THE WEATHER C Iig # mr r I Fair and Warmer lJf~irhig an :43 ttit i VOL. X. NO. 5 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JULY 6, 1930 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS PRICE FIVE CENTS PRESIDENT HOOVER 9RRANGES SPECIAL ffSSION OF SENATE Discusses Possibility of Early Ratification of London Naval Treaty. CLOSE HARMONY OEWiLL BE PROOUCEO BY MiCHIGAN GROUP Repertory Players Will Present Comedy of Dorothy Parker and Elmer Rice. WILL OPEN WEDNESDAY Hailed by Critics as Greatest Play of Kind; Prof. Wallace Directs. As its second presentation for the 1930 summer season, Play Produc- tion's Michigan Repertory players will offer "Close Harmony", by El- mer Rice and Dorothy Parker, in BILL TILDEN TOPS BRITISH SINGLES: MOODY, RYAN WIN DOUBLES CROWN, EDUCATION SCHOOL PRISONERSFREED BY ACTING MAYOR k 1A J { 1 1' A i (By Associated Press) WIMBLEDON, England, July 5- Bill Tilden won the British tennis singles championship today for the first time since 1921, defeating his sensational young countryman, Wilmer Allison in the final in three straight sets. The scores were 6-3, 9-7, 6-4. Mrs. Helen Wills Moody and Miss Elizabeth Ryan today captured the women's doubles in the Wimbledon championships, defeating Sarah Palfrey of Boston and Edith Cross of San Francisco, 6-2, 9-7. Mrs. Moody and Miss Ryan now are supreme as a doubles team, having won the French champion- ship a few weeks ago as well as taking the Wimbledon crown to- day. The sensational play of little Sarah Palfrey in a losing cause, especially during the thrilling sec- ond set, captured the imagination of the big gallery which cheered her every shot. In general the crowd seemed to be on the side of the youngsters although it was fairly clear from the outset that they were doomed to defeat. The king, queen and Prince George arrived to see the all-Amer- ican final between Wilmer Allison and Bill Tilden for the singles championship. The players were practicing as the royal personages entered and they stood at attention on the court as the monarch was seated in the royal box. The crowds, also standing, applauded. _____________it I the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre be-t ginning next Wednesday night and with performances on Thursday and Saturday nights.1 Following the successful run of Barry's "Holiday," -which was high comedy involving New York society, Play Production, in its next pre- sentation will bring a biting satire* of middle-class life in the suburbs; of New York. "Close Harmony" has been hailed by critics as the greatest play of its kind, meeting with a critical success in New York. The play had a long successful run in Chicago under the name of "The Lady Next Door," and was well re- ceived in Detroit as "Next Door." The original production was mounted by Arthur Hopkins with James Spotswood, the star of "Ex- cess Baggage," and Wanda Lyon in the leading roles. Benchley Asks Revival There have been many attempts on the part of New York critics, especially Robert Benchley, to en- courage a revival of "Close Harmo- ny." Elmer Rice, who collaborated with Dorothy Parker in the writing of this play, is also the author of "Street Scene," last year's Pulit- zer prize play, "On Trial," Cock Robin," in which he collaborated with Philip Barry, and "See Naples and Die," in which Claudette Col- bert played the lead. Dorothy Par- ker is known as the writer of sev- eral books of verse, "Enough Rope," "Sunset Gun," and as a former dra- matic critic on the staff of "Van- ity Fair." She is one of the fore- most contemporary humorists, along with Ring Lardner. In "Close Harmony," Mr. Rice de- veloped the dramatic technique while Miss Parker is responsible for the keen satire. There is no connection between -this play and the recent motion picture of the same name. Wallace to Direct. Prof. Chester M. Wallace of the Carnegie Institute of Technology, and one of the foremost directors of amateur productions in the country, is in charge of the pre- sentation of "Close Harmony." Pro- fessor Wallace stated yesterday that as a result of the wide range of character types found in the Play Production department it has been possible to make an excep- tionally accurate casting of the play. It should be noted that there will be no Friday night performance. This was omitted because of the of- ficial Summer Sessionhreception which will be held in the Women's League building on that night. Season tickets for the remaining six productions may now be ob- tained at the box office of the Ly- dia Mendelssohn theatre at a re- duced rate. All tickets for indi- vidual performances are priced at 75 cents. Helen Wills Moody. HUNTER BROTHERS FA~CE BUSY