WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1930 THE SUMMER MICHIGAN : DAILY FA03 TERE POLICE SE'EK -PILOT FOR MINEBOMBING Southern Towns Hunt Aviator Who Dropped Explosives on Coal Mines. NO DAMAGE REPORTED (By Associated Press) PROVIDENCE, Ky., Aug. 12.- Police of several cities today were seeking the owner of an orange monoplane which Tuesday swooped down and dropped nine bombs on mi ie properties near here. The bombing culminated a series of disorders which started when sev- eral mines reopened recently after shutdowns because of independent strikes. No one was injured and no damage done. Officials of the coal companies against which the attack apparent- ly was directed, as well as local of- ficers, telegraphed descriptions of the plane to surounding cities and a thorough search was started. No headway had been made, however, except for a report from Paul Montgomery, a Murphysboro, Ill., aviator, that he had seen a strange plane flying in the vicinity of Pinckneyville, Ill., Monday. Pinck- neyville is approximately 100 miles by air from here. & 1111111111111111111111111111 11111111111 1" II 1 A - Among the Best and at Reasonable Prices FREEMAN'S DINING _ ROOM Clean, cool and with excellent service. Only one block north from Hill Auditorium. _ ttnttttttuuuttttrui!liltttuunuunututr~ CATHERINE REIGHARD, '15, RECEIVES Speaker at Banuqet GIFT FOR EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTION Entertained at Club' Catherine F. Reighard, '15, has re- versity. At that time Robert Hen- Prof. and Mrs. Thomas Diamond cently received notice of a gift of derson and Elwood Fayfleld were entertained informally Monday $2500 from an interested person members of his company. Elwood noon, August 11, at Huron Hills golf whose name is not to be made pub- raftsan wth Catherine gpu -e club in honor of Mr. Charles W. lic, to be used in experimental hard in New York. J Bailey, of Liverpool, England, and work on plays for adults and chil- Ellen VanVolkenburg Browne Mrs. Bailey. Mr. Bailey, who is dren through the medium of mar- spent two months training her pup- headmaster of the Holt School in ionettes. This came through the peteers in their parts for her pro- Liverpool, will speak at the educa- recommendation of Ellen VanVol- duction of "A Midsummer Night's tion club banquet tonight at the kenburg Browne, also a Michigan Dream", and in that time had them Michigan Union. graduate, whose work in marion- perform their parts as though they, ettes in this country is outstanding. were going to act them themselves.' This sum of money is to be increas- The marionettes were made by an ed as the need arises. artist, as well as the settings. Spec- For several years, Miss Reighard ial emphasis was laid on the pup- has studied the field of marionette pet possibilities of the play; the I production in this country and fairies floated through the air and abroad, and has written plays for never quite touched the ground. production in that medium. She The result was so remarkable that has recently withdrawn all of her it is rememberd as the finest mar- plays from production by Duncan- ionette production seen in this Mabley, Incorporated, who present country. She is also responsible the Tatterman Marionettes, be- for two of the most unusual pro- cause of dissatisfaction with their ductions of Tony Sarg's company, methods. Some of these plays will "The Rose and the Ring" and "Rip ; When a young man DOES later be produced by another com- Van Winkle", has investigated the opportun- pany. One of Miss Reighard's puppet ities offered in the various ca- There are now about twenty pro- dramas, "Pan Pipes and Donkeys' reers, and PREPARED for the fessional marionette companies in Ears" was presented recently in one for which he is best fitted. the country, but only four or five Ann- Arbor by the Tatterman com- Placed in the right job, it is of them are successful. Among pany, under the auspices of Play wholly possible for a young man these are Tony Sarg's, Sue Hast- Production. MONTH and MORE within ings', and Remo Bufano's, all