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Cincinnati Authority on Health
Considers Adolescence
Dangerous Age.
Says Malnutrition Is Common
to Rich as Well as to
Poor Children.
"Adolescence is the period of
greatest mental evolution, of great
structural changes. Susceptibility to
sickness is greatest at this period,
which begins with 13 years of age
for girls and 14 for boys and lasts
for ten years," said Dr. L. B. Chen-
oweth, director of health service of
the University of Cincinnati in an
address before the special health
institute yesterday. "Differences of
sex become striking, the voice
changes in pitch and quality and
the child develops into a man or
Accidents, tuberculosis, appendi-
citis, and suicide are the four dan-
gers that beset the adolescent and
although mortality is lowest at this
age the future health of the indi-
vidual depends largely upon this
period, Dr. Chenoweth said.
Urges High School Courses.
"We have given youth no partic-
ular instruction on sex. Often, in-
deed, the knowledge is gained sur-
reptitously and with a sense of
shame. Parents feel embarrass-
ment and disinclination to impart
sex knowledge," Dr. Chenoweth
said; "the solution of the problem
Is to have biology or physiology
courses to teach the students in
high schools the subject."
"The world blunts the moral
qualities of youth, stifling its en-
thusiasm, the older generation does
not set a particularly good example
in the matter of drinking; there
is often too much high school ath-
letics with inadequate health su-
pervision; there is malnutrition
not only of the poorer youth but
also of the rich; there is insuffi-
cient period of rest and sleep; there
are poor posture and neglected eye
defects; and there is the most strik-
ing need of mental hygiene," sum-
marized Dr. Chenoweth as the
problems and dangers of the grow-
ing youth.
Malnutrition Is Common.
Twenty-five percent of a class
examined in a high school were
suffering from malnutrition, said
Dr. Chenoweth, chiefly because of
improper balancing of diet.
"Adequate and complete sex in-
struction must be provided in the
school," continuedrDr. Chenoweth
in solving the problems of the
growing generation. "The services
of a good dentist must be supple-
mented by periodic health exami-
nation; healthful and happy envir-
onment must be provided also."
"Plain, wholesome food, regularly
and tastefully served, without cof-
fee, tea, tobacco, or alcohol," to
form the menu of the adolescent
was recommended by Dr. Cheno-
Today's meeting closes the spe-
cial health institutes held by the
division of Hygiene and Public
Health of the University.
Nationalists Execute 18 Reds in
City as Invaders Advance.
(By Associated Press)
HANKOW, Aug. 9.-The spectre
of mutiny lurked in the defense
lines of Hankow today as National-
ist authorities rushed preparations
to fight off the Communist horde
threatening the city. A critical situ-
ation existed. Foreign gunboats
were on the alert in their Yantse
river positions.
Eighteen Communists were put
to death Friday and Friday night
by Nationalist forces seeking to
prevent the "boring from within"
tactics which so often have charac-
terized Red operations in China.
A mutiny Friday night in the
Hankow defense garrison and the
commander's body guard w a sa
auickly nut down but the situation
Voice Professor Plans
Series of Broadcasts!
University Excursionists Learn About Prison
From Tour of Michigan State Penitentiary
(By D. G. X.)
Play Production Department
Present Most Spectacular
Offering of Season.
Arthur Hackett,
Professor of voice in the School
of Music, who will sing on a series
of radio programs to be broadcast
twice-monthly from the Ann Ar-
bor Methodist church after the
advent of Dr. Frederick B. Fisher
as minister.
r210%1 aui w % n . 12%1 n
"The Three Musketeers" to
- - t !-- - P- - T --- Vk
on View for Four Nights;
E. W. Hickman Directs.
As the final production of their:
second summer season, The Michi-
gan Repertory players will present
Alexandre Dumas' "The Three Mus-
keteers" at 8:15 o'clock Wednesday, i
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday
nights at the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre. With a cast of more than
IIIINEIIIVL' VIII 20, wearing gorgeous costumes
throughout the play, this will be
the most elaborate play yet pre-
sented in the theatre.
The major part of the summer
has been needed to make the cos-
Group of International Builders tumes which were designed and ex-
ecuted under the direction of Mrs.
to Meet in Washington at Marian Galloway, assisted by the
Government's Request. students in the Play Production
courses. The period costumes that1
DATE SET FOR OCT. 6-11 hve been designed will make this
'a colorful yet accurate production
(By Associated Press) of the famous Dumas' story.
places a limit on the amount of (By Associated Press)
industrial activity possible at the DETROIT, Aug. 9.-The state of
prison. Michigan tonight made good the
Returning across the yard and promises of Gov. Fred W. Green of
the athletic field, the group next full co-operation and investigation
visited the auditorium, the cafe- of the crime situation which reach-
teria dining rooms, the kitchens, ed a climax in the assassination by
and the Service or Administration gangster 17 days ago of Jerry Buck-
building. ley, radio political commentator.
