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August 15, 1930 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1930-08-15

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VOL. X. NO. 40.


FRIDAY, AUGUST 15, 1930.




Decisiotn of Five Noncooperation
Chiefs May Determine Future
of Their Country.
Mrs. Naidu, Gandhi, Jewaharlal
and Motilal Nehru Meet
Vallabhai Patel.
(By Associated Press)
BOMBAY, Aug. 14.-Out of a re-
markable gathering of captives to-
day, held behind the walls of Yer-
avada prison in Poona, may come
decisions of the highest importance
to the future of India.
It was a strange meeting, with
Mahatma Gandhi, leader, of the
civil disobedience movement, the
central figure. Around him were
a woman lieutenant, Mrs. Sarojini
Naidu, and three men who long
have been prominent in National-
ist activities-Pandit Motilal Neh-
ru, his son, Jawarhalal Nehru, and
Vallabhai Fatei. All are serving
sentences for acts in connection
with the noncooperation campaign.
Talk to "Peacemakers."
Part of the time their conversa-
tions were extended to Sir Tej Ba-
hadur Sapru and M. Jayakar, the
unofficial "peacemakers," who are
attempting to have the Nationalist
movement held up._
The meetings today lasted five
hpurs and no hint was given as to
what happened, but Sapru looked
grave when he emerged. Tomor-
row morning the five Nationalists
will meet again, with the two peace
emissaries joining them in the af-
Viceroy Lord Irwin is backing the
peacermove and authorizedthe
transfer of the two Nehrus from
Allahabad jail to facilitate the con-
Danger of Peshawar Over.
News from the northwestern
frontier was distinctly reassuring
to Europeans tonight, and military
men considered that immediate
danger to Peshawar, the city which
guards the Khyber pass and has
been under siege by 10,000 hostile
Adridi tribesmen, wasrover. While
the Afridis are reported to be
drawing away from Peshawar fol-
lowing rough treatment from
bombs of the royal air force, the
British realize that disaffection
may continue to spread among
neighbors of the Afridis.



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Settle on System of Bringing Aid
to Areas Affected by Long
Dry Season.
Governors of Ten States; Three
Representatives of Others
Attend Meetings.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 14.-The
groundwork for a farm relief
drought relief organization made
up of federal, state and county
1 committeees was agreed upon at
the White House governor's confer-
ence today with its immediate aim
the prevention of livestock losses,
assistance of needy farm families,
and protection of public health.
The conference was attended by
governors of ten states and repre-
sentatives of three other common-
wealths and lasted more than three

(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 14.-The en-
durance plane, "Greater St.
Louis," whirled over Lambert, St.
Louis, field toward the 600-hour
milestone of its record flight to-
The plane and pilots, Dale
Jackson and Forrest O'Brine,
had made their home in the sky
for more than 585 hours at 4:11
c.s.t. They had put the previous
record, that of theaHunter broth-
ers, a day and a half behind
The champion sky riding avi-
ators gave no intimation that
they would turn from their ex-
pressed determination to remain
in the air for 1,000 hours, and
the faithful motor of the ship
showed no weakness.
Jackson and O'Brine already
have put in more than 1,000 hours
of endurance flying, 440 hours
when they established a world's
record in July, 1929, and nearly
600 hours this year to regain the
They remained cheerful in
their confidence of hanging up
a record that will discourage all

Assures Continuation of Short
Term Courses as Valuable
to Busy Teachers.
Graduate Conferences, Lectures,
Men's and Women's Clubs
Planned for 1931.
"Continuation of the four-week
courses in the School of Education
is virtually assured," said Dean Ed-
ward H. Kraus in a summary of the
results of the present session. "Our
short courses proved valuable to
those who had only a few weeks to
spend here and the results were
highly gratifying to both students
and faculty." The statements were
made in an interview yesterday af-
Conferences Well Attended
"There will be little change in
policy for next summer," he con-


..' F

George Olvany James J. Walker
The mayor and the former Tammany boss have been asked to ap-
pear before the New York county grand jury to tell what they know of
the appointment of ex-Magistrate George F. Ewald in 1927. Ewald is
alleged to have said that he paid politicians $12,000 for his judgeship.



