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Published every morning except Monday
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news
pub ished herein.
Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan.,
postoffice as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $x.So; by mail,
Oices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
TelephoUe 4925
Editorial Director.........Howard F. Shout
City Editor.......... Harold Warren, Jr.
Women's Editor......... Dorothy Magee
Music and Drama Editor... William J Gorman
Books Editor..... ,... Russell E. McCracken
Sports Editor. ..........Morris Targer
Night Editors
Denton Kunze Howard F. Shout
Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr.
Dear Drs. Wfle:
What I want to know on hot
muggy days like these is what
makes flies crawl on people. Last
night (Thursday) I arrived home
rather late and consequently de-
cided to catch a little much-need-
ed repose this morning (Friday).
But from daylight on, the flies,
just simply would not let me alone.
They crawled on me until I actual-
ly had to pull the blanket over my
head, which was too hot to last
long, and so I had to get up final-
ly and sit in a chair. But there
they crawled on me, too; so I was
finally compelled to dress and go1
to the library to sleep. What can
I do to remedy this situation?
We have been thinking of offer-
ing a reward, Glotz, for the discov-
ery of something to make flies crawl
.elsewhere, for the problem has con-
Ernest Bloch won his introduc-
tion to the American public at
large in a somewhat unfortunate
light-as a prize winner: the au-
thor of the very meretricious rhap-
sody, America, which has seen two
performances in Ann Arbor.
Bloch is a more serious man than
that. Romain Rolland, struck by
the quality of his first symphony,
journeyed quickly to Geneva to find
the young composer. He found
him: climbing up to the ceiling of
his mother's shop to pile some
blouses for her. The story is fam-
Rolland: So you are Bloch,
the composer. And this is what
you do.
Bloch: Not all the time.
Rolland: Ah, then most of your
time you devote to your music?
Bloch: Oh, no, I lecture at the
University of Geneva.
Rolland: Splendid: on the his-
tory of music?
Bloch: No. On metaphysics. 3
We have all makes.
Remington, Royals,
Corona, Underwood
Colored duco finishes. Price $60
State Street at Liberty
314 South State St.
Phone 6615
C. H. Beukema
Helen Carrm
Bruce Manley
Constance A. McWethy
Bertha Clayman
Sher M. Quraishi
BUSINESS STAFF fronted us innumerable times. We Bloch has been equally versatile
Telephone 21214 even went so far as to ask pert Miss since his arrival in America in
Neverr on the business staff how 1917. The Flonzaley played his
BUSINESS MANAGR she avoided the trouble, but her Quartet. Bodansky and a volun-
GEORGE A. SPATE only reply was, teer orchestra played a full concert
Assistant"Business Managers There ain't no flies on me!" of Bloch's music in Carnegie Hall.
Wiliam R. Worboys Harry, S. Benjamin We would suggest, however, that This strengthened him in a decis-
Circulation Manager......... Bernard Larson you either tell your landlady to get ion. He would stay in America.
secretary................Ann W. Verner some screens or request her to He organized a chorus in the
Joc Dvdon sistantS bseen
Joyce Davidso s Dorothy Dunlap throw the dishwater some other basement of a grammar school
Lelia M. Kidd - place than under the window. which was to devote itself to the
SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1930 polyphonic works of Palestrina,
And now that "the subject has Victoria, Orlando di Lasso (a sub-
Night Editor-Howard F. Shout been brought up, no time could be stantial proof of his careful interest
more appropriate than now to re- in polyphony). The chorus, lack-
HOW LONG? ouest our fecund editorial writer, ing the intellect and the interest
Ec ol Mr. Sh--t. to write us a little edi- n music to maintain themselves in
Egypt in continuous revolution, torial on flies. that school of music, dwindled un-
India offering passive resistance to til only Bloch himself was left.
