TIM SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, 1930. TIlE SUMMER MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, 1930. U Iir'u zmnur Published every morning except Monday during the University Summer Session by the Board in Control of Student Publications. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titld ite the use for republication of all news. dis,,rtchcs credited. to it or not otherwise c relit- d in this paper and the local nc:ws publ.ished herein. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan. postofEce as secone class matter. Subscription by carrier, $1.50; by mail, Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor, Michigan. EDITORMAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MNAGING EDITOR GURNEY WILLIAMS' Editorial Director...... ...Howard F. Shout City Editor........... Harold Warren, jr Women's Editor.............Dorothy Magee Music and Drama Editor... William J. Gorman Books Editor........Russell E. McCracken Sports Editor................ Morris Targer- Night Editors Denton KunzeH Howard F. Shout Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr., What's Going On August 10-August 16. TODAY 4:15 p. m.-Concert--Miss Mar- garet Diefenthaeler and Roland Dittl, pianists; Ethelyn Walker Showers, contralto, of the School of Music. Hill auditorium. MONDAY 4:00 p. m.-Lecture-"Valency." Dr. T. M. Lowrey, professor of phy- sical chemistry at Cambridge Uni- versity, England. Room 303, Chem- istry building. 4:00 p. m.-Educational Confer- ence-"Education for the Young Child in School and Home." Dr. Katherine B. Greene. University High school auditorium. rowers -Moulton "41uiu vve C. H. Beukema Helen Carrm Bruce Manley . Assistants Constance A.7 Bertha Sher M. m c , J . i 5:00 p. m.-Lecture--"Getting Mewetby the Facts About Crime." Prof. A. C namaI E. Wood. Natural Science audi- Clayman oum Quraishi torium. TUESDAY 4:1 0 p. m.-Educational Confer- ence-"Child Development." Prof. BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 tUSINESS MANAGER D L aryr , Lvi' y n.7~n 1Willard C. Olson. Natural Science GEORGE A. SPATER 2udiorium. Assistant Business Managers 5:00 p. m.-Lecture-"Animals of William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjamin the Geologic Past" (Illustrated). Circulation Manager .......Bernard Larson Prof. Russell C. Hussey. Natural Secretary.................. Ann W. Verner Science auditorium. . sistauts Joyce Davidson Dorothy Dunlap 6:00 p. m.-Annual banquet of Lelia M. Kidd -;the Educational clubs of the school SUNDAY, AUGUST 10, 1930. of education. Union. N 0 p.m.-Concert-Mr. Kenneth Night Editor-Denton Kunte Osborne, organist. Hill auditorium. SCHOOL OF MUSIC WEDNESDAY The School of Music, as an insti- tution separate from the University. achieved a fame of its own. Su h outstanding musicians and teachers as Palmer Christian, Earl V. Moore, and Guy Maier raised it to a posi- tion of high rank. It was, therefore, a very considerable acquisition which the University made last lear, .when the official connection be- tween the school and the larger institution, was completed. Within thewlast few weeks we have seen something of the extent to which the newly acquired unit is to be developed. By securing four of the most prominent concert ar- tists in the country as teachers, the future position of the school has been assured. Undoubtedly these individuals will attract large numbers of students, and expan- sion on a large scale will result. Arthur Hackett and Laura Lit- tlefield, two of the country's fore- most concert singers will make the voice.. department comparable to almost any. other in American col- ieges. Waldemar Besekirsky and Harold Brinkman, violinist and pianist respectively, will guarantee a high excellence of teaching for these instruments. Certainly we may expect all this to lead to further growth and de- velopment in the school, and, to take care of this, a new building in a comparatively short period of time. There is no reason why this department should not be raised to a level equal to that of any of the other schools of the University; .it 'is an important and necessary part of every college stressing the humanities. INSTITUTE OF POLITICS Unofficial though it may be, the International Institute of Politics meeting , at Williamstown, Mass- achusetts is one of the most in- fluential bodies in the world in political and governmental circles. Gathered