ESTABLISHED 1920 01 4 p ixmmr x £Iiebi!3a jIaitj MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. X. NO. 34. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1930 PRICE FIVE CENTS REUBIAN NM o IPT [ WILKINS INSPECTS OLD SUBMARINE Lu LLi LEUILJ PROPOSED FOR NORTH POLE VOYAGE ON DE ETLOPMENTS r IN ELECTRIC LINES'a~ 5 MANY FEARED DEADl ARS FLOODS SWEEP; CITIES ON BORDER Torrents Pour Through Streets of Nogales After Heavy Cloud-Bursts. Believes Astounding Industrial Advance Is Based Upon Power Supply. STATE PROGRESS CITED Regulated Monopoly Approved as Avoiding Duplication of Investments. "Our astounding industrial ad- vance of the last twenty years finds one of its chief bases upon the uni- versal supply of electric light and power," declared Prof. Alfred H. Lovell of the Engineering school in an address yesterday. "It has re- lieved our workers from the physi- cal fatigue of production by dis- placing muscular force with electric power." The increase in use of power from the 2.1 h.p. in 1911 to 4.7 h.p. per worker in 1927 tells some of the story, according to Professor Lovell, and the net work of power lines from intra-company to inter- company power lines tells some more of the story. In Michigan alone, said Professor Lovell, power and light utilities built 1,227 miles of lines and connected 5,359 new farm customers last year, and this year as much line will be construct- ed and 6,000 new customers added, he said.-I Opens Better Locations I "Decentralization of industry, choice of more efficient locations, joint operation of agriculture and industry become possible," Prof es- sor Lovell said, "by the spreading of electrical transmisison lines." Growth of a large central station increases efficiency in generation of current, according to Professor Lovell, as is shown by the use of three to seven pounds of coal per kilowatt hour for small industrial plant boilers, when the large cen- tral stations use only one pound of coal. Monopoly Approved "Duplication of investment in transmission and distribution is to be avoided by supplying electric service by a regulated monopoly," Professor Lovell declared, "and unification of geographically relat- ed concerns makes for economy in financing, management and engi- neering services." Increase in distribution cost is offset by the lowering of produc- tion costs and some extensions do not contribute proportionally to the investment, was the opinion of Pro- fessor Lovell. Switch board cost is not the total cost of power, he said. The story of the size and efficien- cy of generating machines is a con- tinuous story of increase since the building of Edison's 1,200 h.p. Pearl Street plant in New York in 1882, Professor Lovell showed, to the pro- jected complete installation of the United States government develop- ment at Muscle Shoals. GEOLOGIST PLANS YEAR OFABSENCE University Grants Gould Leave for Work on Antarctic Map. Prof. Laurence M. Gould of the geology department will be absent on leave from the University for another year, according to an an- nouncement made yesterday by Prof. William H. Hobbs. Professor Gould returned to Ann Arbor re- cently after a leave of two years spent with Commander Byrd's ex- pedition in the Antarctic. The additional period was grant- ed, Professor Hobbs said, in order ond in command of the Byrd ex- pedition, may work with Com- mander Byrd at the expedition's office in the Biltmore hotel, New York, supervising the preparation of a map of the Antarctic regions photographed during the expedi-' tion. His work will involve reduction of airplane photographs taken in the polar section to map scale. Besides this work, Professor Gould will present several lectures on the work in the Antarctic, Professor Hobbs said. He will also begin work ELECTRIC POWER FAILSI Twenty-Five Believed Lost, Known Missing in Scene of Confusion. 