WORLD Contending Agents, Exploiters Keep Endurance Record Holders Engaged. NAME NEW MANAGERS (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, July 5-Their aerial labors ended after 553 hours 41 1-2 minutes of continuous flying to a world's record, the Hunter brothers. pried sticky eyelids apart today to face the trial of unaccustomed rol- es. COURTIS TO TALK BEFORETEACHERS AUMNI TO ATTEND CONFRNCEWEEK. Cooperation Plans of Alumni and Education School Made by Dean Edmonson. STIMULATE DISCUSSION Education Problems and Trends to be Discussed Informally by Faculty Members. Planning to follow up the work done by the Alumni University, the School of Education will hold a Graduate Conference during the week of July 21. "We are planning to try an ex- periment this summer in the field of alumni relations. Our experi- ment will take the form of a Grad- uate Conference for alumni who have graduate degrees from' the University with education as a ma- jor," Dean James B. Edmonson of the education school stated recent- ly. "Provision," he said, "has been made for discussion of trends and problems in certain major fields of education. It is our belief that this program will be of real value, and we anticipate that the informal discussion and social contacts will prove very stimulating." More than 150 graduates had en- rolled for the conference yester- day. Educators to Speak. On Monday, July 21, Prof. George C. Kyte will speak on "Trends in Elementary School Supervision and Instruction," and Prof. Clifford Woody will give an address on the "Elementary School System." The following morning Prof. Francis D. Curtis will speak on the "Supervision of Secondary School Subjects," and Prof. Louis W. Kee- ler will take as his subject "Trends in the Grading of Students." In the afternoon the addresses will be: "The Psychology of Adoles- cence," Prof. Howard Y. McClusky, "Child Development," Prof. Willard C. Olson. On Wednesday, July 23, 'the mor- ning conferences will be: "The Sec- ondary School Curriculum," Prof George E. Carrothers; "School Ad- ministration," Prof. Arthur B Moehlman. In the afternoon there will be lectures on "Vocationa Guidance," Prof. George E. Myers; "Guidance of College Students,' Prof. T. Luther Purdom. Davis to Give Address. Thursday morning, July 24, th following lecture-discussion confer ences will be attended by the alum- ni: "Trends in the Junior High School," Prof. Calvin O. Davis "Trends in Extra-Curricular Activ- l ities," Prof. Edgar G. Johnston. In the afternoon Prof. Stuart A. Cour tis will conduct a discussion on "In t dividual Instruction." The courses to be given will be o an informal nature. ATLANTA, Ga., July 5-Atlanta policemen were hurrying hither and yon today in effort to rearrest E as many as possible of the 268 mu- nicipal prisoners Acting-mayor J. Allen Culch freed yesterday in gen- erous celebration of Independence day. Thus far 50 of the convicts who T were granted amnesty have been taken into custody again on old charges and the police hoped to have a greater number back in their cells before nightfall. Mayor I. N. Ragsdale was out of c the city yesterday and Culch, who p is a member of the Board of Alder- men, opened the jail out of the c bigness of his heart. However, many of the prisoners c' are habitual offenders, and the po- L lice stole a march on Culch by re- arrests on old charges.-t Mayor Ragsdale returned today A and said it "Seems wrong to me and I don't think he had a moraln right to take that action." Thei I mayor, however, doubted if there d was any legal remedy. It is therefore believed that no action will be taken against manyd of the prisoners who have been re-t teased. FISHER EMPLOYEES FR9MC COPRTO Take Measure to Disregard Workr of Communist Agitators; . Police Also Mobilize. NO FURTHER DISORDER (By Associated Press) FLINT, July 5-Striking employ- ees of the Fisher Body corporation formed their own corporation to- day and announced they would1 have no dealings with the commun- ist agitators who came here from other cities. Cicil Comstock, head of the strike committee, said that a canvass of - the strikers showed that they did not want the outsiders to have any' part in the formation of a union or' in attempting to deal with officials of the company. l The plant was not operating to- day, having been closed for a dou- ble Independence day holiday. The management said the plant will be reopened Monday and predicted e that many of the men will return - to work. There was no disorder today, but i police said they were preparing to proceed against agitators who have - been here since the strike started a last Tuesday over a readjustment. - The strikers claimed