Lynn Clark, Rose DuMoulin,
Edwin Biltcliffe Plan
Concert for Sunday.
Three musicians who are taking
advanced work in the School of
Music during the Summer Session
will unite their efforts in a miscel-
laneous program of piano and vocal
numbers beginning at 4:15 o'clock,
Sunday afternoon in Hill auditor-
Lynn Clark, director of music at
the East Grand Rapids High school
will provide two groups of vocal
numbers. Clark has done a greatj
deal of radio work and has ap-

Final Blue-Books Will be Given
Next Thursday and Friday.
Examinations for University
credit required by the Colleges of
Literature, Science, and the Arts,
Engineering and Architecture, and
Pharmacy, and by the Schools of
Dentistry and Education will be
held Thursday and Friday, August
21 and 22.
Students desiring credit in Sum-
mer Session courses taken in these
schools must pass the examinations
given at this time.
Classes meeting at 8 and 2 will
be examined on Thursday from 8
to 10 and from 10 to 12 respective-
ly; those at 10 and 1 will write from
2 to 4 and from 4 to 6 on the same
Friday morning examination
hours will include recitations at 9
n-A m1 1n 1 n~lnnl nnn~cnc nr'

- Extent of Damage Unknown. I
At its conclusion President Hoo- that were so well received this year
ver declared in a statement Hao, will be continued, and arrange-
while the extent of the damage ments for the lecturers are now
could not yet be determnied it was being mp d. h m
certain at least 250 counties in the ECTEducational clubs will again give a
drought area were "most acutely af- series of conferences and talks on
fected" and required some degreeFeducation.
of aid. It is of note that more than twice
"It was the view of the confer- as many persons, as last summer
ence", the President said, "that the Flyer Admits Introducing Pilot1 attended the recent conferences,
work of effective organization to to Plotters Accused of and shows the increasing interest
meet the situation over the winter Kentucky Raid. among the students.
in the acutely affected counties "Summer session enrollment has
rests primarily upon the counties TWO MINERS ARRESTED increased this year," Dean Kraus
and the states themselves, supple- ;_went on "as the figures show there
mented by such co-operation and (By Associated Press) { were 175 more persons enrolled in
assistance as may be found neces- MURPHYSBORO, Ill., Aug. 14.- education courses than in 1929, and
sary on the part of the federal gov- James Malone of Duquoin, Ill., an over 500 more than mn1928.
ernment." aviator, admitted today, according No Changes Contemplated
Four Methods Planned. to State's Attorney Fletcher Lewis, "These figures do not include the
Four principal methods of relief that he introduced Paul Montgom- number of people taking work in
were agreed upon, namely, placing ery, confessed pilot of "an airplane Public Health or Physical Educa-
loans privately where necessary that made a bombing raid on min-: tion, as these departments are be-
with the assistance of state or nat- ing properties at Providence, Ky., ing operated as separate units."
ional agencies; Red Cross assist- last Monday, to two Kentucky min- Dean Kraus further states that


ance; the reducing of railway rates
for food, feed and livestock. "This
relief," the President asserted, "can
7n nl~a~nrl ~c~v ad CF~ff ivalI

peared as soloist in a number of
Michigan cities. He is acting as
guest instructor at the music school
during the Summer Session.
Rose Lyon du Moulin, Chicago
teacher and pianist, will offer a
number of piano selections. Mrs.
du Moulin is a member of the fac-
ulty of the American Conservatory
of Music at Chicago. She has played
with the Chicago Symphony or-
chestra and has been heard over
the radio during the past year.,
Edwin Biltcliffe of Fall River,
Massachusetts, a student at Har-
vard university, will also present
several piano numbers. He has ap-
peared in the East with many
prominent singers and has been
~ nrin inn cc nnrrwn.niancdfiraArthur


