THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JULY 3 f 193 V THE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY. JULY 3. 1930 -_ II4 e'ntutvr Published every morning except Monday during the UnAliversity. Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Precss is excclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all new's dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub~ished herein. Entered at the Ann. Arbor, Michigan, postofice as second class matter. Subscription_ by carrier, $1.50; by mail, $2.00. Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANAGING EDITOR GURNEY WILLIAMS Editorial Director.......... Howard F. Shout City Editor............ Harold Warren, Jr. Women's Editor .......Dorothy Magee Music and Drama Editor... William J. Gormnan Books Editor . ........Russell E. McCracken Sports Editor................ Morris Targer Night Editors, Powers -Moulton: Howard F. Shout Harold Warren, Jr. Assistants' lAbout Books 'TAGGARD'S BIOGRAPHY OF EMILY DICKINSON" The-Life and Mind of Emily Dick- inson by Genevieve Taggard; Al- fred A. Knopf, New York; Pric( $4.00. A ~Iv -H LDA 1 I W ~ e went to the animal fair The birds and beasts were there ;.: _. T!. _ L_ _ 2_...A In Photography- -It's SWAINS 713 East University Dial 21924 Better Kodak Finishing Helen Carrm Denton Kunze Bruce Manley Cornelius Buekema William: Mahey Roberta Reed The biographer of Emily_ Dick- inson is confronted with the barb- wire Dickinson legend-an obstacle which has caught and ripped all who have attempted a solution by the biographic method. Madame Martha Bianchi in her Life and 'Letters has explained the Amherst spinster's phantom lover as the Rev. Charles Wadsworth of Phila- delphia. Josephine Pollitt in a book published earlier this year, Emily Dickinson, The Human Back- ground of her Poetry, overthrew the older tradition and explained the lover as Lieutenant Hunt, husband of her friend Helen Hunt. Miss Taggard will consent to nei- ther view; she maintains the lover to be George Gould, whom Emily met while he was a student at Am- herst, whom she would have mar- ried: but for the disapproval of her father. She always remembered Gould is the contention, and wrote to him all the rest of her life. It was he that turned her away from the world, led her to live a clois- tered, ascetic life. Sher M. Quraishi BUSINESS STAFF' Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER GEORGE A. SPATER A ;sistant Business -Managers William k._ Worboys Harry S. Benjamin Circulation Manager......... Bernard Larson Secretary ........... ...Ann W. Verner Assistants Joyce 'Davidson Dorothy Dunlav L~elia M. Kidd Night Editor: HAROLD 0. WARREN THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930 FOR SALE-ANNUITIES The fact that the teachers' pen- sion funds as they at present ex- ist in the state are unsatisfactory is well known to everyone connect-I ed with the schools. The state! But Miss Taggard has beeny caught on the barb-wire too. Her, so cation does not entirly discredit the belil fs previously held. Indeed j -he mystory of whom Emily Dick- insocn was in love with is still shad-, fund altoughon asoun actar-eci. And though it is admirable for ial basis, is small and insufficient-;i the inquisitive biographer to try the local annuities are far from be- to. detect the mystery, solution is ing, on a> good financial footing, the not a prerequisite, for the under- number of :annuities involved: being !standing of her poetry. It is enough too few. Such a situation deserves a oetm h a in love with somebody, and that investigation, not only by those in' that love was inhibited, and inhib- the profession but. also by the gen- ition which led her to seek solace eral public,. in her inner consciousness. Who- ever the lover was his existence will There can be little question that ;prove this fact, and so any explan- the teaching profession needs to ation._of her poetry will. not neces- make some provision for its mem-# sarily depend upon the knowing of bers after retirement, during va- his personality. It is in her annal-' catons an in tie o siknes.ysis of Emily Dickinson's poetry cFiguons, anin tmi of.icknes that Miss. Taggard achieves a tri- ~'grsgvn oprsno aeumph. ti returns for various occupations in the United States for the year 1926 MasTgadbin- itntv poet and scholar herself, is espec- as quoted in the Journal of the inluwellfited for an aninalysis of National Education A s s o ciation- gave the average income. of all per- sons gainfully occupied as $1,010, average: income of trade union members as $2,502, average income oIf Luavrnment cemulovees ars $51,- the thought and