THE WEATHER Fair and Warmer &I g 6 ummrr miicthigan :Iaitp MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. X. NO. 5. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS UNIVERSITY GIVES' SPECIAL CDURSES ON PUBLIC HEALTH'1 Public Health Officials and Social Workers to Attend Health Institutes. STUDY SIX WEEK-ENDS Many Nationally Famous Health Lecturers Scheduled to Take Part in Programs. "Functioning "adequately in pub- lic health requires that the worker; should be continually alive to the progress which is being made; the Public health institutes offer un- usual opportunities for keeping up with this advancement," points out the University Bulletini on Spe- cial Public Health Institutes, "and for those public health workers who are unable to attend the regular Summer Session courses, the Uni- vrsity offers intensified work in the form of week end institutes." This amounts To a challenge to those interested in public health work in this section. Six public health institutes have been announced by the University1 *n Fridays and Saturdays of each week (except July 4) starting June 27 to August , 1930. The institutes are so organized as to form a om- plete series, single institutes over one week end may, however, be at- tended with profit. The attendance registered especially for the first institute this year was 33, 40 less than last year's attendance for the first institute. Courses Popular Last Year. Last year 228 students took ad- vantage of these intensive courses. Of this number 205 or more than 90 per cent were women. Men at- tending the institutes numbered only 23. All sections of the State were represented in this enrollment and the neighboring states contrib- uted thirteen to the total, with Ohio leading with an enrollment of six. Almost all branches of social and welfare workers studied in these in- stitutes and the group included Public health administrators and workers, nurses on the boards of education, industrial nurses, public health nurses, visiting nurses, food inspectors, superintendents of schools, nutrition workers, labor- atorians, health education teach- ergeneral social workers, hospi- tal social workers, medico-social workers, and psychiatric social workers. Prominent Doctors Listed. Public health lecturers of na- tional and international promin- ence are secured for the lectures and this year the out-of-state le- turers include Dr. Hugh S. Cum- miung, Surgeon General, United States Public Health Service, Wash- ington, D. C., Dr. C. E. A. Winslow, Professor Department of Public Health, Yale University, Dr. Haven Emerson, Professor, Institute of Public Health, Columbia University, Dr. L. L. Lumsden, Senior Surgeon, United States Public Health Serv- ice, Dr. W. W. Peter, Director of Health service, Cleanliness Insti- tute, New York City, and Dr. E. V. McCollum, Professor, Department of Hygiene, Johns Hopkins Univer- sity. Due to the holiday on July 4, there' will be no issue of the Summer Michigan Daily on Sat- urday. The next regular pub- lication will be oil Sunday, July 6. Noted Men to Speak at Methodist Church In the absence of Rev. Arthur W. Stalker, Minister of the First Meth- odist church, who will be on a va- cation during the summer, arrange- ments have been completed for a regular series of Sunday morning talks to be given by a number of distinguished men from all parts of the country. These, sermons are Spain's Plan for World's Largest University Takes Shape With Completion of Buildings By Clarence Du Bose (Associated Press Correspondent) SMADRID, July 3-Spain's dream of again having, as in the middle ages, one of the greatest universi- ties in the world, is rapidly becom- ing tangible. Four thousand workmen are con- structing the huge "University city" in a beautiful 900-acre park in the outskirts of the capital. Half a dozen buildings are completed. ,It is hoped that in less than four years this "new Athens of our cen- tury,",as Spanish writers have call- ed it, will be completed, at an es- timated cost of about $50,000,OO00. It will accommodate about 15,000 students and its grounds, it is said here, will be larger than those of any university in the world. The land was donated by Kling Alfonso to whom it belonged as a royal pre- serve. It is hoped to make this the fore- most educational center of the Spanish speaking world. Argen- tine, Cuba, Chile, Uraguay and Peru are already pledged to erect build- ings for students from their coun- tries. All lands of Spanish speech are expected to do likewise. A fine dormitory for United States students is already completed. It is the gift of Gregorio del Amo, a Spanish resident of Los Angeles, California, who donated two million pesetas for its construction. The funds so far have been raised by nation-wide popular subscrip- tions in Spain, by gifts from weal- thy Spaniards at home and abroad, and by special government