Prosecution Stories in
Mooney Case CalledI

and 3 while i.ocloc courses and be achieved justly ana ec iveyi
all other classes will be examined only upon a determination of the'
during the afternoon hours. counties where such assistance is
required, and second upon accur-
'BIG BILL' WALKS;ate determination o fthe needs of
OUT ON HECKLERS each family."
(By Associated Press) BULLETIN
RYE, N.Y., Aug. 14.-Big Bill Til- (By Associated Press)
den took his championship person- LONDON, Aug. 14.-The diri-
ality out of the grass courts singles gible R-100, bound for England
championships today, when he from Canada, radioed the air
withdrew from the defense of his ministry tonight at 6 p.m., (1 p.
title in a match with Clifford Sut- m., e.s.t.) that she was cruising
ter, intercollegiate champion from on three engines and making
New Orleans. good speed at 51.40 degrees north
Preceding Tilden's walkout, the latitude and 52.30 west longitude.
referee frequently requested the The position placed the air-
crowd from showing any signs of ship about 160 miles southwest
partisanship. As the ace of the of Belle Isle following the same
American Davis cup team left the course she flew to Canada 15
courts he said, "I can't stand this days ago.
any longer."


(By Associated Press)
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. 14.-
Stories of Estelle Smith and John
Crowley, prosecution witnesses in

ers accused of plotting and carry- there will be little change in pro-
ing out the raid. grams next summer. The six weeks'
Malone was arrested list night at course, as advocated by other large
Duquoin and was questioned here universities, will not be recognized.
by county and Government officials. University education leaders here
Lewis said that Essel Grant, are of the opinion that the length
president of a local union in Clay of time is not enough to complete
County, Kentucky, and Ewing Riley, a maximum eight-hour course sat-
of Providence, were arrested last isfactorily.
night on the strength of Montgom-
ery's confession naming them as CHALLENGING SHIP
the two men who accompanied himRE C E AMERICA
in his flight over the Kentucky
fields. Montgomery said, accord-I
ing to Lewis, thatGrant and Riley Sir Thomas Lipton's Shamrock V.
tossed out the nine bombs. Makes Port at New London
Five miners from Zeigler, Ill.,
brought here for questioning by (By Associated Press)
Franklin County authorities last NEW LONDON, Conn., Aug. 14.--
night, were released today when Shamrock V, Sir Thomas Lipton's
they were unable to throw any ad- fifth challenger, rode off here today
ditional light on the bombing. as the brawny crew rested after
Lewis said Sheriff R. Overby, of their boisterous 26-day passage
Webster County, Kentucky, was ex- from England's shore.
pected here from Springfield, Ill., The Erin, Sir Thomas' steam
late today. yacht, which convoyed the chal-
lenger, tied up at an electric boat
ORMITORY, NOW works dock to unload the Sham-
)O~lMI~l OR' 1 ?NOW rock's top-mast and spare spars
FORS FINISH WORK and other gear. The latter included
a spare center board, built entirely
of bronze and devised to slip up
groups by the use of frequent doors through the Shamrock's keel.
along the long hallways on the Officials of the boat race said to-
third, fourth, and fifth floors. These day it migiit be Monday before eve-
rooms are planned to accommodate rything would be in readiness for
roms arenslaned tol accomate the intensive work of preparing the
two students and will contain the challenger for her coming test with
following equipment: two single one of four candidates for the de-
beds, two dressers, two study chairs, fense of the cup. Stepping of the
one desk, two floor lamps, and one top-mast represents a difficult task.
easy chair. Students will choose The top section of the spar, which

