aPOUR THE SUMIHER MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1930 _TIMOSHENKO FINDS LOW CROP PRICES GRUEN WAT DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN STIMULUS TO INDUSTRIAL PROSPERITY; __Definite indication that periods a freer operation of the whole cred- H Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of j of business prosperity are to a con-' it system of the country, carrying the University. Copy received at the office of the Dean of the Sum- siderable extent initiated and main- impulses of revival and optimism mer Session until 3:30, excepting Sundays. 11:30 a. m. Saturday. tained by times of low price levels far into parts of the business sys-! -- on agricultural products is the re- tem not directly connected with' WATCH REPA VOL. X. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1930. NUMBER 3 sult of an extensive study of agri- farming. culture and business cycles by Vlad-1 A survey of business revivals and College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: All students completing imir P. Timoshenko of the School depressions and the corresponding! the requirements for graduation at the end of the Summer Session may of Business Administration. agricultural price levels for forty pay the diploma fee now and until the close of the session. Blanks may Cycles in farm prices are dopend- years furnished the basis for Mr. be obtained in Room 4, University Hall. D. L. Rich. ent upon cycles in volume of crops, Timoshenko's study. It is not and are therefore largely independ- claimed that agricultural changes ent of industrial activity the study are the only factors in businessI Women Students: The Women's League invites all women students showed, but on the contrary indus- cycles, but that they are among to a tea in the League on Thursday at 4 o'clock. It will be in honor of trial prosperity was shown to be the most important and funda- ISA the departments of Library Science and Physical Education. closely related to agricultural price mental, being especially so in the!S Margaret Morin, Social Chairman. levels, both in the starting of busi- starting and encouragement of pe- ness booms and in keeping them riods of prosperity. On the lfgoing. When prices for farm prod- The Michigan study was con- Undergraduate Houses for Women: Signing-out slips should be left ucts were low business picked up, fined to conditions in the United in the Undergraudate office of the League on or before August 15. but as the cycle advanced and agri- States, but is supported by similar Isabelle Rayen, Summer President. cultural prices rose in relation to investigations and theory by Rus- industrial prices, activity in the sian and British economists, indi- latter field decreased and a period! cating that it may be applied to NOW Afternoon Conference on Education: The last conference of the of depression set in. world markets. summer will be held this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the Auditorium of the o rsio se in. SHOWING University High School. Professor Leslie R. Marston will discuss "How prices is favorable to business ex- Peparations State Queer Folk Get That Way." All who are interested mn Education rpansion, it is explained, becausBE urged to come. Thomas Diamond. (he manufacturer can buy raw ma- for A.A.A. Cup Races CBE terials cheaply and is encouraged -(pecar to The Daily)ICOM Educational Clubs Joint Banquet: The annual banquet will take to produce large amounts of goods TOLEDO, O., Aug. 12.-Auto rac- place this evening at 6:15 in the Michigan Union. "The Green Dragon" for sale at low prices. Sixty per ing fans of Northwestern Ohio and is the subject chosen by Charles W. Bailey, Headmaster of the Holt cent of the value of the gross out- Southern Michigan will see the Exposing the Secondary School, Liverpool, England, who will be the main speaker of put of industry is for raw materials, drivers who are to start in the 1931 ernments andt the evening. Thomas Diamond. the greater part of which are agri- 500-mile race at Indianapolis when cultural in source, such as grains, they drive in the first A.A.A. Gold Mathematical Club: Thursday, August.14, 4:00 p.m. Room 3011 cotton, hides and wool. So long as Cup 100-mile Auto Race at the Ft . Angell Hall. Papers "37, for instance," by Assistant Professor N. H. Ann- prices for such material remains Miam ing. "Differential and Difference Equations Contrasted" by Assistantlow there is a margin of profit that The Gold Cup race has been ar- stimulates manufacture and in- ThodCprcehsbe r Professor J. A. Nyswander. duces activity-throughout the bus- ranged so as to bring together the drivers who intend entering the In- Astronomy