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June 23, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-06-23

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Light Showers Today,
Fair Tomorrow

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President Takes Text from Book
of Psalms for First Sermon
to Graduating Class..
Asks Tolerance Toward Future
Changes in Affairs
of University.
. Speaking on the subject of "The
Good Alumnus," President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven gave the first
Baccalaureate sermon of his ad-1
ministration before the members
of the graduating classes yesterday
morning in Hill auditorium.
President Ruthven took as his
text part of the eighth verse of the
.thirty-first Psalm: "Thou hast set
my feet in a large room."
"The feeling of freedom given by
a widened vision of life and en-
larged opportunities for service
conveyed in this expression," Presi-
dent Ruthven said, "was a favorite
theme of the singer of Israel. We
may consider the expression as an
indication of the soul's confidence
that attunement with the infinite
gives not only responsibilities but
also rich rewards."
Must Accept Progress.
President Ruthven went on toI
outline the duties of the alumnus
from the point-of-view of the uni-
versity, after he has gone out into
the "large room" of his future life.
"As your Alma Mater sets your
feet in a large place and you leave
her walls to enter upon the duties
of your life," he said, "you will ever
look back to her and tend to visual-
ize student life as you knew it. You
will probably overlook the fact
that like you your college must
continue to exist in a changing en-
vironment. It too must exhibit var-
iations if it is not to suffer the
consequences of an unplastic her-
editary product in a mutating
world. As you observe the inevit-
able changes you should not com-
plain and pine for a return of the
good old days, but open-mindedly
and with pride view them as signs
of growth and progression.
Facts Should be Sought.
"Because the University as you
know it will not exist a year aft-
er you leave it and because inter-
est to be valuable must be intelli-
gent," he continued, "you will as
an alumnus have the obligation of
studying your college and of with-
holding judgment until you have
the facts. The human tendency to
form conclusions upon insufficient
evidence frequently affects the re-
lations of the sincere alumnus to
his University. We have tried to
teach you to act upon accurate in-
(Continued on Page Five)
Pres. Ruthven Addresses Annual
Gathering of Graduates.
More than 1250 of the University
alumni returned to Ann Arbor last
week to take part in 35 class re-

unions. A number of meetings and
special events over the weekend
gave the old graduates wide op-
portunities for meeting old friends
and recalling memories of the
The alumni massed on the steps
of Angell hall Friday night and
sang many of the historic Michi-
gan songs. At the principal meet-
ing of the reunion, which took
place at Hill auditorium Saturday
morning, the Alumni association
was addressed by President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven. The various
groups met at noon Saturday for
luncheons, and many of the old
students attended the senior Class

President Gives First
Baccalaureate Address:


'MICHIIIAN HONORS Officers for Association Named
FOR ACHIE VMENTS, Mat 34th Annual Meeting.
Meeting last Saturday for the
thirty-fourth time since its found-
Contributions to Sciences, Arts, ation, the Alumni association elect-
Letersand to Public ed Dean G. Carl Huber of the
Letters auate hool president for the
Are Recognized. coming year. Dr. Huber was a
ARTISTE G EN DEGREE member of the 1887 class of the
ARTITE GVEN DEGRE IMedical school. He has acted in
a directorial capacity in the Asso-
University Bestows Honorary ciation since 1897, and was an im-
Degrees on One Woman, portant figure in the Medical
Thirteen Men. Alumni association for 10 years be-
fore that time.
Fourteen honorary degrees were The following were elected to the

Vincent Massey, First Minister From Canada,
Gives Address on The Amateur Spirit'.
Before a gathering of more than 8,ooo persons, 1,954 candidates
were conferred with degrees in course at the University's eighty-sixth
annual Commencement exercises which were held this morning on Fer-
ry feld. Promptly at 9 o'clock, the gowned procession of faculties,
classes, and candidates for honorary degrees, headed by the Varsity
band, swung onto the Field and marched into their places.
President Alexander Grant Ruthven, at the first Commencement
ceremonies since his incumbency as president of the University, presided
at the exercise. Degrees in course were conferred in order and on be-
--chalf of the faculties, represented

