..Y 4, .1930' THEAM R - MGAN-DAELY 4,.90TE UMRMHA AL nharn'S. SHIPPING BOARD STARTS .NSTUlNS le " STUD YOF MRCHANT MARINE ILLS FT IH C I 1 H 9T- 1 N E 1W.lurley.o f Chicago Named sold, or are being operated by .Oeof Six to Examine Rap. American companies. * tidly Failing Boat Lines. New Line Authorized. tr5. arcJR~aAn.a LncerL Irum ItL £" ricanI4 to Win British Amateur Golf Title. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, July 3-Making room for the president's six-man TO PLAY IN MINNEAPOLIS 1 committee which will study ship- (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, July 3 --- Flushed with a stirring welcome celebrating his dual victory abroad, Bobby Jones today turned his face west- ward seeking new golf worlds to conquer. The modest lawyer and bank di- rector of Atlanta, Georgia, stepped off the liner. Europa yesterday to be accorded a reception befitting the first American to win both- the 'British amateur and open chain- pionships. Above the din of shrieking sirens, popping firecrackers, and the cheers of thousands, 'Bobby managed to say that he 'had no pans for retire- ment from competitive golf; that 'he had given no thought to winning all four maj or .champlonships this year, which include the American open and amateur yet to be played; that he did .riot ,.leave his bag of famous clubs ..behlid in England; and that lucki-played - a large part in his triumphs at -$. Andrews and Hoylake. In the. vaniguard -Of welcomers who met the liner down the bay were about 500 fellow townsmen, who journeyed from Atlanta to greet their favorite son and escort him proudly up Broadway in aC shower of paper to receive Newl York's official welcome from Mayor Walker. First to~ embrace him when he stepped aboard the city boat Macom were his father and mother. The celebration ended with a dinn~er at the Vanderbl~t after which Bobby prepared to go to Minneapolis today 'to play in the national open tournament which begins next Thursday. Carrying a motion picture cam- era, Jones debarked from the Eur- ctpa and said 'he "never felt bet- ter."- "Even when you were playing?" he was asked,. for it.,is. known that the nervous .strain in matches sometimes upsets him. "Oh, then maybe I wVas a little -less than 100 per cent," he an- swered. "But on the whole I could niot have been better physically." ping -board policies and a pending $60,000,000 loan, the board today 1vacated. an office on the ground Ifloor of the Navy building. ' Six members of the committee have been appointed tentatively, although there is a possibility that one of them, Charles Piez, of Chi- cago,. may: decline to serve, because of ill-health. When the committee really gets down° to work, one of its members, E. N. Hurley,, of Chicago, will find a .decidedly different_ organizationi from -the .gigantic one he directed during the World war. He will find, instead of the massive war-. time shipping board, a dwindling and. comparatively _small organiza- tion which is slowly -goirng. out. of business. Few Vessels.. Remain. When Hurley was chairman of the. shipping board,. he was. respon- sible .in part for ,the .ordering of almost 2,000 vessels. to .carry. men and. supplies to, Europe. and event- ually to stimulate the American merchant marine. Of those 2,000 vessels, -there remain 432 of which 186 arein._operation. In_ 1924, congress appropriated $50,400,000 for the board; the 1931- 1932 fiscal year budget will call for about $4,000,000. The ships that were orderedj while Hurley was chairman either{ are tied up awaiting sale, have been _ nlI lllI ni nnrl IIIIIIIIIIIiIIi tIIn l tP.. I Among the Best = = ~ and at = Reasonable Prices V _ FREEMAN'S = DINING = ROOM _ Clean, cool and with _ excellent service. _ Only one block north from =Hill Auditorium. = Th'ere now are 17 government- owned lines operated under char- ters by American firms, and using ships in trade :between the United States ,and ports all over the world. The eighteenth, the American Bra- zil line, was authorized today to cease operations because of deficits which could not be decreased. All the remaining 17 eventually are Ito be sold. to private owners. Hurley will find one operation of the board