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August 06, 1930 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1930-08-06

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Published every morning except Mond:,y
during the University Summer Session by
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titleA to the use for republication of all news
dispiatches credited to it or not otherwise
creiitd in this paper and the local news
iubished herein.
. Entered at the Ann Arbor, Michigan,
postoflce as second class matter.
Subscription by carrier, $i.5o; by mail,
Offices: Press Building, Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Director..........Howard F.Shout
City Editor............ Harold Warren, Jr.
Women's Editor .......Dorothy Magee
Music and Drama Editor... Williamot.yGorman
Books Editor.......... Russell E. McCracken
Sports Editor...............Morris Targer
Night Editors
Denton Kunze Howard F. Shout
Powers Moulton Harold Warren, Jr.

1 I 1

is not only to the wrongful meth-
ods which the advertisers are pur-
suing, but also to the types of ad-
vertising. A larger and larger num-
ber of newspaper and magazine
publishers are inaugurating exclus-
ive advertising, and employ agents
to investigate the merits of every
product for which space in their
periodicals is requested. Outstand-
ing in this work are the Kansas
City Star, the Chicago News, the
New York Times, the New York
Sun, and the publications of the
Curtis company.
The disregard of ethics among
the members of the professions in
the matter of advertising is a more
uncertain matter. Whether such
activities are merely wrong from
opinion or from tradition, or whe-
ther they should be respected as
maintaining the dignity and posi-
tion of the group, has not been de-f
cided. At least, we may say, that
it is not a procedure to be favored
or promoted.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to bhebrief,
j confining themselves to less than 300
words if possible. Anonymous com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names ofscommunicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
const-ued as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
Saturday, August 2, 1930
177 Macdougal Street,'
New York City.'

/ /
With a brick fraternity housej
taking up its foundations and
walking cater-cornered to a new
site and crowds of interested spec-
tators miling about to see a poor
old white horse doing all the work
--suspiciously unfair in spite of all
the physicists' harpings upon me-I
chanical advantages and the like
(mechanical disadgantages we'd
call it), speculation has begun to
run high in certain centers as to
how the brothers of the house are
going to act next fall when they
arrive some morning after a balmy
evening in Detroit and hasten up
I State street, dodging the Union
and Alumni Memorial Hall, to bed
and dreams of revolving doors,
floating carpets, and a hundred
other of the nocturnal inhabitants
of inebriated thought. Some of

For ah my friends,
And oh may foes,
It simply smells a fright!
The library fountain on the first
floor is somewhat better, and if you
really want a good draught, go
down to the one in the basement
by the elevator.
The two diagonal walk fountains
are rather bad, we prefer the one
in the middle of the campus to the
one down by State street where the
stone benches are and upon whichf
you never see any one sitting ex-,
cept grad students talking philos-
ophy laconically about nine at'
night. (Occasionally you see bi-
ology students trying to appeari
nonchalent and still not go too far
right out there in public), but tak-
en all in all, the central campus
fountain is much more interesting
and the water is better, best on the
north and west sides. We may be
seen drinking there-like Pegasus
minus the wings- any day between
two and two-fifteen, which is about
enough personality for one column
and one day, we think.
The Doctors Whoofle.
BULLETIN-9:10 p.m. The Doctors
Whoofle have just been aroused
from a much needed rest to rush
down and fill an extra column for
one of the editors.
When last seen the Whoofles were
to be heard cursing.
Good morning, children, and here
we are over in the Music and
Drama and Books column with very
little to write about and the night I
editors making the office air blue
with their jibings. And you may
bet on it that if it isn't a jibe, it's
a bicker.
There's a post-card on our desk
from some well-meaning acquaint-
ance who signs himself MEANY,
and here is a fair reproduction of!
the picture on the shiny side:

Illlrlllillllillrr fll lllllr1111 ltlH H im111111II r 1r1 H1 rl llril
REAL tennis shoe designed
by leading tennis players.
Insures fast and accurate foot
work. Special, soft cushion
heels absorb all shocks and'ars.
Perfect fitting -non-chaQ
Equally good ongass or clay
courts. All sizes for men and
** women.
See our complete line of
sporting goods.
Illllllllll l ll11111[11111[rl[IIItIIlIsIIIIII 1 llllll lllrll[ [ rl[11111 I