: )


i o
Alexander G. Ruthven,
President of the University, who
yesterday delivered his first Bacca-
laureate address before the gradu-f
ating students at the traditionalf
exercises in Hill Auditorium. n
Shaw, Alumni Relations Head,:
Announces Complete PlansI
for Week of Lectures. c
More than 75 graduates have reg-E
istered for the Alumni University,l
according to a recent announce-_
ment by Wilfred B. Shaw, director
of alumni relations. The literary'
and engineering colleges lead int
the number enrolled. Shaw expectsf
a total of slightly less than 100.I
This year is the first time thatt
the unique institution has been
conducted. It will present to re-
turning Michigan men and womena
information on the latest develop-1
ments in the artistic and scientificf
fields. It is expected that theY
Alumni University will be espec-
ially convenient to those graduates
who desire instruction in currentj
topics, but who have no time to at-
tend the regular Summer Session.
The following courses will be giv-
en at 9 o'clock in the morning from1
June 24 to June 28:<
"A New Approach to Americani
History," by Prof. A. S. Aiton of the
history department; "Modern Art,"1
Prof. Bruce M. Donaldson of thea
fine arts department; and "Hered-
ity and the New Evolution," Prof.
A. F. Shull of the zoology depart-
ment. The last named course, al-
though previously scheduled for the
afternoon, will be given at 9 o'clock.
"America and the Far-East," by
Prof. J. R. Hayden of the political
science department; "The Sym-
phonic Form in Music," Prof. E. V.
Moore of the music school; and
"Investments," Prof. R. G. Rodkey
of the business administration
school; are the courses which will
be presented at 10 o'clock.
"Geology in the Landscape," by
Prof. W. H. Hobbs of the geology
department; "The Philosophy of
Art," Prof. D. H. Parker of the phi-
losophy department; and "Some
Modern Trends in Landscape De-
sign," Prof. Aubrey Tealdi of the
landscape design department; will
be givenkat 11 o'clock throughout
the week.
Prof. Homer Woodbridge will
(Continued on Page Two)
Architects Will Exhibit
Model Work This Week
Selected work in architectural
design, building construction, deco-
rative design, drawing, painting,
and modeling, done by architectur-
al students this year, will be exhib-
ited at the College of Architecture

conferred upon thirteen men and other offices: Henry H. Corwin,
'99A, of Jackson, and James M. 0'-
ne woman this morning at the Dea, 09E, of Detroit, vice-president;
eighty-sixth Commencement exer- Louis P. Jocelyn, 87A, of Ann Ar-
cises of the University by action of bor, secretary; Robert A. Camp-