401 WILCOX AT TACKED IN DETROIT PAPER Free Press Charges Police Head Inactive on Buckley Case. (By Associated Press) DETROIT, Aug. 7. - The Free Press says tonight that with all signs pointing to a 23 grand jury investigation into Gerald E. "Jerry" Buckley's slaying, "an amazing ac- cumulation of evidence" had been assembled to show that the policel department had failed to co-oper- ate with other law enforcemen, agenciesuhere and elsewhere and that solution of the crime is no~ nearer than when it was committed days ago. This evidence, the paper says, shows "that the police department, under Commissioner Thomas C. Wilcox, has failed to co-operate with the prosecutor's office, failed' to notify the police of other cities of the murder, and is actually no closer to the solution of the crime.) Inquiries made by the Free Press to the police of Cleveland, Chicago, New York, Toledo, Philadelphia, Miami, Kansas City, and St. Louis brought the reply in each case that the Detroit police department not' only did not ask aid in the search for the slayers of Buckley, but that' it never even sent any official not- ice of the murder to any of these cities," the paper said. SENATOR S. D. FESS NATIONAL CHAIRMAN Claudius H. Huston Ends Brief, Tumultuous Career as Party Leader. R. H. LUCAS GIVEN POST 'Iew Republican Chief Appoints G. D. Kein to Committee Secretaryship. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-With a final blast at his opponents, Claudius H. Huston, of Tennessee, today formally ended his brief but tumultuous career as chairman of the Republican National commit- tee, and a new slate of officers, headed by Sen. Simon D. Fess of Ohio and Robert H. Lucas of Ken- tucky, was installed to take im- mediate charge of the party's fall campaign. Senator Fess was named to suc- ceed Huston, and Lucas, commis- sioner of Internal Revenue, was ap- pointed its executive director. Names New Secretary. Changing plans at the last min- Sir George Hubert Wilkins, Distinguished explorer, who has bought the old submarine 0-12 from the Navy department and proposes reaching the north pole by sailing the craft beneath the ice layers. He is shown here inspecting the battered ship at Philadelphia. LEAGSUE WILL GIVE RECEPTION TONIGHT President Ruthven, Mrs. Ruthven Will be Guests of Honor at Informal Party. ALL STUDENTS INVITED Schoolboy Conquers. Wimbledon's Victor (By Associated Press) SOUTHAMPTON, N.Y., Aug. 7. Playing before a partisan crowd which enthusiastically cheered him on, Frank Shields, 19-year-- old New York schoolboy, con- quered Bill Tilden, national and Wimbledon champion, at 6-1, 2-6, 6-4, today in the quarter- final round of the invitational tennis tournament here. In another upset, George Lott bowed to Sidney Wood, tow- headed New York youth of 18. Wood, the conquerer of Ellsworth Dines in the Seabright tourna- ment last week, beat Lott by score of 6-4, 3-6, 9-7. President Alexander G. Ruthven and Mrs. Ruthven will be guests ofM honor tonight at the informalC dance and bridge party to be given in the ballroom of the L e a g u e building under the auspices of the undergraduate organization of the Summer Women's League. Although (By Associated Press) NOGALES, Ariz., Aug. 7.--Flood waters sweeping through the Mexi- can border towns of Nogales, Son- ora, and Nogales, Ariz., early today caused three known deaths with 40 1 persons reported missing. Bearing reports of the number of dead were received as bands of Mexican soldiers and bewildered citizens searched the debris of wrecked adobe homes. Salvador, Escrada, commandant of Mexican police across the line, said only three bodies had been found. The bodies of two women were found on the Mexican side of the line and the body of a man was discovered near the bridge on the American side. None was identified. Confusion Reigns Confusion was so widespread at the climax of the flood that reports of missing persons could not be checked. The screams of women, caught in buildings of the lower areas, arose above the roar of the flood water. Both cities were dark1 as power lines went out of commis- sion. Telephone service stopped. At 3 a. in., the chief of police of Nogales, Sonora, made his way to the American side and said he had received reports of at least two dozen deaths but could not con- firm them. He said 25 children had been reported missing in the Mex- ican city. Water Sweeps Streets From three to eight feet of water poured through the streets of the border cities, apparently from a near-by cloudburst. Don Phillips, an American avia- tor, who.had been visiting on the Mexican side, managed to reach the American city and said he had seen several small children swept away when an adobe building col- lapsed. Excited citizens flocked to the police station here and told of see- ing persons, mostly children, being swept along by the raging rain wa- ters. The Nogales, Sonora, chief of po- lice said the torrents of water, sweeping through his city, had cracked sidewalks, uprooted trees and flattened adobe buildings. A Nogales, Sonora, hotel