lotteries organized to raise money for the university. The "University City" is intended to be a monument to the reign of Alfonso XII. It results from the raising of popular scription to com- memorate, in May, 1927, the twen- ty-fifth anniversary of his corona- tion. About 43,000,000 pesetas were given. Then the king was heard from. In effect, he said : "Please do not use this money for a monument that will merely be a beautiful thing to see. Use it as the heinnin aof a fund for a really SCIETIS TLKS' ON VITAMINS' PARTI IN HUMANGROWTHi Absence Does Not Cause Disease But Presence Contributes to Development. LIGHT ALSO NECESSARY 1Heavy Clothing Criticized 1 Deterrent to Beneficial Ultra-Violet Light. as1 1 1 t P s w 1 i HIGHER STANDARDS Flint Fisher Body Workmen Ask for New Wage Agreement With Corporation. POLICE MAKE ARRESTS (By Associated Press) FLINT, Mich., July 4-The strike of Fisher Body Corp. employees' took more .definite form today as the workers at a mass meeting drew up a schedule of demand, which leaders said had unanimous ap- proval. The demand dealt with wages and working conditions. The meeting, at which a com- mittee was named to seek funds for relief of strikers' families, was held after state police had broken up a. milling picket line of some 1,500 strikers in front of the Fisher plant. 1 1 i c i 9 c 1 l 1 a 1 i 1 ( 1 great university, one that will draw "Vitamin is not something whose closer together all the lands of our absence causes disease as much as language, as well as attracting'stu- it is something whose presence con- dents from every other country. tributes to normal development," That will be the finest monument said Prof. H. B. Lewis, head of the any one could have." department of physiological chem- In otliingthe plans the king istry, speaking yesterday on "Light said there would be "indirect mili-anVimns"Btlghadv- tary training, a terrible social nec- tamin "D" are concerned in the essity that as yet cannot be elimi- normal growth of bone from carti- nated from custom, nor from life." lage, according to Professor Lewis, _______________and the steps by which medical co CHINGscientists have succeeded in corre- E agthofhle ofcteors was the COACHIN COURSltraV~ioltet Rays Active. I I ['An improper proportion of cal- IN 1 L Div IT E cium and phosphorous in the diet [il produce malformation, Prof es- DeceasngNumber of Students1so Lewis said, but experiments on Decresingwhite rats have shown that sunlight During Summer Given as )or the vitamin are necessary to Reason. proper growth even with a balanc- ed diet. YOST PROPOSES CHANGE The lower wavelength, ultra-vio- let rays of the sun are the part of Physical education courses deal- the light which affects bone devel- ing with particularized athletics opment, but various factors such and intended for high school and as the season, latitude of thie lo- college coaches, will be omitted cation, smoke, clouds, humidity, from the summer program in 1931, and altitude influence the amount it was said Thursday by Athletic of the low wave rays which reach Director Fielding H. Yost. The' the earth. Moreover, we live much coaching courses have been part of of the time behind windows which the physical education summer will not transmit the rays. program since 1924, but during the Sun Lamps Ineffective. last three years have been elected Clothing also shuts us off from by a steadily decreasing number of the beneficial ultra-violet light. "It students. is rather a reflection on men's tail- It is understood that Director ors that men have allowed women Yost will recommend the droppingI to surpass them in recognizing this of the courses taught by members principle," Professor Lewis said. Ar- of the athletic coaching staff, but tificial silk, cotton, and linen, ab- whether the reduction in the phys-, sorb the rays least. Of the many ical education curricula will go be- sun lamps which are offered as yond this point, has not been deft- cure-alls, he remarked, "Many of nitely determined. It is consideredj them do not hurt you because they likely, however, that courses in do not give you much ultra-violet." gymnastics, handling of apparatus, The effective ones, he said, are dan- and playground games will be re-1 gerous except in the hands of a twneary50suensweeeroldphysician. tarld.dnt er nole Sunlight and vitamin "D" seem- in the coaching courses when they ed to be separate factor until Dr. were first offered, and that number Alfred Mess of New York and Dr. grew to 150 during the next two Steinbach of Wisconsin university years. Since 1927, however, courses discovered that oils exposed to ul- in coaching of football, baseball, tra-violet became active in the vi- basketball, training and condition-r tamin. This irradiation process, ing, minor college sports, and foot- now under a University of Wiscon- ball rules and officiating have been sin patent, can be used on almost offered in an increasing number of any food. There is now an activat- schools, and for shorter periodsI ed substance, "viosterol," which has than the six-weeks courses given'I 100 times the vitamin "D" content here, The majority of the courses of cod liver oil. But its use, ac- have been for two weeks, and these cording to Professor Lewis, is in the have had the greatest effect in at- experimental stage, and quacks tracting students from Michigan. 