C. H. Beukema
Helen Carrm
Bruce Manley

Constance M. Wethy
Bertha Clayman
Sher M. Quraishi

Telephone 21214


Assistant Business Managers
William R. Worboys Harry S. Benjanii
Circulation Manager......... Bernard Larso
Secretary ..................Ann W. Verne
Joyce Davidson Dorothy Dunka
Lelia M. Kidd
Night Editor-Harold O. Warren
The announcement that the pos
tal authorities are conducting a
investigation of tnh practices p
influential advertisers in coercini
newspapers to print news advertise
ments for them marks a step to
ward cleaner and more accurat
newswriting. It evidences a real in
terest on the part of the publishers
who made the original complaint
in the kind and quality of the
stories which they offered for th
consumption of the public.
The manner in which certaiI
businesses and industries hav
been forcing the journals to prin
this illicit advertising is character.
istic of the methods used by a
great many today in violation o
the unwritten code of advertising
The enormous power of this me-
dium in, influencing the public
mind has made individuals and or-
ganizations forget their ethics in
a mad scramble to push their ideas
before the eyes of the people.
We may consider, as a first in-
stance, the loss of eminence and
dignity which has come to the pro-
fessions of law, medicine, and den-
tistry from this source. Individual
physicians and organizations of
medical men in the larger cities are
running page advertisments in the
metropolitan dailies, and are bla-
zoning their names and callings in
electric signs on their offices. While
no single firm of lawyers has been
guilty of a direct breach of the
rule, there have been numerous in-
stances of publicity-chasing not
compatible with the general tone
of the profession. In addition,
trust companies and similar asso-
ciations, who are engaged in what
amounts to legal work, have cer-
tainly cast aside all reserve in pro-
moting their activities. Many den-
tists have followed the lead of phy-
sicians of the type mentioned
above, and have raised monument-
al memorials to painless dentistry.
Of course, this is only one aspect
of the matter. We might mention
misleading advertising, advertising
unfair to competitors, and adver-
tising to create favor for a wrong-
ful or improper enterprise. Not long
ago a spokesman for the Society of
Physicians and Surgeons disclosed
the fact that a very large propor-
tion of the patent remedies and
medicines on the market were ei-
ther of the "Tono Bungay' variety
or were made of simple ingredients
of commen knowledge under new
and alluring names. These medi-
cines naturally sold in case lots, be-
cause of the sublime faith which
the public has in advertising and
the enormous psychological influ-
ence of billboards and display post-



a To the Editor,

The review in the Daily, July 29, them will probably undress and lie
of the Tattefman Marionette pro- down in the middle of the shrub-
duction of 'Pan-Pipes and Don-i bery beds which the B. and G. boys
key's Ears' has interested me very will eventually get around to plot
much for it impresses me as un- on the vacated corner. Yes, we
usually discerning and intelligent1shall expect great things of Mon-
except for one point. It is strange roe and State corner next fall.
that the reviewer did not noitce
that the version presented in Ann
Arbor was only an adaption by the Faithful old Benzene, who writes
producers of my original play. This us recently in a somewhat jocose
fact has an important relation to vein - jocose but rather unprint-
the criticism. able-feels called upon to remark
There are times when an author concerning "that Turkish enter-
is put in the position of seeing his prize, Zaro Agha," the wonder man
work so altered in production that of 156 who had 11 wives and 336
Sit is hardly recognizable. Through Ioffsprings, that the question is:
the intervention of the Authors',I "What kind of an example is that
League of America, of which I am to set before our young men and
a member, and the American Ar- even our old men?" He concludes in
bitration Society, I have withdrawn capitals, as follows,
all six of my marionette plays and "I say, SEND ZARO AGHA
the right to produce the adaption HOME."
from the producers, Duncan-Mab- It is with deep regret that we
ley, Incorporated. The perform- must break the ilusion of Benzene.
ances given in Ann Arbor were en- It was entirely the fault of the
tirely unauthorized. Legal action proof-reader who allowed the dig-
against the producers is now con- it 3 to be accidentally doubled in




Vshaped for
perfect out-
lines. Platinum.
tone sheath, $1.00.


I templated.
6 Since the unauthorized adaption
was the one presented in Ann Ar-
bor, and since the critic made me
entirely responsible for it, I hope
you will give this letter space. I
agree with the critic.
Very Sincerely yours,
Catherine F. Reighard,
Screen Reflections
At the Wuerth theatre: Fanny
Brice in "Be Yourself" with Robert
Armstrong and Harry Green. Closes
Thursday. Also "Big Time Charlie,"
"Sporting Youth," and Fox Movie-
tone News.
A questionable virtue of the talk-
ing picture is that it creates a de-
mand for night clubs, musical com-
edy stages, cafes, or what have you
as a background for song and
dance performers who go Holly-
wood. Not that we dislike Fanny
Brice. Her performance was amus-
ing. And two of her songs were
rather good bits-probably because
the recording was bad enough that
we couldn't hear the words. But
our prejudice against night club
scenes has been so aggravated
since the beginning of "talkies"
that someday we are going to
[break down and become an en-.
forcement officer to get rid of the
things; we are' just that kind.
More than that there isn't a great
deal to be said. The story concerns;
a prize fighting bum who was re-
incarnated by a wise-cracking cafe
entertainer who had fallen in love

