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August 13, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-08-13

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4-~r 'umrr



Editorial Comment



Published every morning except Mond;.y SWALLOWED UP IN SURPLUSES
during the University Summer Session by'S AL WDU I U PUE
the Board in Control of Student Publications. (Daily, Iowan)
The .\ssociated Press is exclusively en- The United States through massj
titled to the use for republication of all news production has reached a state in
dis;,atchcs credlited to it or not otherwise ecesA
e1eit~d in this paper and the meal ne-ws which supply exceeds demand. As
nu ished herein. -a result there are agricultural sur-
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan. pluses, mineral surpluses, service
postoflice as second class matter. j surpluses, and surpluses of earn-
ings over expenditures.
Subscription by carrier, $i.50; by mail,
How to dispose of these surplus-
Ofices: Press Building, Maynard Street, es has become a vital problem. Buy,
Ann Arbor, Michigan. buy, buy, is heard on every side. In
extravagant buying many have ex-
EDITORIAL STAFF ceeded their means. Consumption

The Doctors Whoofle, that hu-
morous clan of nitwits, have left
for the North (as related in yes-
terday's column-did you read it?
I thought not, nobody does and I
don't blame him) and I have been
put in charge of the column for the{
remainder of the Session. There{
are only four more issues of TheI
Daily so things could be worse butI
not much.

Telephone 4925nhas reached the breaking point.
MANAGING EDITOR Industry attempts to reduce Sur- My first move is to get away
GURNEY WILLIAMS pluses by allowing factories and from the Whoofles' We business.
mines to lie idle. By so doing unem- The editorial We may be okey and
tori Director.........Ho wareShout ployment has been brought about. conservative and gosh knows what
womien's Editor. ....Dorothy Magee And this idleness of men is the all but I want to be the whole
Moosis aditorama.......ussemllis m.Grmenmost dangerous surplus that can thing or nothing and I practically
.Shorts Editor. .....Morris Targer exist. insulted:several of my relatives
Dnton Kunze ight Editoward F. Shout America under present conditions who wanted to collaborate with me
Powers Moulton Harold warren, Jr. is in danger of being hopelessly in sending this stuff down to the
Aswallowed up in surpluses. The na- linotyper. I and the linotyper can
C H. Beukea Costance A. Mcwethy tion is in the position of a mer- get along swell without a lot of
Helen Carrm Bertha Clayman chant with plenty of goods on other people hollering and yelling
Brine Manley Sher M. Quraishi hand but no more buyers. and telling us swell jokes they
Like that merchant up to the heard on the campus in 1906. You
BUSINESS STAFF tricks of his trade new buyers must may not laugh at the stuff I write
Telephone 21214 be sought. Friendship and good but I'm not so young as I used
will must be gained. Credit must to be and you'll just have to over-
G GA ESANE be extended if necessary. Goods loOk my senile tendencies.
GRGA___ must be exchanged where possible. * * *
But is the United Sae seeking
Assistant Business Managers States
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamiin new buyers? If so what attitude to-
Circulation Manager.........Bernard Larson ward them is being taken? What t
Secretary .. Ann w. V 1erner economic attitude is being practic- ,
Joyce DavidsonLela M Kidd Dorothy Dunlav ed? What attitude toward foreign 1
Lelia Kidd- countries prevails? And foreign i W -
WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1930 countries are the potential buyers.
Isolation in politics, exclusion in;
Night Editor-Gurney Williams tariff, unrecognition in government'
Cthis has been the general prac-.
" CENTENNIAL OF PURITANISlMtice in too many instances. Sur- A
A mesenger boy just staggered up
We have discussed the founda- pluses destroying national pros- the stairs and fell exhausted at
tions of Americanism, the institu- perity has been the result..T
tions on which the democracy and It is time that these barriers be in' feet with t h fo n s-
progressiveness of our nation rests, removed. Political policies must ghe Doctror. t once the Daily
the beliefs and the ideals of our become cooperative in spirit. Ec- byTe octorg For oncttheDail
ancetor, bt w hae dmmitedonomic policies must consider the ;rule prohibiting the publication of
ancestors, but we have committed ;nmcpoiismutcn'drteanonymous contributions will be
development of the world. Tar-anymu cotitoswllb
what must seem an unpardonable broken. The Doctors must always
breach in neglecting to mention iffs and treaties must show these ren. The Dotor mhs always
that sturdy fortress of puritanism, evidences. . ..BL enfro thead-ubt.
the Boston Transcript. This jour- Only when this spirit predom in- BULEIN: fom a asow
nal is now celebrating its centen- ates can surpluses be exterminated rate on the Ann Arbor-Lansing-
nial; marking itself as one of the Then can there be hope for farm and-Big Rapids Canal, from the
oldest journals in the country. The relief, removal of unemployment, Doctors Whoofle.
record which the Transcript has and a disposal of raw materials and With thoughts of the University
made for itself, the principles for'manufactured goods. A nation can already becoming but distant,
which it stands deserve a moment's no longer live to itself alone vague memories, we hasten to an-
consideration, for they are repre- I ATHENIAN SKYSCRAPERS swer the call of the northland
sentative of a certain viewpoint, a ATE i ySCRAPERS which echoes in every single hill
group of influences which are (Daily Illini) and dale in this glorious north
markedly affecting our national be- .Nowv comes the news that Athens country.
ing. to have a skyscraper-16 stories Just now we are passing through
hig~h. That wouldn't scrape much J wp

