working organizations." Major Cooper was conspicuous Following Dean Edmonson's talk the Dail, in 1919 he succeeded Bar- several questions dealing with pro- the dail, in 1919 he succeeded Bar- fessional ethics were discussed,and on Decies as Irish press censor. summaries based on the 1928 report He attracted attention three of the Committee on Ethics of the years ago when he publicly threat- Profession of the N . A. w e r n t hn t o wn. hord if hi.a if "Present-day Spanish Literature! reflects the impetuousness of the Spanish youth," stated Prof. Carlos Castello, of the Spanish depart- ment. Professor Castello comes1 from the University of Chicago and will teach Spanish here during the summer session. "The modernistic movement in American Literature is closely par- alleled in Spanish Literature, "he said. "American books are read with great interest in Spain. Such is the interest of Spanish people in American literature that frequent- ly books which are barred to the American public are translated in- to Spanish. Much of the Spanish Literature that is read in this coun- try has been translated from rath- er mediocre authors and does not represent the true Spanish Litera- ture. "Miguel De Unamuno is at pres- an +ha rn. nhrh iiannham. n.A vn.rh+ progress but retain at the same time its individuality. Mr. Una- muno does not believe that a novel has to be a complete unit. It may begin and end at any place, for life itself, he believes, does not beginI or end at any one point. This phil- osopher is enthusiastically followed by the youth of Spain in his de- mands for a democratic govern- ment. A book 'by this author has been translated into English and may be found in our library. "Several Spanish dramas have had successful runs on the New Y o r k stage," Professor Castello' continued. Among the most noted are: "The Kingdom of God," "The Cradle Song," by Martinez Sirra, and "The Passion Flower" by Ben- avente. "The most popular novelist of Spain at present is Pio Baroj a," he said. This man's work includes thir- ty volumes. The structure of the GnA.nich nnupl is similar fn +ho+ r f a c«rr flan rrf in}aa" 0