that the - changed rate reduces their earn- ing power, while the company man- f agement denies that this is the case. Is Police Are Busy Re-arresting Convicts Granted Amnesty. ii (By Associated Press) First to Lecture on School. of Education Series. Contending managers, six of If them, public adulation and the in- sistent solicitation of professional1 exploiters combined to make a re- turn to earth as harrowing as the three weeks they spent in the airj over Sky Harbor airport.1 The two brothers, John and Ken-I neth, who piloted the "City of Chi- cago" to a new world's record by a margin of 133 hours over that of' the St. Louis Robin, arose at 11 o'clock after 10 hours of sleep, breakfasted and with the other brothers, Walter and Albert, switched managers for the fifths time. All four were then rushed to a loop theatre with their sister, Irene, to begin vaudeville appearances. Their plan following the next week in the theatre were indefinite. They said they would be unable to attend a celebration planned for them on Monday in their home town, Spar- ta, Ill. The end of the Hunter boys' epic flight came at 5:21 1-2 p. m. c. s. t., on the Fourth of July owing to the clogging of an oil filter and a leak in the oil guage line. This defect caused hot oil to spurt over the flyers and indicated quick failure of the steel-hearted engine that had carried them for weary days without faltering. So the Illinois aviators who had spent many days of their life like moles in mines to earn the plane with which they shamed the flying power of birds settled to earth as' the motor began to heat for lack of oil. There was not only no panic in the landing, but even strategy, as John Hunter, at the controls, taxied about the crowded fields tol avoid the people and even drove the grimy plane right into its hangar. Caught on the shoulders of ad- miring friends, the aviators were taken to a secluded room for pic-, tures and interviews after the in- vading crowd had been pushed back As the lecturer in the first of the afternoon Conferences which will be held throughout the Sum- ner Session by the School of Edu- cation, Prof. Stuart A. Courtis, of that school, will give an address to- morrow at 4 o'clock in the auditor- ium of the University high school. His subject will be "Desirable Changes in Teaching Procedure." "Certain phases of present day problems in education," said a statement on the subject of the series of conferences recently is- sued by the School of Education of- fices, "will be discussed by special- ists in the field involved, to be sup- plemented by informal group dis- cussions. These conferences are for both regularly enrolled students and for educators who can afford to spend only part of their time at the University. There will be no formal enrollment for the sessions." Revolt Near Mt. Ararat Still Threatens Turkey (By Associated Press) ISTANBUL, Turkey, July 5.-All information obtainable today indi- cated that the Kurdish insurrec- tion in the vicinity of Mt. Ararat is growing grave. It is understood incursions intc northwestern Kurdish Turkistar have caused the government to cal: reserves from eastern Anatolia tc join the 30,000 regulars who ar( combating 15,000 Djelali Kurds en- trenched on Mt. Ararat and th roving bands which have just join- ed them The Turkish press said toda that the Kurds, always known w unruly and fanatical MoslemQ probably were stirred to action b; the Turkish government's arrest o Shiek Selaheddine, 20 year old soi of Sheik Said, leader of the Kurd ish revolt in 1925. Prolonged Earthquake Hits New Zealand City (By Associated Press) WELLAND, New Zealand, July -News of a sharp and fairly pro longed earthquake at Christ Churcl on South Isle has been receive and although so far the extent c the damage caused has not beer reported, uneasiness is felt as th same tremors were felt here, at 4:3 p. m. today. It is expected tha the resulting tidal wave may hav caused great damage to the harbc and Christ Church and help is be VILL SEE HUSTON TODAY 'o Consider Controversy Over Huston's Successor as Republican Chairman. (By Associated Press) ORANGE, Va., July 5- In the oolness of his mountain lodge, resident Hoover today planned the ourse of the administration for the pecial session of the senate which onvenes Monday to consider the ondon Naval treaty. With Walter Newton, his secre- ary for political affairs, Senator AcNary, of Oregon, the assistant majority leader, and Sen. Fess of )hio, an administration stalwart n the senate, the chief executive iscussed the possibility for early 'atification of the London pact axid vorked at intervals upon the final raft of the message he will send to he Senate Monday or