the Board of Regents.
Dr. Arthur L. Cross, Hudson pro-t
Dessor of English history, read the
following citations of accomplish-
ments to those men of letters who
are renowned in their field of ac-I
Arthur J. Tuttle. Lawyer, legis-
lator, and judge, who since his
graduation from the University of
Michigan Law School in 1895 and
his admission to the bar, the same,
year, has devoted himself to the
public service, successively as
county prosecuting attorney, state
senator, United States district at-i
torney, for the past eighteen years,
United States district judge for the'
Eastern District of Michigan. Tire-'1
less in the maintenance of law and
advocacy of good causes.
William Hoffman Gardiner Lo-
gan. Oral surgeon, with a special
training resting on a broad medical
foundation. Chief of the Dental
Division, with the rank of Lieu-
tenant Colonel, during the World
War. Dean and professor at the
Chicago College of Dental Surgery.
One whose work on the cleft pal-
ate and the cleft lip has been a
boon to folk thus peculiarly af-
flicted. Skillful and indefatigable
in promoting the progress of
health and happiness.
Henry Harlow Brooks. Physician
and teacher. A graduate of the
University of Michigan Medical
School. Professor of Clinical Medi-
cine in New York University since
1912. Colonel in the World War.
A sound and broadly equipped
scholar in the various fields of
medicine and biology, effective as
a sane and astute clinician, par-
ticularly in the diseases of the
Harlan Ingersoll Smith. Anthro-
pologist. An intreprid inquirer in-
to the mysteries of by-gone life
embodied in the ancient mounds
of our central states, who has ex-
tended his explorations to many
parts of Canada. Since 1920 ar-
cheologist of the Victoria Memorial
Museum at Ottawa. One who has
set forth his findings in writings of
abiding value.
Mary Chase Perry Stratton. Mas-
ter artist in the field of ceramics,
who, in a pottery conducted in De-
troit, has with constructive insight
and cunning wokmanship perfect-
ed glazes and decorative mosaics,
pottery, and tiles prized by collect-
ors and architects throughout the
country. Inventive in design and
happy in execution.
Albert Augustus Stanley. Teach-
er, composer, and author. A native
of New England, a spring that has
nourished so amply the cultura
life of the Middle West. For thir-
ty-three years professor in the
University of Michigan and for
eighteen years Director of the Uni-
versity School of Music. Founder
of the Choral Union and May Fes-
tival concerts which have estab-
lished Ann Arbor as a musical cen-
ter eagerly visited by artists and
music lovers. Learned in the his-
tory of his art, discriminating in-

bell, treasurer of the University, b
treasurer; Wililam D. McKenzie, THE SUMMER MICHIGAN s
'96A, of Chicago, director-at-large. DAILY+
The Summer Daily will beginr
regular publication Tuesday
morning, July 1, and continue
daily except Mondays until Sun-g
day, August 17. Several posi-n
- tions on both the editorial ando
business staffs of the paper are
still open to those who desire r
Literary, Engineering Students practical experience in news-j
Meet on Campus to Hear paper work. Applicants should
M ton H ereport to the offices in the Press I
Orators, Historians. Building during the latter part
of the week.
Beginning their final period of
activity, two graduating classes ofe
the University held their yearly U
Class Day exercises on the campust
during the past week-end.
The seniors of the College of En- -
gineering held their ceremony in
a stand near the Engineering Arch Four . Hundred Faculty Members
at 10:30 o'clock Friday morning. Will Give 675 Courses in
R. G. Harris read the class history. 37th Annual Session.
In his "Speech for the Class", R.-;t
S. McCoy expressed the hope that A vigorous display of interest by
the seniors would take as their prospective students and those al-
goal the example set by previous ready enrolled, and frequent in-
graduates of the college. Prof. quiries as to the nature of the vari-
George G. Brown spoke as Class
Mentor, and Dean Herbert C. Sad- ous courses to be taught, give every
ler of the Colleges of Engineering indication that the 1930 Summer,
and Architecture gave an address. Session of the University will by far
The graduating students of the surpass the success of any other,
literary college conducted their is the statement made by Dean Ed-
traditional exercises at 2 o'clock w
Saturday afternoon in the stand ward H. Kraus of the Summer Ses-.
at the center of the campus which sion.
was used for the Senior Sing. Stan- Six hundred seventy-five courses I
ton Todd, president of the class are to be given at the thirty-
gave a welcoming address, and pre- seventh Summer Session, from
j sented the memorial gift of $1000, June 30 to August 22. These courses
which is to be used by the Univer- will be taught by a. faculty staff of
sity for educational purposes. Dean more than 400, composed largely of
John R. Effinger of the literary members of the regular faculties of
college made a speech of accept- the University and supplemented
ance. The class history was given by 50 great educators from this
by Donald J. Kline. Jones Shan- I country and abroad.
non gave the Class Oration, taking The courses which are to be given
as his subject the "Four Aims of in the School of Education are de-
College". Richard Cole read the signed to meet the needs of teach-
class prophecy, to complete the ers and educators and number more
program. Harley B. Kline acted than 100. This instruction is of-
as chairman for the exercises. fered either for the regular period
The Class Day ceremonies mark- of eight weeks or for a four-week
ed the beginning of the end of the period, from July 7 to August 1, for
campus life of the 1930 seniors. Al-Ithose teachers who cannot attend
though less formal than either the entire session.
Baccalaureate or Commencement, I In addition to the summer school,
the exercises were attended by the at Ann Arbor, the University con-
graduating students in caps and ducts a Biological station in North-
Sgowns. ern Michigan for undergraduates,
The $1000 gift which the literary graduates, and independent inves-
seniors have made to the Univer- tigators. It also offers a Surveying
sity will be augmented from time camp in Wyoming, and a camp for
to time as the class meets at re-
unions. (Continued on Page Five)

