ESTABLISHED 1920 &I~r ~'ummrr lJIirhigan ~ZIaitj~ MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED VOL. X. NO. 38. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 13, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS R USSELL C. HSE OF GELOGIC AGES Fossils Preserved in Arid Lands Supply Clues to Life of 200 Million Years Ago. MAN FA CES COMPETITION Geologic Animals of Huge Size Roamed Over Northwestern Nebraska Plans-. There is no reason to suppose why man as the master of-the earth1 will not pass away in geologic time," said Prof. Russel C. Hussey in an interview after an illustrated lecture in the Natural Seience au - ditorium yesterday. "Already," he said, "the nervous system of man has become so specialized and deli- cate that thie least disturbance up- sets it, and perhaps," he contin- uied, "it is the insects of our day that challenge the mastery of 1 man." The insects, he felt, are a very real problem on the farm even today and perhaps it will be through the food supply that the attack will be launched on man. Fossils Give Clues "Fossils of animaals that have been preserved for hundreds of millions of years in the geological forma- tions of the earth give, us the clues to the life that has prevailed upon this earth," said Professor Hussey in his lecture. "Animals almost a hundred feet in length and twenty northwestern Nebraka and wein do not kow why the perished and, Professor Hussey said. "The Dinosaur of which there were 24 varieties during their ro- niantic and exciting age when they hel complet masterye overthe matic animals attaining an age of 300 to 400 years," said Professor Hussey, "and their direct descend- ants today are the birds that were in the beginning reptiles with feathers." Professor Hussey said that "this connection would never have been established if even the remains of the feathers had not been preserved for us through the geological ages." Three Factors Involved. The preservation of fossils, Pro- fessor Hussey explained, has been' possible through three probable means. Animals coming to their drinking holes which had marshy ground around them became bog- ged and sank into the soft mud of the period. The skeletal remains of animals are today the fossils from which we derive our knowledge of the period. In other plades, Prof es- sor Hussey said, in the gsphalt pits where the oil with a tarry base flowed on the surface the animals became enveloped in preservative coating which excluded all air'. Brush fires drove herds of animals over cliffs Into lakes where the an- imals became imbeded in the soft mud of the lakes and thus their b o n y parts have been preserved, Professor IHussey said. MENOMINEE FIRE DANGER SPREADS More Than 75 Blazes Reported in Upper Peninsula. ( ByO A so c ia t e P r s s thirsty timber of the northland crackled today. Reports of new danger points came In hourly as flames blazed through parchede cut-over andga tm peninsula and northern Wisconsin. An observer in a forest patrol tower 60 miles north of Menominee said he counted 10 separate fires within 10 miles of his tower. In the drought-stricken peninsu- la counties, more than 75 separate fires were reported. These ragedl through Marquette, Dickinson, Luce, Schoolcraft, Alger, Chippewa, and Mackinac counties. Highway travel has been cut off between Cedar River and Stevenson in Mackinac county. All of Menominee county was in. ST UDEN T S PL AN PLANT in Final Summer Exuson Summer Session will be a repeti- tion of Excursion number two for the benefit of those who were unable to take the latter. It will be given tomorrow afternoon, and will cover the Ford plant at River Rouge. The excursionist will see the main assembly line, from the point where a chassis Is put on it to the place where a complet- ed automobile drives away un- der its own power. Approximate- ly two hours will be spent in the Ford plant. Reservations for the trip, Wells announced yesterday, mrusth b before 6 o'clock tonight. The number who will take the ex- cursion will be limited, as in previous years the applications have been large. The cost of the trp if$tudents go in the buses Annual Meetings of Men's and Women's Clubs Will Close Summer Social Season.- REEROR GROU"P gg J ACKSON, O'BRIN E R EAC H 537-HO UR* NERRRE WL L OPE UMAS D URACRC RAW THREEMETEERS & ENDURANCERECORO Players Will Conclude Second Season With Famous Dumas Drama. CAST TOTALS 30 PEOPLE Period of Costumes to be Feature Last Production-; Opens Tonight. C. W. BAILEY TO SPEAK The last large social event of the Summer Session will be given when the Education clubs hold their an- nual joint banquet at 6:15 o'clock tonight in the Union. Charles W'. shol LiverpdoosEngland, and a authority on secondary school mat- ters, will speak on '"The Green Dragon." Miss Roxie Andrews will speak as the representative of the Wom- en's Education club, and Dr. Otto f"Iaisley, of the Men's Education club, will talk on the "Social Ad- vantages in Membership in the Men's Education club." The following musical program will be included: Marche Milita ire Viennois. Kreisler Melodie.. . . ... . ... .Tschaikowsky -Romine G. Hamilton, violin ,Tom Jones, cello Jack Conklin, piano "Have' you seen but a whyte Lile grow". . .. .. ... .. .. .Old English Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen. . . ... . .. ..Negro Spiritual Lullaby. . ... .. .. . ... .. ...Brahms Erma Louise Kropp Francis D. Peck, accompanist Officers of the Women's Educa- tion club during the Summer Ses- sion have been Miss Alice Wallin, president; Miss Lyda McHenry, secretary; Miss Ethel Dow, treasur- er; Miss