of adobe construction collapsed. It was not known how many persons were in the building. Mexican police said they feared similar occurrences and that many lives might be lost in collapsing buildings. Physicians and nurses were mo- bilized on the American side and all space in hospitals here was made ready. Rescue work was made difficult because of darkness and the heavy rain. At 4 o'clock it still was raining and there was no per- ceptible receding of the flood. W RETURNS HOME ?RORS OF RATTLERS flesh and carry it home. As for rattle-snakes, it is only the affair will last from 9 to 12 o'clock President Ruthven will re- MISSIONARIES PAY main only from 9 to 9:30. RANSOM TO REDS Although this will not be an of-i ficial reception and there will be no London Society Buys Freedom of receiving line it is hoped that all Woman Captured in China. the students of the Summer Session (By Associated Press) will take advantage of their only FOOCHOW, Aug. 7.-The Church opportunity to become acquainted Misionary society of London today with the president of the Univer- authorized its local representative sity. I to pay Chinese bandits the ransom The list of chaperones for this demanded for the release of the second social function in honor of Misses Edith Harrison and Edith summer students includes: Dean Nettleton, who have been held cap- Edward H. Kraus and Mrs. Kraus, tive more than a month in north- Miss Lucy Elliott, Mr. Carlton F. ern Fukien province. Wells and Mrs. Wells, and Miss Frances Seidel. SHANGHAI, Aug. 7.-More than As there will be no performance 500 British and Japanese soldiers of the Michigan Repertory Players and marines were en route to in the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre, Yangstee valley cities today as the guests at the affair will have the result of uncertain Comnmunist con- use of the entire building. The ditions. dance will be held in the ballroom Carrying 400 marines, four Jap- and tables for bridge will be found anese destroyers arrived here from in the Grand Rapids room, which Sasbo, Japan. The vessels were is the lounge nearest the ballroom. to proceed to Kiukiang, Kangsi There will be a stag line for the province, which recently was re- dance. ported threatened by 10,000 Reds. Kenneth Lunquist and his Am- j bassador orchestra will furnish the!PRESIDENT RUTHVE music for the occasion. Refresh- UNMOVED BY TE ments in the form of punch will be served during the dance. Snakes - rattlers or boas-for) Twenty undergraduate women President Alexander Grant Ruth-' ute, the party chieftan also filled the vacancy in the national com- Sittee secretaryship, naming GereD. Kein, a retired banker of 01THOI POLIICS, Edgewater Park, N. J., to succeed Rep. Franklin Fort of the same state, who resigned several months Mrs. Josephine F. Goman Talks ago. of Unfortunate Appointments Two men national committeemen of Ufortnat Appintmntsalso were chosen. They were Er- of City Officials. nest Les Jahncke, assistantsecre- tary of the Navy, to succeed the MURPHY MAY BE MAYOR late Emile Kuntz as committeeman from Louisiana, and Ezra R. Shipla, "When a city department head in Coeur d'Alene, to fill the place as his official capacity is the defend- committeeman from Idaho from ant and in his private capacity the which Sen. Thomas resigned. plaintiff contending the constitu- The reorganization of the party tionality of a building code which machinery was effected at a brief, he in his official capacity has sol- harmonious meeting of the execu- emnly sworn to enforce, we have an tive committee of the national or- example of an unfortunate ap- ganization. Twenty-two were pres- pointment of a city official in De- ent or represented by proxy. troit," declared Mrs. Josephine F. Huston Attacks Enemies. Goman, editor of the Twentieth Huston made his attack in the Century Club magazine, Detroit, in form of a statement to the press an address to the Liberal Discus- after he had committed his prom- sion group last night, speaking on ised resignation to the committee the real issues in Detroit politics, without comment. He charged he It is a story of bootlegging bar- had been persecuted almost from ons, kidnaping rings, organized the time he took over the chair- gangsters, slot machines, policy manship, adding that while he was games and murder, bribery, protec- conscious of integrity, he prefer- tion and what have you that seem red to put the interests of the par- to be the real