'should be avoided. TAKES VACATION1 I : ": :14";1;::: 1 { j;:::..Last R, 10 :.:"::;:::..NO T1 Judge Ff I Court Chicago" into darks night wit iReed Smoot, ~ oga Senator from Utah, who is taking stay i t a much needed rest after the ardu- The pla ous task of preparing and present- Kenneth ing the Smoot-Hawley tariff bill. hurofE _____________ o'clock c. eclipsed tl TWO EN I01 T hours. FOR S9 INE C0 SH The moto: FOR SALNE CRA to hum l _____Not One Killed and Another Injured s Wen tY When Car Collides With ' way of" Motorcycle, plane, tha IKennett. ARREST DRIVER OF CAR) saying he and that Stanley Tozer of Omaha, Neb.l John put he wanted to it: "It caused land. As plenty of him." is held on a. charge of negligent' homicide and Lewis Porter, also of Omaha, is charged with violating the prohibition law, as the result of an accident on U. S.-112 west of Saline Tuesday night, which took trouble between me and OF CHICAGO'9 SAILS ALONG SKY HARBOR, d Kenneth Hunter Top tecord by More Than )9 Hours in Air. ROUBLE, THANKS' einberg asked to Move tto Passenger Plane; i Await Landing. (By Associated Press) GtO, July 2.-The "City of listed and careened on mess over Sky Harbor to- Ih the question of how irplane and two men can he air still unanswered. ane, piloted by John and Hunter, passed the 529th endurance flying at 4:40 .s. t. and by then had the former record by 109 ;roubles there were, were ,rn nerves of the flyers. )r of the plane continued ike a new one. to Causes Dispute. hie night newspapers were to John and Kenneth by "Big Ben" the refueling At started a storm. h saw himself quoted as e was tired of the flight "Kenneth did complain that he was tired," said his brother Albert, who with another brother, Walter, operates the refueling plane. But John, the brothers explained, was angry because the note had been made pnublic. tine11 1±± oI .r.' ±eUrJ.JA . nina, a.. N'--14 Packard road. Richar and Melvin Still another worry of the boys, ing on a motorcycle when Tozer's who hoped to make their record Tyler, 910 Sybil street, were rid-; long enough to stand forever, was car crashed head on into them,; news that a law suit involving the killing Richar and injuring Tyler. 1 "City of Chicago" and directed The Tozer car swept from be-I against them had been set for hind a Chicago-Detroit bus, and is hearing next Tuesday. said to have been going at a high! Suggests Court in Air. rate of speed when the impact oc- "That would mean we would curred. The motorcycle was de- have to land Monday to get some molished and the two Ann Arbor sleep and bathe and shave," wrote youths thrown against the car. Ty- Kenneth. We want to stay up as ler sustained the loss of a foot, and, long as we can." is at University hospital. It is 1 So they suggested that Michael feared that he will die. He has! Feinberg move his court to a been unconscious most of the time twenty-one pasenger plane and since the mishap, and has been un-I hear his testimony via two-way able to recount the story or tell radio communication. officers who was in the driver's Judge Feinberg put their minds seat of the cycle. ! at ease with a message that court Deputies Jacob Andres and Wil- would wait until they landed. liam Dailey, who reached the scene I shortly after the accident occurred Rtival radio chains are vying for found TozeT and Porter still in laurels in the business of casting their damaged machine, and are' the voices of the endurance flyers said to have discovered a quantity1 to the eager radio world. The Co- of liquor in the car, The liquor lumnbia chain, which first broadcast was owned by Porter, it is said. 'the voices of the. Hunter brothers Dr. Edwin C. Ganzhorn, coroner, asfrom their endurance plane three has called an inquest which is to Ay ago. Thirty policemen swinging clubs1 charged into the head of the pro-), cession. One man was given first aid treatment for a bruised head. More than a score of arrests were made. Leaders of the strikers appealed to the crowd to disband and pro-1' be held early next week. have been chosen. Jurors'I ceed to the meeting place, a short distance from the city limits. Five COMMERCE DEPAR' pickets were left behind; the police did not interfere with them.. AS CENTER C Company officers and leaders of the striking employees were at odds as to the number of men at work (By Associated Press) today in the plant, which normally GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 