Berniece Backus, chairman of the program committee; and Miss Esther Belcher, chairman of the social committee. The administrative committee of the Men's Education club is com- posed of C. W. Price, Stephen Nes- bit, and C. L. Hamilton. Approxi- mately 175 guests are expected to attend. Alexandre Dumas' famous spec- tacular drama, "The Three Musket- eers," wil lbe presented at 8: 15 0'- clock tonight in the Lydia Mendel- ssohn theatre by the Michigan Repertory Players in the last week of their second summer season. Performances will also be given at 8:15 o'clock Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights. With the complete cast totalling mnore than 30 persons, "The Three Musketeers" will be the most pre- tentious production yet staged by Play Production. Elaborate period costumes for the entire cast were designed and executed by Mrs. Marian Galloway, costumiere for the Players, who began prepara- tions for this production early in the summer. Sets have been built by Charles Holden, '30, and .Dean Currie, '30, graduate assistants in the department. Music Will Be Used. Music from the musical comedy, "The Three Musketeers," -will be used throughout the production. The acting version of Dumas' cele- prepared by Charlesd Rien.r w Prof. Elmer W. Hickman,guest di- rector of Play Production for the summer season, from the Carnegie Institute of Technology, Pittsburgh, is in charge of the staging of the I final offering of the repertory The large cast is headed by Alan Handley, '32, as d'Artagnan, who has been well received by Ann Ar- bor audiences for his work as Ned in Barry's "Holiday" and as Ned in I "The Criminal Code." He also had I a leading role in the laboratory pre- sentation last year of Thurnau's "City Haul." Many Favorites in Cast. The three Musketeers, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis will be played by Edward Fitzgerald, Charles Moyer, and Robert Huber, respect- ively. Fitzgerald will be remem- bered for his successful perform- ance as Bob Graham, the lead in "The Criminal Code," while Moyer has scored hits this summer as Andy in O'Neill's "Beyond the Ho- rizon" and as Capt. Gleason in ''The Criminal Code." King Louis XIII of France will be played by Martin Palmer who was seen as the ship captain in ~"Beyond the Horizon." Richard 'Woellhaf, who scored a tremendous success as the prison surgeon in "The Criminal Code," will appear as Cardinal Richelieu. Norman Brown, seen this summer as Mr. Seton in "Holiday," will play as the Duke of Buckingham. The part of Ann of Austria, Queen of France, 'will be taken by Dee Thompson and that of Lady de Winter by Isobel Yealy, both of whom appeared in ''Beyond the Horizon." Eight Selections Will Compose Third Program; Solo to be Feature. Michigan's summer band will present its third concert on the 11- brary steps from 7 to 8 o'clock to- night. Among the eight numbers on to- night's program will be a solo on the euphonium, an instrument that is declared to be unusually difficult to play. With it Frank L. Mercier will offer Southwell's "Execution." There will be only one more eve- ning program this summer, to be given next Wednesday night, it was announced by Nicholas D. Falcone, director of the band. The band or- ganized for the first time this sum- mer from students on the campus who have had experience In other musical organizations has met with such success that Director Falcone plans on organizing a band every summer. Next season he hopes to have a still larger band and to give concerts in other cities. The program f or tonight will be as follows: Star Spangled Banner, Key; March - On the Campus, Sousa; Overture to Orpheus, Off enbach; Two dances from the Nutcracker Suite, (a.) Danse Chinoise, (b.) Danse des Mirlitons, Tchaikowsky; Euphonium solo, Execution, South- well (Frank L. Mercier); Excerpts from Carmen, Bizet; Ballet Egyp- tien, (a.) Allegro non troppo (b.) Allegretto, (c.) Andante espressivo; Allegro, Luigini; Yellow and the Blue, Balfe. Falcone announced yesterday that encores to the program will be in the form of college airs which are popular on the campus, al- though darkness may cut these short. Afternoon Conference Lecturer Cite Tred Towrd Child Work in Public Schools. MARSTON ENDS SERIES "There is an increasing tendency to incorporate the nursery school asa part of the public school sys- tm," Dr. Willard C. Olson explain- ed before the afternoon conference on Trends in Child Development yesterday. "The emotional growth in children takes place to a great extent bef thore te present school age. So, if this vital period can be regulated by organized supervision a great many new educationial de- velopments shall be possible. A nursery school included in a public school system with its emphasis on freedom, physical health, mental hygiene and growth will have some impression in the treatment of children in the years that follow." "It appears," he continued "that nursery school leaders have been willing to give a practical applica- tion and demonstration of what our educational philosophers have been talking about and have not stopedtheir practical application at such an early point in their philosophy as has been long too common in many of our traditlon- al programs." "It may be, of course that the re- sistence to the incorporation of what is clearly indicated by best judgement," Professor Olson said, "is less at a period when most per- sons have little concern for edu- cation as such, or it may seem to be the healthy resistance to inno- vations in the absence of clearly seen and widely accepted desirabil- ity. However we have ceased to expucatirevolutions in the field of deliver* te last ofthelecture se ries this afternoon at 4 o'clock in the auditorium of University High school. The speech will culminate the public functions in the education school for this summer. Dale Jackson and Forrest O'Brine, St. Louis endurance fliers, who are near the mark of ,554 hours set last month by the Hunter brothers of Chicago. If they remain in the air until 10:00 o'clock this morning they will have broken all existing records of continuous flight. . FALCONE TO LEAD SUMMER BAND IN Wc, OLO AK CONCER TTONIGH T nnnrDIPfll Jackson, O'Brine Will Exceed Hunters' Mark if in Air After 9:52 O'cdock. PLAN CONTINUED FLIGHT Will Attempt to Remain in Air to Establish Record of 1,000 Hours. ST. LOUIS, Aug.a 12.