by the respective deans of the
schools and colleges.
Folowing the invocation, pro-
nounced by the Rev. Russell N.
McMichael, of the Lutheran Evan-
gelical church, Dr. Vincent Massey,
noted diplomat and first Minister
of the United States from the Do-
minion of Canada, delivered the
Commencement address.
Deans Present Degrees.
Degrees in course were presented
in the following order and on be-
half of the faculties named, by.-the
following: Dean John R. Effinger
of the College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts; Dean J. B. Ed-
monson of the School of Educa-_
tion; Dean Herbert C. Sadler of the
Colleges of Engineering and Archi-
tecture; Dr. F. G. Novy of the Med-
ical school; Dean Henry Moore
Bates of the Law school; Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus of the College of
Pharmacy; Dean Marcus L. Ward
of the College of Dentistry; Dean
Clare E. Griffin of the School of
Business Administration; Dean
Samuel T. Dana of the School of
Forestry and Conservation; Dean
G. Carl Huber .of the Graduate
school; and Mr. 'Charles A Sink
and Mr. Earl V. Moore of the
School of Music.
Fourteen honorary degrees were
presented by Dr. Arthur L. Cross,
Hudson professor of English his-
tory, who read the citations appro-
priate to the conferring of each
degree, following which, Prof.
Charles W. Edmonds and Prof. Al-
fred O. Lee placed the honorary
hood over the candidates' shoul-
Discusses Liberal Education.
In addressing the graduating
students, Dr. Massey appreciated
the differences of their training
and spoke of a common legacy
"which the university is able to give
all those within its walls," both the
student of a liberal education and
the student in a professional
school. This legacy he called "the
spirit of the amateur," a trait de-
veloped in the student which leads
him to pursue an activity, what-
ever it may be, in a spirit of love
or enjoyment.
While the world is assuming a
more serious outlook in both work
and play, Dr. Massey said, a man's
accomplishment is no longer "mea-
sured by the hours he sits behind
plate glass" but an increasing re-
spect is being shown for education.
In this respect, the end should not
be confused with the means, Dr.
Massey warned. "If the very ma-
chinery of learning obscures our
(Continued on Page Five)
Union to Keep Service
Available for Summer
All facilities of the Union, with
the exception of the bililard room,
will be available during the Sum-
mer Session to men students in
the University. Although an ex-
tension of the Tap room is to be
made during the summer, service
will not be interrupted. Registra-
tion for summer membership will
begin at 2 o'clock Moday after-
noon, June 30, at the side desk in



Appointment of a new executive Ij
committee to govern the Medical
school for an indefinite period, thef
appointment of new men to the
faculty, and the promotion of sev-
eral faculty members con tituted1
the principal business transacted'
by the Board of Regents at the
June meeting held last Friday.
Splitting the administration of
the Medical school between sev-
eral department heads, the plan of
directorship which has been in
operation since the removal of Dr.

By action of the Regents, Prof.
A. E. R. Boak will succeed the late
Prof. Claude H. Van Tyne as head
of the history department
Leave of absence for one year
was granted to Prof. James W. Glo-
ver, chairman of the mathematics
department, who will be succeeded
by Prof. Peter Field.
John E. Tracy of Chicago, noted
corporation lawyer and for the
past year a non-resident lecturer

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