technique of theI poems. The chapter, "How to be Lonely-With Examples" is partic- ularly sensitive. Emily Dickinson's relationship to the stoical Emily Bronte is admirably pointed out, both poets found escape from the Thee big baboon, etc. We mislayed our comps last night at the crucial moment and so did not get over to the Lydia Mendel- ssohn Theatre until about a quar- ter to nine, which was rather for- tunate in a way since we didn't have to go in and sit in the audi-! torium alone but walked in with practically all, the important peo-! ple, such as that portion of the summer faculty which wasn't half dead from the registration rushl and whose wife had finally man-! aged to get her hair piled on se-f curely, and the like. When we had - been properly justled about in thel dark by long lady ushers in whis- pers and slinky evening gowns and shunted into the wrong seats and had our stubs collected and return- ed five times or so, we settled down for a good look at the stage._ Our reviewer has told you. just fwhat you may think of the per- formance elsewhere in these pages; so we'll pass on to the more inti- mate and less cerebral procedure' of giving you the insides (guts, some people say, but we have al- ways stuck to our insides) of the gala event-to use some of the flow- ing rhetoric Mr. Henderson splash- es about in his ubiquitous adver-I tisements. Below we are showing a -picture of one of the play's lighter moments - when heroine and drunken brother are exchang-! ing some inconsequences and bro- ther is about to come around to of-I fering a drink: to the little girlie. Whoops! Of course we don't mean that any real drinking goes on in the play-nothing is used but Kro- - ger's Ginger Ale (advt.). .. . 2 bot- tles for 35, 3 for 50 . . . "a tasty treat for these hots summer after- noons-serve with ice or is good on shredded wheat-SEND AT ONCE for special folder bound in hand- some morocco containing 1001 han- dy recipes for Humane Methods for the Treatment of Stray Cats"f (also- advt.) Here, however, and we're quite a! title way from the original subject, 1 we will admit-is that picture we9 were speaking of: There you are, brother Ned and sister Linda, reading left to right. Ned has just remarked that he has a pair, of very powerful binocu- lars. Quick as a flash, Linda re- torts, "Oh, but I love virile men." FROM OUR READERS Dear Doctor, Do you ever accept contributions o your column? I spent all last Summer on my uncle's farm re- luperating. I had a pet rabbit while I was recuperating. Here is ipoem about her. Please publish t and I will be, Yours till death, BEULAH BELCHER Of course we're always glad to bear from our little feathered and1 L urry friends, Beulah. We willj rTint your poem right here. Write .is about all the little rabbits you ave now, won't you. BEULAH'S POEM The rabbit, a wondrous beast is he, Far famed for his fecundity. He asked, he simply stated, "Why, At school I learned to multiply." We are always glad to hear from or friends at home' or abroad. t st drop us a line in care of this raper and let us help you solve the I nany problems which constantly rise in the course of a summer ession day. Questions concerning Lealth, religion, or politics must' e accompanied by a stamped, self- ddressed envelope. All other en- uiries or contributions need only eaccompanied by stamps. Mon- yorders are also. acceptable. for aml sounds like a bargain TOURIST Third Cabin--that's. the answer. $105 up-$185" round trip. That means you can cross-for as little as 3cea mile. No self-respecting college stewd can see himself (or herself) passing up a bargain like that! It jest aint done. No cattle-ships, either-but: the most,- famous liners on the seas, including the Magjestic, the world's largest "hip; Olympic, Beige niand, A.driatic, Baltic, Minnekahda, Pen iland, Western land, etc. Many-of your crowd will be ,sail- ing this summer-why not .you? ~- - land. Tickets 75c. Park .rR, on the dock. Leave At S8:45..every evening.I RA53LPHWHITE STAR N AVIG ATION Co?. DETROIT, MICH f . : / ; i - ti I TASYr'.O -71 I r .y- 1_ a \ .- r -' Moonlights TO 1IAND Drive tol Detroit and enjoy: an evening of mu- sic and dancing on Str. Tashoo and. in xthe Take a Boat Ride to Port Hurron on Bg Str. Tashmo Come to Detroit any day: this Summer, park your car ons the dock, and enjoy this all-day sail over the great International Highway of Lakes andi Rivers. Free Dancing on the boat. Splendid Cafeteria and Lunch Service.. See. Detroit river, front, Belle Isle, Lake St. Clair, the -Flats andl the celebrated "Venice of America." This cruise of 61 nmiles each way takes you -through a constantly changing panorama of rare land and water-views., Port Huron, Sarnia, St .,Clair Flats, Alonrac- Str. Tashmeoo leaves +Criswold St.