Colloquium: Will be held this afternoon at 4:30 in the mess field. But when the agricul dianapolis race next year. These Observatory classroom. Professor E. Fermi of the University of Rome, tural price level becomes high ientrantswill be those who have Rome, Italy, will speak upon the subject, "The Statistical Method for the jikey to indicate a peak of pros- aced t the point where they are NOW PLA Determniation of the Properties of the Atom." W. C. Rufus. perity and presage a decline, the classed as A drivers. statistician found. agricuThurae__-_W( 'Fluctuations of agricultural ex-!I Extra Excursion: Ford Plant at River Rouge, including motor as- sembly, final assembly, open hearth steel mill, and rolling mill, on ports also cause fluctuations in the PORTABLERS Thursday, August 14, 1:00 p m. This excursion, a repetition of Excursion! baance of trade age irow and e TYPEWRTR k No. 2, is arranged to provide for those who could not be accommodated outflow of gold .h Lareros bng a aeail mas. on the earlier visit to the Ford Plant. Reservations in Room 9, University oa result the rate of increase of Corona, Underwood Hall before Wednesday, August 13, 6:00 p.m. Round trip $1.00. The num- 'money in circulationcorrelatesC duco finishes. Price $60 R u ber in the party will be limited. fil lsl ih hne nar . Coloreddcofnse.Pie$6 u Carlton F. Wells. cultural exports. O. D. MORRILL The increase in money in turn is FNG C I N D E R S a stimulant to banking activity and 314 South State St. Phone 6615 - ,1~~~111 lI l li ll i ll li i li ill illlllilli lilllllllilllliilll111 111 1 1 11111 1111I11 11111111IIIlil .li 11111°- " Coach Charles Hoyt, starting his In order for Hoyt to round out -.- - first year as varsity track coach, his team he will need three men. expects to have a fair cross-coun- Three men worked out with the try team... this fall, although he issud styran wharex greadlydisappointed by the loss of .."'ac.hi.ea reBb r D'Anna, who was counted on as! e T his ace and who is ineligible. Others Crawford, Robert Feustel, and a F from last year's team are: Dave ;man named Hayes. A number of ENGINEERS AND ARCHITECTS MATERIALS Ex - STATIONERY, FOUNTAIN PENS, LOOSE LEAF BOOKS - Fitzgibbon, who is captain this freshman possibilities will bolster=S TYPEWRITING AND POUND PAPERS B year, J. P. Austin, and Harmon the squad. Among the likeliest are COLLEGE PENNANTS AND JEWELRY LEATHER GOODS Wolf. Austin is the best of these William Howell, W. S. Hill, and %/2 Block from Campus 1111 South University Ave. three. Howard Braden.(;;gl Ili1111i1 111m1111111111 1111 111I11111i lillilmlnlu ---.---_- r~*--w~".."w e.ww www ww www ww w. ,awsr~e~s. wc ee~~rmwa*"pww~s w.. ww w L CHES DIAMONDS IALLER'S Jewelers State Street at Liberty AIRING FINE JEWELRY %6NOEING UNDERS' CANOE LIVERY Huron River at the Foot of Cedar Street m i.Wuertk~ Shows At 2:00-3:30 7:00-9:00 TTY and JOHN PSON in WRAY it of Broadw'ay" astounding reign of a man whose sinister power ruled gov- men. As thrilling as the wail of a police siren. YING TODAY, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY omen All Whispered About Her! Men Were All Mad About Her! 'I 4 SEE-HEAR th Chatterton THE ADY SCANDAL" m Frederic Lonsdales "The High Road" tra-Edward Everett Horton Comedy Added-Other Short Subjects t Last Week of Drastic Reductions To Clear Our Stock We Offer $35, $40, $45, $5o FINE SUITS Light and Dark Colors Pure Drugs Toilet Articles BLUE BOOKS ALL SIZES ti= REFRESH YOURSELF AT OUR FU' FOUNTAIN~ STATIONERY STUDENT SUPPLIES DRUG STORE.. 340 South State Street Opposite Law Building llllll11111111111111t1l11i1111111111111111111111111 Now t ~9 misc Chester Morris Wallace Beery "One of Holly- A masterful "Stands h e a d ''A trenchant, wood's r e a ll Y job." a n d shoulders realistic talking important pic. -Gerhard, above anything picture." tures." of its kind ever -Hall, -Delhanty, Eve. World offered by the N. Y. Times Eve. Post movies." "S t a bbing, "Unhesitatingly E.Su "The mostvivid t h r o b b i n g, recommended to scenes ever pre- thrilling drama movie goers." sented on the held audience-Dickstein "Teems with screen." s p e 11 b ound." BrooklynEagle tnsehaction." Pelswick, N. Y. American BrolnEge Tie, News journal I Just replenished our stock with 50 new suits. Its a great ad- vantage to attend this final sale. Store closed 2 weeks starting next Saturday night. 213 East Liberty "Where only good clothes are sold" E II. 1l.%ll. 1lJ. JJ".1.1. 1. " ~"1. '.0'.9 1J1llJ1./.lJ./.l./11./.lll./Y./lll././.9 .r MUSIC 4 DANCES 4 LAUGHS 4 THRILLS MICHIGAN REPERTORY PLAYERS in The Sensation of the Sunmrer e REI Thur. E E Wed. Fri. Sat. Evenings Lydia MENDELSSOHN Theatre 4 4 4 All Seats 75 Cents