-ale (Red) Jackson and Forrest O'Brine ex- pect to be recrowned kings of en- durance flyers tomorrow, but they don't intend to return to earth for the ceremonies, not for another two or three weeks anyway. Their immediate goal, that of dethroning Kenneth and John Hunter, the Illinois farm boys who set a 554-hour record at Chicago last month, was just over the hor- izon tonight. They had been up 537 hours at 4:11 p.m., c.s.t. If their monoplane, Greater St. Louis, is still droning over Lambert, St. Louis field at 8:52 a.m. tomorrow, they ill equal the Hunter brothers' mark, and an hour later the new record will be chalked up. Will Not Quit "The voice of the little orange and yellow bungalow," as O'Brine has dubbed the endurance plane, speaking to the ground crew over short wave-length transmitter served notic oday the airme sky soon. When and if the record is broken, there will be a demonstration on the field below and the endurance team probably will do a little ca- celebration, but the flyersathen eh- pect to point their rugged ship to- ward a 1,000-hour record or about six weeks of sustained flight. Jackson said today he had his "mind on that mark now" if the motor lasts. It was leisurely and smoothly slashing Its way through the hours towards the new record tonight with no signs of weakness. Flying Robin Plane The determined Jackson-O'Brine team flew to fame last year in the St. Louis Robin, the same type of plane being used this year. The St. Louis Robin mark of 420 hours al- most doubled the previous record and 'was regarded epochal at that time. If Jackson and O'Brine set a new record they will be the first refuel- ling endurance flyers to regain the sustained flight record after having lost it. DEBATE TEAMS MEET TONIGHT Chain Stores to be Discussed by Experienced Debaters. Debate upon the proposition "Re- solved that chain meat and gro- [cery stores are detrimental to the people of Michigan" will be held at 8 o'clock tonight in the Adelphi room, fourth floor of Angell hall. Prof. Gail E. Densmore of the speech department Is thegsponsor and importantbefore the plic at the present time. Open debate on the proposition has been en- dorsed by the National Chain Store association and by the Michigan Independent Stores association. According to Professor Densmore, the State High School Debating league will use the subject next year, and the two winning teams of the league will debate for the state championship at Hill auditor- lum in 1931. Albert B. Becker, Ethel B. Wise- hart, and Arthur Secord compose the affirmative team, and Louis Roberts, Bernice Gibbs, and Or- mand J. Drake make up the nega- tive team. All are experienced de- baters sand have been members of college or university teams. Prof. James M. O'Neill of the pseech de- PARDON SAYS MAINTENANCE EXPENSE DUE TO HARD CITY WATER COSTS UNIVERSITY THOUSANDS YEARLY Editor's Note: This is the fourth of a series wate ytem and the fasibility ofi- stalling a new supply plant. The articles will appear from time to time throughout the remainder of the Summer Session. "There is absolutely no question that It costs the Ublversity many thousands of dollars every year be- cause of the hard water that is sup- plied to it by the city," said Mr. E. C. Pardon, in charge of the buildings and grounds of the Uni- versity, in an interview yesterday. "As recently as last summer when the cold water mains of the West Engineering building were clogged up several barrels of scale was tak- en out of them and parts of the main were so rusted that they had ed mains that is the main cost," Pardon said. "It is the maintenance service. The toilet fixtures, for in- stance, need constant attention. Does anybody know what the rest of the city mains must be like? They may be half full of scales, when with all our care we found the condition that existed in the University mains." O0 Westher?4a "The University has one 10,000 gallons per hour and one 40,000 gallons per hour softening plant besides half a dozen others located in different buildings." Pardon said, "and plans are being made to in- stall another 40,000 gallons per hour softening plant soon." "For the one 40,000 gallons plant it cost the University $3,370 to op- erate for one year. This includes 5 or 6 carloads of salt,1loss of Inter- est on the investment, wages of the operator and other incidentals." "Water bill at the Betsy Barbour has almost doubled since the soft- ener was put in," Pardon explained. "We think It is because of back washing necessary for the softener BASEBALL SCORES American League New York 6, Detroit 5 Boston 5, St. Louis 4 Philadelphia 9-7, Cleveland 1-0 Washington 5, Chicago 4 , National League Chicago 3, Brooklyn 2 (11 innings) St. Louis 4, Boston 2 Pittsburgh 8, Philadelphia 7 (14 innings) Pittsburgh 8, Philadelphia 3