Tuesday. Tomorrow he will have the op- )ortunity to discuss the controver- y that has centered recently upon he continuation of Claudius S. Huston as chairman of the Repub- ican national committee. Fess May Succeed. Sen. Fess has been prominently nentioned as a successor to Chair- man Huston. Sen. McNary and his wife arrived today and early to- norrow Sen. Watson of Indiana, the Republican leader and Sen. Walcott, Rep., Conn., are expected to join the small party of intimate friends who accompanied the pres- ident to camp. The chairmanship problem has been uppermost in speculation for the last several days. Early this week, aides of the president talked with Chairman Huston over the long distance telephone. On the same day Huston issued a notice postponing from Monday to Thurs- day the meeting of the executive committee of the party which is expected to take up the question of the future control over the party machinery. Hoover Exercises. All was not work at the lodge to- day, however. Mr. Hoover went horseback riding with Capt. Joel T. Boone, the White House physician, riding up one of the narrow paths to the highest point of his moun- tain reserve where he could look across the valley to the surround- ing hills. Other members of the party also either went horse back riding or hiked while in the afternoon horse shoe pitching under the shade of the trees provided recreation. The President expects to leave late tomorrow for the White House so that he may be present for the opening of Congress. It was said that his tentative plans to stay over until early Monday morning as he did many times last year had been abandoned. Senator Heflin Opens IndependentCampaign (By Associated Press) BIRMINGHAM, Ala., July 5 - Senator Thomas Heflin's indepen- dent campaign for re-election took definite form today with his align- ment with candidates for governor and lieutenant governor, who like- wise were barred from running in the Democratic primary because of their opposition to the party presi dential nominee in 1928. mA state-wide Independence day mass meeting indorsed Heflin, Hugh A. Locke for governor and Dempsey Powell of Greenville for lieutenant governor. Resolutions urged Heflin supporters not to par- ticipate in the Aug. 12 Democratic primary. The party executive com- mittee has decreed that all may vote despite their stand in 1828, 1 but only supporters of the last na- Pl 0 e y S' Iy f n t- Y 51 ;h d )f ,n e 0, it ve or e- TOURNAMENT ON MINIATURE ENLISTS 42 INQUALIFYING COURSE ROUNDS Golf is not the infant pastime that some people think it. Even the gods of the ancients had their fling at the game. Witness, for in- stance, the moan of the latin sages:' "Di nos quasi pilas homines hab- ent," of which, as everyone can see, the obvious translation is: "The gods mashie us around as if we were kroflites." Then there are the nu-' merous references in the works of Shakespeare, characteristic of which is: "Four rouges in buchram let drive at me." But now the long tried enter- tainment approaches its culminat- ing peak of glory. The Pewee golf tournament is in full swing. Al- ready, 42 players have entered the qualifying rounds, and many others are practicing diligently for the competition. The qualifying scores now on the books range all the way from 74 to 104 for 36 holes. There is still great opportunity for prospective entrants, the management assures us. The prizes offered merit at least an attempt, and the duffers most likely to crack under the in- tense nerve strain of championship' play. The tournament might be called co-educational. It is open to wo-' men as well as to men. An ardent follower expresses the hope that women, long famous for last words, will break through again to the finals. Faculty men seem a bit reluctant j about entering the competition. It1 is hoped, however, that many will enlist before July 10, when the qualifying rounds close. Student players are said to be eager to match skill with their erstwhile masters. The course is open until mid- night, and any golfer who hesitates to exhibit his game to the eye of. the public may play in comparative obscurity at the later hours. As the reporter was studying the results of the qualifying rounds, the manager came in with his fav- orite quip: "The way to make a good score is to follow the bandit who shot my father. He made 18 Lightning Hits Ruthven Automobile; None Hurt Lightning hit the windshield of the automobile in which President Alexander G. Ruthven and his son, Bryant Walker were travelling be- tween Denver and Colorado Springs, shattering the windshield but doing no other damage to the car or the occupants. The party continued the journey without fur-