the preparedness day bombing case Wilson of Boston. l
here, were branded as perjuries to- Mr. Biltcliffe will open the pro-
day by new witnesses, unexpected- gram, playing the Prelude, "The
ly introduced at the Supreme court Sunken Cathedral," Debussy; "Noc-
hearing on- the pardon application turne in C Sharp Minor," Chopin;
of Warren K. Billings. "Ballade in A Flat Major," Chopin.
of WrrenK. illigs.Mr. Clark will sing, "Where er
Billings was convicted with You Walk" ("Semene"), Handel;
Thomas J. Mooney of the July 22, "Even Bravest Heart" ("Faust"),
1926, bombing, largely on the testi- Gounod.
mony of Miss Smith and Crowley. Mrs. du Moulin will play "Prelude
Crowley, since dead, identified in A Minor," Debussy; "Pastorale
Billings as one of two men he saw and Capriccio," Scarlatti; "Prel-
at Steuart and Mission streets at ude," Gershwin; "A Rookie Squad
1:45 p.m. the day of the bombing, on Parade," Klauber; "Ronde des
which occurred less than a block "Lutins," Nerini.
away a few minutes later. Mr. Clark will conclude the pro-
Miss Smith, former dental nurse, gram with "Vecchia Zimarra" ("La
testified Billings visited her office Boheme"), Puccini; "Prologue" ("I
with a suitcase before the parade Pagliacci"), Leoncavallo.
began; went to the roof, and on the Pagliacc __), ___ncaa_._
way out of the building s h o o k I
hands with Dr. Joseph Shane, her
The surprise witnesses, summon- .
ed by the defense, were Dr. Shane -,
and W. L. Claybourne, Oakland at-
torney and former Steuart street
garage owner, in whose establish-t
ment Crowley was employed on the
day of the explosion. (4e
Dr. Shane denied having seen
Billings or any other man with a
suitcase in his office that day. He (By Associated Press)
said Miss Smith never discussed Says generally fair and no change

Mosher-Jordan Halls, the new 1
dormitory to accommodate 450
women students, is virtually com-
pleted as far as the building itself
is concerned, furnishings are being
placed, and prospects for its being
fully occupied are encouraging, ac-1
cording to dormitory officials.
Terracing and grading has been
done by the Building and Grounds
Department and Mr. E. C. Pardon
stated that the sodding to surround
the dormitory would be done as
soon as there is some rain. Shrubs,
which will orient the building to
the landscape, will be planted in
the fall, as will the ground cover
on the slope in front of the build-
ing. A perennial flower garden will
be located on the south side and
future landscape plans include the
construction of a pool in the sunk-
en garden between the wings on
the terrace sloping to the Women's
athletic field.
Entering the dormitory from the
Observatory street side two small
reception rooms are at the side of

last and will be in different colors,
blue and green, are at the far end
of each wing. The living roomsE
open upon the terrace toward
Palmer Field and will be furnished
to harmonize with the drawing
rooms. The enclosed sun porches
will have suitable furniture. The
upholstering, drapes, and furniture
for these rooms have been especial-
ly selected.
The four dining rooms on the
floor below face the campus. The
tables and chairs will be the same
in both Halls, but the draperies are
to be different. Syracuse china has
been chosen for the dinner ware.
The opposite side of the building on,
this floor is devoted to the kitchen
and storage and service rooms. The
kitchen equipment is being placed'
at present.
Furniture for the entire building
is marked with the number of the
room in which it is to be placed
and as soon as it is delivered it is
immediately taken to that room,


and furnish their own bedspreads fits under the lower part, must be
and drapes, while the dormitory hoisted more than 100 feet into the
furnishes the glass curtains of a air. A wooden tower will be built
linen color. on the pier to attain so tall a lifting
Two sun rooms on each floor will purchase.
add to the comfort of the residents 1
and several suites will accommo- BASEBALL SCORES
date their guests. Kitchenettes on; American League
each floor are equipped with iron- Detroit 5, New York 1
ing facilities. ; Boston 3, St. Louis 0
Linoleum floors are laid through Cleveland 15, Philadelphia 5
out the building, oak panelling on Washington 5, Chicago 4
the reception floor is completed, National League
and all the rooms are numbered. Chicago 5, Brooklyn 1
But a few remain to be done before St. Louis 4, Boston 3
the building will be turned over toI Boston 3, St. Louis 2
the University officials. . Philadelpia-Pittsburgh,
Visitors are not permitted to in-

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