the linotype machine. The article,
I as we remember discovering too
late for change, should have read
36 children instead of 336.
In which case we suppose Ben-
zene would say, "Let the old boy
stay if he wants to."
* * ,
Something must be done about
the Ann Arbor water supply, we
feel. The town council or commis-
sion or body of whatever it is that
gets together at the Court House
once a fortnight or so and spends
two hours and more thinking up
deliberations and resolutions to be
printed in the newspapers next
day has been talking about it for
a long time. Now it is time for
some definite action to be taken.
This column would welcome any
suggestions from interested sources
as a method for remedying Ann
Arbor's hard water supply, or bet-
ter, its supply of hard water.
Any body who has ever tried to
get a refreshing drink these hot
days on the campus or off will know
what misfortune awaits him.
Thinking it over, there are very
few places on the campus where
one can even bear the smell of the
water. For instance, about the
worst fountain anywhere is the one
in the library on the second floor
next to the elevator doors-just as
you go into the magazine room,
that's right. Countless times we
have arisen from a perusal of the
National Geographic, the Photo-
Art magazine, or the Tokio Daily-


The space on the back which is
half filled up with the inscription,
"This side for message," done in
five different languages, includingI
the English and American dialects,
bears the following note.
Norway is sure great. Lots of
snow and skiiing (personally
we always thought it was skiii-
ing). I froze my ear day before
yesterday and am having a hxll
of a time with chilblains. Lots
of fun, though, and wish you
were here. P. S. Are you hav-
ing much hot weather back
When MEANY gets back we're
planning the nicest little party for
him you ever heard of. We are ask-
ing to it all our intimate friends
who have steam rollers and trip
hammers and pile drivers and are
planning to roll his steam and
hammer his trip and -well, we're
planning, you can just bet. Right
now, we're negotiating with Ed
(Strangler) Lewis to act as master
of ceremonies.

IT STAYS-and beautifies
exquisitely. Each shade
is artistic perfection
of colour.
C OTY 714 j1efvenne%7w r .




L "'1/


,,-rk , # v ni

''4 " N


having given up as impossible the
wait for the New York Times which
some bald economics s tuidrent ha_.-

with him, misled by a foul gold- In,,. fir TJ : ~zz. i -z

sawn ror a strangle hoid whnue
. digger, and finally won back to the poring over the figures of the fi-
It is diffleult to lay down any fold bythecourageous little song- nancial section, and-let's see,
ial reason why this process ster. Laugh that off. where were we-oh, yes,.... count-
ould not continue. The people Robert Armstrong was an excel- less times, we repeat, we have left
a whole seem smugly satified in lent bum, and we aren't trying to the magazine room parched with
e idea that the man who can be sarcastic, either. His language the futility of it all, only to hear
pe them deserves the reward. was delightful. Harry Green fur- with gladsome start the luscious
zere is little cause for wonder nished some passable comedy. The gurglings of limpid, crystal waters.
en, that the challenge is taken. two songs we mentioned are "Cook- And countless times with one glad
>wever, the existence of the at- in' Breakfast for the One I Love" accord we have rushed to slake our
ude does not warrant permitting and "When a Woman Loves a thirst at the rusty gas-jet which
e practice to continue. And the Man." spouts water into the dirty bowl
position is gathering force un- The picture was entertaining, only to be driven back, appalled,
r' the leadership of publishers though we should have liked more aghast, agape, astagger, and ajit-
emselves as is shown by their in- battle and less cafe. It is worth a ter at the nauseous fumes which
gation of the federal inquiry good C. cause the place to rek siad smoke


\ >
The Reception Committee
Speaking of the weather-and
who isn't-we went to the concert
last night and were fairly stared
out of countenance by decollette
ladies for wearing our traditional,
"Keep-Cool" costume.
Men are supposed to be respect-
able only when broiling in coat,
collar, and tie
- . I
while women can run the streets
with no stockings, no sleeves, no-
well, women just about have the
r'un of the place.#
* * *
And if there's another vacant
column to fill, they can print the
tax collections report in it--that's

The upper class in tennit
uses the Dayton Steel Racquet

In the good old days of the po-
lite lob and the rainbow serve,
who cared about speed in a
racquet ! Pray don't, partner-
But today if rifles were al-
lowed, the favorite racquet
would be a Springfield 80-06.
Tennis players everywhere
are changing to the Dayton
Steel Racquet-because scien-
tific tests prove that steel is
faster than gut.
Using exactly the same
stroke, a ball driven from a
Dayton Steel Racquet will get

over a full step quicker. Its
extra springiness gives you the
jump on speedier players.
Perfect balance-more speed
-accuracy ofa rifle. They're in
the Dayton Steel Racquet.
You'd practice for weeks to
step up the speed of your game
20O%--step into the store this
afternoon and do it in 5 min-
utes. Play with a Day ton Steel
Racquet-the fastest tennis
racquet in the world. Dayton
Steel Racquet Co., Dayton,




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