issues in Detroit pol- redatovp erststear- itics.t above personal consideration i"Gambling in the corporate lim- and resigned. its of Detroit had been a penny and The Tenneesean said his with- nickel proposition till last spring," drawal would give the party an said Mrs. Goman, "and the city was opportunity to select a leader free nsai Mrgsn Gomany "anter ciLas from the factional opposition, and not organized by gangsters. Lastwilprtmewthuebars spring the gamblers moved into the ig oers me, without embarras- city and slot machine and policy ing others, to pursue a course that game operators attempted to or- willicansure in the minds of the Re- ganize the speakeasies. Hungarian, thic of the country my right Italian and other popular restaur- f tec nsd ants where customers could drink fdence. the particular brand of drink of that nationality were invaded by HEALTH INSTITUTE these operators of slot machines. WILL OPEN TODAY The owners of these businesses had their places raided often after they Edna L. Foley, H. F. Vaughan had refused the slot machines to to Speak During Morning. be installed in their restaurants. The city was being organized by of the Special Health in- the gangsters." stitutes starting today and continu- "Pressure of state police from the ing tomorrow will be held at the outside and loosening of city police East amphitheatre in the West vigilance provided the causes for Medical building. These week-end the moving in of the gamblers into institutes are especially designed Detroit," Mrs. Goman said. for public health workers unable to Discussing the election of mayor, attend the regular Summer Ses- Mrs. Goman said that "Judge Frank sion and have been addressed by Murphy was the outstanding can- nationally famous health authori- didate for the position and one ties during the season. against whom no reasonable obj ec- Miss Edna L. Foley, superintend- tion for the position could be ent visiting nurse association, Chi bzrought." Mrs. Goman declaredcago, will address the institute at her belief of Judge Murphy's elec- 9 o'clock today on the modern tion to the office. .....-.A o n ihli min y'a'nr l r i i will act as nostesses to their guests and will be under the leadership ofI Margaret Morin, '31, social chair- } man of the summer League, who, has had charge of the arrange- ments for this party, and her com- mittee including: Isabelle Rayen,; '31, summer president of the organ- ization, Jessie Winchell, '31, and' Virginia McMullen, '32.- BASEBALL SCORES American League Philadelphia 4, Washington 1 New York 5, Boston 1 Only games scheduled. National League Brooklyn 6, Pittsburgh 4 nbi-a 9 * Tni4eR ven, have no terrors. On a table necessary to remain out of range in his office, besides, is a tin box of the snake's striking distance full of lizards, mis-named horned and kill it, Dr. Ruthven explained. toads. Ratlers don't always, he said, give On his trip to Utah this summer, warning of their presence. He from which he returned Wednes- found two this summer which fail-j day night, President Ruthven for ed to'give the fabled tail-wag of' the first time in his life took with greeting and warning. Both, never- him a remedy for snake-bite, but theless, have joined the family of that was becaus his 11-year-old reptiles in the president's collection. son, Bryant Walker, went to Utah "Experiences" of explorers and. to help him catch rattle snakes. members of expeditions usually are "In 25 years of snake-hunting the result, President Ruthven said, in North America and in the trop- of insufficient preparation and ig- ics, I have never," Dr. Ruthven as- norance of the conditions to be en- serted, "encountered a dangerous countered. The experienced field experience." worker, he said, rarely encounters He told reporters of one case in trouble, either in snake-hunting Mexico when, while riding a horse, which he says is "only plain labor r- 0 r ra yr 7 t a t jet J Lrend o pu c neann nursing Lu Dr. H. F. Vaughan, commissioner of health, Detroit, will discuss at 11 o'clock the technical problems of public health administration. Dr. D. M. Griswold, deputy com- missioner, State Department of Health, Lansing, will discuss the control of smallpox, Malta fever, tularemia, and psittacosis at 2 o'clock. Methods and Materials in Health Education will be the sub- ject of Miss Ida M. Haskins, Direc- tor of Health Education, Mansfield Is riding the same old hobby, predicting that today will be warm-