Wilber. Brucker, attorney-gener-
al of the state, after a day of con-
ferring with county and city offi-
cials, made it known that he has
cancelled speaking engagements in
his campaign for the Republican
gubernatorial nomination, and will
devote his entire time to the grand
jury investigation of the Buckley
case and of crime in general which
English Troops, Bombing Planes is to begin early next week.
Beat Of First Attacks Tizzino Charged
Announcement of the grand jury
of Indian Raiders. plans came here shortly after a
second suspect, Ted 'Tizzino, was ar-
FORCE NUMBERS 10,000 rested in New York, and charged
'with being one of the men who
(By Associated Press) killed Buckley as he sat in the lob-
PESHAWAR, India, August 9.- by of the LaSalle hotel two hours
While British troops and bombing after he had announced the success
planes beat off the first attack of the recall movement against
an advance guard of invading Afri- Mayor Charles Bowles, whose ad-
di tribesmen, the full force of 10,000 ministration he hna riticized.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9. -Ex-
pressed in many languages, the
common theme of good roads for all
the world will be studied this fall
in Washington by road builders
from 55 countries attending the
sixth international road congress.
The highway conference will be
held Oct. 6 to 11, at the invitation
of the United States government,
with an object to continuing stud-
les begun in Paris in 1908 and later
conducted in other world capitals.
It is expected by Thomas H. Mac-
Donald, chief of the bureau of pub-
lic roads and secretary-general of
the American organizing commis-
sion, to be more representative
than any preceding congress.
A particularly large representa-
tion is expected from the Latin-
American republics, for whose
benefit papers prepared for the six
questions of the agenda are being
translated into Spanish for the
first time. The material for dis-
cussion also is being prepared in
German, French and English.
Construction and maintenance,
and traffic and administration will
comprise the two sections of the'
agenda. Under the first heading
road men will tell of results ob-
tained in their countries by use of
cement, bricks, and other artificial
New methods adopted for use of
tar, bitumen, and asphalt in road
construction will be presented, and
construction of roads in new coun-
tries, colonies and undeveloped
regions will be discussed.
Methods of financing road con-
struction and maintenance, corre-
lation of highway transportation
with other modes of transport,
traffic regulation, and parking and
garaging of vehicles will be con-
sidered among traffic and admin-
istrative problems.
Use Broadway Music
Music from the musical comedy,
"The Three Musketeers" will be
used throughout the presentation.
This combined with the dancing
in the production tend to make it
almost a musical comedy. All of
the dances are being arranged un-
der the direction of Hellen Allan,
recently member of several large
New York musical revue companies.
The story of "The Three Mus-
keteers" is well known and the
mounting of it upon the stage
tends to make it even more thrill-,
ing and colorful. Prof. Elmer W.
Hickman, who is directing the pro-
duction and is himself a famous
fencer, has been drilling the com-
pany in the art of fencing.
Cast Is Large
The cast, which is the largest yet
used in any production staged by
the Players, includes many of the
students from the acting classes in
the department who have gained
favor with Ann Arbor audiences
this summer. Among them are
Alan Handley who will appear as
d'Artagan; Richard Woellhaf as
Richelieu; Edward Fitzgerald,
Charles Moyer, and Robert Huber
as the Musketeers; Norman Brown;
Dee Thompson; and others.
Reservations should be made im-
mediately for this final production.
All seats are 75 cents.
American League
Detroit 3, Boston 0
Philadelphia 9-3, Chicago 2-0
New York 9, St. Louis 8
Cleveland 13-4. Washington 7-2
National League
New York 10, Pittsburgh 6
Cincinnati 3, Philadelphia 1
St. Louis 4, Brooklyn 3
Boston-Chicago, rain.
Editor's Note: This is the second of a series
of interviews on the subject of the city
water system and the feasibility of in-
stanlng a new supply plant. The articles
will appear from time to time throughout
the remainder of the Summer Session.
"Contamination of the city's wa-
ter supply will continue as long as
water has to be drawn from the
old uncovered cobblestone reservoir
located on the Chubb road," it was
stated by the city chemist yester-
"Daily tests of the water by the
Health department will at once de-
tect the presence of harmful bac-
teria in any serious numbers," the
chemist continued. However, the
antiquated reservoir which was
constructed around 1886 is a con-
stant source of contamination, for
harmful bacteria laden dust is con-
chloride in the reservoir
draining sterilizes it, but this ster-
ilization is not permanent.
"Any type of reservoir has to be
cleaned occasionally," said the offi-
cial. "The cement type of reservoir
needs only to be scrubbed and clean-
ed about once a year to keep the
water pure. All that can be done
with the type of a reservoir that is
made of cobblestones is to drain
the water every few weeks and
sterilize the reservoir with calcium
chloride. It cannot be scrubbed and
cleaned like the cement reservoir
because the scrubbing would loosen
the dirt beneath the stones and the
water would become impure as be-
fore the reservoir was cleaned. Fre-
quent cleanings of the present res-
ervoir are further necessitated by