with which he never' had an active connection. J~n. 1920, after he had" resigned to "go back to- the farm," congress authorized a loan fund of $125,000,000 to aid Ameri- can shipping and shipbuilding.' Eight years later_ that sum was in- creased to a quarter of a billion{ dollars, and the board- has almost' passed the $100,000,000 mark with loans to 'build about 35 vessels. c W ashkre Plans Schedule for Education Baseball Regulation baseball rules, with ~a few exceptions, will 'be in force during play in the Men's 'Educa- tion club league organized recent- ly. "The following schedule has been dirawn up 'by Paul Washke of the Intramural department: Tuesday, July 8: Faculty vs. Teachers; Principals vs. Superin- tendents. Thursday, July 10: Faculty vs. Principals; Teachers vs. Superin- tendents. Tuesday, July 15: 'Faculty vs. Superintendents; Teachers v s. Principals. Thursday, July 17: Teachers vs. Faculty; Superintendents vs. Prin- cipals. Tuesday, July 22: Principals vs. Facuty;. Superintendents ye. Teachers. Thursday, July' 24, -Superintend- ents :vs. Faculty; Principals vs. Teachers. All games will_ be played at 4:15 o'clock in the afternoon, C LASSIFIED ADVERTISING business women. Dial 8544 or 9714. ington. Also garage. 422 E. Wash- 2, 3,4, 5 WANTED-A few student wash- ings. Work carefully done. Phone 7027. 4, 5, 6, WANTED-Situation, for summer. Experienced typist. Phone 21147.1 4, 5, 6, 71 HELP WANTED - FEMALE-I Teachers (175)-for 'High School and Grades wanted at once. CONTINTENTAL TE A C H ER S'l AGENCY, 316' Brooks ArcadeI Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah. 2-27 FOR RENT TO RENT-Furnished apt.; 4 rooms to Sept. 1 or 15. Apt. A, 214 So.1 Ingalls. 4, 5 F OR R E NT-Rooms for light' housekeeping for summer. Rea- sonable. 524 Hill St. Phone 7027. 4, 5, 6) FOR RENT-Rooms including fur- nished apartment for young couple, teachers, graduate or WANTED i FOR SALE FOR SALE - 1930 Airline Radio, $100.00. 9-tube screen grid. Call 4636 or 5138. M. Heald. 3, 4, 5 Want Ads Pay TYPEWRITING and MIMEOGRAPHING 1 A specialty for twenty years. Prompt service. Experienced operators. Moderate rates. 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Phone 6615 'U Picture your kitchen with the 71plt1 ' i i U 4 l Play And Enjoy the New and Popular Pastime-Mliinature Golf Also Improve your Golf Game at the PE EmWEE GOLF COURSE Open every day from 8 a. m. to 12 p. m. STATE AND JEFFERSON STREETS 1111111111111 111U1111111111111:III111111111 III IiIlilll llllllll 11111111111111111L A h.A b r Si n s Bn.DOW N TOW N CAMPUS OFFICE Main and Huron 707 North University RESOURCES :OVER $7,000,000 MCIA LEAGUE w All Women Stud ent8 of= Summer School DINING ROOM SERVICE s C AFETERIA and Soda Fountain E LECTROC H'EF Electric Range Look at your, kitchen and choose the place where your new ELECTROCHEF would stand. -Note its superior fea- tures: COOLNESS -cooking without fire or flame; CLEANLINESS--electric heat as clean as sunlight; a CLEAN KITCHEN-no dirt or soot to accumu- late on walls -and .curtains; HEALTH- You can enjoy this modern cooking with hardly any difference in cost from~ the cooking method you now use. Polished reflectors surround the heat- ing elements and fo'~us the heat on the utensil, achieving cocking speed and cooking economy. The ELECTROCHEF oven, with double air-space insulo- FUL ATMOSPHERE--no odors from cowbws- tion; SAFETY- no matches (simply snap a switch!); BETTER COOKING-delicious flavor in foods, with the ; Atraj juices seated in;ad ELEC- mROCtef itselIf, in gleamingwie porce- lias=e as ily cleaned as a piers of china. fumes or tion, keeps1 It is EASY TO OWN an ELECTROCHEf I $10 DOWN PAYMENT p*t on ELECF-OCNEF in your kkben--lmasfUsd~ ready to cook. Balance $6 per month. Cosh prik otofld, $105 Includiag afi necessary win. Sinus endowohr mmiosmad&* the oven heat inside and assures a cool kitchen. ELECTROCHEF brings healthful cooking. Meats and viegetables cook to melting ten- derness in f~ir own juices. The odd ition of very little water is necessar--hal a cup is ample. See ELECTRO- CHEF today at any Detoit Edisoa Office. TEDERI W EDiSON cs" L^ . , As c-l-evn A. cle as @5sunlight--ELECTRIC HA O OKN NEAT FOR COOKVNG i