the control of the British king, and FLIES Then Bloch went to Cleveland as
communistic propaganda insidious- SWAT THAT FLY! What does Director of the Institute. With his
ly spreading over both territories: this phrase mean to countless scholarship and administrative
ly long will the domination of thousands of American citizens? strength, he made Cleveland musi-
An empty nothing, I am afraid, and cal. Then he was allowed or asked
the mother country be able to hold that in the face of history's oft- to leave. He had never been an
out? Canada, Australia, and South repeated horrible examples of pla- attractive social figure, it was
Africa, peopled as they are by large gues, scourges, pestilences, and etc. whispered by the people who do
numbers of English colonizers and Time and time again the sole re- whisper. From there he went to
satisfied under- amost complete sponsibility for these disasters is to San Francisco where he struggled
ssf-goernment, oerltl d be laid at the fly's door. Moses, as director of the Conservatory
self-government, offer little di - without the aid of the fly, could Recently, a family of his race !
culty to the London statesmen. Ap- nee'aepookdtedvn came to him with the offer. He I
parently, the trouble has arisen ,never have provoked the divine caet i ih h fe.H
from the refusal to extend the wrath upon Egypt; the terrible loss was to be endowed with enough
home rule principle to the two obhi of life following any one of the money to last him the rest of his
heing cuntpries. O queto thn great floods, from Noah on down, life. He is to be allowed to indulge
jeting countries. Our question then Is chiefly due to the ravages of the his wanderlust, his taste for tan-
becomes: Are India and Egypt en- ygled adventures, without the social
titled to govern themselves; are and financial embarassments that
they capable of governing them- It is a now proven fact that whenanfinclem rasetsht
Mrs. Noah asked her husbandNoah go with such a taste in America.
selves? The result, people feel, will be great
The first question will involve -one of the world's ablest seamen, music
little discussion. Certainly both what the cause for the restiveness Th most notable of his serious
countries have as much right to a of the horse was, Noah replied, "He works are the Violin Sonata, the
voice in the control of their affairs hath both flies on him," For this Quartet the Viola Suite the
as any other under the British flag. simple statement alone, one might Psalms, and the Concerto Grosso.
An enormous revenue flows from draw material for countless ser- Ems, t crto ross
thmItotecofr o h con mons and editorials. i Emotionally, of course, Bloch isa
them into the coffers of the crown; romanticist. His idiom has char-
Britain claims the first rights to The insidious danger of the fly acteristic, personal qualities. It is
the development of their natural is contained, as Professor Wilbur shot through with a warm melan-
resources; and they form a large Lemon of Johns Hopkins Univer- choly, a deep sensuousness, a "vol-
part of the world empire both in sitys succintly has phrased it, "in uptuousness without sentimental-
population and in area. its mouth." The fly's mouth, or ity". His rythms sting with fer-
It is to be hoped that England proboscis, is a fleshy protuberance ocity. All his coloring bears the
is basing all of its reluctance to at the base of its skull which is imprint of sensation. Sensations,
part with absolute control on the used to suck up foods through. personal experience feed his music.
second point, that Downing Street Though not of the same magni- He Is clearly the man for whom
honestly believes the two territories tude, this beak is similar in action music is expression, a necessary re-
incapable of properly ruling them- and use to that of the elephant's lief.
selves. It is true, of course, that trunk -the ressemblance which The fact that raises him above
the India of even a few years ago, lead Blutch in 1910 to startle the the rank and file of contemporary
and Egypt also, was not sufficiently world with the first Irrevocable composers-some of them experi-
developed politically to be deserv- evidence of the close connection of entially just as rich-is the fact of
ing of independence. Since that these two species. his masterly musicianship, his
time, however, a change has been The danger lies, as I see it, in grasp of forms. His talent enables
evident. Whether it has been caus- this insidious bond between the him to control, and to the necessary
ed by the considerable increase in fly and the elephant. Scientists extent, depersonalise his experi-
the number of natives educated in have yet to show what there is to ence. This is the important art-
other countries where the princi- prevent the fly from suddenly procedure. And it is always Bloch's.
ples of government have been care- growing to the astounding magn- No contemporary composer sur-
fully worked out, or whether it i tude of its pachydermal cousin, an passes Bloch in capacity for solid-
due simply to an involuntary awak- event not unlikely and fraught ity of construction. His architec-
ening to the proper rights and priv- with the most serious consequences tonics always give the firmness and
ileges of mankind, must remain a of vital importance to every man, dignity of the impersonal to even
matter of opinion. woman, and child living today. the most unimportant of his mu-
A proof of the stability of this Speculation upon such an event sical ideas. The portion of the mu-
new feeling is to be found in the can have no limits, for with a vig- sical world that knows him inti-
type- of resistance offered in India. orous fly in good health capable of mately is assured of his talent: and
It has nothing of the destructive producing 10,000 eggs daily at a equally certain that the crystalli-
emotion of communism, nothing minimum for a period of some sations that will gain him immor-
ultra-radical. It appears as the re- twenty consecutive days, prospects tality are yet to come.