here are statesmen, war- riors, professors, and industrial leaders. Questions of international scope are considered and discussed. Special -papers containing new theories, new discoveries, and new methods are read. This is the very essence .of internationalism when the great of all nations work to- gether with common purposes on problems of vital interest to all. This year the conference has dealt especially with the London Naval treaty and its possible in- fluence and effect. Its dicta in this matter is accepted as conclusive in most quarters; for be it known that those participating in the work of the institute are usually non-par- tisan and unbiased, and hence more Willing to tell without cir- cumlocution what their study 'of; the various problems has disclosed to them. The fact that the meet-, ings are non-partisan In an of- ficial sense, undoubtedly increases their value and weight. The in- stitute should be carefully heeded; by the average man. If he is to get any sort of clear picture of what is going on in world affairs,c he' will get it here; certainly not from the bickerings and wranglingsi of the representatives in the gov-1 ernments or from the intrigue of 4:00 p. m.-Educational Confer- . "How Queer Fo'k Get That Way.' Pro . Leslie R. Marston. Uni- v: ;- High School auditorium. 5:00 p. m. - Lecture - "Music Among the Greeks and Romans" (illustrated). Prof. Bruno Mein- ecke. Natural Science auditorium. 8:15 p. m. - Alexander Dumas' "Three Musketeers," by the Michi- gan Repertory Players. Lydia Men- delssohn. THURSDAY 1:00 p. m.-Extra excursion.. Ford plant at River Rouge, includ- ing motor assembly, final assembly, open heart steel plant, and roll- ing mill. (Repetition of Excursion No. 2). Round trip in special bus- ses, $1.00. Reservations in Room 9, University hall. 4:00 p. m.-Mathematical club. "37, For Instance." Prof. N. H. An- ning. "Differential and Difference Equations Contrasted," Prof. J. A. About Books THE ROMANTIC MR. WELLS. The Autocracy of Mr. Parham, His Remarkable Adventures in this Changing World by H. G. Wells; Doubleday, Doran and Company; Price $1.00. Mr. Wells presents in this book a wildish seance on British and in- ternational politics. He brings to bear upon his subject his romantic imagination which is so attractive especially in his early scientific romances, The First Men in the Moon, When the Sleeper Wakes, etc, books which are on par if not better than the work of Jules Verne. He is also here as always before the novelist of ideas, believing that life and ideas do not necessarily go to- gether, that the ideas must be in- serted within he book as somewhat essays. The characters resulting from such a point of view do not give you ease, you feel that the au- thor is not interested in them, that anybody could have done for the part as far as he was concerned, that he merely brings them into the story to give it an atmosphere of realness. And if you have any dramatic sense, or feeling for the individuality of character, this at- titude of Me. Wells toward char- acter is quite provoking. Mr. Par- ham and Sir Bussy Woodcock of this story are carricatures, burles- ques, which is as everybody knows the way of least resistence in char- acter study, If It can be called character study at all. I can never get beyond this slip-shod treat- ment of character for much of an appreciation of Mr. Wells, it gives his work cheapness, it is the ob- vious rather than the subtle and delightful treatment. But as Mr. Wells makes no pre- tentions of being a character novelist, though it cannot alter dis- likes, as long as he proclaims him- self as the novelist of ideas, it is upon that ground we must face him. Here again in The Autocracy of Mr. Parham, Mr. Wells gives a picture of his Samurai class that will take over society and save it from itself. In a quixotic seance that consists of a coup de etat on the Houses of Parliament, the es- tablishment of a Fascist Dictator- ship, a declaration of war on Rus- sia, a war with America, the des- truction of British sea power does Mr. Wells present this tale, a tale which is an attack upon young pol- iticians from older universities and stubborn, scholarly, old politicians, an attack upon their policy toward Russia. He presents the political situation in this nightmare of Mr. Parham through the Curzonian, Oxonian, and Etonian parties. All are quite dumbly waving their arms about over the problem