by Helen Carrm
Well-having served time in the
township of Ann Arbor for a con-
siderably full year, Stage Whisper,
is making very definite plans for
heading east on the afternoon of
the 22nd. The spectacular event
will be a non-stop flight to that
pedicular den of audacious pro-
ductions-New York City.
Speaking of New York City, or
rather, mentioning audacious pro-
ductions--and oh, they are, meh
lad-It seems that the American
theatre is having the organized re-
ligious finger shaken at it. Over
a very Hut cup of coffee this a. m.
and while scanning the morning
tabloid, I observed with a few men-
tal reservations and even some
little merriment that New York
stage productions, both legitimate1
and musical comedy, are receiving1
a systematic attack by a local di-
ocese. The American standard of
drama is not only being questioned
but also severely criticized. Havingf
made a complete survey of the cur-
rent productions running in New
York, churchmen could admit of
two only that the public could at-
tend and still maintain a clear
Those two, apparently, were nei-
ther Earl Carroll's "Vanities" nor
"Lysistrata," the classical comedy
by Aristophanes. The former, it's
quite true, has been taken over the
coals even by such hard-shelled
veterans as the present New York
critics, but as for the latter, I don't
hesitate to rise to the defense.
Lysistrata," if done well-and it
undoubtedly is in the present pro-
duction - is done delicately and
with a subtle lightness that only
such a professional cast as the cur-
rent one can do it. However, if it
is caried out in this manner it
avoids any atmosphere of inde-
cency. Therefore, with such a hy-
pothesis-the only conclusion to be
reached is that the minds of the
religious reviewers have been so
narrowed by their one-sided inter-
ests that they themselves are in-
capable of permitting these minds
any natural elasticity.
At the end of the morning ser-
mons, editorials were distributed to
parishioners of a New York cathe-
dral to the effect that--"A classic
of unabashed pagan mockery, as
audacious an assult on public de-
cency as has ever been perpetrated
on our stage, cannot, it seems, be
reached by the police."
Podden me, Mr. Shubert, but pul-
lease don't let the police at "Ly-
sistrata." At least, not untile I've
set meh orbs on it. And oblige.


Old man Webster says that means
"writing in a particular way"-or
words to that effect.
And no matter how particular
you are about writing-you can
find the point that writes like you
and have it fitted, instantly, to the
holder of your choice, when you
get the new