sult of calm reasoning and careful for the human race if this menace
decision nurtured over a long peri- remains unchecked are exceeding- The Concerto Grosso.
od of time, and is of an even saner ly dark. A new organization, the Phila-
variety than our own rebellion It behooves every public spirited dephia Chamber String Simfoni-
against the same rule. India, at citizen to invest at once in a fly- etta, under Fabien Sevitsky have
least, seems to have shown itself swatter. made a splendid issue of the Con-
capable of governing its own popu-
lation; it has entitled itself to the We are fortunate in having this cal Masterpiece Series Album No.
privilege of a trial or an experi- article from the brilliant pen which 66.
ment. has waged such a consistent war In this lightly modernized eigh-
Egypt offers a little more of the on the destructive forces rampant teenth century mold of prelude,
doubtful. Communism has had a in our community, and recommend dirge, pastorale, and fugue, Bloch
part to play in the discontent and that it be cut out and pasted on a has written some of his best music:
strife of that' province. It has had sheet of stiff cardboard and thrown not as assertive, nor as powerful,
a considerable degree of self-gov- into the first waste-basket that nor as personal as the music of the
enent, and has not proved itself comes to hand. violin Sonata or viola suite, but
altogether worthy of the right to The Doctors Whoofle positive and weighty. The ideas
I ~are not as arresting as in athr m-
have more. Perhaps with the pres-1 of the -ic if.Bloch'stheasheme io
ent upheaval quelled, a more ra- era of suppression of the type sic if Bloch s, the scheme is con-
which is being carried on in these siderably more conservative. But
tional understanding of affairs as sections is -past. A new method it is very satisfying. The precise-
they exist there may be reached.nesoth wrigadcu l-
However, England's present poll- must be sought or the question of ness of the writing and cumula-
cy cannot be continued if it ex- the length of Britain's further tive power of the construction af-
cy cnno beconinud i itex-domination will become merely a ford an interesting introduction to
pects to retain either India or matter of time. the work of an important contem-
EZvnt under the royal banner. The . - .
Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Rev. Arthur W. Stalker, D.D., Min-
ister; Rev. Samuel J. Harrison, B.D.,
Associate Minister; Mr. Jack Luther,
in charge of Student Activities for
the Summer.
10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.
win F. Lee, Singapore, Straits
Settlements, Malaysia.
12:00 M.-Discussion Group for
Students at Wesley Hall. Leader:
Prof. W. Carl Rufus.
5:30 P. M.-Devotional Meeting of
Wesleyan Guild at Wesley Hall,
preceded by social half hour.
East Huron Street
R. Edwards Sayles, Minister
9:45 A. M.-Church School.
9:45 A. M.--Class for Students.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon by Dr. John Mason Wells
on "The Place of Jesus Christ in
the Life of a Modern Man."
(Mo. Synod)
Third and West Liberty
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
Sunday, August 10
9:00-A. M.-Sunday School.
9:00 A. M.-Sacred Concert by
Schubert Quartet, Concordia Sem-
inary, St. Louis, Mo.
(In German)
10:15 A. M.-Sacred Concert by
Schubert Quartet, Concordia Sem-
inary, St. Louis, Mo.
(In English)
Thurs., August 14-Japanese Lawn
Social. Auspices of Young Peo-
ple's Club at 1217 Wiest Huron.
409 South Division
10:30 A. M.-Regular morning serv-
ice. Sermon topic: "SPIRIT."
11:45 A. M.-Sunday school follow-
ing the morning service.
7:30 P. M.-Wednesday evening
testimonial meeting.
The Reading Room, 10 and 11
State Savings Bank Building is open
daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except
Sundays and legal holidays.
Division and Catherine Streets
Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector
Rev. Thomas L. Harris, Assistant
8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer. Ser-
mon by Mr. Harris.
Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
9:30 A. M.-Church School.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Mr. Alfred Klaer will speak.
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
P. M.-Young People's Meet-