but really doing nothing. As before, Mr. Wells believes the solution for the world's problems rests in the hands of the big men, in this story represented in the character of Sir Bussy. And yet one often wonders just what this Intellectual Minor- ity is, just where these scientific economists are to be found, and if one could find them just.how much of a solution, a fulfillment of the H. G. Wellsian ideal they would be? And after all, though Mr. Wells is a very intellectual man, we cannot help but consider him as more the prophet than publist, and as such we mark him down as romanticist -a wild and even ridiculous ro- manticist. From the literary standpoint Mr. Wells must be considered, I believe, as a romancer of sensational tales. The long paragraphs that he de- votes to discusing socialogical, po- litical and scientific situations make for a bad novel. Mr. Wells inserts himself very blandly into the story in some such way as "I am H. G. W. I am the author of this book. Now in case you should not be able to get what I am driv- ing at through the characters I am presenting I shall tell you right outl and point blank what I mean." Itj is not a delightful personality, one like Mrs. Woolf which inserts itself into the pages of the story, inserts itself for some sparkling idiosyn- crasy, here is inerted bombastic oratory in the best of soap-box manner. As a romancer, a con-! cocter of imaginative Cosmopol- ises, does Mr. Wells attract the most interest in his novels, literarily. If he is read in the long, long time from now, it will be for this feature Long after his ideas have been for- gotten, or misplaced (consciously or unconsciously, whichever you prefer) Mr. Wells' will be read by youngsters and enjoyed, that is if children in the future will like the Jules Verne sort of thing as we r I OTIS ELEVATOR COMPANY OFFICES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Nyswander. Room 3011 Angell hall. 8:15 Lydia 8:15 Lydia 8:15 Lydia 3OIr - 0a 305 rM r : p. m.-"Three Musketeers." Mendelssohn. FRIDAY p. m.-"Three Musketeers." Mendelssohn. SATURDAY p. m.-"Three Musketeers." Mendelssohn. I Screen Reflections MR. WHITEMAN PERFORMS IN A BIG WAY At the Majestic theatre; Paul Whiteman in "The King of Jazz", with a cast of several. Closes Tues- day. Also Paramount Sound News, and "They Knew Their Groceries". "The King of Jazz" is very nearly the best of the talkie reviews. It is featured by magnificent sets, some excellent chorus work, good singing, good comedy, and the im- mensely entertaining Paul White- man. And it has--praise be to the gods of Hollywood-no plot. The pro- ducers are to be congratulated on refraining from giving Mr. White- man a back-stage or laugh, clown, laugh story. The Whiteman band is exploited to the utmost, and is fortunately able to bear the strain. With the aid of sliding stages, revolving stages, rising stages, and what have you, they put over several good numbers, the best of which is a "melting pot" of the music of various nationalities. The rest of the picture is made up of short comedy skits, which- strange as it may seem-are in good taste. In fact, "King of Jazz" shows intelligent direction throughout. We should have liked the interpretation of Gershwin's "Rhapsody in Blue" more if the set and costumes had not been green. But perhaps we are just an old nasty. It was a very pretty green, of the pastelle sort. "King of Jazz" is excellent in its class, but it isn't High Art. The thing gets a B. You'll enjoy it. Improving transmission Speeding up service Reducing rates Encouraging the long distance habit An interesting example of organization is the development of long distance telephone business. Men and women of the Bell System made this service worthy, and the public has recognized this by its greatly in- creased usage. The Bell Laboratories improved the quality of sound transmission by modifying existing apparatus and designing new. Western Elec- tric manufactured the necessary equipment of the highest standards. Operating telephone companies, working with the American Tele- phone and Telegraph Company, shortened the time for completing calls and reduced the rates. In all a coordinated work, bringing to- gether many and varied activities, and typical of the way in which telephone service is constantly being made a better tool for the nation's needs. BELL, SYSTEM. qa nation-wide system of inter-connecting telephones QtAED