Why not be

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In its editorial viewpoint and in sky here in America, but perhaps it a gently rolling country (Tarr &
the types of news material which will in Greece where Mt. Olympus MacMurry geography, ' copyrgt.)
it. has regularly printed, heused to hide its sacred summit aeb fields of parched corn and
script has remained as of the day amid fleecy Hellenic clouds. pale beans beckon a benison to us.
it was first founded. Conservatism tae never fully appreciated Hobbs
is not sufficiently descriptive of its One wonders whether Athens has 31, we mean-introductory geology,
methods; rather has the journal ' changed from the better since those when we took the course, but now
methods;nearatherGhass theljohurnhlt
clung to the hard intoleranceof days when on instead of 16-story sky-that we are free to enjoy the cul-
puritanism, has remained bigoted,! ture which the University exudes
narrow-minded, bitter, prejudiced. scrapers-when beauty and art from its every pore-even the grad
All the fine, old traditions which it wr closerrto the Greekahear reading room librarians-we see
has maintained in journalistic than theyare today. Theanswer what an advantage it is to know
standards, all of the distinction it' would probably tell us whether es- one's terrains.
has merited for its regard for art day's civilization is better than yes- Here, for example, we have just
music, and literature cannot offset whvrmkdboe Ipassed a magnificent alluvial de-
As we have remarked before, civ- posit, rich in man
the fact that it has stubbornly re- ilization certainly does not rest on cat it manganese and sil-
fuseddrw ai either to yield to or assist in $4,000,000 bridges an dskyscrapers- of aniethuela shl n
the progressive, forward-looking nt$4,000,000sor-oe o atietusla gess n
Snot even how-many-story-ones slates. The slate weesightl
spirit of modern America. - like the Chrysler tower, or is it the used and had traces f re slarith-
It was the Transcript that fanat- tallest now? metic lessons still on them. One
ically promoted the censorship of of the slates is rumored to have
literature and art in Boston; it was EXPERIMENTAL COLLEGE bee se b sAramLincolnabe
the Transcript that used its influ- (Butler Collegian) been used by Abraham Lincoln be-
ence to procure the executions of Afore he went to Illinois.
9 A college where achievements,
Sacco and Vanzetti setting justice not grades are important, and - N '.
at naught; it was the Transcript whose graduates are not turnedoTe .
that stood alone among the metro- out as a standardized pattern is
politan newspapers of the East as entering its fourth year as an ex-
favoring the Tennessee evolutionperiment in American education.
farce; it is the Transcript that hasI Dr. Glenn Frank, president of the
ever maintained a stout opposition University of Wisconsin, is respon-
to any idea involving change or sible for the experimental college,
novelty. Embodying within itself long the dream of many university On our left hand stretch in un-
all the stern judges of morality,I men. The program during the three broken line palatial farms where
custom, and convention, the Tran- years of its existence has proved dwell in all their aboriginal sim-
script has, in short, made itself one satisfactory. plicity the sons of this great soil-
of the -most radicallyreactionary1 Every freshman is subjected to a transplanted just as they original-
single influences in the country. placement test which tests his ly grew in Sunny Sicily. With the
For all that we have listed above, achievement. He will be placed in new census showing a gain of over
a class according to his achieve- a million for our bonny State, it;
the journal must be condemned. To ment. Students of like ability will is a gladsome thing to see how theI
favor' it, would be to approve all be his classmates. At the end of the old stock thrives and flourishes.
those qualities and characteristics!(sophomore year an entrance ex-f As we sip our iced julep, we can-I
from which we have been trying to amination is given and students are not forbear smiling a bit in pity
escape: worship of tradition and divided into three groups of actual for the sweltering horde back inI
the past, a disinclination to exper- achievement. Students who fail to old Ann Arbor where prohibition
ient and explore, intolerance of make the grade are automatically keeps the best things in life con-
. htis not understood, respect for' dropped. stantly coming up. Up h in ife on
class and caste. We have attempted Seniors of superior ability are clear air of nature's favorite play- <
to drop those hobbling fetters aside, given additional freedom. They ground, where wind and rain unite1
to leave them for the older coun- may spend class time in working in a symphony in praise of the glo-t
tries in Europe. There can be little out certain problems. There is a rious territory immortalized byE
that is admirable in the instrument place for the student who doesn't Grand Rapids realtors (advt.), wef
that voices those principles on thisfwant to work for a degree. He are slowly regaining our old selvest
side of the Atlantic. We regret that may take any course he chooses again and getting more childish
the centennial of the Boston Tran- and attend class when he wishes. each day. Why only last night.. .
script must also be recognized as He may stay in the university a * * *
a centennial of puritanism and a month or four years. There is no More bulletins will be publishedc
leftover from the past. restriction as to ag or sex in this asthe 1.LPnPd,1~A fnto ~


Screen Reflections
At the Wuerth theatre: "The Czar
of Broadway" with John Wray, Bet-
ty Compson, and John Herron. Al-
so comedy, "The Garden of Eatin',"
animated c a r to o n, "Tramping
Tramps," and Fox Movietone News.
The tendency towards standard-
ization of plot is one of the chief
faults to be found with motion pic-
tures. Putting motion picture mak-
ing on a production basis has pos-
sibly raised the general standard of
the work by eliminating some of
the more nauseating pieces, but
certainly it has reduced the indi-
viduality of the screen and is now
steadily making, more difficult the
development of a real cinema art.
"The Czar of Broadway" is a
passably entertaining picture. It.
has no great merits, but it holds
the interest. Our objection to it
is that it imitates a hundred other
plays in the use of a night club
setting. Now we have seen night
clubs run by boldhard men on the
screen until we blanch at the sug-
Thenstory is about a newspaper-
man who goes out after a big crook,
gains his confidence, falls in love
with the crook's old mistress, and
finally throws up the chance to get
a scoop. The newspaperman, by
the way, carries an adorable little
tin badge with the word "Report-,
er." The laugh that we got from
that probably makes us mild with
the rest.
Personally, we think the whole
story is too stale for any use. There
is no reason why the producer
couldn'thave obtained an intelli-
gent and convincing plot, one that
would lack the glitter of a yellow
journal's front page.
John Wray does nearly every-
thing possible with his part. His
voice is excellent. John Harron is
fair; and Betty Compson-well, if



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And that extra 20% gives
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The government has announced
that it has some more jobs open.
Well, the farmers and. the veter-

group. The one requirement is that
he may not participate in extra-
curricular activities. A general ex-
amination and not quizzes is given
in the experimental college. The

as uivy L t v.c A rom eL Vtram n-
trepid band, but if they are as
windy as that one they will be pre-
sented in a condensed form.
* *
In the meantime be assured that
I miss the boys just as much as


A Q M(r''1 n A QAc' Y

ans are on the payroll now; it college is attempting to break up
might he ise ito nzi*. on a few of ain+rrns .n4,1.nl-nfln nifh


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