4-A has a payroll of 5,000. J. R~. Whit- great police force of the air cover- ing, manager of the plant, said 1,- ing the entire world will go on 200.. The strikers gave a smaller duty here September first in the estimate. most powerful radio station ever Whiting reiterated his statement built. This international monitor that the wage rate readjustment of the air, under the supervision of attempt, which the strikers are the United States Department of protesting, did not amount to a re- Commerce, will be able to govern duction. Repeating that the read- 20,000 transmitting stations located justments were made necessary by throughout the universe to protect model changes, he said the com- the listener. The sleuths of the pany's purpose is to maintain the ether will see that the stations stay standards which have been in ef- on assigned wavelengths, keep fect. within the limits of power and do The demands drawn up by the not interfere with other stations. strikers are: Plans for the new station were "Withdrawal of all wage cuts prepared by the Navy Department made to date; a guarantee of $1 Bureau of Yards and Docks. The an hour for piece work; a guaran- main building is of brick and con- tee of a day rate of 50 cents an crete construction 85 feet long and hour for all women on piece work; 75 feet wide and two stories high. men's piece work to be figured at This building provides space for re- $1.15 an hour; an 8-hour day, a 5- ceivers, generators, batteries and day week, and no overtime; wo- living quarters for the executive men's piece work to be based on 75 and clerical forces as well as the cents an hour; regulation of speed thirty electrical engineers serving of conveyance, assembly line and las radio inspectors. An auxiliary TMENT TO BUILD RADIO STATION )F WORLD-WIDE 'POLICE FORCE OF AIR'l Any students (men or women) registered in the Summer Ses- sion who desire practical news- paper experience should call at the offices in the Press building any afternoon at 4 o'clo'ck. Pre- vious experience is desirable. Repertory Players Continue Production watts of power for testing and broadcasting services. The plant occupies a site of fifty acres. Every protection has been taken against interference. Telephone and telegraph lines run into the station under ground and the air in the station will be maintained at an even temperature. To insure uniformity and temperature con- trol, masonry walls were insulated1 with a flexible insulation made ofI a wool-like blanket placed between two layers of strong creped kraft paper. The bulk of this insulator' is virtually 92 per cent dead air space-dead air space, according to scientists, being the most efficient insulator known with the exception of a perfect vacuum. The interior plastering is on a wall board made of coniferous new woods. Copper screen has been placed in the walls and over the windows as a further protective measure against inter- ference. The out-of-doors anten- nae are erected on counterweights, so that in winter when the wires become heavy with ice, they will installed in this station, two of which cover frequencies of from 100 to 30,000 kilocycles and the third type from 10 to 100 kilocycles. These pro uczr., ±±nuieu issse mnznu e ne 1 are t, wo nunarea times more sen sitive than home radio receiving sets. Five sets of these receivers have now been installed, each in a! shielded booth. There are severalI types of antennae through which; the station will be able to receive from any other station in the world' Following ancces of which was houses in L their opening perform- the Summer Session played before packed Lydia Mendelssohn the- l F 1 atre, Play Production's Michigan Repertory players will again appear tonight and tomorrow night in - -------- their fistvh-l fnr.l. .JLJUthes 3 smn l I on land or sea. The station will summer session, Philip Barry's brit- serve all classes of radio communi- ; liant comedy, "Holiday." This pro- cation including television, photo- I ductio nhas been directed by Mr. radio, transoceanic transmission, Valentine B. Windt. amateur stations and general Prof. Chester M. Wallace, guest broadcasting. Its principal function; director from the Carnegie Insti- will be to prevent interference of L ute of Technology, has already be- any kind between stations, gun casting for the second offering, S. W. Edwards, supervisor of ra- ' Dorothy Parker's "Close Harmony," dio for the Detroit district is super-I which will be presented next Wed- intendent of construction and nesday and continuing for four equipment. Benjamin Wolfe, for-i nights. mercy of San Francisco, is the per- Season tickets may still be ob- manent superintendent of the sta- tained at the theatre box office for tion. The construction schedule the series of seven plays to b~e calls for putting the new monitor mounted. These are priced at $4. L (