- Dock at 9 a. in., Daily and Sunday; ar- rive Port Huron 2 p. m. Returning, leave PORT HURON, -3:10 p. mn., arrive Detroit 7:45 p. m. iFekES_: Tashmoo P~ark or St.,Clair }Flats, weekdays $1; Sundays, $1,25, R.T. Port Huron or Sarnia, Grnt., one way, $1I.10, R.T. $2. T A SHMO0 P ARK half-way Detween, Detroit and Port Huron is Detroit's favorite. pieasure park where you may spend six hours .and return: on..StrTashmoo in ~the eve- ning. Free dancing in the pavilion; picnic in. the. grove, -basebaall, golf and all outdoor sports and amusements. FOR AN AF'rERN-OON RIDE' Take Str. Florida; to St. Clair Flats or Taashnmoo Park, Lv. 1:30 p.m. Return on _Sir. Tashmoo,-7:45 p., m., week days. SUNDAY S, Lv.:2 p... m. Returna 7:45 or 10:15 p. m. Three hours at Tashrroo Park; four hours at St. Clair Flats; Fare, weekdays, ; R. T. Sundays, $1.2.5 R. T. * " rezadins G. T. Ry.. between Detroit a,,d Port Rafl road. Tickets Hunron, are, gooadcan steamers either directioaa vi V-' 809, a teache $1 ,275. to shoe plo'yee, ow w been eachei 3f the and the average income of "admiring bog"; in the common- ers and administrators as places of the household; both The barest glance suffices scrawled lines of poetry on their' ~w that the public school em- cook book while bread was in the s were xeceivjagng extremely oven, yet how delicate the New Eng- vages. Although there have land Emily to the wildly romantic some slight increases in girl of Haworth moor. Her avoid- rs' salaries in some few parts; ance of the nature mania of Thor- - :country, there can be no I eau, yet their kindred from Euro- that they still rank far "down peans is well shown. Particularly ~t attractive is Miss Tagard's discus- 'he fact must also be faced that iety will never consent to pay se very deserving members rea- ably normal salaries (the pre- ence running to heavyweight ilists and low-comedy actors) Sthe members must, for this son, make some arrangements ong themselves whereby they; eke out an existence when they# no longer able to give away the ts of their long and expensive tning. Several methods have n and are being tried, among ich are pensions, annuities, and up insurance. When we find se failing in whole or in part, e revision or some new arrange- it will have to be made. hae trustees of the retirement d in Detroit recently published port which made it plain that trust was headed for a financialf is, this despite announcements he contrary which have come n other sourcees. Apparently, at present assessment basis, the . nients on annuities coming due more than the amounts being in, so that the principal of the' ,t s being eaten into. its situation is parelleled in r sections. Logically, of course, public in general should take1 of the matter. However, asj cated before, the public is loathj lace funds in such a way when1 sn see no returns from it. More1 Arai consideration would show,t ever, that the decreased turn- in teaching personnel, the ter ability of the individualsr cted to the profession, and the .er type of service which would v' riven under such guaranteed c~ sion 0of Emily's technique..Emily's poetry leads one to gloat over ' words-over their excelent round; syllables or high consonants. Bad poetry is written with the same words, sometimes; but we, sense at a glance when the author has not fully valued his currency ... Who, except some h-ypersensitive subjec- tive novelist, would describe a dog's footsteps as 'intermittent plush.' Proust and Dorothy Richardson do;I such things in novels and wewer of them, because their observations have no form; impression follows impression until the mind is giddy; restraint, position are lost." IAs a whole the book is particular-' ly well done. 'Miss Taggard'sat a-tempted solution of the lover mys- tery, though not the final word on1 the problem, is earnestly handled. i In her interpretation of EmilyI Dickinson's poetry she has shown ! scholarly percision. Indeed it isY the best interpretation of any yet written. R. E. M. times over the amount of the orig- inal investment. But failing any action of this sort,, the teachers themselves shouldI be able to make some arrangement o for their own protection. ThreeJ methods might be suggested for theJp local systems: group insurance,In participation in which is manda- a tory; pension funds which pay is small amounts and in which no h withdrawals of funds will be per- b mitted after they have been paid a{ in; or such salary distribution as tqi would make possible a regular in- b1: come during vacations, in time of e