of Miss Reighard, with the able as- , three years after graduation New York City, and Harry Bur- sistance of Elwood Fayfield, is hop- from high school. HAMILTON 4 nett's of Hollywood, California. ing to contribute something to the BUSINES CtrCLLEGhichproides Harry Burnett started his marion- marionette art through the experi- quick and certain RESULTS. ette production in Ann Arbor while mental work made possible through May we tell you more about it? he was still a student in the Uni- this gift. Write for free catalog. HAMILTON TEACHERS NEEDED BUSINESS COLLEGE STATE & WILLIAM STS. FREE REGISTRA TION WESTMORE TEACHERS' AGENCY Name 716 OLD NATIONAL BANK BLDG., SPOKANE, WASHINGTON Address........................ C LASSIFIE[I ADVERTISING L. WANTED TYPING-Theses a specialty. Fair rates. Dial 9087. M. Hartsuff. WAITERS WANTED -Ritz Res- taurant. See Mr. Heinz. TYPING AND MIMEOGRAPHING DONE. Work called for and de- livered. Call 8620 or 4544. 38, 39, 40 FOR RENT FOR RENT-1003 Packard. Large front living room, bedroom and bath. First floor. Private en- trance for private family. WELL FURNISHED RESIDENCE- 30 ft. living room, piano, 4 cham- bers, modern plumbing, garage. References. Also modern 6 room unfurnished. $60. 5710. THESES TYPED 12c per page College work a specialty for over twenty years. O. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. Hours 8:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. WANT ADS PAY! A LAKE AND RIVER OUTING Come to Detroit and treat your family to a grand one-day excursion on the luxurious Str. Put-In-Bay to PUT-IN-BAY ISLAND In Lake Erie. Detroit's popular pleasure park. Free music and dancing in the ship s big ballroom. Four hours at Put-In-Bay to enjoy the bathing beach, the new golf course, and all outdoor sports. Picnic in the grove, dance, explore the caves and enjoy the view from the top of Perry's monument. - I Perry Monument Drive to Detroit and enjoy the. DANCING MOONLIGHTS Leave Detroit, 8:45 pj. Return, 11:30 p. m. Wednesday,Thursday, Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Str. Put-In-Bay leaves foot of First St., Detroit, daily al 9 a. m., returning at 8 p. i., except Fridays, 10:15 p. mn. Fare 1 1.00 round trip, weekdays; 1.50 Sundays and Holidays. Steamer runs through to Cedar Point and Sandusky daily. Lowest rate to Cleveland via Put-In-Bay or Cedar Point. Perfect dining room and lunch counter service. CEDAR POINT On Fridays after July 4, a special excursion is given to Cedar Point. Fare, $1.75 round trip; chil- dren half-fare. A stay of three hours is permitted to enjoy the great bathing beach, boardwalk and the thousand -and -one attractions of this Lido of America. On other days a stay of one hour is allowed. J } Write for Folder it fill .ll Stationery Clearance $1.00 to $4.00 Values 50c per box V AlR S Un iversity Books tore ASHLEY & DUSTIN STEAMER LINE Foot of First Street Detroit, Michigan IP' '"II i ., r ANNOUNCING FALL DRESSES In all new shades A complete array of the very newest styles. $ .75 $ 2 .00 a to i Hosiery in shades of brown and tan in the dull finish. r r - r s r -r _ r - V- - Q We also carry a stock of unusually smart accessories. I THE RUBLEY SHOPPE I 8 Nickels Arcade 11111HI #VII I #I 111111ll liillilliillll111t l111111111111f l 1i 1#11l I I UIl I 1111111111illii .on the track it's PEE . . . .. ....... fi'4 1 \ \,.rh f*: : tt :1:.. ......:.:.:.: ..: t : ... ......'....!:.7::i. :;;;;:".5}: * D IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11111111111111111t MICHIGAN LEAGUE DINING ROOM SERVICE CAFETERIA and Soda Fountain uurn i 1= s . _ r i J 1 , _ ', '. ) i i 1 i i A s --0- "BI bush." away f No fragrar short,i smoke " TA S RD IN THE HAND is worth two in the Good taste-what smoker would trade it for any number of cigarette claims? Chesterfield smoker would. For its mild nce, its deeply satisfying character - in its taste-has always been the one thing rs wanted: T E a.ove eveca/i MiLD... and ye F T KE ,THEY SATISE Iie sterfie FINE TURKISH and DOMESTIC tobaccos, not only BLENDED but CROSS-BLENDED t Y N